@Golden State Warriors

Stephen Curry Recaps Loss Against Sacramento Kings | Jan. 25, 2024

Stephen Curry Recaps Loss Against Sacramento Kings | Jan. 25, 2024

Can you uh can you take us through the last possession and and also whether you thought about yourself calling a timeout or if you thought a time out could have helped uh no we talked about it uh before herders both before both of his free throws and um me and

Coach kind of agree like we’re going we’re going to take it kind of thinking you’re going to be down three knowing he’s a good shooter and and he missed the first one so I like all right yeah we’re still going to going to go expecting he was going to make the

Second one and know you’d be down two and kind of understand the situation and then once he missed the second one clay got a great rebound but we had already committed to going um and at that point it’s obviously chaos just trying to get over half court see where the defense

Was you know and once JK gave it to me at that point like that’s probably where the timeout I either should have seen it or coach or whoever just to know there’s like eight people on one side of court and we had a screen they trapped and I

Was trying to get the ball back to Draymond to see what could happen so I would say there probably should have been a timeout right when I got the ball and turn and saw that the court wasn’t balanced right and we still have plenty of time but you know the chaos of the

Moment you’re trying to make a play and sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn’t uh Steph uh Harrison barns uh teammate he had career high 39 points and the kings were looking for him tonight this backto back 30 plus point game uh just want to get your thoughts

About him uh as a professional and as a you know as a person as whole uh his name been you know saturated in in in in trade rumors you know for the past few weeks and stuff but he’s still playing ball just want to get your thoughts

About him he had a hell of a night um from the jump he knew he had 30 last last game and picked up right where he left off made some big or some threes early it was a different look than they’ve usually had in the past where

The ball is usually in defox hit a couple transition threes and the fourth but the last four minutes they or three minutes they went to HB and the post he hit those two turnarounds um he just made every play made you know every big shot that he took so

Um you know with that said him having 39 you know Fox having 29 amount of Threes that they made we you know down to the last possession so it’s uh you know kudos to him for you know doing what he did and he’s a pro like trade rumors and the chaos of the

League I don’t think that bothers him he’s been around the block um after that game in Memphis uh Draymond sort of laid into the the defensive effort saying that you guys need to play with more Pride what have you noticed about how the defense has played uh since his

Return uh I don’t know the I mean we gave up 40 in the first quarter tonight and slowly started to find some momentum on that end of the floor you know teams are for whatever reason they’re shooting great against us and you have to figure out a way to slow them down

Um play some teams that have five threats around the around the perimeter and the way the league has changed in that respect you got to be able to fly around make multiple efforts you know try to defend without fouling and um there’s a concerted effort

To get better on that end of the floor we understand that that’s the only way we’re going to win um besides the first quarter I thought we played pretty well just giving up 40 gives a team confidence and comes down to one point like maybe in the first quarter you can know

Something about it uh hi Steve uh this is EAS from Trina median and uh since the 2013 it’s the first time you will not be the allstar uh Allstar Stars uh what do you think about that yeah that’s uh I mean you got two guys that have been playing Amazing this

Year Luca and um and Shay so been around doing this for a very long time and the fact that it’s a talking point I’m not and after whatever nine healthy years like you know those two guys are playing amazing they deserve it um you hopefully I’m there in Indiana in whatever capacity but

Uh yeah still be doing it you know at this stage um it’s always a challenge it’s never you know you don’t ever take for granted the fact of how hard it is to um be recognized in that way every year uh Steph you uh guys you and Warriors and Kings games have become

Very very competitive especially since last year’s playoffs I mean at what point do you consider games like that to be like a rivalry the NBA said it so cuz we played this week right so it’s not up to us you uh draymond’s obviously back now

Kaminga is playing the way he is um I know it’s early but are you uh kind of seeing the forming of a potential fiveman group um with Wiggins even out there you guys have had success with that and Clay yeah I think our challenge this whole year is continuity and figuring

Out who our what our identity is with rotations and understand we’ve had so many injuries and the revolving door there you know guys trying to you know understand or have an expected role every night KN who you going to be out there with and all that so it’s it’s

Been helpful to have certain looks that we’ve been going to and developing a chemistry there you know that’s our challenge to continue to kind of self assess and you know everybody to be aggressive no matter who’s out there to the question about our defensive presence and effort you

Got to be able to you know have each other’s backs understand everybody’s strengths and weaknesses and with that you know particular lineup we’re starting to figure out something so you while we’re out there we have to make the most of it are you expecting with more continuity now that um some of the

Struggles that have occurred closing out close games like this will improve yeah I think this is a different than you know games we’ve had in the past the games you’re kind of I guess referring to where we’ve lost big leads or um just not been able to maintain a momentum

In the fourth quarter where we should have won you know tonight is one of those NBA you know kind of traditional NBA games where it’s just back and forth you know the whole game and it comes down to the last possession I think we played extremely

Well they just you know made a lot of big shots that kept us you know on our heels a little bit but that’s one that could kind of go either way and timeout no timeout you know shot here shot there like just a different vibe than and it

Has been even though it is a loss so you we never a moral Victory team but you take the framework of tonight keep doing that you’ll have more to show for it Stefan um with Jonathan kinga’s ability to attack and just just be so explosive how how much does that open

Things up on the floor the last this last stretch you guys have um you know been more balanced the the the I don’t know the the passing the the ball movement seems seems to be coming together these last couple games and and a lot of different scores and different

Contributions I mean that is the formula based on how teams guard us and you know when me and Clay are out there you’re going to have attention on the perimeter because they know what we like to do and JK and wigs being able to take advantage those driving angles be aggressive every

Time they touch the ball um decisive with what they’re Doing you know it’s it’s looked pretty good so you got to just keep doing that um and usually I think we those situations where you know we have an understanding of how we’re trying to create shots and who’s got the ball in the hands and what

Sets are running there’s just a lot more organization um out there on the floor so these last two games have been pretty good in that front just got to keep doing it

Stephen Curry meets with the media after a 133-134 loss between Golden State Warriors and Sacramento Kings.


  1. "Sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn't." Well, it didn't for a lot of games this season. Warriors' lost many games by 3 or less pts.

  2. It’s time to get rid of your coach. Rookies that can get double-doubles are sitting on the bench while washed up old players are playing 35 minutes.

  3. It was a nice game! But still short✌️JK was shining!!Sad to see GSW is in the shit hole! Unfortunately, YOU GET THE SAME OUTCOME WITH STEVE KERR! Fire that MF!!🤬

  4. GSW amoy TAE, umaalingasaw na sa baho!!! Steve Kerr this is your MF fault! You arrogantly ignore the issue and didn’t fix!!!

  5. Stefani Corny has exuded this tired, exhausted body language all season long — not a good sign for Homeless State's fake dynasty

  6. Grown tired of him chucking a threes at the end of games. Even if he got a shot off, he would have likely missed it. Kuminga was the play but he thinks he deserves the last shot. He should have taken a page from MJ passing to Kerr.

  7. Even if you don't commit a turnover on the floor for 47 minutes, you can't win if you commit a turnover in the most dramatic minute.

  8. They need to do a trade already can’t stand Wiggins and why is Joseph in the game are you kidding me we definitely have better players than that and go get a other rebounder slash defender daaaaaaaam or shooter

  9. Another tough loss, but a pretty good game to say the least. If everyone brings it and play this hard every game from now on, I can see us gradually making the climb up.

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