@Cleveland Cavaliers

Donovan Mitchell on Cavaliers’ bounce-back win over Bucks: ‘The biggest thing is we responded’

Donovan Mitchell on Cavaliers’ bounce-back win over Bucks: ‘The biggest thing is we responded’

Donan how did you slow down the second highest scoring offense in the NBA tonight uh it’s as a collective you know we we did a lot of things well last game but we could have been better and raised our level and I feel like tonight you

Know we did it on on a lot of occasions you know we were still their run which I think was really most impressive they cut it to like I think it was two maybe even took the lead I forgot what the score was but you know for us to

Continue to respond and then their late push too like you know just being able to you know figure that out you I think it’s the biggest thing but just continuous continually continuously being resilient you know I think the biggest thing you mentioned their run it

Was a 90 run out of the half JB calls timeout after that 12 straight stops from your defense each night relying on that how important is that it’s big time you know and it’s like I said it’s different people every night you know I think that’s the best part about it you

Know you can go for myself you can go to ja you can go to Carris you can go to Max George like and it’s on both ends of the floor you know you look what we’re doing defensively you know this guy continue to build upon it we’ve been

Doing it for a while but you know the biggest thing is we responded from the loss the other night you mentioned the response and you guys actually got to watch film make adjustments what does it say about really the maturity of this group that you able to adjust in the way

You did tonight yeah that’s the biggest thing we got a lot of guys that have have been in a tough playoff stretch you know what I mean where you suffer a loss where you feel like you win come back watch the film and then next thing you

Know we come out here for the game so I think the biggest thing is you know as a collective you know we process the film understand we can be better and it’s all constructive you know it’s just a lot of things we didn’t do well last game too

And we know we we took that upon ourselves to go out there and fix it tonight okay three and one on this road trip you’ve now won nine of your last 10 you still got some ways to go but what are you most proud of with what you guys

Are accomplishing the consistency you know especially the biggest thing it’s hard to continue to win and that keep the winning streak up against good teams and we got like I said we have a tough stretch coming up we we’re in the middle of the tough stretch I should say and

You know the biggest thing now is we didn’t let the loss affect us as a whole you know you could you could ride a high continue like the word for it is front running you know what I mean in some cases but we’re not that group we’re

Continuing to find ways to plug and it’s not always going to be perfect you know but the biggest thing is we’re doing it together consistently on a night toight basis

Cavs star guard Donovan Mitchell talks to Serena Winters after the 112-100 victory in Milwaukee.


  1. How on earth is he not a all star starter??? No guard in the east has his stats. They also dont have his wins…..WITHOUT 2 STARTERS.

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