@Boston Celtics

INSTANT REACTION: Celtics DOMINATE the Miami Heat with 143-110 win

INSTANT REACTION: Celtics DOMINATE the Miami Heat with 143-110 win

Miami is oh look at this look at this smes brown and he tracked that the whole way his eyes were focused in welcome in Celtics post game live Scout Drew Carter Eddie House Amina Smith here with you the Celtics with a dominant performance against Miami he

143 to 110 down there in Miami and Eddie we talked about this rivalry matchup in the pregame show what did the Celtics prove with this win tonight oh they put big big shoe to to the to the back end they big big shoe big big

Big shoe and it and it it’s that’s how you’re supposed to do it I mean these are those games and just the same way that we were talking about it uh a week ago or a couple weeks ago when we were doing the game at banners and Milwaukee

Came out and handed it to us and these type of games happen and everything was clicking for the Celtics they were playing defense they were sharing the basketball they were knocking down shots and when they’re clicking like that and they’re playing in in this this brand of basketball they’re extremely hard to be

Scal I feel like with this matchup even though this Miami Heat team is not as good as the Celtics offensively this was a message I feel like to the rest of the East and really to the rest of the NBA that this Celtics team is Head and Shoulders better than the competition

Out there when they play and they move the ball and they have proper spacing and they have a nice balance of driving and threes and when they play like that I I don’t know there’s not a it doesn’t matter who they were playing today bucks Denver heat anybody you name it they’re

When they’re playing like this they’re going to beat everybody because they have Superior talent and when you have talent space and guys are knocking down shots like that you are you you’re gonna you’re in for a long night Drew what was your biggest takeaway watching this matchup they came out to regulate

Tonight we’re loaded up Regulators m you got to stick around you got to stick around we got our script right here that’s a little tease for later on in the show um man that was impressive think about it they I think Kristof porzingis was the best player on the

Floor until he got hurt I mean how how often does that happened where the best player in the game gets hurt and the team doesn’t miss a beat I mean in a matchup like this that was so highly anticipated look the reason I said that in the pregame show is because I think

We agree the Celtics have a better team and they’ve been better this year um and he don’t really care about the regular season also so the Heat playing poorly four in a row they had lost on a back toback Celtics had two off days but I think the encouraging thing is like yeah

The Celtics should have won this game but all I’ve heard from people around here over the last few weeks is like they Dro games that they shouldn’t they played their level of competition I just think this team is different and this is yet another example of that they go in

There and I think they clearly had something to prove and they crushed them yeah Celtics coming into this match up tonight we 8 no when they score 70 or more points in that first half 77 points tonight against the Miami Heat in that first half and Eddie how did the Celtics set

The tone to start this matchup it was right uh KP I think the the Kristoff porzingis effect as we seen that play with Derek white what he does in the pressure that he puts on the defense the scheme that you have to come up with the drop coverage doesn’t work

The way you want the drop coverage to work switching doesn’t work the way switching wants to work especially when you got a guy that’s not going to bail him out for switching he’s going to punish you and get to his spot and shoot over but I thought the ball movement I

Thought the defense they they didn’t play great defense in the first half you know they gave up 64 points a lot of points to give up in the first half but I thought also thought that they just took advantage of what they wanted to do offensively they dictated this game from

Start to finish and that’s one thing I can say is that sometimes it’s not going to be we’re dictating it with our defense and we’re gonna just lock you down and but when you are able to dictate the tempo the pace of the game and get what you want to offensively and

There’s nothing that anybody can do that’s a that’s an expression of dominance in his own writing so if you go back to the playoffs there are times when they don’t guard Rob Williams they make sure he doesn’t get any dunks but you know they’re fine with him catching

The ball at 15 Malcolm Brogden had the had the wrist problem he couldn’t make a shot they let Marcus Smart at times shoot shots you can’t pick your poison with this team porzingis will make it pay Drew holiday will make you pay one way or another and Derek white will make

You pay so I think the balance of our team the passing of our team and the strength of like we really don’t have any weak links offensively any longer and with that I don’t I’m sure Eric spoler is going to come up with something but like I last time we played

Him in the playoffs he knew where he wanted that ball to go he double team Tatum double team Brown forced that ball to go somewhere else I don’t know where you put your energy now with with this team they just they’re just too deep they move it so well they shoot it so

Well they make good decisions it’s really tough for the NBA to kind of decide what are we going to give up with the Boston Celtics and Drew how is that first half indicative of who this team really is this Celtics team really is out there on the floor I mean 77 points

In the first half is nuts this was a a Heat team that was top 10 in defensive rating coming into this game again we knew they’d be up for this game they’ve got a great coach and really good players and the Celtics come out and match their season for points in the

First half that was amazing and and really the difference to me like we said at halftime was porzingis and we’ll see on him thankfully it didn’t seem like it was too major of an injury uh but this I mean we say it over and over again it

Just it feels different I know I wasn’t here last year but it based on what everyone tells me it just feels a lot different CU right now like they’re lapping the field in terms of how well they’re playing together and how well the pieces fit I what you just said

Scallet it sort of crystallized it for me the strength of this team is that they don’t have a weakness they don’t with the starting five or or the six guy Al Horford there’s nobody that you can hide anyone on no and I mean even like if you you can’t leave Sam Hower you

Can’t leave P Pritcher like they just got they just got bodies they got a lot of bodies we talk a lot about heat culture but we also got some NBC Sports in culture right behind hardworking best conditioned most professional I don’t know about that but unselfish toughest

Meanest nastiest broadcast in the NBA go we got our own culture Eddie house I’m rolling we got we got our own culture Eddie we know you’ve been on both sides you played for the Heat and also played for the Celtics but now you’re a part of this

Culture oh I’ve been I’ve been a part of this culture mean don’t get it twisted you understand me I’ve been a part of this culture no but really though uh I I do love that because that is us personify all of us y’all three working up there everybody that’s behind the

Scenes that whether they have holding the camera working the camera or they in our ear talking to us some of them talk a little bit too much but it’s cool we we still we still rolling with it we we still love you because it’s all coming

From a great part because they are the hardest working toughest meanest nastiest broadcast team so I I love that culture man I I I’m cut from that culture I love I love how seriously Eddie’s taking this one we just wanted take a shot at the

Heat Got to Give Love No CU I give love I give love if Pat Riley sees this clip though he might get a call from Eddie oh yeah I know y’ don’t even know they they sent me they send me my jerseys I got my heat coach jerseys and it is actually

Inscribed on the side of the Jersey all of the stuff that they say and they gave me my the jersey that I got drafted number five and then the my final one my last year 55 so you know I got I got love for Miami I’m not gonna diss them

Like that at all yeah yeah he’s got love for both sides meanwhile Chris D porzingis he was having himself a game in tonight’s match up left the game in that third quarter after rolling his ankle how rcal what what was Chris D porzingis is impact on this match up

Before he had to lead the match up he’s a different level of a player the fact that he can every time he sets a pick and roll it’s a problem for the NBA but there’s a few times where he set a pick and roll they didn’t leave him and Derek

White turned the corner or Jaylen Brown turned the corner and then there’s other times where they’re going and putting guys on Derek white and he ends up you know getting a wide openen three if you switch then he takes you to the block he is a matchup problem Drew called him a

Cheat code tonight he was a cheat code he break that down for Drew just how was Chris D poring as a cheap code against this pretty much smaller Miami Heat team well that’s the thing I mean is you you can’t go small against the Celtics because that guy will murder you I mean

Like we say he’s the difference from from last season you cannot switch against this team I really think that the philosophy offensively and we’ve heard Joe say this a couple times is get two-on ones and attack the Cross Match christops porzingis is the best guy at doing that because he’s bigger than

Everybody else on the floor so you run that that pick and roll and whether he pops or whether he rolls no one’s going to be able to check him and he plays 21 minutes tonight he goes 6 for n he’s 50% from the field and now three straight

Games and we’ll see the next time he plays but it wasn’t just the offense I mean and he doesn’t just protect the rim guys like he he bothers shots on the perimeter like we’ve been talking about the cornette contest for a couple years kp’s given you like a traditional

Contest on three-point shots because he’s 72 or 73 with these huge arms he’s just an extremely impactful player and I’d like to see him be an All-Star I I really think deserves it he hasn’t maybe played enough I mean I know there are a lot of really good players in the East

But I think he deserves it cuz think about it the coaches are voting on the reserves and who gives you more problems if you’re trying to game plan than K the question would be like will bam on a bayou make it or not that’s the question will Miami send somebody or not Jimmy

Butler is probably not going to get picked they’re gonna send bam will they send bam and KP I don’t know I it’s in the NBA now they like to make sure everyone like Scotty Barnes the guy no one’s talking about they want representation from Toronto do they take

A guy from Toronto instead of having three guys from the Boston Celtics but we’ll find out in what these coaches are going to decide to do are you saying the voting’s rigged no I’m saying coaches coaches like to make sure hey man we should we should throw like they value

Being a best player on a team yeah it’s a different if you’re driving that bus it’s different that you know and porzingis funny at times but I don’t know back in the day when when they used to Value winning and will be you know sometimes four guys from the same the

Hawks had the whole starting five yeah I mean those what the K corver was put put on by the commissioner but nowadays I think they kind of want to make sure they they they celebrate guys who are you know the best player on their team if they’re having success I mentioned

Chris D porzingis rolling his ankle I know coming into this season Eddie we were talking about you know how concerned we might be with Chris D porzingis is Health down the line in the season How concerned are you about this roll ankle and what you saw in that

Third quarter well the the fact that he was back on you know and was able to chill he’s able to walk off you always concerned I mean he I mean when you ever that big you roll your ankle all of that weight all of that size and you roll

Over on it you fall down you never want to see any of that happen to especially PO zingis with his history um but I think that he’ll be all right it it look it didn’t look that bad at the end of the day you know when it looked like a a

Typ rolled ankle and he should be back but you know I’ve never been seven4 so I don’t know what it’s like to roll a 74 foot ankle you know so I don’t know if it hurts a little different than if I roll my ankle but that didn’t look that

Bad and I think he’ll be back but you always got to take precaution with him because it’s the Long play it’s not about right now it’s about having him later on in the season but we do see what he’s been able to do and and this game was personified by uh was Kristoff

Porzingis person ify the matchups that he the the matchup problems that he causes and not only that Drew you hit on it his defense not only if it’s blocking shots but if it’s making somebody think about making that layup kicking it out and and just those things or contesting

To me those are the big things so just the Long play with with him so hopefully he’ll be all right I think he will be Celtics got a seven game stretch at home once they get back from Miami and porzingis does have to sit out for some

Time Scout what does the Celtics team look like without Chris the only challenge would be when we have a back toback coming up New Orleans and who’s the other one Indy Indie so one of those games you’ll have no if let’s say he’s missing a couple games no porzingis no

Horford that’s a challenge that means Luke cornette kada and um brette will have to step up right and so we’ll see if they can do it they they get their opportunity they’re Pros everyone in short amounts of time should be able to carry a win carry three games carry

Whatever you need to do especially with the versatility that we have you think those guys are ready to step up ready to step up who’s going to step up I think they all step up hey let me say this scal lowkey keep it real keep it real

When somebody got hurt you hate to see it but you be like o it’s about that time turn up hey hey for real I’m cool in the regular season that’s exactly how I felt but in the playoffs I’m be like man I need ticket out there SC Ain winning with me man regular

Season Scout’s out there sweating on the floor hoping that someone’s going to slip on it yeah but in the the playoffs listen I can fill in here and there but you got to have that 20 and 10 just a little too much pressure all right let’s

It out to Abby tin who’s with on Drew holiday after the win Drew let’s start with the offense 77 points in the first half that’s the most a Celtics team has scored on Miami why were you guys so effective in that first half um you know I think a lot of ball

Movement they’re a team that uh plays defense very well likes to pack the paint um scrambles a lot tries to run people off the three but I think we had a lot of ball movement got some wide open shots and and and started knocking them in and then clamped down

Defensively in the third what adjustments were made you know uh honestly no adjustments um keep doing what we’re doing um we know that they started coming out in that second quarter and and started hitting shots but just turned up the intensity knowing that they were on the back to back and

They’re the Miami Heat anything can happen for you was there a greater sense of urgency when christops went out uh no um I think you just kind of stay the course I think we we tried to stay intense and and be able to uh uh really

Get after him but hate to see KP go down like that it’s it’s it’s pretty scary have you heard anything about KP yes I haven’t I mean he he’s on the bench he looked fine he was up chair right right right so fingers crossed for that we’ll keep everyone posted finally I know

You’re new to the Celtics heat rivalry what is it like like to be a part of uh it’s fun you know um it’s fun about to be part of a rivalry it’s fun to be a part of something bigger than yourself and to be on this team has been amazing

So Drew thank you congrats thanks

Scal, Drew Carter, Eddie House and Amina Smith offer instant analysis and reaction to the Celtics’ 143-110 win over the Miami Heat. Plus, Abby Chin goes 1-on-1 with Jrue Holiday

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  1. Man thank god we kept Pritch… he’s exactly what we need off the bench! Always gives us energy! This is why they kept him.

  2. Miami too small. It’s not like last year when you can leave Rob or Smart alone and zone in on the rest. KP, Holiday, White, Tatum and Brown can all shoot well and can torch you.

  3. If the Heat beat the Celtics everyone would be coming out their holes talking about how trash we are πŸ˜‚. When Celtics win they act like they didn’t watch the game πŸ˜‚.

  4. celtics played fast paced and mooved the ball tonight. When they slow it down at times and settle for 1 on 1 step backs, thats when they struggle.

  5. That was a statement W! ☘️
    Good to see KP come back to the bench but still, prayers for Pingus πŸ™

  6. I hope they play like this if ever they meet the Heat in the playoffs.
    I hope they can find a way to win if the 3s are not falling.

  7. All the clueless Miami fangirlings are now crying in disbelief seeing how Boston murdered their pathetic team LMAO Pray that Boston doesn't meet you in the playoffs because you will be SWEPT this time around. This game is a reality check for you Miami fangirls! LMAO

  8. Where is the weak link in the scoring department, even off the bench? It's gonna be tough to defense this team in the playoffs.

  9. This was a schedule loss for Miami. Don't get it twisted, Boston would've won either way, but the big shoe to backside was due to the back to back and 3 games in 5 days.

  10. Biggest thing about this win is Miami hit a lot of big shots and hit their 3s at a high clip like they seemingly always do against us. But we still destroyed them.

  11. Not too high, not too low.. we ballin right now, got 7 straight at home coming up?! I love the sound of that.. bleed green babyyyyy ☘️

  12. There was good news in an update KP gave on this injury. He is reported to have said that the left ankle sprain wasn't very bad, and that he felt he could've played the rest of the game had the game been closer.

  13. This has become my favorite postgame show, I love how they get right to the point and show clips and postgame conference footage…and the show doesn’t just drag out like most do

  14. This game was more a message to Miami, they may have gotten the best of the Celtics last season and whatever trade Miami has made this game was to help educate Miami that they pose no threat to the Celtics im more worried about Indiana, bucks and Knicks but another great win hope KP ok tough schedule coming up on short week #Gogreen πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†

  15. Someone should tell Drew Carter he's got the looks of a youth pastor and the voice of a radio announcer… it's the perfect disguise!

  16. "HeAt WiLl mAKe It oUT tHE EaST" – delusional heat fans not accepting the fact that their team is garbage compared to the top 3 of BOTH conferences.

    Spo playoff experience won't matter when they get outscored every single shot, every single time.

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