@Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Suns fan ejected by Luka Dončić in Dallas shares his side of the story

Phoenix Suns fan ejected by Luka Dončić in Dallas shares his side of the story

Why did you ask for the fan to be ejected because he was cursing me the whole first half too why didn’t you ask for him to be ejected in the first half then because I never would a jack offend they pay for tickets but I had enough

You know it’s a little bit of frustration LCA donic on Wednesday night Suns beat the Mavericks they broke Luca donic apparently uh he lost his patience with a fan who uh he requested to have ejected from American Airlines Center in Dallas and after Great Lengths we have

Tracked Down said fan his name is Kenneth row and he joins us right now here on ble Mara mornings Kenneth thanks for joining us we appreciate it yeah of course guys thank you I uh I appreciate you giving me the platform and I’ve uh been digesting the last 36

Hours if uh it’s definitely I definitely haven’t been bored at all no that incident still all these hours later Ken we we’ve heard Luca’s story and his story’s changed and he went on TNT last night and he kind of said H maybe I shouldn’t have have done that I want to

Hear I want to hear your side of the story you were you were riding him pretty good according to the reports you don’t you don’t refute that do you I mean no I mean it’s you know it was most of the time it was just kind of just innocuous uh like run-of-the-mill trash

Talk you know like you know just and nothing that you know is just like an average NBA game you know I’m sure any professional athlete it’s you know getting heckled by fans it’s kind of comes with a territory and yeah I mean obviously I’m a you know

There’s some history there with the Mavs and the Suns especially Luca donic so yeah I mean he probably gets deserves a little I guess with the context he gets a little special treatment I guess from the fans but yeah it was it wasn’t really anything out of the ordinary I

Mean we all saw the quote that went viral and uh that was kind of the in terms of you know just Jabs and Jabs I took it him that was probably the worst one and that one to refresh people’s memory that was the you’re tired get your ass on the treadmill is that

Accurate Kenneth yes yeah that’s much what I said that’s pretty good that’s pretty good Kenneth that’s pretty good thank you now let me let’s let me be very clear on this though when Lucas says he had been cursing at me all half is that accurate No I mean in terms of was I

Going like you know yeah uh like f you you know wasn’t anything like that right were you were you any were you in any way out of line in your heckling in your opinion uh I mean no I mean again that quot that went viral that was really the

One one thing I really said directed at Luca the whole game to be honest okay so that so so then so that that line about the treadmill obviously that obviously it struck a nerve I that’s yeah you know obviously that hit close to home and then he gestures and and then what happened

Because we see Luca gesture and then we do see some cell phone video of you just kind of walking up the stands what filling the gaps of exactly what happened yeah once Luca kind of gestured over to you sure so again I said what I said and it was

Around like it was like 2 minutes left in the third quarter and then uh you know I just just watching a game they called there’s I don’t know if it’s a TV timeout or the MS called a timeout like very soon after but you know during the break I was just

On my phone and I I kind of I look up and I kind of there’s kind of this buzz like around the section like people are like like there’s something going on and I’m like you know what’s going on like I don’t think anyone really had any idea

What was going on but I look up for my phone and I mean like LC is staring at me like point I don’t know who he’s with he might have been with like security or someone with the team or whatever I don’t know I’m I was just you know I was

Just kind of a deer in the headlights but I I look up and lcas I’m he’s staring at me and I’m staring at him like pointing at me as in like yeah that’s the guy and then uh you know in those seats there’s an usher right there

Like right next to me and she was like Hey you know kind of essentially giving me a warning like let’s tone it down keep it down please and you know gave me a warning and I was like okay I mean sure I don’t want to get kicked out of

The game it’s been a great game the suns are up by 20s something points we’re being the MZ on their home court like you know I’m loving it and then right when the third quarter ends like I think it was Josh green or something hit that buzzer beater three to end that third

Quarter right when the buzzer hit I uh my seat was I I was right by I want to say it was a player tunnel I’m not 100% sure it was it was something but um there’s an usher also in that area right next to me and uh

This is a different person and he said hey you’re gonna have to leave sir you’re gonna have to leave your seat uh you have to go up on The Concourse we can’t have you sitting here for the rest of the game and so I mean I was just a

Little confused because I went from this lady an usher giving me just you know a warning like hey keep it down we don’t need that you know whatever whatever and I’m like hey I don’t want to get kicked out so you said after you got the warning you said nothing else and it

Went from the warning you say nothing and then you ultimately got kicked out yes yeah I mean again I wasn’t I was compant like hey I don’t want to get kicked out like you know just give me a warning I don’t want to be a hooligan you know or someone that’s just running

His mouth but and then I know I walk up to the Concourse and there’s a couple gentlemen there waiting for me and they were you know I had a beer in my hand they’re like you know they told me to throw away the beer you know they’re

They said your night’s over you know you’re done and they escorted me out of the Arena wow and then I’m out I’m outside of the Arena like standing on till you know you go out of American Airlines you know you go out the door and then there’s just a

You know a public Street you know people walk in so I was just standing out there because I had three of my friends still at their seat still going like what in the world is going on our friend is not here anymore and uh I was just calling

Them trying to let them know you know hey like when of you guys want to get out of here uh because you know I’m you know I can’t get in I’m I’m out of there and then another I I ser someone for a gentleman I assume working for the venue

American Airlines Center he pokes his head out of a door to me outside and he says sir you’re gonna have to exit the property wow gez this I mean yeah I mean a guy he poked his head out uh on you know I’m I’m just sitting on the street and you

Know just calling my friends and he’s like sir you going have to exit the premises and I’m like just leaving the arena the arena wasn’t good enough you had to leave the we’re gonna need you to leave the county lines yeah we’re talking I guess because

I mean I I was on like it’s a public Street I mean I I end I ended up just um it was it kind of worked out because there was a restaurant I just walked across the street and you know there’s a restaurant that was uh playing the rest

Of the game so I watched it from a window watch the rest of the game until uh my friends eventually left but I mean yeah that’s uh it’s kind of weird because it went from the lady giving me the warning during the timeout I’m like okay and then you know there’s only like

A minute and a half left in the third quarter that that time elapses and then right when the third quarter ends I get asked to leave my seat and then it turns into you know being on The Concourse and then having people telling me sir you

Have to leave the arena and then it turns into sir we can’t even have you near the arena you know you have to you please have to please exit the premises so it just it was like a whole it just turned into it kind of just was

A Snowball Effect it just kind of turned into a bigger and bigger ordeal Kenneth you know that’s my that’s that’s me that’s what happened with me yeah Kenneth row Suns fan was kicked out of the game at the behest of Luca dones is our guest here on Arizona Sports I got

To ask you this to follow up to it it came up after the game in the sun’s media availability Devin Booker was asked about it and Devin Booker in his past has gone out of his way toh do something nice for Suns fans who represent on the road he said I hope he

Didn’t cross too many lines but if you got his information I’d love to have it it sounds like you didn’t cross too many lines Kenneth has there been any contact from the Suns or from Devin Booker individually you know what I’ve uh I got a DM from the Suns last night and uh

Let’s just say you you might see my mug at a game here pretty soon before the allstar break and uh yeah I mean I mean d book I mean if he’s listening or if he hears this I mean that’s my guy I uh you know been a been a fan through those he

Was a rookie during those Dark Ages you know when we were just you know consistent Lottery team and just seeing him to go from you know he was he wasn’t a top five pick he was third I think he was like 13 he was a guy that then even

Started his own college team and now you know seeing him turn into a legit Superstar you know that’s that’s why you know you root for teams and you also root for players for guys like him so K I haven’t gotten contact from dbook but you know you know all love to him yeah

Real real quick Kenneth real quick did you see Luca on TNT last night and do you accept his quote unquote apology do you accept his apology I mean I don’t want to you know I’m not gonna start a I’m not gonna start some beef with uh Luca you know I

I get it you know he was you know we’ve all played Sports and I’m sure he said a lot of it was frustration I’m sure it was is you know losing sucks and I know he’s a professional athlete he hates to lose especially in the fashion in which

He was that night and at that moment I may have I may have poked a bear there and you know I’m sure it was just some frustration so you know I get it uh you know I think I got my money’s worth uh during the game from you know the

Portion of the game that I saw so uh I don’t think I’m not going to ask for a refund or anything Petty like that so I accept his apology and uh I get it luuka you’re off the hook you’re the bigger man if you if you end up somewhat

Courtside at footprint Center we need you to start working on your insults for either yic or James Harden anyone on the Lakers anybody on the Lakers yeah I mean no hey home homec court advantage you know whatever I can do if I can be a if I can be a a

Tangible asset that helps us win then Hey listen the treadmill comment’s going to be tough to top but you got some time to work on your stuff Kenneth Keith bu updated too via social media on on what game you’re going to be at at at footprint Center we’d love to uh love to

Meet you and uh thanks for sharing your story and you won’t Elevate the beef but we will Luca is soft and as Lil Wayne says Luca a ho Kenneth thanks for representing in Big D we appreciate it man thank you guys I appreciate it man Kenneth row kicked out of the wow that

It escalated three different times leave the property so gave them a warning and then changed their mind 15 minutes later and said no no you got to go yeah so who changed their mind Arena security Luca I want to see but hurt Mavs people want see what book does next

Cuban not even the owner anymore not even he still has those Brad Davis Roy thanks for watching Bickley and click to see the latest Bickle blast and hit the button in the middle to subscribe to Arizona Sports

Luka Dončić regretted asking for security to eject a Suns fan who yelled that he was tired and needed to get on a treadmill. Now hear the fan’s side of the story as Kenneth Roe joined Vince Marotta and guest host Tim Ring.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports
Photo: Sam Hodde/Getty Images

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  1. I don't really follow anyone else other than the Suns, but Luka is literally the worst crybaby there is. He always smirk at ppl when he is winning, but as soon he is losing, he start to cry like a baby. Heck, even when he is up, he would cry with the ref about every shot.

  2. It's out now. All Luka did was throw a gas can on a match. Every building he goes into is going to be 100 times worse than what Kenneth gave him. IF he doesn't grow the F up, opposing fans are going to break Luka's brain.

  3. The legacy of Mark Cuban. The Mavs are crybaby clowns. Luka is a showman. He wants the praise, but can’t handle criticism. He’s not a leader, and the Mavs will only ever have mild success with him. Suns are 10-3 against the Mavs over the last couple of seasons. That’s not a rivalry.

  4. He didn't say anything in the first half because everybody tough when they up. Luka turns marshmellow soft when he's down.

  5. Knew it wasnt accurate the he was cursing Luka out all first half. Luka got angry the reporter heard what the fan said. It’s clearly something that he hears a lot and losing to Devin broke him😂

  6. Guy was right behind the media, if he was that beligerent with suing abusive language he wouldve gotten tossed way earlier.

  7. This guy is literally lying, guys in AAC beside him mentioned that he said something regarding his daughter that pissed him off.

  8. This pretty much cements what I think of that lousy, no good, pickled pork juice drinking, thin skinned Lukaho.

  9. Organization as a whole needs to be punished for falsifying information to cover their own baby whining and acting out

  10. Luka has a tattoo on his wrist of a pyramid with an eye in it. An Illuminati tattoo that he got after entering the NBA. This guy knows he signed his name in blood for them. They run the NBA. You don't think he expects things from them for signing up with them? Like getting calls from the refs etc etc. This guy says hey i don't want people saying things to me in my arena get him out of here. He knows it's gonna be done by the powers that be that give him to the best of their ability everything he wants

  11. Imagine if book pulled some soft BS like this. The media and every luka Stan would be clowning him. Sports media couldn’t let their golden boy look bad and had him dress up to make an apology. SOFT!!

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