@Milwaukee Bucks

Bucks Hire Doc, Joel Embiid, USA Roster, Suns Need A PG? | Ticket & The Truth

Bucks Hire Doc, Joel Embiid, USA Roster, Suns Need A PG? | Ticket & The Truth

Five minutes fellas 5 minutes appreciate it man okay you getting that bet at me for the boom huh yeah la all the way what oh come on man you know it’s Boston baby stop kg I understand why you say that but it’s la Jay are you serious you

Know what it’s La why you standing up cuz I got to stretch on out cuz it’s La L you know what you ain’t scam me let me tell you something that a Boston Boston Boston it’s la la yo what’s up kg certified fans it’s the big ticket here I got a special

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Experience game day thrs like never before bet with the best head to bmgm grab that promo and let’s lock in with the action only at the king of sports book let’s go yeah yeah P Money what’s up everybody morning morning what up what you got going on

Boy now I’m just coming from left my left my left I knew I have to be something with you you a have nothing now man pet [ __ ] got 70 in 37 minutes Lord Lord what’s coming first a team get 200 or [ __ ] get 100 points ain’t nobody ever going to get

100 200 I think what listen I listen y in the game listen listen bro this is real [ __ ] it ain’t enough minutes in the game it ain’t enough minutes to do what to get a 100 Lord he had 70 points in 37 minutes I’m I’m just saying we not both

Play 48 minutes we not played 50 uh extra time right yeah he he had he had he had 11 more minutes to get 30 more points Okay so he he he shoot free throws quicker at a quicker clip than anybody right ain’t nobody getting 30 points in one quarter

Ain’t nobody getting 30 points in one quar just think about what you say before you say it’s a couple people that say got wil got 30 in some quarters I’m I’m talking about reality bro yeah but it’s like we won’t be Co Cole Cole could

Have got a 100 we not only are we going to see 100 points but we going to see a 200 point game yeah when they raised the time limit and when they put the four-pointer in what you’re not taking in account so you being goof I’m trying to

Have a real conversation I’m trying to tell the real too it’s not going to happen in our lifetime it is bro this how it’s going to happen if you get one of them things where car Anthony TS who had 44 at halftime you hear me come on

Bro stop I’m just saying no it’s hard to be hot the whole game I got it boy I got it but he was no he got 14 in the second half he had he had 62 for the game Pete all right 4 44 what you want me to have

44 again like that’s like amazing that’s what I’m saying so how you going to get 100 in the game what you mean how you going to get if you go double if you go overtime if you go extra time bro you can get a 100 in the game bro if you go

Regular time and then y’all go double over time you you can get 100 in the game on my mama if Joel and be would went double over time he’ got 100 all let me tell you who going get 100 in a game highest scoring NBA game in history

Highest scoring game was against uh the different nugget in in like 95 or something and they was gunning Lord they was playing de they was playing defense December 13th 198 3 oh3 Detroit and Denver and Denver 186 to 184 in three overtime n it ain’t going to happen in

Our life unless they change the rules what rules and change the rules to what God did put they going to have to put more time on the clock K Clippers last year 176 to 175 double overtime right that’s 25 more points that’s a lot that’s a lot highest

Scoring playoff game made of 92 Portland Phoenix 153 151 damn no defense defense absence from this game gosh it’s going to be we want to see another 80 point game he had we almost saw one two nights ago you yeah [ __ ] bird I almost saw bird [ __ ] playing music in the

Sky [ __ ] where [ __ ] tried to pick up a radio and dropped it where [ __ ] where in Englewood where in the wood in the wood damn D almost all this almost [ __ ] I’m just telling you muff has 70 points in 37 minutes bro he going get he got 11

Minutes you got you got all the negative [ __ ] let me hear the positive [ __ ] you got I’m just saying it’s so I’m I’m just playing Devil’s Advocate so you got to factor in these other things like what I’m fatigue the defense like finally to you know he didn’t he didn’t even he he

He didn’t even play 10 minutes yo imagine if he played the whole game is what I’m saying if he can played the whole game I’m expecting him to get at least five to seven more free throws and then six to eight more buckets like bro Hey listen I’m going tell you something

Too p on the low women when wheny gonna remember that L he I get it you know how you come out like yeah let me go ahead set the tone with young f h yeah young fell Young fella going to remember that your first Ting you get 70 piec on you

Bro he going to give you back I do like that swung back let me he F back he fought back he had 30 let he had 33 listen to me yeah he fought back so hit me out bro he going to catch his ass in about 2 years stronger better more

Confident he going to give his ass a 60 ball he going to give Joe lmb uh I would not be surprised if if if one day he gave him a 60 ball or 50 ball off that n bro that was a that was a clearcut welcome to the league young fell let me

Show you who the best big in the league here come here come he sure did get on it now do your homework damn let’s start the show let’s get it godamn it right y’all know what it is ticking the truth baby we live let’s

Go yeah DN he did him like that man put him on you hear me Lord he he I mean he got off you know he still you know he still he swung back though n bro this the ass whooping this the welcome to the league big fella come here damn that

That is a into the lead Lord 70 and 37 bro that’s 18 rebounds too hey Lord let me say something to everybody bro it’s going to be hard turning that off man P he P he P every time I see him play I think of is Joel how old is Joel right

Now pull all that up let me ask you this P you remember when you said uh uh this this comment kept uh echoing in my head you remember when you oh man he got about four five more years of this okay he’s still in he just in this

That’s what I’m saying you know what I’m saying um and then you know he had a rough beginning so you know you expect you know what I’m talking about I’m saying this bro you remember when you said the best player or your MVP ain’t always the best player in the league

Right what I so I got two things so usually the best team in the league gets gifted you know what I’m saying like your best team in the league always or usually majority the time got the MVP right you know best improved the coach they get all the awards right but your

Best player or your most dominant player right is somebody else I fought that for a minute I went home and I dig just I think we went I can’t pulled up on you at the crib we had a deeper conversation yeah we are looking at that now in a

Perfect world obviously if we shut it down today Boston uh uh OKC and um uh uh uh Minnesota right so you got don’t don’t leave out the Joker huh don’t leave out the joker I’m definitely not gonna leave out I’m just talking about the top three teams that are in

The league um that got potentials of real MVP uh startom on their team you know what I’m saying yeah yeah I mean you put him in there right I’m saying this bro it’s I think that the MVP may be from one of those teams and not to

Say that he not cracking or he not what Joel embiid is doing bro is just pure dominance like dominance on the level in which you was talking about like when Steve Nash wed but damn he is dominant Lord he 30 L you know how you a never SE

We ain’t seen no big man like this because he giving you the power and the Finesse the combination of power and finesse and shooting touch at that size we ain’t never seen he is like if Joy embiid is like watching him it’s like um this is what Shaq would have looked like

With a jump shot and some handles like them type had handles Shaq had handle hand hand he had handles Shaq had the candy yeah he had the handles he had candy but he a had that he he wasn’t fa Shaq wasn’t faing no no no no no no I

Didn’t say that we didn’t say that this a this a finesse game Shaq had no finesse game all power the diesel right we love it right shout out to the diesel what I’m saying is when I watch Joel he hit the button and go electric and

Then he ain’t using no energy just then here go gas rebound and I’m like he got a hell of a converter Right There He Go finesse and all electric well you don’t even hear him he no energy H and then you go for you know what I’m

Saying yeah he look crazy right now Joel MB to me is the most dominant player in in the game of basketball right now right now and that’s with Joker that’s no you know what no no listen though he is bro he is bro he is he got L Lord how

Do you stop him you got to literally go up to him and be like on Devin Booker [ __ ] like no two man we got to get out your hand big fell cuz what he doing is pump F you go for that oh no h right now it’s three players you cannot stop in

The Le 15 to 17 feet he is automatic you can’t stop the Greek you can’t stop Joker and you can’t stop in be yeah yeah I see I see the point I see the point no no I see them three is all dominant but you gotta it’s like you got

To wall up with all three of them [ __ ] yeah and out of all them Joker got the most yeah wall up Dime dime okay y y one but you got a lot of other players who giving you 30 but we talking about just dominating about dominating the whole

Thing the whole thing like yeah the whole thing you got to make big work on defense that’s what I’m watching when he get on defense he’s chilling he’s reserving he he building back up is there a match up who who’s I don’t even see a clearcut match up only one I see

That’s decent to me that I like Al Horford Al no I was going to say Brook Lopez cuz Brook’s big enough Al been giving giving Al played with him so he know the Tendencies and [ __ ] right Al’s older he’s shorter jump hook all day

Wiser he know to play man if I was in beid I’d be telling him jump Hood Al all day he going to jump he gonna see the jump Al lock that [ __ ] up last year in not this version not this version this is the V we talk this is a better

Version than the MVP this is a better version of the MVP he was not scoring 70 points in 30 something minutes he not Lord he averaged 35 for [ __ ] a a month and a half and you know what we did we slid that under the road like it

Was like oh yeah it’s just just Joel being Joel 35 30 man averaging 36 for the year so far you hear me that’s crazy Lord that’s crazy yeah he’s Dom Al Horford can’t can’t control this this this is a better version last year hell yeah and with another vow boy this that

This that Bugatti [ __ ] that so let me ask you what’s what’s different from this year Joel than last year patience and he’s taking what you give him you know when you first get in the league and you trying to you trying to get it all in and then you learn how

To score cuz when I watch J Jason Tatum from his first year I see two years later he learned how to score he patient when he give you the jab he gives you time to react Lord Joel is simplified it all bro your hand down high your hand up go by

You like he and listen if you ain’t at the elbow you too are you little I’m back you down it ain’t even no dribble I ain’t even wasting nothing I’m oh you went for it one dribble oh yeah ain’t nobody like trying to jump or nothing bro not only does he has the

Component of fear you remember when [ __ ] saw Shaq come in and Shaq was like yeah sha didn’t dap nobody if you was there if you didn’t have no oh no you know it is what you know if you didn’t have that the diesel right oh uh oh that’s something who right right man

You know [ __ ] smell it on you out here if you ain’t got none of that dog you can’t you can’t you can’t be in front of big big fella coming all like this to dunk the ball all hard ain’t nobody jumping up there nobody everybody getting out of

His way he got the Euro he got the step back he got the three he got the one leg it’s crazy he got a whole K it’s like if you gave elijan some like it’s like he like elijan with a three he like aijan with some Shaq in it bro with some Shaq

In with some with some diesel dominance where like Lan Shaq David Robinson put together he all three of them put together yeah Co David had the face I you know what I like Timmy’s face up because David yeah he drove off of it and everything yeah can’t do that to Dr

Um but it it looks more teish that’s what I’m saying like he grass he more patient he more patient Lord if he right here wind be seven 74 73 wingspan Lord he was he he was doing what you do Paul Pierce probably one of the greatest shop

Makers along with Trac M because you can put your hand in their face and all they would see was the rim I I I would always tell you this bro your focus and how you see the rim and how you don’t see nothing like that like like I don’t even

Know where you got that from you know what I’m saying thank you moms for that you know what I’m saying real [ __ ] you know what I’m saying cuz y you know what I’m saying that’s how he was locked in though bro he was locked in to where he

Wasn’t even seeing with me you know what I’m saying and po was like okay go ahead young fell be get based off what we seeing now cuz we just said I chose halfway more shy sh sh Anthony after after that he move up

To number one now he do he do bro DN and this is no disrespect to everybody else that’s doing their work too bro this is no disrespect to Joker Joker’s having an unbelievable year ant-man’s having an unbelievable year Tatum having a cold ass year yest bro our league is so

Fruitful bro it’s it’s it’s like this bro you don’t know where to go you know if you eating oranges eating apples today you you know what it looked like you know what it looked like with him it looked like he said who jel and B it

Looked like cuz a lot of people said oh cuz when Joker won it last year they was like oh he should have been the MVP you know what it look like when Joel won the MVP he like all right y’all thought I shouldn’t have won it last year stamp

This I’m about to stamp this this year I’m I’mma let y’all know that was for real that’s what it looked like he going out there like oh we lost James Harden too we ain’t got no James y y’all rote us off y’all rote us off because I show

Red him off when they lost James yeah because I didn’t know Maxi was going to turn into this I did I seen Ma I didn’t know he was going to turn into an Allstar I knew he I saw his workout I saw how he was working in he going to be

An allar I did pre I called this matter of fact I said that he was going to have he Aver you said you thought he average 28 bro I say 28 I said he going to have a 50 piece and he was going to be a big

Part bro not only that thank you I appreciate that Nate listen to me and he had a year in the James Harden James Harden the first thing he did when he went to Philly he cuffed Maxi hey look at little [ __ ] slow down he got it

Right in his ear the first thing you heard M say man I want to thank James Harden for being patient with me taking me under his wing bro then he went work on it I think I just thought when they lost cuz James had a great year under

The radar I mean when you average 20 and 11 lead Le assist and you lose that component to your team I just thought that the 76ers wasn’t a contender no more I feel but Tobias Harris has stepped up yeah Max stepped up that’s the key component look Cal they look

More patient and B got better but then that Maxi component is listen to me too and Baton and all those guys they got from the Clippers are great fillers and then you got Pat Bev over there with the you got to have that grit in the locker

Room toas Harris is the ex bro he’s the reason the Sixers look different bro we’ve been waiting on this type of toas Harris for about six years they believe they can win it this year because I’m looking at Denver think about this Denver won it and we said that joker is

Arguably the best player now we’re saying that embiid’s arguably the best player player but who is Joker’s second best player I would say Murray all right Maxie is second second best player so it’s like when you look at those two teams they kind of mirror each other in

That place you got a strong Gordon cuz you know what happened last year against Miami they went to Gordon Gordon was that X Factor who put every six SP dsas can be they kind of built like Denver he not that Gordon man he giving you 18 is I you he’s

Solid he’s solid I need him though come on Lo Nikki Kim come on you know what I’m saying like we’ve been waiting on this Tobias bro but he had he was like four fifth option now he’s solidified third option he solidified the third option got you so he Gordon you like him

Better Gordon or you like that same Ro I mean that’s that’s a good match up I’m saying same Dy that’s that same role you mean that he got to dominate that role that third that third got to dominate that yeah that yeah you got to win that

Match up so they kind of built the same as Denver so they got to feel feel like they can they can still win it because I counted them out for for one when you lose hard and then you lose you get a new coach you know it’s hard to come in

When when you lose so much but then you implemented all of this stuff you got to believe the way Joel L is playing bro that they they a real they a real threat in the East they a real three at first I didn’t see it and I was like Celtics on

Them but the way Joel got me a little shook the way he going he he he’s serious I am watching The League before my eyes teams get better you remember how or Lando jumped out here we was talking Orlando it’s the Knicks now we ain’t heard nothing from Cleveland cuz Cleveland been Cleveland

Been listen I’m just saying Donal Mitchell having a quiet deep good great year bro ain’t nobody you know what I’m saying it’s you know why it’s because of these other teams P getting better Atlanta got better oh man they they traded scary Lord man they traded scary man Scary

Terry went to Miami bro Miami that’s that’s the that’s a good that’s a great trade that’s a great tra scary that’s a great trade they need that they needed that extra scoring boost That lry Couldn’t no longer give them Miami is coming it is on the way they just put

Listen Miami tuning up oh ain’t nobody talking about us cool keep it in the garage keep the show keep the garage though down bro they in there tuning the engine bro right you know Miami they always get ready for that second half and then I just always wonder about like

Chemistry in the middle of the season when you bring on that caliber player now he going to have to fall in you know Pat Ry got that whole format you got to come in is he a starter don’t I don’t know he might have to be like that

Quickly you might have to bro you start him but start him for continuity you bring him off the bench let him you know what I’m saying you already got you already got hero all them in the lineup so how you going to kind of like scary

Better than some of them guys so some of them guys probably will be in front of him just because they know the system but soon as he gets into like a rhythm with them P he I see you use scary for the first part like you’re using

Restbrook let him come in he got energy tell let him run that second unit and then fourth quarter you have him in there in the fourth quarter now EAS got better because you got yakum change is what Indiana look like when they get healthy and then when you throw Terry

Over there with Miami so that and the Knicks they all bunched up it’s it’s it’s right now this is the tier you got Boston is tier one and I think they alone right now tier two what is Milwaukee you can’t say that P you can’t say that P I just don’t got them

Other two teams on the level of Boston you watching Philly Philly’s getting Lord with the boy playing there they getting there boy playing like wil no real [ __ ] the man playing like wil and he and they taking on his personality they playing D and so you putting you

Putting the same I got the right if if Celtics won a I got got the Philly one a all right so say all right let’s do that they’re above they’re ahead of Milwaukee to me that’s what I’m saying it’s a lot going on in Milwaukee but then the the

The last tier you got about four teams right there the Knicks Miami Cleveland Indiana them four right there Orlando quiet Orlando is Orlando is they a tear under them see I got that that’s why Orlando be hitting people in the head cuz you coming there thinking that you

Bullshitting the Wagner the uh the Wagers he one of them hurt right now Hey we back going out in Orlando no no no no no we back going out in Orlando going out earlier in the season I was I was getting my rest we back going out in

Orlando hurt right now we back going Disney we at Disney world that we back going out earlier the season we getting some rest I can’t hey look now to go get some ice gles now I see p coming in from Disney World with the ears on

TI damn whaty left over we back going out in Orlando early in the season we was getting our rest we back going out on we outside yeah we out the scar bar over down the street from the hotel right there n Nickelodeon Zone shout to Nickelodeon

Zone I want to ask you guys about obviously the Adrien Griffin firing 30 and 13 so great start to the year they were second in the East quickly they they hired Doc Rivers you guys spoke to Doc Rivers a month ago and asked him about coaching you know to me it seemed

Like he wanted to be a head coaching step back in but what do you think of a fit here for talk listen first off first off we are we didn’t have this conversation this is the worst firing in NBA history like like if you are Adrian

What can you do dog I’m a first year head coach and I’m I’m second behind the favorite behind us we scrapping every night scrapping every night I got this [ __ ] decent and it get fir man get out my [ __ ] man man what you got to do with the

Le he probably tried to fles that get the [ __ ] out of here what you got to do you got to be in first place you got to be God damn what you got to do and listen that that had to be the alltime worst firing I’ve ever

Seen I’ve seen Terry Stouts I seen the uh what’s my man from uh uh the Spurs went over to Philly lost two straight years n man no uh no no uh no the dude that uh he’s back with the Spurs now but he he he was with he basically carried

Philly through that rough time they had two backto back terrible Seasons oh BR Brown yeah right Lord and then guess what the end of they did both parties are going to decide to go in mutual different different ways that’s how they worded that bro he lost two years

Straight man they gave him patience and they gave him all typ of Ro bro bro you second in the league and you get fired bro that’s like getting fired on your day off damn D dog you a contender I mean you I don’t get it I that’s probably

Listen man keep your head that having a what’s his name too though uh whatever that dude what’s that dude name in uh that was in Cleveland what’s that dude name black black remember he was like he was like he was like first place where he let him right

Hey yeah we going we’re going with we going with Lou go ahead here you go was like in first or second place yeah he was cool finals 500 the next year he went to the finals the year before to the final yeah yeah you’re big fell it’s cool damn

That’s crazy go though cool listen this feels like tampering low key this feels like tampering I’m just saying okay so so what I had doc on speed down I had doc on speed they said they said he was Consulting during the whole process they said no this is what I read

I don’t know what’s true this what said you know this is on X on Twitter on Twitter X you know so they saying all year he been acting as a consultant for the staff of Milwaukee so that’s why when Griffin got fired the turnaround was so quick it was like either the

Assistant or you got Doc in the rear viw mirror you know who so just like that one joint you know just like that one joint that one picture where you see Safari Nicki Minaj producers and then in that same line you see Meek Mill he right

Here and then he right here what you talking about I’m just saying some sometimes sometime your closest sometime your enemy right there sometime your replacement right there you don’t even hear me you don’t even know man you looked up and they was all in the picture like yeah we wrote a song yeah

Bo for the pit boom boom a month L you know I’m saying that whole situation you feel me I no it feel like that bro it feels like that bro what you’re in what could you Lord listen unless you was really really out of line and say something crazy or you did something

Crazy but the crazy thing you know uh Yannis vouch for him he vows for him man they said he lost the locker room and that’s why he was fired I mean who who who dude who in the locker room you lost if you lose Giannis all right but

Who in the locker room if you lost Jan that’s what they saying Lord had Yannis over there drawing some [ __ ] up you know what I’m saying y’all saw that c saw that he was over there it’s the same stuff y’all been doing like people understand how it take time to implement

Chemistry when you add a piece like Dam Lillard cuz now everybody roll fluu Way Middleton who was Middleton you can’t be that same Middleton Brook who is Brook you got to be something a little different because damn here so people think that [ __ ] gonna come together like

Right away when you put it together the first time no you need you need time to put that together and so for you to be in second place at this stage of the season and y’all really ain’t got the chemistry down to this point says a lot

That y’all doing something right and you only and you know you don’t really hit your Peak as a team until like almost the playoffs like you hit your Peak as a contender like when it start to be end of March because think about it after All-Star break that’s when everybody

Locking in you about to you just trying to get to the all-star break right now so it’s it could go either way but then after Allstar break this is who you really going to see who who real and they didn’t even make it to that dog

That’s what I don’t get you know what I’m saying this is like all right we got all the partying out we have kicked it on the road we have did all this had our fun y’all all right it’s 15 games left lock in it’s time to lock in and get a

Groove going into the playoffs did they give a reason for why he was fired no it hasn’t been public but but what you had said is he had lost the locker room was part of it um just from a metric standpoint they were outside of the top 10 defensively that that could everybody

Knew that though everybody said when they traded Drew holiday the defense going to go down first you got one of the top rated defensive guards so what you did you traded defense for offense so what did y’all expect y’all didn’t expect Dame to come in here and do what

Drew did on defense but what he do give you is them down the stretch shots that that other score when Giannis is not giving you the um points Dam like come on we already seen it so what did y’all expect y’all traded defense for offense

So you lose the defense but you say hey if it’s close down the stretch we can still pull these games out because we got clutchness over here so I don’t I don’t get it man this the dumbest this the one of the dumbest firings ever straight up I don’t know what the owners

Of the Milwaukee Bucks are expecting I get it going to get dock you leveled up cool but man I thought AG was just doing a good job I thought he was doing the best job learning still as to be a head coach he didn’t even get that chance bro

That’s why that’s why I shot bro it’s like man see they gave Missoula same thing with Missoula look think about that coach Missoula took over and then and then got another chance and now look dog you gota you got to develop into a head coach it’s a difference when you

The second seat third seat and the first seat he’s still learning and at the same time on the Fly he doing a great job you second in the East the black coaches don’t be getting that patient in that leeway like like other coaches be getting I shot that on some real [ __ ] or

At least it just be looking like that he had a short leash that’s that’s one of the shortest leashes I never seen I don’t know what the expectation was or what they you know what I’m saying like you’re in a great position you’re in a great position to move forward and to

Get better but see this is the thing too this is the thing so now you bringing in Doc middle of the season so now what does Doc do does he get his are you firing the whole coaching staff of Adrian Griffin do DOC come in with a new

Coaching staff it’s so many questions now that you got to answer because nowy terminology like yeah now Doc got to come in midseason and Implement his system you know what I’m saying on both sides of the ball like how do you do that midseason and expect the win a

Championship can you learn on the fly like that that mean you going to have to do you going to have to practice now in the middle of the Season where teams ain’t practicing now we going to have to be in the gym y’all we G have to have

Walk through every day we G to have to have film every day that’s who he is too I don’t think we going have to do this every day though I I don’t think that the the I don’t think that the Milwaukee Bucks well put like this I don’t think

They know who is coming through the door a Sant is coming through the door he is a master to me at contemplate if anybody can figure this out he’s he’s going to be the one do Doc is not going to go in here I didn’t think he was going to

Actually doc has been around it so he’s had a sense of what this team is and when they told me the backstory of him being around being a consultant you got to think that he’s had conversations he’s you know he’s felt the room you

Feel me so now he’s got to have an idea on not just how to move forward but he’s going to come with a solution and yeah it’s GNA be uncomfortable at first and it’s GNA be a it’s going to be a rearranging of the furniture you know

How it go get a new crib you know someone was in here before you bro I ain’t going to do it like this I’m going you know so it’s what I’m talking about is this though p on top of what you’re saying all the verbiage all the stuff

That goes into the technicalities you know AG had y’all showing or switching do might have y’all pushing it down so just think about so I don’t really think doc going have going to be 100% his system I think he’s going to take pieces that work for him and he’s going to

Implement it and he’s going to make he’s going to have to we’re going the Train’s G right you got to get ready for the next track and what we about you feel me so I’m anticipating him implementing some structure you know what it’s going to be he’s trying to create culture over

Here Doc’s going to create culture day one and he’s going to put pieces into that culture yeah it’s going to be bigger than the xes and those with and this year big he’s not tripping on this year what what he is going to bring he’s

Going to have I don’t know if going to hold them accountable what to where maybe uh Adrian Griffin didn’t I don’t know I can’t say Doc is not to ruffle feathers with your best player he tell your best player hey that was a bad shot

You need to be better like he in front of everybody but the thing is two tick it ain’t like that Milwaukee trying to create new culture they are a championship contending team for the last last four or five years they’ve won a championship so the culture I feel

Like it’s there but did they lose it a little when they lost uh B what his name BOS I don’t know if you lose it cuz you are the identity of your best player they they they look like Janis they play hard Everybody Plays hard they don’t

Come out there [ __ ] don’t feel like you know what I’m saying and then you even see Dan giving you an effort on the defensive end you know what I’m saying so right I’ll say this and then we can move on but I say this docs not only I I think he’s going

To mature this group up and I think that with the maturity comes not only a sacrifice but accountability but then growth I think the development and growth of these players that you already have that we all love right can get better Giannis can get better he’s going

To make those players better he got he got great pieces too P he got Brook Lopez that actually was a was a was a was a centerpiece for someone at one point so you got you got Middleton who who everybody’s quick to forget that he was a clutch shooter clutch player hits

Open threes so the fact that you’re not giving him that man that’s even better for him going down the line you feel me I think out out of everybody over there he probably the most frustrated he’s probably the most frustrated cuz his role has changed dramatically out of

Everybody he went from the twom man to now some nights he might be the four he might be you know what I’m saying but hey it is what it is dog you you get in where you fit in you just make sure you one of these four it’s you Brook yanis

And Dame like it ain’t you know what I’m saying everybody else but then you got other pieces that come in be make complim uh comp comp pieces that come off the joint that’s so I’m saying he got great bones to work with and I look forward to Doc Rivers uh uh actually

Making this an interesting story and yeah man I’m I’m I’m more than shocked with this but more and more too kind of disgusted man cuz you asking a man to give it give a man give you everything he got and to do his job and I thought

He was doing to the best of his ability now with that saying if you Daren ham or if you some of these other coaches what what do you think if if if AG got fired doing that what the [ __ ] is you hear you hear what I’m saying right what what are

You thinking right you feel me so man you got to and you got and I’m not just so comfortable if I’m all these other coaches seeing that that made me uncomfortable a little bit like whoa let me go up here talk to Jenny let me go up

Here talk to man make sure we good we good cuz I just saw what are we you know what I’m saying that’s you know how that you got to give the man a playoff r run at least you got to give a chance bro you got to give him a playoff run that’s

Crazy [ __ ] yeah it is all right the next thing I want to ask you guys about yesterday USA baskball announced their player pool of the 41 finalist to for the 2024 Olympics in France uh two big things stood out to me when I saw the list no Draymond Green

On that list he was in the last two Olympics and now Joel embiid is now eligible to be on the list so um curious if you guys want build your ideal Olympic roster for for Paris in 202 I already got mine okay I know it is how

Many I get 12 people damn Braun Steph Tatum Braun not going Braun not going I don’t think so Leon James is on the list but Braun not going all right well you got Braun on your list Braun Steph Steph KD Tatum Brown embiid Booker Anthony Edwards uh uh some bigs Davis Anthony

Davis then we gonna go get another guard in there let me go let me I gotta get some young guards in there so let’s go with uhon let’s now we gonna go H Burton you like him over Bron yeah I like hler Burton yeah 10 so that’s 10 uh uh uh man

We got a bill for the future too so uh taking Drew are you taking Drew Drew holiday M uh uh I’m Tak Jaylen Brown J you said so that’s 10 so I need so I need I got Booker need some bigs Lord no I got two bigs Lord you got

Three bigs you got KD ad and Joel you need yeah but KD could be a four Bron could be a four the four is in overseas now they can’t guard KD but I got beid ad I mean how much more bigs I need we don’t need this a different game I only

Need bam there’s Jared out right right no I don’t need all that okay you ain’t taking bam with nobody so you taking two more guards I got ad Joel and I got that I got that so you got two more left Lord give me two more okay so two more left I

Gotta bring out uh let’s see I might have to bring in Trey young I like his shooting ability and for the next and for the next one and for the next and for the next and then we going to go with uh let’s go let’s go uh for just Pace I

Like I like jaran we guard heavy John Mar is not on the list he not on the list that’s dumb God why he’s not on the [ __ ] list damn all right well Jimmy Butler Jimmy Butler my bad Jimmy but I think Jimmy may be too banged up Lord I like Jimmy

On that team though just just just just grit you know just add a little grit to there ticket who do you got oh man I ain’t I ain’t so GM like P you know P be knowing personnel and [ __ ] but I definitely got uh Ant-Man I got Tatum I got Jay

Brown got in be you know I got brunon on my [ __ ] man he he’s built for like International play plays like college a lot and Brunson he he can run your show he’s a true point guard he’s like the new Chris Paul to me but you know what I’m saying

Respectfully but he just handles the show he can run it if he got to you know anyways yeah I like I like that’s SP yeah okay um Devin Booker oh damn you know we still didn’t say none of the Clippers jeez no I didn’t uh cuz I was going to put Kawai in

There I like I like PG for for for shooting I like Kawai for uh shooting and defense so you’re taking both of them yep okay so that’s eight yeah ad N I said Joel already right sir you just say you just say Steph I don’t think yeah I’m taking

Step and then um you say KD KD’s on my list and um that’s two more I think one more one more I said Katie I’m taking bam you know I like size it’s either between bam and uh Jimmy Butler because I need that gritness uh I’ll actually like um either

One of those because bam can come in and give you great um blocking and great defense you know a presence on the defense but can also tip dunk and you know when you when you’re in World play man you don’t really get to show your whole game you got to actually lock in

On rebounding blocking shots or you get you get seven to 10 shots a game you know it’s about the overall you know what I’m saying when you got heavy Clips like you know Ant-Man and Dev Booker that you you know uh KD You’re Expecting those guys to put up you know whatever

But you know you got to have those guys you know like Paul George the Kawai who going to play those wings who going you got to have that point guard that’s going to knuckle down on those interational Park guard you know it’s Luca it’s it’s Rubio and you know what I’m saying

[ __ ] facts you the international play with guards is [ __ ] out of control so you you got to have you got to have those so I see why you went guard heavy when I thought about it too uh yeah it ain’t no more GS and all that [ __ ] in the world you know

What I’m saying but yeah so yeah I see I see I see so you got to have pieces like that I need speed you need shooting too A lot of times bro you didn’t have shooting you need defense first cuz a lot of these International Teams

Can shoot their ass off and they know how to play so you got to have a defensive mindset but you got to have some scoring and pace so let me ask you something P you watching Phoenix yeah they they they no longer I don’t know they no longer look like the

Team they a different team than they was a month ago six in a row they healthy they healthy we starting to see we starting to see what bill cuz we didn’t know is it is it too topheavy for KD for me is it too top heavy for you with KD

I don’t think so cuz some nice Booker because I just seen Booker go for 50 I I saw that right but then I just worri about KD’s you know like at 35 it’s so easy for him though it’s not I’m not going to say easy it’s simple he’s

Making it look simple I me one dribble come down jab run the lane just D I mean it’s too it’s so that’s yeah right we said that about Bill Bill come out you feel me Bill looking healthy I mean see this is why I said they didn’t

Need point guard if Bill is healthy and I think we starting to see them mold into what we thought they can turn into so we starting to get a little bit more of a sample size of what this team can be with with Bill now and that’s why I

Say I don’t know if they needed a point guard yeah cuz now bill is taking pressure off of Booker but you see that so this is what I’m saying I did not want to come down have Bill like Lord you got listen to this if we went to the

Park and I got Devin Booker I got Katie and I got bill I need Bill to sacrifice some of his no man I need somebody Lord look at these two weapons I got over here three I’m just bro see that’s that’s see this why this this is where me and you beef

At bro not beef but we we we go back and forth man Bradley Bill in in in in uh the Wizards was on the Scout report he was the first thing you had to deal with now so he comes down to to Phoenix he’s okay respectfully behind the two right

But bro he’s not discounted bro if you leave Bradley Bill open like you leave some of these [ __ ] open man Bradley Bill can get you 50 40 a high 30 that’s what I’m saying it’s gonna be nice like that for him that’s what I’m saying but he got to take the biggest

Sacrifice what you’re saying is you want him to take a lesser role you want him to come down and consolidate to these other two that’s what you’re saying yeah I’m not saying that I’m saying why do that when I when I can put a three-headed monster right here and have

Like a taus remember we we threw this out here the tus what’s tus Jones or any point guard that can just you feel me bro with them three coming off screens set one go back pick cut and swe bro that that [ __ ] would look that that [ __ ]

Will look like about when you got three any in history say scores when you got three Elite scores like that somebody got to take the hit when you put Braun way and Bosch together Bosch had to take the hit but he was still a force is what

I’m saying bill is still a force still averaging 20 then it’s going to be nice where Bill go for 30 I got that but you didn’t come down ask him Bosch every night to to to uh to to to to take a back seat it’s some nights he was a he I

Mean he gonna get it going you going F the game out but you asking him so what I’m taking from what you’re saying is taking him is to take away consolidate you’re not saying he’s still activate that’s what I’m saying like I don’t need him coming down like he the first option

Not now when we got these two he’s part of that though yeah he is part of that but like he going to he going to fill in the gaps like he going to have is nice where he the lead and score or or you

Know he got it going and they go to him you know that they they got they was high IQ players so they they it’s not going to be uh KD leading them and score every night he G to see Booker got it going he averaging 30 damn there too

That’s what I’m saying he hit the game wi for them the other day PE yeah but they all going to see how they got it going and they gonna consolidate that they gonna be like he hot today so we GNA let him we going to let him rock out

Or he he he hot today we going to let him rock out that’s how it go that’s how it Go Bill going to have night that’s what I’m saying you double him like you would double him if he was still in Washington is all I’m saying he ain’t

Like less than cuz he on here with two two guys he still got the same ability that’s what I’m saying I would rather have a point guard watch them three [ __ ] do all this it’s just like having uh it’s like this it’s like uh now the Clippers got the understanding

Right you you tell James Harden to come down consolidate and consolidate comes off as being passive that’s what he doing but he also going his mixing yeah but he’s passing yeah he pass and he going to have nights where he get 30 simple just like that and it’s working

That’s what’s working telling you man somebody got to do it when you got guys like that why do that when you can bring a point guard in there and have I don’t dribbling I don’t need no other point guard wasting time you wasting our time

Do get out we got Bill we got Bill Booker and KD you over here three dribbles is too many dribbles for a point guard to come set it up what you talking about get out of here we got guys that can do that get out of here we

Don’t need nobody doing all that do what set the offense up yeah get out of here dog you took off 4 seconds we got to get going what you mean I got three 20 point scores we they got to have a ball they coming I got a figure what you mean n

Dog that’s too much we got Bill healthy now it’s all we don’t need that we don’t need that other that man get your head get your get get get off the rock I can’t set the rock I can’t set the offense up no more that took 5 Seconds

That’s too much that’s too much no so no half court offense for no we rolling man this the [ __ ] that fire AG right here man this this the mother this motherucker right here look they rolling ain’t they yeah they getting it they rolling and it’s on the defensive end

Too it ain’t all that off we don’t need all that we don’t need all that they rolling we good do we got Bill back healthy he GNA consolidate some of the handling Booker gonna consolidate some of the handl ad before it was all book now okay cool now it’s starting it’s

Starting to turn into something now that’s what I’m saying they gonna be straight I ain’t no Frank rogal F but you know what I’m saying I see where it can be I just don’t like my one of my three weapons in here in here being passive that’s all I’m saying I want

That active if he coming yeah you know what I’m saying yeah I mean who’s the ideal point guard for that team I just told you who that kid in Washington tus Jones tus Jones is the point guard for that team we playing we playing dev’s advocate here right all so ties come

Down boom I got Bill shot bam it’s going came down like I’m open n you like come on like rhondo all over you passes the bill I’m the first option like no no he ain’t talking like that yes he is no he not you gas come on dog what you doing what you

Doing he is not clapping at a [ __ ] no way if tus come down he throw the bill first he get Bill he shot he was open man what you doing you lying gas yo gas man man come on come on get open over here n he was open too I

Had him no I’m the I’m the first op nah he ain’t talking like that come down boom I got you boom I got you boom you I know who I am down boom I got I got KD boom I’m Kevin Durant you heard what I’m saying y’all know who I am man listen

This this he don’t need was of that time ain’t no wasting time I’m getting all y’all L here boom boom boom we good we good dog right now he not doing that right here that’s gas that’s like at the park G run that over here run that over here not

Clap at a [ __ ] at the par no way yes you is no you’re not like come on like [ __ ] relax [ __ ] F all right now you know what you tell me to now I’m bringing it up you go to the bring it up there get trade him trade it’s my team I

Picked you UPA you talk what’s up [ __ ] what’s up [ __ ] what’s Happ what get TI here we on the court you claing [ __ ] rela hey hey get him on the next thing smoking way as a matter of fact tell him don’t tell him don’t buy nothing out here he should he should be

Renting no way cuz he going to be on the next day smoking I’m out here what’s happening what’s out here I got the ball big fell what’s up don’t be clapping to me out here I got I got it watch out stop clapping right man Katie What’s happen

Me him out give me time out give me this hey man don’t ever do that my [ __ ] I’mma get the B look look that’s a zoo no way there’s no way CL saying they good how they is they good how they clapping that’s the ultimate disrespect Joe you clap at a

[ __ ] nah you don’t do that you embarrassing a [ __ ] like that P can you imagine big per got it right here you like swing it and he’ll swing it like dog come on dog that’s you dog run that I’m open you blowing me up this

[ __ ] hey man I want to I want to say uh a big respects to Doc Rivers O’Brien uh uh um uh Rick patino uh what’s the coach Roy William Roy Williams’s your high school coach right this what they created man listen man Antoine Walker I want to I want to credit all

Y’all for this creation right here y’all created the truth this is the truth y’all want the truth baby right God damn it no way yeah right get your ass out of here crazy [ __ ] would you rather be yell like swing it no don’t what you want me to

Say this is universal what this mean what this mean on the court what that hey baby what that mean that mean that mean swinging look hey that’s Universal you got to hit this [ __ ] like yo relax dog you tripping I got you relax I was open like relax

It’s a difference if I do this a nothing don’t ever N I ain’t I ain’t n don’t do that dog you do that to Pigeon I’m doing n n that’s that’s too aggressive hey hey look learn a lesson learn a lesson people don’t know basketball somebody on

The court doing this that mean pass me the godamn turn your head go the opposite way of the Direction go the opposite way if you if you pass the ball to a [ __ ] who clap it’s over if they clap at you that means swing the ball so

Y’all know you out there if you in open court and a [ __ ] clap at you go the opposite way on purpose and then wait for him to say something to you and say hey my [ __ ] Don’t Clap if it’s a franchise player that you be you be getting

Traded Don’t Clap at me I I go somewhere else but don’t clap dog I hear you I’m out here too dog I’m I’m nice too I got it too you know what I’m saying you out here clapping hey hey dog n that’s too much nobody wants to play with somebody

So somebody come down and Diesel doing this oh you give it to the diesel what you saying there you ain’t the diesel you ain’t the diesel the diesel say call oh okay here you go big fella get money big fella I’m out here if you kick it

Out right you here talking about some swinging you tripping I just brought it up what blow top 20 20 I I call the 20 hey to sh hey big you got to do that right imagine you doing that D Rond Rond going look at you like hey

Pete Ray used to do that you know what we got right what we got pict of the week Pete you’ve been killing since play y’all so I give it to you boy 9 and one you know what it is you know what it all that [ __ ] right catch up right 4 and0

Last week you know what it is I don’t that’s what I’m asking but yeah let’s get it Nate you know what’s up all right first up Chiefs going to Ravens Baltimore are three and a half Point favor we got the Chiefs at the Ravens who you got I’ve been chiefing

All playoffs chiefing but you know what you putting it out tring to put it out baby trying to put trying to put it out baby trying to put it out we going with the Ravens baby I got Lamar Jackson I’m rolling I mean I just think dog he

Had an incredible season that’s tough he my MVP this year he should be the MVP regular season and I’m sorry but the Taylor Swift show is over I don’t think so man it’s over I want Lamar to win I’m just watching I’m watching it I’m watching I’m watching it

Bro I’m watching it it look like power man that man threw for what 200 and ran for 100 man can’t nobody stop Pat m the toughest pick I ever had cuz I ain’t never bet against Pat Mahomes Pat Mahomes is part of the movement he’s the

New Steph Curry he’s the new Brady you know what I’m saying he got bro on speed dial I see what the I see how they incorporating every every third shot is up at the sweep get it I’m playing I’m playing it I’m man what who the favorite

First off Baltimore by what Baltimore by three three and a point damn that’s not that’s not I’m not I’m not good with that I’m I’mma go Chiefs I think they part of the order damn you know what I’m saying saying I think I think they going

To paint this boy to be the face he going to be the new Brady I’m seeing how they already talking about he I’m seeing it I’mma I’m I’m g go conspiracy theory and go Pat momes and Chiefs going conspiracy theory Taylor Swift they want Taylor Swift somewhere in the Super Bowl

Vicinity if Usher’s going to be doing the if Usher’s going to be doing the half show she’s going to be right here what bro she going bro I’m just saying it’s on CBS I’m just PR much she going do surprise performance this is all lined up if they win I swear do it’s

Just rigged what’s the next one n let’s get to it now stinking in let’s get it it’s rigged that they win bro we got Lions straight 49ers 49ers are seven point favor damn wor seven-point favorites over the Lions I got 49ers cuz I feel like that’ll be a better game but I’m

Not confident and I never been I I really ain’t and I don’t know if they going to have Debo samel dbo 5050 right now Debo 5050 so the lions fight they’ve been fighting he opened up a lot of stuff Debo opened up a lot of stuff for

Mcaffrey and all these other guys you know he decoy here and then you know so but I like the Super Bowl Baltimore San Francisco I’m a watch because if Detroit go I’m not watching not watching if Detroit don’t go I just they the Cinderella story Lord what I guess I

Watch you been fighting this man he been fighting Detroit this whole time dog I know what’s going on they’ve been weak for so long man stop man you got to make it’s I watching them man it is but you got to turn over the new Leaf bro you

Know what I’m saying today’s the new day I don’t even know one oh I do know one player man St golf golf play for them right for Lions yeah Hutchinson you know you know some players over there I don’t know no more players they got that running back that

Running oh that’s Hutchinson you just got just get no Hutchinson on the defense that running back cold though yeah they they got a nice team they do got a nice team now I think about that game I did watch that right you I got San Fran

Bro I got San Fran I’m g go with the Lions man I’m going ride the Lions out you know what I’m saying just because of the Cinderella story I think like baby said man I think it with a win and the Lions going to the de uh to the to the

Super Bowl changes the whole the whole narrative it it it just changes the city it affect you know what I’m saying like yeah I’m rooting for the Lions I want the Lions to win and I think about it either way either one these I feel like

These is the best four teams TR it I really believe that and I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be mad at none of these teams making it yeah and I’m G watch it so yeah I’m G watch it you might well pull up to the crib might need to live stream

That you know what I’m saying I’m have a movie theater in the backyard up never mind I got the theater in the back doing too much no go ahead Nate no I got the screen come down go ahead n no no one want the screen no the screen come up oh

[ __ ] I’m have some fried catfish n what we got mess with that go to the next you don’t eat that that’s and that’s picture we fried catfish yeah we cish up yeah with the shrimp yeah we going live stream though you saying cuz ain’t nobody 400 lb ever beat

Me in no race you can put the APB out you can put it on Twitter Instagram nobody in the whole world anybody in the world but 400 lbs cannot beat me in a 40 he ran a 51 you ran a 51 do my [ __ ] going to be at about a 46 by

Time what we doing how we running threo stands just like that said go like this like yeah said go you think now say don’t put nothing down don’t no I’m going to show you my take no you going look like no man this look how fast I’m out the

Camera watch this watch out say go where he like you do that again let me see again on your March get set hold on you jumped you jumped the gun Church lane violation false start Lan you got to wait for the pistol you got to hold position you got to hold I was

See a little quicker Lord on your March you sa gock off the line come on baby come on man man I love you Bo I love you the who you got I I’m with my dog I’m wi I’m witty I’m with that’s today what do used to say First Two

Steps step St first three steps want all yall to PR

Another must-see episode of TICKET & THE TRUTH is HERE! The guys react to the bucks firing of Adrian Griffin and hiring Doc Rivers. Plus, they talk Joel Embiid’s dominance, if the Suns need a PG, the USA roster announcement, and have a fiery debate about which will come first…another 100-point game by a player or a 200-point game by a team.

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  1. 46:53 😂😂😂😂 I clap my hands at you, you better pass that lmaoo! But if I get the rock and somebody clap their hands at me, im not passing shit lmao

  2. P right, Al is very good against Embiid; but like, no one can stop Joel, you can just slow him down, and bum him out. C's are good at that.

  3. it would take someone to step up to embiid to stop his current dominance bcuz th power imo is all bluff ..bcuz th league is cowering currently, th forget th embiid rolling on the ground every play

  4. They obviously forgot that LeBron is allegedly behind Joel’s recruiting to Team USA and convincing the other top tier players to participate in Paris. Of course he’s playing

  5. My boy KG used the word konsolidate incorrectly I still love him to death you know what fuck it it means differently now

  6. Paul spoke a book there ,Joel thought last year the peeps thought is was a fluke. turn it up. i see olajuwan,patrick ewing, with a the euro step.

  7. Tbh the USA team will be
    Bron, Steph, KD, Tatum Joel
    Bench is gonna be
    J Brown, Edward, Jrue Holiday, Kawhi, AD, JJJ, D. Book

  8. Embiid is soft AF. For switching countries, he knew he ain’t gonna win the NBA championship now he wanna piggyback on the gold! The Pascal Siakam switch countries? Did Luca switch countries? 🤡🤡Embrittle

  9. Shoutout to KG I’m from NC and I see you working on your vocabulary brah I be doing to same, sound weird at first but we gone get the last laugh because we actively bettering ourselves salute

  10. KG is so funny! I love the way he describes the game and the players. Keep it up big ticket and much love to the truth as well. Your both killing it

  11. Joel’s motor is different this year. It’s always been the motor. He seemed disinterested at times last year. This year it seems like he got something to prove.

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