@New York Knicks

Stephen A.’s concern for Knicks: Thibs is RUNNING THEM INTO THE GROUND | NBA Today

Stephen A.’s concern for Knicks: Thibs is RUNNING THEM INTO THE GROUND | NBA Today

I’m guessing that that you’re smiling for the reason that we’re not going to waste any time here because I got a notification last night online that you posted this you said I feel like you you said you’re probably going to get kicked off TV tomorrow today because Brunson

Randall and the Knicks they just kicked the defending champs behind tonight I can’t wait carry the hell off and guess what I actually typed that tweet out myself no goats right oh wait the Knicks have dominated as you mentioned Chan in January out scoring opponents by 194

Points in 13 games that is New York’s best scoring differential over a 13 game span since 19697 season when what happened oh yeah the team won a title so Kendrick Perkins I hear that you spy something I’m Kendrick Perkins better known as Big perk and nothing gets past

Me free just when you thought it did get pass me there I am I spy a problem I spy it all ter the hell on should I say happy Friday because I’m full of joy you know who else was full of joy you know who’s happy I haven’t

Seen this man this happy since uh Tony the Tiger was a alley cat and that’s Tom Tibido look at this clip right Here look at it look at it now yes yesterday yesterday check this out my girl Chen asked for this a signature win jayen Bronson the Nicks and she got just that right in great fashion but here it go right here in December the Knicks will giv up 124 points a game since they

Got OG and anobi they are giving up under 100 points at 99.8 that is a 25 Point difference okay 26 piece swing dinner last night I mean if the Knicks didn’t make you a Believer last night then I don’t know what will oh look who

Had to come D do I look like I believe yet let me tell you something big perk T is people like you perk that’s a problem you didn’t know I was going to be on the show today did you you didn’t know I was

Going to be here but here I am big perk by the way the ey spot I absolutely love it I don’t know who came up with the ideas of great one even though I can’t see you sneaking up on anybody with your big ass self but that’s a different

Subject for another today here’s the reality of the situation everybody knows I’m i b I bleed orange and blue Baby Jaylen Brunson has been balling an allar averaging 28 a game since OG arrived Julius Randon wining from 23 to 25 since OG arrived a defense that was ranked

20th in defensive ranking is now number one since OG and anobi has become a New York Nick I appreciate the love I appreciate the way that they look I’m very very happy about about that but there are a couple of things that I’m going to ask for caution on number one

Is you still need a playmaker to replace Emanuel quickley who’s now in Toronto to spearhead that second unit so you don’t run Jaylen Brunson into the ground and my last point is this big perk Chan Malika remember when the New York Knicks made this deal I knew they would be

Better overall I knew they would be better defensively but what was my number one concern Tom Fido who is a great coach no doubt was going to run them into the ground since OG has arrived what has happened the New York Knicks bench ranks dead last dead last

You’re running the bench you’re running the starters into the ground and my concern is come playoff time your legs are going to be compromised because Tom tho did not use his bench I told y’all that’s what I was concerned about about and sure enough the stats show that that

Is a primary concern you are not about to ruin this m thank you you are not about to R this moment and look here’s the thing right Tom Tibido running running them into the ground or his history says that right it’s a combination of both right the minutes

And the practice time we don’t know what they’re doing behind the scenes we might Tom tibo may be giving God’s days off they might not be practicing as much Stephen A but here’s the thing here’s the thing that I need you to realize for a minute when I look at this Nicks team

And I look at them adding OG and noi right and I see the most important position in today’s game is what the wing position they got that right now they filled that void right now I look I’ve been preaching okay I look I’ve been pre he had 26 last night I’ve been

Preaching so what you mean so what that’s not day let’s deal with normal Okay we okay we we can but his impact defensively is so great it’s reasons why teams are were willing to give the Toronto Raptors a Drew holiday type package because that’s what he brings to

A team and so when you think about what you have to face in order to get out of the Eastern Conference you have to go against a Jason Tatum you have to go against a Giannis an tupo who is a wing SL power forward and we saw what oh we

Go you know what this is this is really really nice I mean this is really really nice for you to sit up here on national television and act like you care as much about the Knicks as I do you’re just sitting there being a basketball analyst the pro that you are and highlighting

The positives which I appreciate I appreciate the fact that OG an anomi is an elite Defender that he has elevated the Knicks to being an elite defensive team again that he has literally facilitated jayen Brunson and Julius Randall being more potent offensively because he’s a dude that could be out

There on the in the starting five and he doesn’t require the ball as much as other people would but in the end you know as well as I do don’t bring me some off day with Tom diido and giving dudes a day off letting them go out to lunch

Breaks with big per and stuff like that that’s nonsense St wor you you there’s no reason to be worried the question right here is could this season actually be the Nick’s year I’m saying it’s going to be their next few years they’re building something year I’m I’m the Conference

Finals they have pie they have the pie when you played you chilling in La you chilling in the sunshine Southern California Palm Beach nice weather have you been a New York suffering for decades that wouldn’t be you sh that would be you we every the ones that been

Suffering we are the ones that have been suffering you know you know what the problem I have right now and you should be ashamed of yourself is that you are one of if not the hardest working individuals in the game today in the media okay don’t start don’t you start hardest

Working and you’re not appreciating hard work because he because heart no let me tell let me tell you let me tell you let me tell let me tell let me tell you what his problem is let me tell you what that say problem is he’s so busy caught up in

The buyer market then he’s he’s he’s forgetting about the building right like you want to go buy right you want to go buy a superstar you don’t want to appreciate that your team your organization is actually building they’re building the right way building the right we have to

We have to appreciate that Stephen A I mean the Knicks haven’t won a title since he was six years old so that’s where he’s coming from right and perk you’ve talked about Jaylen Brunson as being a onea Stephen A is not there yet Stephen A has not said yet that he sees

Jaylen Brunson as a 1A of this team the Nicks point guard he’s not going to be a starter for the All-Star Game the main reason why he actually came in fifth in the fan boat so Stephen A how does that sit with you perfectly fine he’s an Allstar he’s an Allstar caliber player

Listen Jaylen Brunson is a star in this league he has been absolutely Sensational for the New York Knicks I really appreciate but I have a vote no we have votes too and we both voted for Brunson to be an All-Star starter I mean what he’s been able to do to the numbers

The significance of his numbers is so impressive and then also if you think about the big scheme of this thing like the Knicks they they may not need another 1A that’s correct right they might just need more complimentary pieces and when I see this squad he is a

Large reason for their success they have not been able to find buyers as perk has said they’ve had to build and they’ve built around this guy and it’s worked he should be a starter we all voted for him as an Allstar starter God my point is y’

Brought me y y’all brought me on here to try to this is this is sabotage let me tell y’all something right now to to you like I said y’all ain’t been suffering for decades jayen Brunson is a star and deserves all the credit in the world but

I’m sorry this kid Hal Burton number one offense leading the league and assist averaging double the amount of assists as Jaylen Brunson there’s a reason the fans the media and the players all voted for halberton over Brunson and oh by the way when I look at Donovan Mitchell 28 a

Game playing in Cleveland I’m supposed to ignore that I Pi halberton point guard trying to tell me something wrong no there something wrong with you and it’s something wrong with the Nicks fan base and there something wrong with the organization because hold on you stay you stay right there you stay right

There you fix your body stay right here here’s the problem here’s the problem I voted for Tyrese halberton as as one of my guards I also voted for Jaylen Bronson you know what the problem is is that you are a prime example along with the organization of not promoting this

Man of what he is when you you talk about putting up the numbers with the best of them when you talk about his production I should go to New York and land and walk through lag Guardia or whatever airport and see hand posters you would come to New York you

You you you couldn’t take the weather you only want to come there when it’s warm and sunshine you ain’t G to handle the way you ain’t suffer the way New York Nick fans and stuff how dare the two of you sit up here the the unated to on ntional

Talk about New York Nick fans this way how much we’ve suffered lady thank sir we lived in I lived in Connecticut for five years I know what the cold is like okay but the reality is the fans voted more for Dame Lillard than they did for jayen Brunson

And Nick’s fans their hate is loud their love was much quieter and they should have voted loudly for Brunson because he deserve organization the organiz foron over I voted for Brunson over Dame I just put him behind halberton and Donovan Mitchell because Donovan Mitchell is a two guard Hal Burton’s a

Point guard Jaylen Bron’s a point guard that’s what I did Stephen A do you think that this is the New York Knicks year to make it back to the Conference Finals I think the New York Knicks can make it to the Conference Finals yes I do but here’s the inconsistency Malika how is

Kendrick Perkins gonna sit up there with a straight face and every chance he gets he holds the Boston Celtics accountable but they got the best record in basketball but the New York Knicks have we haven’t had a champ bip since 1973 it was before Kendrick Perkins was born but

He going to stick out his chest acting like he feels their pain don’t you dare take that position I’ll call you Later

On NBA Today, Kendrick Perkins discusses what he loves about the New York Knicks after their trade for OG Anunoby before Stephen A. Smith joins to express the concerns he still has for the team.

0:00 iSpy with Perk
2:01 Stephen A.’s surprise appearance
8:00 Jalen Brunson not an All-Star starter

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  1. He spitting about thibs. Great coach slightly underrated but he’s always had a problem of running his favorites into the ground in regular season. It’s just his coaching style where he really believes in guys who he feels does everything he wants so he’ll run them over most other players because he feels he can rely on them the most to do what he wants

  2. LMAOOOOOOO I love how when the show gets into debates like this, Malika just sits there smiling the whole time enjoying the entertainment

  3. Been a Knick fan since the 1960's and this clown S.A. Smith does not represent us true fans. He is a phony and a caricature of himself at this point.

  4. This is the same Stephen A. that had courtside seats to a Knicks game against the Heat and left because they were getting blown out only to miss an epic 4th quarter comeback. Side note, why is this man so obsessed with Donovan Mitchell the assets needed to get him on their own make him a nonstarter aside from not being the right fit.

  5. Steven A. is a big reason why Jalen Brunson is not getting the respect that he deserves around the league and fans. His theatrics day in and day out about the Knicks not having a superstar is a huge reason for Brunson getting snubbed again at the all-star game. 😢😢😢
    Stand up and support our guys Knicks fans.
    I do think we need a bench player to take IQ's place.

  6. If you care about the Knicks then act like it. What are you worried about. Grimes & Deuce is holding lt down. If that's your team are you watching them, you can't be. Cause you don't need no Super Star to win a Championship. Just a Team who has each other back. The last time they scored this much was the last time we won the Chip & he's still negative. Foh

  7. As a Knicks fan I understand SAS sentiment, because we’ve been let down so much for decades. We’re afraid.

    Are the Knicks for real or are they fool’s gold?

    I think the Knicks are for real but need one more piece, maybe Kyle Lowry off the bench to help stabilize the second unit.

  8. Tibs was the coach who played D. Rose up 20 in the 4th in a playoff game. and we all what happened to him in that game. Rest your players Tibs

  9. Why can't the Knicks sign Quickly in the off-season? Maybe we don't give up Fournier and when his money falls off, we get Immanuel back.

  10. Kinda feel bad for perk. You could tell that was a big moment for him and he had a whole thing planned and Stephen a just came on and yelled the whole time. U could tell he was mad

  11. What I disagree thibs is great coach. Just well their probably fifth sixth best team in the East. At best 3-4thbest team.

  12. Stephen A is a clown!!! He’s not a Inock fan, he’s just another media Knick hater and he needs to move on and shut his mouth. Go jump on the Phoenix Suns band wagon with NYK BS!
    We the true NYK fans don’t need you out here giving us a bad name.
    Move on Stephen A the fans don’t want you on our squad

  13. Thibs is the best coach this team has had since JVG or Riley, that run players to the ground narrative is exaggerated and he wouldn’t have to play the stars so much if we had a legit backup PG and PF.
    Also SAS sucks.

  14. This man has been booted out the fan base so long ago! We Knick fans only watch him just to troll at this point.

  15. Let's get this clear. The reason Dame gets more shine than Jalen is because he is more clutch. He has game winners to his resume.

  16. Stephen A:
    "today's players are soft"
    Also Stephen A:
    "The coach is coaching them too hard"
    Stephen A is the ultimate fake

  17. SAS has never played basketball on the professional level so why Do we take his opinion with so much validity? He’s a proven clown and we know it

  18. SAS bleeds gold and purple. He is a Knicks for clicks. Now, he is trying to jump on the train when he did not like the trade. He did not give Brunson a 1st place vote. Everyone wants clicks now from Knicks win.

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