@Los Angeles Clippers

LA Clippers vs Toronto Raptors FULL GAME Highlights | Jan 26 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

LA Clippers vs Toronto Raptors FULL GAME Highlights | Jan 26 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Is the last time that you remember a guy who jumps Center is the point guard for his team back when Magic Johnson did it way back back in 1980 and a game in terms of wins RJ Barrett Toronto native the leaping leaner the sth able

To put the Raptors out it was a pain in the side for sure with the Clippers lob to Plumley A Little Too Tall able to recover as it stripped out of his hands recovered by man very creative passing inside when quickly was out there against the Clippers in that early January game as

Harden skates right down the lane and has it knock free Barrett the other way Brown back to Barnes back to Barrett and a very traditional he knowing he had a teammate on his right hand side Raptor one of the league leaders in total passes made kawh Leonard inside able to

Lay it in for don’t have numbers Harden looks to attack nevertheless cradles the ball goes to the rim and in counted on a foul for James Harden Brown is a feisty Defender George shoots over the top and knocks it down for the first hard the transition three rebound goes to [Applause]

Leonard man inside swooping in and laying it in Great you just got to find your open teammates and he gave them a lot of props after the game against the Lakers the other night saying he found guys and they were able to knock if the Lakers wanted to Blitz they were going

To blit they were going to get burned and that’s exactly what happened plumbley throws it down on one to find the right spot they actually figuring out rotations at who plays well with whom Terence man is playing well with everybody throws it welcome he was part

Of that 2019 title team Twan game with Kawai and plumbley oh and he throws it in reverse Barnes for three this is an improved area for Barnes this year should to get going early on because he’s capable of having huge big nights for you seen Trent driven off the line

Great defense here for the Trippers the ball ultimately finds Barnes misses on the three young with a rebound and the pack Westbrook ahead to Leonard for the two-handed slam when you push it all the way like that Clippers 0 for four from above the yard Toronto one for four Barnes a long

Two early in the clock knocks it [Applause] down D Porter is out there for Toronto the younger brother of Michael Porter Jr big finish for Scott magic there with those two on the floor shudder for three it’s good Westbrook game excellent job he’s a fundamentals guy a little bit old school

In him but he’s very good big finish for Russell West Atlanta we played 12 games in New Orleans we’ be on a six game Road Trip where we are right now in will be the rebound down this all time Gus Young’s father was actually drafted by those Buffalo Braves that

Used to play here in Toronto Hardon rips the cor Westbrook off the bounce on Barrett gets around him up the window and in and Russell Westbrook K that pause on the head fake ball fake cleared the defender and then he finish it off Brady Dickens side lays it

In Hardon the side step three feeling good and draws the foul he’ll go to the line for three Harden straight on three rebound goes to Westbrook Powell open for three lets it Fly it’s good the second three for the Clippers puts him out in front I don’t know if he’s going to be

An All-Star but he he definitely deserves it it’s how important he is to this team oh my with the flush James looking at that opposite corner saw Russell on the move shuder able to knock it down crosses over to the rim no repeated effort by Westbrook again player it’s Norman Powell curling

Catching but cannot connect and the rebound poked into the hands of schruder ahead to Grady dick drives in and lays it in flirting with the defense trying to see where the Double’s going to come he runs over Grady dick goes right to the rim and in ftic for the Clippers certainly this

Year speaking of fantastic George down the lane and in Paul George with his raptors have the rebound Clippers seven of 12 in the second quarter Bruce Brown the runner gets good going up against his buddy ter Harden it’s a screen from TY plays right back to him and he Powers

It down CER ball great def control man Harden oh splits a pair of Defender [Applause] Nice pass inside to Barnes for the flush Leonard can shoot over the top of Trent and does cowi Leonard knocks it down for points five so we get to an open Terren man for three in and out and a loose ball foul because he went straight up and

Down Lumley Dives Harden find in behind the defense wow plumbley inside sees how the Clipper defense has gone Raptor shooting only 41% from the field Harden the other way lays it in 17 Here Comes schruder centers it to Barnes back to schruder no look in the corner to Trent

Driven off the line by man the floater is good good defense Trent in the corner retaliates in kind the ball back and they save a couple of free throws from Paul George 25 seconds to play here in this first half Barrett inside and leads it in and

It then he kind of put it up there for plumbley to go get it and it’s kind of a halfway decision making process plumly able to Pat his stats gets the rebound and the bucket back the other way by Barn good defense there by Toronto the reason why you see Barn smiling is

Because Trent was yelling at him telling him it was his rebound Barnes took it away and by as many as 19 in that second quarter George for three can he retaliate he does and Paul George knocks it down he’s got 13 that’s why those dribble young Brown from the foul line it is

Good and Barrett with a rebound Clippers out in front by 12 have led by as many as 19 Barrett lays it in it’s a 10o in the third hitting four of six after shooting only 4 2% in the first half whistle and a foul count it and Paul George will go

To the line for the old it’s a foot race with brown and brown lets it roll out of bound Trent inside the three-point line does most of his damage from [Applause] above George splits a pair of Defenders finds Kawai in the corner for three it’s

Good kick out pass that time by pul they lob it to Leonard the defense converges he gets it Harden shimm is his way down the lane the floer is good for Harden has been able to hang around here have led by as many as 19 Leonard along two heels on

The three-point line pulls down his brown to Young the floater is good he just does a steady job each time out just his 17th game Leonard at the nail rattles it in back to back buckets for George down the lane hangs off the window no and they’ll go to the line

Please support local journalism whether you live in Detroit Orlando they need it we need it Trent in the corner to through it’s good 505 to play here just five for 21 the Raptors are from above the AR Clippers just six for 21 Kawhi Leonard tries to fix the

Percentage and does 73 for the Clippers the Clippers out of their offensive group Brown turns it over Clippers on the Run George behind the defense to the house keeps it alive perhaps lost the handle inside and the rebound batted over to Barnes Bret with that long Wing

SP with a lot of work to do in Milwaukee despite the record again with Boston and Philadelphia playing so well Barrett Brown for three it’s good Overdrive coffee into the lane counted on a foul for air coffee player for him has has worked as hard as anybody on the team L the other way to BU for the flush not there Powell a deep three going two for one t oh my Barrett spins his way down the lane lobs

It inside to B again coffee gives to harden back to coffee hangs feeds into Tyson lays I think du is a very good player by the way ball deflected out of bounds 5 Second will do it Barnes picked up by Ty down the lane a strong drive by Barnes a

Little Glimpse organization and those three players are good Westbrook late in the clock attacks inside off the window and in five games eight consecutive threes and that one just misses out Barett inside to the riming [Applause] in there just seems to be a different Aura with him here in Toronto for

Obvious reasons being his homeland n minutes to play they have numbers right now and Harden says I like the number three grips the cords he’s got 20 turn Collision loose ball turnover numbers for Toronto bars wow they’ve got to get a stop it’s been too quick for Toronto coming back and

Getting shots up War up for three in his second game with Toronto out there rebound eyes it goes to schruder Barrett they got a good shot in the end pole George wide open normally knocks those down Barnes gets to the rim and leaves it home Scotty Barnes with Terren and Barnes with a

Rebound so would you rather have Terence man shoot it and take it out of Harden’s hand blocking foul on a be coffee by 13 George against Bruce Brown draws a bit of a crowd from Barnes Fades and fires over to the line for the second half Barnes attacks on man to the ramen

In ter six to shoot for Powell man two to shoot Hot Potato catch and shoot for George luy came they made the ball move and not quite what the coach wanted Barnes collides with Westbrook out live ball turnovers can be aggressive defense here for Toronto Powell in the corner for

Three ask they need a good possession lob to man makes the grab leads it up lays it in ask and you shall receive big bucket right there well first up maybe have an advantage Corner three for Powell oh it’s good a big time shot from Powell wow to Portland for Gary Trent Jr

Comes away with the steal takes it to the house exclamation mark was it tapping by Plumley they call it a three give it to Plum give it to Highland and boy these rims get some crazy Highland to Boston inside and he lays it in 75th triple double Clippers

Get the W and they get their first win under their belt in the Grammy trip which may or may not be their last

LA Clippers vs Toronto Raptors FULL GAME Highlights | Jan 26 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


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