@Boston Celtics

[Robb] Jrue Holiday wants to make the Celtics his long-term home with a potential extension

[Robb] Jrue Holiday wants to make the Celtics his long-term home with a potential extension

by tacko2020


  1. Sign that 5/100 Jrue, we will have you until your beautiful hair becomes grey

  2. TGIF_90s_kid

    Im sure this was talked about when the trade was made

  3. I’ve been saying this for the last 3 years now that once JB and JT get their supermax making ~$60 mill/yr each …. it’s going to make it really difficult to keep good talent around them because they won’t able to pay them…. and that our championship window is gonna start closing.

    Derrick White especially is gonna likely get a big contract after next season.

    Jrue has a player option next year, and I’m hoping we extend him.

    KP is on contract until 2025-26, and who knows after.

    If somehow we manage to keep all of them for the next 3+ years ….. holy fuck, Brad will have pulled out some goddamn Houdini shit.

    Just find a way to keep DWhite plz Brad!

    And for fuck’s sake, we desperately need to win a goddamn title soon.

  4. chinosabi

    I knew J would be a good fit but this dude is perfect for our way they’re not going to make it happen

  5. King_Of_Pants

    For people who don’t know, this is a pretty big deal coming from Jrue.

    1. He’s got a player option this upcoming offseason. He could literally leave this offseason if he wanted to.

    2. He talked quite a bit about wanting to retire in Milwaukee.

    3. [He also talked about wanting to retire at the end of his current contract.](

    It was never really talked about but Jrue is a flight risk for us. We traded two key players and our best draft picks for him and we were just hoping he’d pick up that player option. Otherwise we’ve spent all that on a 1-year rental.

    The fact he’s outright saying he wants to extend and also get the negotiations done before the end of the season is pretty big for us.

    (FYI, the earliest we can extend him is April so you won’t hear more news for a bit).

  6. Laszlo-Panaflex

    Jrue is a loyal guy, and I hope we can find a way to extend him.

  7. IAlmostRemembered

    There are two mindsets I have with this concerning the 2nd tax apron for next year: 

    1. An extension would remove Jrue’s 39.5mil player option next year. The same year Jaylen’s supermax extension kicks in. With it on the books, we would be almost 13mil over the 2nd apron (this year we are 5.5mil over this year but the worse restrictions kick in after this year. 

    2. This would allow us to us the TPE on a player that we could have for more than one year or avoid the 2nd apron next year right before Tatum’s probable supermax and White’s potential extension kick in.

    Really depends on the contract Jrue would sign. It would need to be enough that it would be worth it to him to give up a guaranteed 40mil next year

  8. ByteVoyager

    As long as we can keep Derrick White 😭😭😭

  9. Hope they treat him the right way and it works out.

  10. burner_for_celtics

    Extending Jrue isn’t our primary goal. Our primary goal is getting him to take that player option for next season. We want this team to get two cracks at a title. I think everyone feels that way.

    We should assume that a long term extension is the price. If we don’t offer him one and he walks, we are over-cap so we get nothing. Best we could do without offering him an extension is get the opt-in-and-trade or extend-and-trade to a team that wants him long term at a price he likes.

    So we have to extend Jrue.

    After we do that, we unfortunately won’t be able to afford the White extension for 25-26 unless management is game for paying him more than six times his actual contract value, because that is what it will cost with the luxury tax. If they re-sign him at that point for, for example, 100M/4 years, our ownership will pay something like $150M per season *just for Derrick White.*

    (this is the part where someone suggests that Jrue and Derrick will take discounts like Horford did…)

  11. downeastsun

    With Siakam/Anunoby getting traded to teams that I assume will pay them and Kawhi signing an extension, I have been a little worried about Philly as a Holiday suitor in the offseason. He’s a perfect fit everywhere, but it’d be especially clean with Maxey and Embiid and I’m sure they’d love to try to weaken the Celtics.

    I’m glad to hear Jrue is happy in Boston and I hope they work out a deal with little fuss

  12. Ryumagrave

    I’ll be honest love jrue but I’d say no to a extension. Basically with the way the nba cap is if u sign jrue to a extension this is gonna be the team we have going forward for the next 4-6 years. I don’t know if this is the team I want to encompass Tatums entire prime.It just feel like your limiting your potential future moves massively if u commit to these four guys this summer since anything can happen. It doesn’t have to mean Luka becomes available but what if Zion or kd etc ask for Boston or another superteam on the level of kd gsw emerges?

  13. hotChihuahua69

    Hope so… Chip runs through KP and Jrue…

    White and JB to reinforce the push…

  14. Routine-Spite-4167

    Well tbh this season just shows that we really need to win now before all these contract talks show up in the offseason.

  15. BradWonder

    He would need to take a discount for sure since we have to pay Derrick. Honestly not sure which postseason result would lead to more spending at this point.

  16. It would be wonderful if we could get this done on April 2nd, rather than waiting until the offseason. I don’t want Philly to get a crack at him like they did with Al. Losing Al essentially cost us Alperen Sengun (along with two years of not actually having Al) because of the cost to reacquire him.

    Hopefully all remains airy and fun in Celtics land up until that time. At least things won’t have the opportunity to blow up in the playoffs beforehand.

  17. burner_for_celtics

    I’m trying to think of recent comps– borderline all-star 34ish guards. In 2021, Chris Paul did $120/4, Kyle Lowry did $85/3, and Mike Conley did $68/3. The cap was $112, so if I inflate those to today’s cap, I get:

    – Conley $85/3 (had just made ASG. Was a first-time all-star in his 30s like Jrue)
    – Lowry $100/3 (one year removed from ASG, like Jrue)
    – Paul $150/4 (had made last 2 ASG, probably in a different category)

    I think that Lowry and Conley in 2021 are pretty darn good comps for Jrue’s extension. Neither of them were declining ~max extensions in order to do their deals, so we should expect a bump for that. The average value AFTER the 1st year ought to be in this $28-33M range. My guess at market value, then, is going to be the equivalent of 39+30+30.

    **TLDR: Jrue gets an extension for about $100M over three seasons.**

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