@Indiana Pacers

Phoenix Suns vs Indiana Pacers Full Game Highlights | Jan 26 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Phoenix Suns vs Indiana Pacers Full Game Highlights | Jan 26 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Scoring belt rising up fires he got contacted on that shot attemp black Excellence KN presented by Open Door the footprint Center is the sun well they’ve got eight players on this roster Annie that average 10 points or more seaka on the cut can’t get it but there’s Smith for the

Follow going bully Ball g gets blocked Away by Smith save by shakum here comes Shephard who just checked into the game trailing on the play cut inside he got hit on his way to the basket Sun’s able to grab the offensive Rebound beill with a great drive to the

Basket quick move book gets the contact from mats with a [Applause] rebound nice job defending there by Drew book spins his way into the paint working on Shephard with a turn and turn at the strike [Applause] 26 mconnell sees an opening the break down in the station an easy path for TJ

McDonnell there who had eight points at his 24 minutes last night oh he’s such a hustle player at 84 and five last night with two steals that makes things happen death mine tied up able to stay with it and that by the way does tie Joel embiid

For most points in any quarter as Jaylen Smith with the runner down the lane as Jaylen Smith with the runner down the lane good box out there by Drew embiid had the 29 is Gordon sets fires conects McConnell Bradley Beal racing back gets the block P will take the Baseline look

Won’t get that but flying in happy at that [Applause] all be sees an opening explos in the basket Bradley are led by McConnell toen mat and Smith they really overplayed the passing Lanes just to underscore your point block as Smith Beal second game this season he’s went for 27 and

S KD on the drive gets hit the rebound yeah and certainly the sun’s being the aggressor because they’ve gotten to the free throw line KD on the crossover gets into the Paint Bucket kind of gotten another opportunity and both have been able to take advantage of it now Annie on the

Drive drop off inside and another in the second quarter of their loss to the Suns on Sunday 117 110 Grayson Allen comes in finds the corner finds the bottom of the net you they former Dunk Contest winner is Grayson on the drive he got grabbed on

His way to the basket that was a great finish here come the Pacers topping inside right to the [Applause] rim the ran being grabbed again deel hits the braks well that was a big foul right there top and just basers had 55 rebounds to 31 for

Philly be with a pull up get the team in the league as they force another Phoenix turnover up ahead to TJ McConnell finds a trailing toppin well this crowd sits on the edge of their seat on every shot and every run out big nerk inside leans [Applause] into Mard able to turn the

Corner it’s ins three-point play just turned 20 gets a switch with the rookie now they bring the double team Sun swing it to aogi on the drive right to the cup won’t get it but kbd inside for the follow hoarder been a big reason why they’ve scored so many in the

Paint on the cut inside Booker gets tripped up there offensive rebound by Josh aogi over to Gordon fires the three doing a little late night BL work Suns Force another turnover great job defensively there’s that Defender lurking back again Gordon on the drive [Applause] grab yakum gets a smaller Defender

Pinned down inside and able to get the turnar around of the and this is the small lineup for the Suns with Kevin Durant in be on the drive Oh What a Beautiful move by be he has his hand to the triple no good rebound Allen up ahead now to

Booker looks at the back door cutter finds Gordon on a pretty Baseline five of 17 from downtown Booker working on Shepard on the drive with a pullup goes glass 33 yeah he’s been able to get the switch as KD on the crossover goes at toppen swings it to Booker from the

Corner Splash to aer’s able to get it inbounded now at topen seven on the shot clock zakum with a tough Runner backs it in 80 points by the Suns was pretty amazing I mean and just not they shot the ball so well 67% from the floor mil

Just number one scoring bench yeah he was 7 for 11 and their bench had 31 points they had the assists the Steals and the rebounds it kept them in that game one scoring team in the paint and they have lived up to it thus far

48 as Booker on the drive and give him the and one chasing they’ve cut it to single digits Suns making the extra pass KD finds himself wide open but we’ll get a 3-sec lane violation remember Frank vogle was here for 10 years as an assistant head coach with the

Pacers yakob thought about the three the first time he’ll try his hand to second time and but You’ got to K your foot on the gas with this Pacers Club well it it’s their defense how aggressive they’ve been and certainly again they’ve not here is Nim Hardy

Started six of the last seven seaka with a jump pass nimart trying to bait the whistle but instead he’ll take the Baseline run the Pacers have done starting out in this third quarter field takes the pass runs it right to the ring R now hammmer right there a feet out of the

Circle zakum floated asith bodying up on Booker book gets to the Elbow trying to go bully ball goes glass and N Smith Durant working way out of the wing that jab step on seak it down then and arm length is nearly unblockable toppen run off the line got the screen from

Turner takes the leg second t- foul the Suns with four so next penalty by the Suns will put them in the penalty Durant with a floater one and three it’s only played 11 minutes Allen with the screen deep three coming for Booker boom find a feet inside tapped up once twice ner tracks

It down up with the hands of Gordon Eric on the crossover to the getting knowing that paint was available seaka behind the strike the third pass across catch and shoot no to it and certainly that was a big turnover coming out start at the fourth quarter way too many

Turnovers NIMH hard driving Baseline in the roll of five Drew hit the deck goes right at Smith and a nice attack by Dre gives it off now to Smith Smith with nine off the bench seaka on the cross over the spin left it short gathers on the off it’s it glass [Applause]

Puts Allen Works off the Ubank screen splits The Defenders gets it up and gets it he’s got 17 of the game Booker crosses him up on the drive inside got it over him and he sneaks in as he gets by could have called fouls on his way

Opponents and I think it’s safe to say Annie that we can alert the fans that we’re on Arena scoring record watch as TJ McConnell won’t get that record here in indias 55 by Germaine O’Neal that was in 2005 Booker will get that one with the Suns working the offens more points and

More defense trying to slow down this Pacers Club yeah that was the first quarter that the Pacers won by one point Katy with a pullup and now listed as question will return with the nose as we see Brad come back out on the floor looks like that nose is packed up

As Benedict maon as KD waving off Drew Eubanks working on Obi toen swings it over to Gordon on the B fake drops it off the through on the spin nice second one too strong metu on the floor here with this unit for the Suns along with Josh kogi OB toin flies

In toin turns the corner he’s got 20 to lead all scores Off the Bench and an offensive fou called here on he’s probably got good seats in Milwaukee in the front row M 15 Gordon trying to squeeze a pass inside won’t get it nice little jump stop and to move to

The C out [Applause] no book thought about it puts it on the deck with a drive scoop it off F to get to the basket maon tough Drive won’t get the Finish but again 20 for KD just timely shots ma with the elbow jump [Applause] me Smith sees it double ma in heavy traffic Smith on the turnaround the Miss mine pokes it away and the Suns catch a huge break right there Booker sees an opening on the attack too [Applause] strong great ball denial by Beal but

Somehow seaka and the Pacers was able to get it back yaka defending Durant spins away from it gets a shot block from behind thought there should have been a foul top and found Pacers nimart on the drive with the Floater with that looked like it was longer than five when you go back to the previous turnover Nim hard working on Allen with a pull of P rattles it in tied be with the inbound n Smith on Booker gets to the midrange buket snaps the 70 Indie

Run under a minute to go NIMH hard muscles it inside mathine on the drive hung up in the air no seaka on the follow no loose ball topping inside yes as you said Booker fell allowed him to get a shot off but looked like it was a block

Phoenix Suns vs Indiana Pacers Full Game Highlights | Jan 26 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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