@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers/OKC Postgame: J.Worthy, Bron, AD, Reaves, Coach Ham Reactions | Jan 15, 2024

Lakers/OKC Postgame: J.Worthy, Bron, AD, Reaves, Coach Ham Reactions | Jan 15, 2024

A collective effort tonight I thought you know ad you know did a good job once again um uh uh uh DLo uh was very active in the in the beginning I just thought it was a really good Collective effort turn the ball over more than more than

You know I than I would want but uh a win at home is is is is good they needed it yeah anytime you can hold this team Oklahoma Thunders to uh 103 four five points you know not 130 you know you’ve done a really good job on the defensive

End we talked about earlier in the game uh really trying to put your offense into gear to get them back on their heels on the defensive end and in turn I think it kind of helped us on the defensive end as well you know so I I

Like the approach that we had today uh I like DLo and and uh AR in that back court I think they did some really good things but again it always comes down to ad and LeBron you know carrying the load and making sure that that uh that they

Do what they supposed to do on a night toight basis and tonight I went out on the L with ad but he came through on you hold your thoughts cuz speaking of Anthony Davis we’re gonna head back downtown ad is man that was tough all right Anthony Davis so the

Play that probably seals it you get the ball from LeBron right near the Baseline and dunk it what’s been the key with that connection for you no one went to roll no one went to expect the ball and how to go up um that just 5 years playing together uh

Know Ron great passer you know him just have that connection you know anytime he’s driving a big step up I know I’m probably going to get the ball or he put on the rim I get position I’m in position for offensive rebound knowing that his guys a smaller guys so they

Just you know a lot of time and effort blood and sweat you know that we put into the game to have that connection I know that injuries have been a big part of why but a lot of different lineups now you guys go back to one that you

Used earlier this year you have some of the the big guys coming back in Off the Bench what worked about the groupings tonight and how do you think you guys can proceed moving forward yeah um you know with Cam being out you know you have other guys have to step up um you

Know TP Austin myself BR like everybody it’s a collector especially on the defensive EV you know can’t bring that defensive presence and it’s going to be a grind man um until we get fully healthy uh we just got to figure out ways to win you know compete at the

Highest level and try to do everything to get wins so uh we got enough to do it you know we’re guys in and out of lineup but you know when we get healthy then we can start figuring things out even more OKC is obviously won a lot of games

You’ve beaten them the last two times that you faced them you’ve had some other games where you haven’t beaten teams where do you need to get to to just be a little bit more consistent now as you go through these next games just playing how we played tonight um we

Competed uh we shared the basketball uh even though on our Miss Q’s turnovers uh we got back in transition on the defense um um you know we just playing playing our style of basketball just playing playing and doing what it takes to win so you know for us we just got to keep

Going uh you know we got a couple more games at home and we just got to take advantage of it last one for you when you have a big dunk like that a super emphatic one are you screaming anything particular or you just scream because

There’s a lot of a lot of yelling you’re doing something to somewhere uh the last one I think I was yelling at and one uh the one on chat I’m just yelling uh they giving out text now for saying stuff so I just yell and try to get back on

Defense that works all right ad we like when Anthony Davis shows emotion thanks so much Mike trell as we check out the numbers between the two stars again combining for 52 points LBJ with 257 and six and and I’ll tell you what ad said hold on a sec held homr to

Four shots four made shots thoroughly outplayed him and he should you know it’s hr’s first year in the league technically uh ad’s been around for almost a decade so yeah he should outplay him but I like when ad kind of fires himself up so ad

Right now is third in the odds to win Defensive Player of the Year behind two very good players on good teams goar and of course HR tonight I kind of want to stick in line uh with Anthony Davis but big picture from the defense as well I

Kind of want to take it there too I was actually texting with gater and we both were saying that vand Mike trell also delivered a report saying that he’s just looking more like himself getting back into rhythm back into form obviously missed the first six weeks of season

Dealing with that heel injury and when it comes to A Night Like This Byron you said it it was going to have to be the defense that got the job done and Vando takes those responsibilities uh in high regard you hold a guy like Shay guildas

Alexander who averages 31 and a half to 24 points nine of 19 shooting just one of six from Deep obviously you pair that with Anthony Davis and what he’s done all season long and you get what you got from a defensive standpoint in this win

Yeah I mean he took the challenge and we all knew he would you know he he he’s that type of defensive player so it always starts with the head of the snake and he was the head of the snake tonight and he took the challenge to one of the

Best players in the NBA right now and he held him seven points under his average and he made him work for everything that he got tonight nothing was easy you know nothing was easy so you got to you your hats got to go off to to to Vandy

Because he did come out and he played a big time role in shutting these guys down or slowing them down at least and then the defense just automatically creates great offense you know when you have a mindset on the defensive end it seems like that’s when you have your

Best games on the offensive end so this this is a blueprint I think for the Lakers to kind of look at from this point on the way they defended tonight is the way they got defend every single night from this day on and if they do

Even when the offense is just a little bit off you still have a chance at the end to win basketball games because you got two of the most dynamic players in the league and Anthony Davis and LeBron James speaking of that defense offense 21 fast break points when this team is

Out and running obviously 11 turnovers for 14 points is well they look pretty good if you can score before the defense can get set up it it is a huge threat but you know it’s nice to see in today’s game in the three-point game the modern day game you still have players like

Vanderbelt and reddish who who pride in defense I mean uh there’s nothing more you know devastating than to have someone harassing you for 48 minutes that’s what this guy used to do just take up your oxygen you know make it hard for you these guys today they’re

Used to like surveying taking their time getting open easily but vanderbelt really understands the art of defense and and how effective it can be and it could be contagious and I think it was you know in tonight’s game and James it’s it’s kind of weird how Okay the

Lakers came in tonight 11th in the west but the rest of the league has to be nervous when they see the Lakers play a game like this or the one about a week and a half ago against the Clippers they hold these very good offenses to very

Few points Clippers they held to 103 tonight 105 against a very good offensively potent Thunder team so that’s when the Lakers I know they’re still under 500 we’re at the halfway point of the Season they’re 20 and 21 is that where they want to be absolutely

Not but when you see them clamp down defensively when they’re motivated and and they got the the right healthy bodies in there it’s a pretty impressive site and the rest of the league has to stand up and take notice they remember last year they remember last year how

They came out of the pit and they were able to defeat the Grizzlies and the Golden State War so they know they’re still a threat with LeBron and ad on this team you know who’s going to like that defensive performance let’s hear from Darin ham he’s speaking with Mike in the

Media hey Darin just wondered how you came about the the decision to go with the lineup how you thought they did first quarter especially fourth quarter closing uh and how you thought that was what was the key with that in this Victory against OKC um just wanted to uh put as much skill

On on and shot making on the floor around our two captains um and those five they’ve been pretty much our most consistent guys throughout the season thus far so just put them together and like I said for the foreseeable future that’s going to be our lineup baring any

Type of injury um and I thought it went well it’s a hell of a night a lot of contributions we talked about just you know everybody pouring into one another covering for one another helping each other be great on both sides of the ball and I think we saw tonight with that

Lineup then you have a lot of size coming in off the bench with wood and Vanderbuilt and ruy how do you figure out you know how to balance their minutes and what did you think of those three tonight well they all all three compliment each other all three were

Huge in us getting this win helping us get this win um cwood H big three has some big finishes at The Rim some big block uh big block shots uh V his energy his scrapping is able to switch off and you know Shay is a tough cover you know

There’s no one man that’s going to stop sh you have to run several people at him make him see different bodies um and then ruy you know just giving us that scoring punch Off the Bench that you know their their skill sets totally complement one another and uh compliment

Uh the starters who we put out there with them last year Darin you guys made a really big trade the the CH the team changed the Vibes changed you know we all kind of know what happened earlier today around Jared thought that that kind of reset could come again internally

Um how did he contribute to that tonight and did you see a different energy and a different I guess for lack of a better word vibe from your group on the court tonight totally um we got I just told him after the game I was extremely proud

Of the way we just moved on to the next play good bad indifferent um we couldn’t come up with some defensive rebounds there for a while we made some unfortunate turnovers but you know regardless of any of that we kept moving on to the next play and I thought we got

Stronger as the game got longer we threw some different coverages at them um and just van at the Forefront of that him playing in the passing Lanes I think he had finished with three Ste something like that um just just his activity on the ball off the ball some huge breakout

Baskets um you know just a total team effort and I agree with him wholeheartedly you know it people talk about trades and this and that and you know no one’s sugar coat anything thing you know you you have opportunity an opportunity to get better you’re going to take

Advantage of it but that said what we have in that locker room we just need to buckle down Focus take care of the details we have more than enough in that locker room to make some things happen and so I totally agree with Mando Darin you went away from that

Starting lineup earlier in the season obviously because it wasn’t working well how have you seen it evolve throughout cuz you’ve closed with that lineup before or have you seen that fiveman unit evolve to the point where you felt comfortable going back to starting with them and obviously they played a lot

Tonight I just think everyone giving their individual contributions I mean um both LJ and AD have an All-Star caliber years uh once again and um just trying to find the right mixture and you know injuries H haven’t helped at all you know just just different guys in and

Out of the lineup and it creates so much inconsistency so finally being able to have some healthy bodies out you know I be it cam is out but for the most part having ruy back um having V back getting his legs up under him really really

Really nice um max just an infusion of Youth and energy um andc wood you know him being a backup five just just him settling into that role I think everything the balance is you know tonight was an indicator of the balance that we’re starting that we hope to sustain

Um based you know really coming off a big this a huge win you know Columbus City one of the better teams not just in the Western Conference but in the league uh with an elite elite lead player in Shay so um it was great it was a great

Win to get it’s been tough but again like I told him yesterday we have a chance going forward just focusing on the business we have to take care of moving forward uh but just taking everything one day at a time Dar in a way um this starting line

Up prioritizes offense more so than the shift that you did um when you last time you guys played the Thunder that was more defensive oriented that said what does this group have to do other than take care of the basketball we know that CU that can put you in a compromising

Position on uh transition what does this team this group need to do starting group need to do to to maximize the the defensive expectations I just think you know doing your work early you know you you go to the basket if you turn it over

You miss a shot you got to be on to the next play and and and against everybody in this league now everyone can can dribble pass and shoot and put a ton of pressure on you in transition to start uh so just having a short memory you

Know and and getting back getting in position to help one another being great on the ball individually um the communication the activity behind the initial Defender the good team defense uh and then finishing the possession with a rebound um that that’s the biggest thing like putting bodies on bodies everybody gang

Rebounding and it was good you know they they got their fair share of uh offensive rebounds um but you know they took advantage you know they that those usually turn into threes and so um just doing a better job finishing we had a ton of great defensive possessions that

We just couldn’t quite come up with the defensive rebound so we’ll look at it on film tomorrow look at the turnovers see what we can tighten up but it was a ton a ton of good stuff that we did tonight against a really really good ball

Club um after the game in Utah ad said it was his fault the loss was on him which it really wasn’t but I’m curious as to your thoughts on for him to say that and also the way he responded and the way he played tonight just as care

Factors through the roof ad cares nothing about nothing except winning he wants to win you know he his skill set is Elite and it generates a lot of numbers and a lot of different stat lines um um but for the most part the main thing that matters the most to him

Is the win and getting the win and he’s really hard on himself and beats himself up sometimes and but you know trying to get him to snap out of it a little bit but he wants to be there for us in in in in the most you know competitive way and

Help just throw us on his back and carry us a lot and uh when he’s not when he’s feeling like he’s not doing that you know he’s really hard on himself but that’s why he is who he is though and But ultimately just him giving contributions night in and night out you

Know if he continues to go at this rate we’ll be just fine both he and Brian have been great this season just being available and available at at at the highest level thanks can you take that one off the thank still waiting on my invite do it right here yeah he can

Leave his he lik his I this could to be for both of you but with this starting lineup more offense and more creation out there yet tonight dowlo a couple steals Austin took a charge is it is it that also important to kind of focus on some of those things

When you have all the Firepower out there at once no you oh um you know this is the lineup that we started with this year and uh something that you know we feel comfortable with you’ve had had some chemistry together and you know we like what we can do with

This group um but it’s not just that it’s everybody on the team you know V was amazing tonight he only took two shots but impacted the game you know way more than you know what you know the stat she will show but yeah um let’s go

Man and then D’Angelo what what do you see as the things that you focus on the most with that particular group to start uh which you know it could be different with different units but what do you think about was playing with that specific group uh with that group I

Think it’s um forces you to play um highlevel basketball you know um I feel like you know we got to this Flow by just playing high level basketball in the first half and it carried over to the second half and um ending the third quarter carried over to a really good

Fourth quarter for us and um executing down the stretch all that started from just everything before we even got to that point so you guys both had very different views on 80s dunk on chat Austin you saw you kind of come off the bench ad or dowlo you threw the pass

Could you guys both kind of just take me through what you saw on that play this is crazy I never seen that honestly just get like how he dunked it it was impressive honestly um got to pass through um he did the rest it’s pretty impressive for for both of you please um

D’Angelo and Austin uh with with this starting lineup obviously we know we saw it earlier in the year Darin said he was going with a more defensiv minded group about a month ago we’re back to this what do you guys need to do as a fiveman unit to maximize your

Defense compete um you know trust one another and really just communicate um with that group we have a lot of guys that know how to play the game and know you know schemes cover CES but also know kind of how to um you know I don’t want

To say freestyle but if someone gets beat you know backside helps there you rotate um and really just have one another’s back um and like I said just compete yeah um you y’all were I’m here uh toar um I think just like he said I think our main thing is communicating um

A lot a lot of um our Miss tses on defense or from miscommunication and things like that just a bunch of I thought we was you know as an excuse um the more we can limit those I think the better we are uh with with that group with any group our defensive lineup

Still has those misls and and um it’s kind of contagious so for whatever groups out there just finding a way to be vocal as a unit I think it’ll it’ll translate well for us you guys are just coming off a two and three home stand you know before the Utah loss you guys

Going to have six games in Los Angeles now just is there an added desperation to you know I know you can’t completely turn things around just you know six games but to get to write the ship in that sense during this time uh in La before that long road trip these are

Huge games for us they all matter um this was a huge game for us to win tonight um and the next next few that are coming up big wins for us to get to just go into that road trip with with some Rhythm and flow yeah same thing um really good

Opponent tonight obviously they played a great brand of basketball and for us to get this win uh you know after coming off the loss is is huge and like DLo said that the next you know however many at home before we go on that road trip

If we can you know win those and have some momentum you know going into that road trip uh you know would be great y uh this question is for both of you we’re officially at the halfway point of the Season how would you assess the first 41 games the good and the

Bad um you know obviously record- wise we’re not where we want to be um you know I just talked last three years about you know obviously want to win every game which you know that’s not possible but um you know we’re still you know trying to figure out you know

Chemistry um you know what works with who um and things like that but we just got to you know speed that process up and um you know really just grind out wins but you know I think you know Dar was saying the other day we were in the same spot uh before this

Game as we were last year um so uh just got to be you know super locked in on every game you know here on out and just you know change things yeah I mean I think the regular seasons where you use um lineup changes and and just try

And plug and play and and just trying to figure it out that’s what you use the regular season for so for us um I wouldn’t say it’s too terrible you know um we we learned a a lot we we got better we had ups and downs um we had

Some good runs we lost a little bit you know by small errors that you know kind of added up but I think all in all I think we were solid and we learned a lot about what we got to do going up for this next uh this second half you know

To be able to compete with our record one and and to have an opportunity in the postseason last question me Austin D’Angelo what up baby what’s good what makes you guys so comfortable playing together I like him I mean I’m just a fan of them

I feel like I talk about this dude every time I do an interview um I’m just a fan of his game um to be to be next to him and and um see him just just be fiery competitor on the court is is contagious and and seeing him you know dominate the

Game in ways just with his competitive nature is it’s contagious as well so for me we golf together um he’s going to be on my podcast soon we going to do it really big um we hang out I’m a fan him and Trent those guys are good guys are

You a fan too Austin of his podcast yeah shout out to Backyard podcast no I mean yeah um you know like you said we golf together we spend you know quite a bit of time together here you know outside of basketball you know on the golf course and even on the road

Um playing um yeah he’s just a good person good good people to be around you know his people that’s with him’s good people so um you want to put you know as many people like that around you as you can and when it comes to basketball you

Know his skills unmatched um you know when he’s got the ball in his hands you feel comfortable with you know what he’s you know capable of doing and what he’s going to do um you know he plays the game at obviously a really high level

For I think seven years now but yeah uh I’m a fan too eight God we all couldn’t be one D appreciate good pinching the backyard podcast to LeBron scored 17 of his 25 points in the second half let’s go inside the locker room he’s with Gater uh before we get into the

Basketball game 21 years how special is it playing on a night like tonight when you honor Martin Luther King Jr I mean it’s always special um you know playing on MLK Day obviously um what that man um you know meant to society and what he

Means today is Legacy Liv on um you know I thought it was great seeing his family at the football game um earlier today that was dope seeing him during the coin toss that was pretty cool and um you know we always just try to be better as

Human beings I mean I think that’s what he’s always was you know preaching about how can we be better no matter the color no matter the race no matter the shape size whoever you are just you know how can we all be better you know and um you

Know I think he’s um he’s a figure and not only here in America but all over the world I think um his legacy lives on Long be Beyond him obviously you know as it continues to live on so you know to have a day like this and to be able to

Play um you know the sport that I love remember him at the same time uh acknowledge Him at the same time I think it’s pretty pretty pretty pretty cool appreciate those words as we focus on tonight’s game OKC good young team been on fire I know with you guys that starts

With defense how were you able to defend so successfully tonight shown some different looks also went into his own but it got you guys out in transition yeah they’re they’re very um Dynamic very challenging they they work your defense they make try to you know um you

Know between Jay will um you know obviously Shay head of the snake um Chad you know those guys just you know they always got you moving they always got you you know trying to close out they do a great job of getting into your paint

Um you know and also they can shoot the ball really well too but you know just try to change pitches we didn’t want to show them the same pitch tonight you know um and I think that that allowed us to kind of you know keep them a little

Bit off balance offensively but they’re still you know very very good team last one for me uh offensively when you guys play like this you’re really tough to beat six guys in double figures getting the impact guys from the bench but also just the the ball movement and the

Rhythm and flow yeah for sure I think um you know our you know our ball movement our pace is very key you know we try not to play late into the clock you know give oursel an opportunity to get really good looks I think um you know when we

Don’t turn the ball over and I know we had some late ones we had some ones that was unforced but you know we have high assist games where guys are feeling in the Rhythm you know that’s a pretty good game for us know so we got to try to

Look at that and try to be more consistent with that you started the season with this lineup starting lineup 41 games later after a bunch of twists and turns maybe a pregame head fake uh we’re back here uh what do you think uh needs to be done Darin said this could

Be the starting LP for the foreseeable future what do you guys as a fiveman unit need to do to maximize that group um obviously offensively when we want to share the ball um you know not turn the ball over um ad is always our Focus offensively getting him going early and

Often um and then defensively we have to be on the string and help one another so um we have to help ad rebound and uh you know when we do that you know um we can be a pretty good five fiveman lineup you guys have had nights where

You guys have defended um happen against the Clippers you guys have had nights where you’ve shared the ball happen against the Raptors to do it both on one night does this feel a little bit like proof of concept and I guess moving forward what do you think the the most

Important things are to to have this not just be a moment but to be something that you guys kind of are um I mean it’s an ingredient for us um in order for us to win and if we if we look at the film and see ways we we were really good

Offensively and defensively U we could try to apply that to the next game so um you know it’s all about that listening tobr last question up T hey how are you I noticed you high fiving the comp e a g l e s Eagles I’m sorry Taylor I the fight song had me going goad I’m sorry you’re good I noticed you high-fiving the Compton kids club the answer oh yeah for sure what did you think of their performance tonight uh performance was amazing um you know they set the they set the mood they set this

You know from from the beginning from the jump um I saw my daughter and every single one of those uh black girls walking um singing and being proud of what they was doing so you know gave it you know gave acknowledge what acknowledge was due you know respect

What respect was due they were they were amazing I I know I’m I’m usually you know you know in in unisc I mean un with my team sitting across the free throw line but they made me turn around and I watched them the whole time they were

They were doing what they doing so um they are amazing it’s was pretty cool to have them tonight some bitter Eagles fans even it in our ears uh balance scoring tonight as we mentioned six guys and double figur plus 20 inside 6444 uh paint production Darin mention mentioned that

He wanted to surround LeBron and Anthony Davis with as much skill and shot making as he goes back to that starting lineup from the beginning of the year would you like to see that continue you know what you got to go with what’s working and he’s tried several uh lineups I think

This one is promising because he started with it made some adjustments because Gabe went out they had some injuries some guys had to sacrifice they stumbled a little bit after the the mid-season tournament now he’s looking for something that can get him back to that and this has shown D’s emergence with

Reed back in there uh I I think this could work for them going forward no triple double but 2715 and five assists for ad in the win he’s with Gater before we get into the game uh how was how was yesterday for you watching the man you know it’s a great day

Um a lot of people down at us you know it’s we used to it you know I I want people to know that like when this whole NFL thing started like we started the winning whole thing you know championships first three it was the

Packers you know so go up to S FR get a nice another win um job’s not done job’s not done um any Eagles fans or Eagle players want to come and watch with me speak to the uh to the defense uh speaking of getting the job done tonight

For you guys yeah um you know anytime we play like that buckle down um obviously that’s a great team um know a lot of scores guys who can playm so um trying to get back in the win column you know first and foremost but you know we just

Buckled down a lot of communication a lot of talking um attention to the details and you know we was able to get the win how was that spark from V tonight Ru and sew coming off the bench great um you know you know ruy actually

Had a great game in Utah uh V you know was getting healthy and he’s playing you know like himself you know with the Steals and his defensive intensity yeah uh you know so it’s always good you know see wood coming in doing what he’s doing um making plays on both ends of the

Floor so uh those three guys definitely stepped up tonight this is the starting line for the foreseeable future that’s the way Darin described it LeBron said what you guys the group have to do is go through you defensively take care of the basketball and communicate sorry go through you

Offensively take care of the basketball communicate what are the ingredients do you see that five man unit to get the out of it yeah um I think we can score I mean you know myself Braun DLo a uh TP with a shooting ability I I think for us

Is just on the defensive end you know be able to play defense how we did tonight um it’s anybody uh if we put ours in position to win a lot of basketball games so uh the defense I think is most important and um we play off of that you

Whether it’s a transition or um playing through me playing through b playing through AR do whoever uh I think the defense is is what’s going to you know separate us and and get us more wins than losses how would you ass this team at point of the recular Season second um

Talk we haven’t been completely healthy I mean we’ve been in games uh a lot this year but uh we’ve been having a lot of injuries um which is always tough you know the times we were healthy uh completely healthy you know we play great basketball so we know what we can be

But uh I think we just got to you know get healthy fully healthy but I like I like our team um I like what we doing uh like what we did tonight we got continue on that path of what did you see on that yeah did you feel like that play

Lifted you guys got a little more energy uh yeah anytime uh any of us get a dunk like that um crowd reacts team reacts and kind of give us a little bit more energy but just attacking the r d though made a great pocket pass and uh want to go

Finish we tend to focus a lot on starters of course you’re going to get to the bench rotation after a couple minutes anyway but with that starting group there just isn’t as much raw size and rebounding next to you do you have to be more vocal at times or is that

Kind of understood whether’s Austin DLo Toran about you know having to play a little different no um actually uh um Austin is always and TP is also you know screaming that we all got to rebound you know help out so if uh you know with especially with that starting

Unit the guys come in and um you know then we get more size but with the starting unit um everybody just has to rebound um know we kind of you know up and down that department but uh just effort I mean you know um you

Know but guys talk about it that no we got to rebound you know and I kind of constantly remind them like if I’m go help for a shot block or anything like that you know you guys got to crack back on the big and you know box out so um

Constant communication but um I think we’re getting better at it what you SE what do you SE that last two uh he’s fresh I mean he’s been out for a little bit so uh you know he has fresh legs you know um know he’s playing with confidence obviously Ru is a big part

For us last year um and you know we just want him to get back to you know being himself uh sometimes he he goes out and overthink a little bit he wants to make the right play uh but like just be yourself just don’t think and just play

Basketball and uh he’s been doing that the last two games you know shooting the ball and attacking the basket you set what does that mean for you what does play um know building off this win got another team coming in uh Wednesday um no matter who’s playing they’re you

Know dominant team lcas been now they been winning games I think Tim here 42 and Kyrie 41 or something like that tonight so um you know like I but like I said I think it starts with us defensively you know making to make that

Push um you know we are got to be a team that’s defensive minded and when we are defensive minded and and show what we can do defensively on the floor uh we tend to win those games thanks ad Y and by the way ad I love you I went out on

Limp for you tonight you did a hell of a job but y’all job is done they about to lose to they losing to the 49ers I’m telling you that right now they lose to the 49ers he invited anyone over to his house to watch all the Eagles fans send

Me the address I’ll be there the address we’ll be there pburg still alive right no Pittsburgh’s gone they gone they gone now they gone big really huh really I I didn’t know I thought they were still alive I I didn’t watch he was you know with a few you know

Little he had a few drinks and M he was he was a Krypto he don’t know I don’t remember you see me over here you’re yelling at bre we’re coming in between the two of you and you set yourself up hey is Pittsburgh out bre y yeah they’re

Out oh it’s over oh yeah devastating oh big game I love you

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  1. I donโ€™t see what value Cam โ€œZeroโ€ Reddish brings to the table; when heโ€™s absent, look at what Lakers can do.

  2. Once Cam comes back to starting lineup, the losing will start again mark my words; he has brought nothing to the table; look how well Lakers played today without him

  3. lakers lebron dvis, reves, dlo, prince, rui vndo, wwood, be more agressive in every game, attacked the bsket, and you will wwin gmes

  4. This is why Rui should start and Cam Vandy and DLO should be with Second unit. This allows DLO to be ball dominant and efficiently in assisting and scoring

  5. Darvin Ham and LEBRON both have to be better. I'm not talking about Lebrons playing, I'm talking about him letting D Lo run point at times like he did with Kyrie. D Lo don't need to run point all the time but Bron needs to split the duty. Bron hasn't masteres playing off the ball. He doesn't like the extra movement and running at that age. We can be dominant if he does that though. We just need 1 more big and 1 more consistent shooter. I'll take Hayes, Cam and 2 second rounders for a legit big and shooter

  6. Being AT HOME had A LOT to with The Lakers WIN last night. Out of 40, how many wins have The Lakers won AWAY against teams ranked this high? ๐Ÿค”

  7. Today Laker win because OKC not shot high percent 3point.if They did.maybe the results coming out different, honestly Laker also played good today.i am no doubt about it, but will they keep up like that every night?

  8. 6 out of 7 home games and they are still under 500 lol. You wouldn't back them to win against the mavericks as they are too inconsistent

  9. I am happy for โ€œWโ€ but we need to do this on a consistent basis. If our identity is (defense), letโ€™s bring this every single game!! No DAY OFFโ€ฆ what ever happens at season, โ„น will accept it, as long as we stick with a committed game plan.. letโ€™s go Lake show, I luv ๐Ÿ’•my Lakers .

  10. I have nothing against James Worthy personally, but seeing him happy makes me wanna puke in my Froot Loops.

  11. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ Letโ€™s carry this momentum to take down the Mavericksโ€ผ๏ธ

  12. We heard all a that before. Capitaliza on yr defensive strength, n the offense will jell. The players know that, but for some strange reason r reluctant to do that consistently. We can beat anyone if we really want to, but do we?

  13. They didn't thought lakers can win last night…many counted u out…well done…it's a miss or hit league..keep pushing!!!

  14. 03:41 They didn't thought lakers can win last night…many counted u out…well done…it's a miss or hit league..keep pushing!!!

  15. Wonder why lebron wont speak about the Muslims being thrown in concentration camps in China on MLK day ๐Ÿ™ OH, itโ€™s because the white man told him to shut up and dribble

  16. Enjoyed the comedy bit with Reaves and Russell. Coach DLo gave his analysis while Austin sat there and giggled. Russell talking about playing high level basketball. Can't wait to see the glassy eyed Backyard Podcast.

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