@Philadelphia 76ers

Free Throw Merchant complainers need a new argument

Free Throw Merchant complainers need a new argument

by pickledelbow


  1. lukelionsword

    What is the NBA’s agenda for the kings though?😂

    Why are they getting that many favourable calls?😂

  2. Thegrandmistressofoz

    Do the playoffs where Boston averages 2 favorable L2M calls a game

  3. czaqattack

    Any idea how many of these errors translate to wins or losses?

  4. KobeDenver03

    When you’re 6’6 and the short fat guy pulls your arm down on a layup at the local park and calls it a clean play. That’s like 90% of NBA fans

  5. dumb_commenter

    This graphic’s +/- presentation is confusing

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