@San Antonio Spurs

Portland Trail Blazers vs San Antonio Spurs Live Play by Play & Reaction

Portland Trail Blazers vs San Antonio Spurs Live Play by Play & Reaction

What is up San Antonio Spurs fans Portland Trailblazers fans Wendy fans baby coyote fans welcome to TSR Sports Live play play Live reaction scoreboard game clock for tonight’s game with Portland tra Bladers are visiting a San Antonio Spurs who are on a home stand and both teams are not very good that

Being said hope we have a good game tonight I’m seeing in the chat that LCA donic dropped 73 and Devon Booker dropped 62 really making those 70 point games lately kind of less special and B just went off against 70 against us now Luca

Dropp in 73 I mean we had few 70 point games in the last few years wouldn’t shock me if we see 80 or 90 in the near future because as much as well all of us enjoy the NBA there’s just no defense anymore I mean come on the teams are

Just there’s no defense and very easy to get to the free throw line these days good evening Garrett Gabriel s 77 spur the moment super Gabriel what’s good uh it’s it’s Friday it’s the weekend so uh hopefully you’re not feeling like this hopefully you’re feeling a little more like this

I’d like to see the lions in a Super Bowl hurricane Megan they’ve never won a Super Bowl I don’t think they’ve ever even been to a Super Bowl at least not in my lifetime I’m pretty sure they’ve been to zero so I’d like to see Detroit in there not likely but anything is

Possible Any Given Sunday which actually is tomorrow oh actually not tomorrow sorry in two days Sunday and a lot of a lot of football games on so I’ll be watching I’ll be watching football on Sunday I’m doing well Gabriel thank you yes let’s beat Portland’s a for sure

Bobby Feb goes ver goes how we do it here J Jorge Su to you uh NBA as defense but not passion um I don’t know about the second part it’s not much defense though either the defense has changed a lot much like the NFL encouraging scoring because higher

Scoring is thought to bring in more fans more eyeballs it does but then it gets to a point where it just gets gets Ludicrous Speed where he just like all right everybody’s dropping 40 50 60 or 70 and that’s not I got to think people don’t

Want to see that happening all the time those should be special occasions when a player dropped 70 I mean for a long time it was David Robinson 71 in the 90s and then I think the next big explosion was koby’s 81 correct me if I’m wrong we like two

70 point games within what a 15-year span now we’re seeing 70o games dropped more more frequently two in the last week for crying out loud you feel punched by North but I hope you feel better man only 14 players in NBA history have 70 plus the game is just

Getting too good well I don’t know if the game’s getting too good the game is getting too easy for to score that’s my opinion though you feel feel for disagree Luka Don to 73 points tonight proves something is wrong with the N well Phil we’re just talking about there’s no

Defense I think Wy should go for 30 plus tonight why are the Spurs doing bad with Wy what do you mean Noah hi Ricardo man like that yes kokoso Luca donic went for 73 tonight 73 here’s what I think about the defense in the NBA these [Laughter]

Days because the refs that keep calling fouls they can do this be here all day NBA’s defense with players aren allowed to defend without fing well okay that’s fair there is defense but they’re very very limited it’s what they do they can’t hand check anymore I mean they’re just it’s very

Hands off and Shooters just have a lot of room to to do what they want to do and as we’ve seen in a lot of games you just get just a little Boop on you and you’re going to the free throw line Wen rookie they’re going to drop 87

Tonight that would be incredible the Spurs had a bad record why at they bad why are they bad with weny because the team is bad the team is much worse than we thought it was going into the season they have so many inconsistent players and they’re just not getting production

Out of everybody on any given night and with this young team they need everybody to be firing all cylinders and if we’re a V8 only half of the cylinders are running on most nights which means the engine’s running poorly which means we’re not going to win games that’s a

Weird analogy but that’s what I went with penalty cuber good evening to you Eagle land Spurs Washington guy yes that is really his laugh that’s not mean making a a fake sound clip of quiet Leonard that is his actual laugh which makes it even better uh Arium I

Don’t I don’t even know that’s a thing so I I have nothing there deti was guarding Luca and got torch wow kokoso I think we could see 1001 in the next few years definitely definitely goofball laugh I here here it is again for you [Laughter] that’s legit that is legit I think that

Was the first time we ever really heard that laugh with the Raptors in that press conference he’s a goofball you know my girlfriend watched some of the old HB commercials with me a few uh few weeks ago maybe a month ago and she’s like man I like Hawaii I know that some you

Guys don’t but I do she got a kick out of his HB commercials he you know he just kind of played stupid and he was funny as too bad thing just kind of fell apart the way they did between San Antonio and him because he was a great

Player for us an elite two-way player and uh obviously things didn’t work out yeah Daniel Barry I saw that I saw that that is I mean how many guys are averaging over 30 a game this year six five or six averaging 30 a game used to be special I

Mean you could lead except for Jordan who was scoring 30 a game in a whole ton of seasons people led the NBA with 28 points per game 29 points per game I think Jordan even led the NBA in scoring a 29 a clip one year it’s just the game

Has changed a lot it is what it is um you I still enjoy the game I wish there was less three-point shooting and I do wish they let the guys play more more contact and not just blowing whistles all the time it’s it’s it’s changed the game and

The game is it depends on your stance the game is either evolved or it is devolved I think there are parts of the game that have gotten better I also think there are parts of the game that have gotten worse that being said it’s not going to change my love for the San

Antonio Spurs so I guess it’s a moot point I can sit here complain about what’s better what’s not better I’m still going to be watching the Spurs and it’s going to be go Spurs go either way the Spurs can win tonight and they got a back toback tomorrow we’re playing

I think the Timberwolves of course we’ll be live for that game Miss TSR will be with me for that one and then we have four games against next four games again next week with another back toback the Spurs are killing me with the schedule D

Tonight 7310 and 7 25 of 3 20 think about that 25 of 33 now eight of 13 for Beyond The Arc that’s him just making his shots but he also went to the free throw line 16 times but man 25 out of 33 that is a ridiculously high percentage for that volume of

Shooting I did too all right I thought he would I don’t if I would say only 16 free throws that is a lot can we safely say that the most NBA fans want NBA franchise back I would like the Seattle Super Sonics come back Joshua Devol and yes penalty C were very much

The curry effect with the three-point shooting RDM I mean 100 I mean we’re seeing guys drop 73 and 7070 in the last week but as high is 73 and 70 is that is still a long way from 100 so I don’t think we’re going to see the 100 get

Broken and Kobe’s the closest with 81 I I I I doubt it but I think we may see a player get into the 880s again Tycoon I hope so I really hope so NBA needs to get rid of touch fouls allow hand cheing and limit teams to I don’t think they

Should limit to three-point shots because that’s limiting what an offense can do what if you what if you’re on fire as a team and you’re five for five then you can’t shoot anymore but I do agree they should get rid of touch files that was probably the worst thing to happen the

NBA is just a really light touchy Ticky tack fouls I don’t think they’re going to all hand checking again but I would at least get rid of the touch fils oh uh Carlos the NBA some people think some things have gotten better some people think that some things have gotten worse

I kind of stand in the middle of that they pay these guys so much money today they have to be treated like they’re made out of glass well that’s fair uh they are better offensively but they also we can we it’s it’s going to be an opinion in the

End but scoring is considerably up ah whatever I mean we’re all Spurs fans most of us I’m sure maybe a blazer fan here there all right time for some wemy Dunkey is he going to play Above 28 minutes tonight with a backtack I don’t think so I have a feeling he’s going to

Play around 25 tonight and I believe the back-to-back restrictions been lifted which means probably around 25 tomorrow doy good evening to you good evening Odyssey I Ian good evening to you from the Philippines I guess it’ be good morning apples and Banas I agree they’re not going to go back to

The rules RDM of those that that era I think we really started to see the rule shift change with the palace the the malice and the palace that was a bad look for the NBA and that’s when they started to make I don’t want to say make

The game softer but they wanted it to be less physical because they didn’t want something like that to happen again I’ve read a lot that that was a big influence on the NBA changing the rules the mouth of the palace that was Detroit and Indiana the huge brawl that

Went up into the Sands and seeing it when it happened it was like wow that’s I mean it was not cool but it was cool cuz it was so out there wow Trey Jones shoes are speaking of out there they’re out there um yeah all right we got

Walker Grant Aon thall and Simons in the lineup so Malcolm brog is out I did see that no uh no Brogden for me tonight C penny so and W AEL Trey Jones is back so he is removes a three-pointer de PES scores First Watch okay switch play I I’d be fine with rid

Of the Thunder and bring in the the Seattle superponics back but that’s not or not getting rid of the Thunder morphing the Thunder back into Seattle but that would be fair for Oklahoma City fans and players on the court and away we go Trey Jones is back Wy for 70 Wy for

60 uh he’s not going to have the minutes I mean for one me for him to drop 60 points he’s going to need at least 35 minutes you would think I don’t think he’ll ever get the minutes to do that but Spurs doing the jump ball this is in San Antonio if you

Haven’t hit the thumbs up please do to fast fast refund and delicious and it does help the channel 30 minutes a game okay we’ll take it yes he is son of Scar yes he is well spur turn the ball over on the first possession because Spurs I mean you know Simons the

Ball gets to over to Aon and pull up jumper good Portland on the ball uh on the board first Jonathan I don’t know if we’re going to have any trades the trade deadline is two weeks away Trey Jones for three no wy’s put back no Wy with the offensive board

Again and a foul on Portland yes please don’t spoil in the chat so if you’re watching which I appreciate that you are if you’re watching uh yourself at home on NBA TV please don’t put anything into the chat until I actually announce that it happened because I’m probably going to

Be a little behind you depending on what streaming device you’re using especially if you’re watching on cable I know I’m going to be behind you Mel’s going to pull up for three didn’t get it somebody in the chat was saying Mel would get the first bucket he had his chance there did

Not make it Zack 30 minutes uh 30 minute restriction apparently and yes David Robinson is the last player to have a quadruple double in the NBA he went for 34 10 10 and 10 what I didn’t realize is when he did that is he has the highest score out of

Anybody that’s ever gotten a triple double as Grant gets in the paint and gets the jumper what I mean by is who has scored the most points with a triple double it’s actually our guy David Robinson uh yes RDM they should hire me oh was that champen with the

Clanker here we go three three don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t in penalty CU I could see one of those bets getting traded we’re not going to get a lot for him at all we’re not going to pay a lot for this Muffler the C going to start your drive

Gets in the paint and throws it down and one well whoever said demell is getting the first bucket there you go under dunk of Justice all right good job Deon maybe I should put some points on the San Antonio scoreboard huh uh hurricane Megan I think he’s

Going to start I’m hearing from the chat he’s on a 30 minute restriction now so he’s his minutes are going to increase from where they’ve been he was on about a 20 he missed free throw so with the offensive Board gets about to Deon for three misses the

Three well I would have preferred a closer shot to the rim but wheny apparently is allowed to play 30 minutes a game now I just don’t know if he’s allowed to play backto backs I.E if he can play tonight and tomorrow no idea SIM for three swish

Well penalty cuber I mean and be did Dro 70 on us so they’re going to they’re going to focus on that so drives in the paint he throws it down under dunk of Justice all our points are off dunks you know what I’m good with that just keep just keep dunking just keep

Dunking Jeremy Grant with the ball out three-point L guarded by the soan drops it off to Anthony Simons down the shot clock back to Grant Grant’s going to drive and gets to layup nine to four Portland uh was Portland the underdog by five uh Tony I don’t I’m not a gambler

So I have no I got nothing there Bell with the catch and shoot three all right 100% on twoes not zero anymore Joshua we just made our first three 9 to7 this is a very winable game for the Spurs tomorrow night’s game much much less winnable and Wy would a block on

Grant it’s going to be poked out of bounds and that should be Spurs ball when first block in the night would she be the best of the worst teams yeah sure I can go for that I mean you got to think players at some point you gotta just not stand

Right in front of Wy and try to shoot it over him and speaking of Wy he turns the ball over probably the biggest uh one of well we’ve talked about on the channel W gets transition catches up and gets another block all right well Trey Jones for three we made

It all right that’s got the Spurs crowd fire up in San Antonio what I was going to say is the two biggest things he’s got to work on less turnovers and less three-point shots but that being said that was a very impressive block and transition getting down to the defensive

End in time two blocks already in the first three and a half minutes of the game Simons for three oh he’s feeling it tonight that pass was a dookie Trey Jones in the paint nice pass to champeny champen is goingon to get in there get the layup if Julian champen

Scoring Spurs have a chance come on beat Portland damn it another pull up three for the Trailblazers no good knocked out of bounds that was Simon that leave and it’s going to be Spurs ball uh he looked good against he looked good against OKC old man problem is the

Rest of the team played like poop uh Billy be if that’s true uh I hope you never have it again and you don’t have to beat it again 12 ball and it is Spurs ball weny leading the league and blocks 3.18 a game Lopez number two at

2.86 and Kessler at 2.68 so when got a sizable lead so’s going to take a corner three nope history Point shooting lately has been not the best Roy G is a good even to oh you didn’t know Portland ball Grant will throw it right into the hands

Of Trey Jones the Spurs got a fast break aliot to Wendy Bo Shakara under dunk of Justice Sean ellott just called it and I saw too Wendy was held on The Fast Break somebody actually grabbed his jersey I don’t think the refs saw it but yeah Grant actually grabbed his jersey

What the hell Grant what are you six what was that did anybody else see that Jeremy Grant actually grabbed his jersey Webby was running on the fast break can’t do that that’s a veteran move grabbing the Jersey it’s it’s something I guess well you know who’s happy about that fast break dunk baby

Coyote baby coyote yeah one he better not be coming out after four minutes and 33 seconds it’s your boy Rico good evening to you you ain’t shooting you ain’t trying 8 good rest in peace man he’s been gone a long time hasn’t he when did Eddie pass away

And is what is the anniversary of Kobe’s passing is it was it this month is it like today I don’t know but I feel like it’s around this time frame Tony got Portland plus seven beas I will never argue that and yes that second block was amazing

Kokoso he really got in there and swatted that thing out of there Adra I’ve always got a delay well you’re going to have a delay for a couple reasons one YouTube latency there’s always going to be a delay there’s a a setting I can do that

Can have less latency but you guys might get a crap ton more buffering so I don’t want to do that so I keep it at you know in the middle the balanced latency if you will and I’m also streaming this on the NBA app on my Roku and when you’re

Streaming Sports you’re always going to behind somebody that’s watching it on cable or their local local channel uh as far as speed goes over the air cable and then streaming because when I watch let’s say a football game on Fox on HD over the A and I’m watching with somebody

Else that’s Lego friend of mine has Comcast I was a full play ahead of him every time so I just and I can’t pause live TV I can’t pause actual live TV when it’s going over the air so that’s I mean it it is what it

Is sure is is it so 26 is today gosh was it 2020 passed away so was it was it today January 26 2020 four years today in a very orx move papovich fired former coach Spurs 1996 he was a general manager and vice president of basketball

Offer at time and Nam the a decision name himself head coach yes he did yes he did wow today anniversary was uh today for Kobe I you know I thought it might have been obviously wasn’t 100% sure since I was asking you guys RH the way the NBA is going yes Wendy

Will score 70 points at some point in his career he is still in the game by the way Pap has not yanked him yet I he’s a good yanking what 1412 Spurs are up 711 to go in the first quarter Jeremy Grant pull up Jay

Off the rim no good champ peny with the rebound and then almost has his pocket picketed was able to keep keep a handle on the ball we’ll bring it up the court and we’ll drop it off to the soan Jeremy drives in the paint and he’ll up the layup and it’s

Good SS by four good evening Leo uh son of Scar I don’t believe scoot henerson is out he’s not starting for the Blazers but I believe he’s he’s good to go tonight if I’m wrong my apologies Ty’s going to drive in the paint and pass it right to Julian

Champeny he’s not on your team matis another turnover for the Blazers and they’re having a few turnovers tonight so gets the ball to Wy wemy starts to drive into the paint turn around spin around layup is no good man his length just enables him to do things that other people can’t he

Does get fou he’s going to go to line for two I think I was more in shock than anything Toby good evening to you when that happened um I’m sure for most of us when you hear that we just heard the news I mean I don’t know I don’t know I mean I’m

Thinking like you know when when he passed but then it just starts thinking in the last few years a lot of over the past decade you know family members I’ve lost and and how that that hit you and just I started not thinking about always start thinking my own personal loss so

I’m sorry I got I got all sorts of loss Pro Bowl is the NFL it means nothing it’s like the the NBA All-Star Game or the baseball Major League Baseball allstar game it literally means nothing uh I don’t think they can’t even fully tackle it’s a joke I haven’t watched it

In decades for those of you that enjoy it not knocking yet if you enjoy it that’s great for me personally I I don’t care about the Pro Bowl and you think I would because Eli Manning I believe is a coach with his brother Wy with four points three rebounds two

Blocks and he’s still in the game I think Kellen has checked in for the Spurs yes he has so is Blake Wesley Wesley officially the backup point guard it seems for San Antonio now and I like it Jamie dur G to you yeah well if you get earn the Pro Bowl I

Mean that would be that would be a nightmare speaking of Blake Wesley he gets the foul on Anthony Simon just as I was praising him PR it’s going well I’m doing pretty good I got something coming in Amazon that’s going to help me shoot the Wy in

The name of video hopefully this weekend I am really excited for you guys to hear the song hopefully next week I love how it came out and I I’ve said this before my girlfriend’s not a metal fan and she liked how it came out so that says I did

Something right I did say that Toby I did said could use a good yanking yanking is sling for shoulder rub my shoulder sore I could use a good yank right here just nice good long slow yank right there 1814 6 minutes to go Spurs are up by for Blake Wesley way out in

Three-point land 10 on the shot clock gets it over to Devon Zack I shoot airball I shoot threes far too often can’t make Collins is also in there for the Spurs that is a really long nickname I see fans have really really not happy with the Zach Collins

Contract extension with the way he’s been playing which I get it now we’re have foul on the Spurs uh monstro investigate good evening to you good evening nice long yank what did I walk into well you you but the TSR Sports where anything can happen good evening Cowboy

Xfactor Simon’s at the line the Spurs got hit with the maybe an illegal defense or some kind of technical Luca did go off for that’s right Kor you’re a Mavericks fan so congratulations that was a huge game 1815 we got a three-point game in San Antonio tonight it is Blazers

W and we’re going to have a Mis dunk by camera but he gets fouled he’s going to go to line for two let’s get a quick dub hoping for better than the OK Gregor that OKC game was tough to watch the score was tough to watch wemy

Versus chat chmi that was a lot of fun I don’t think there’s any bad blood between the guys but they definitely are are going to have I think a nice little rivalry over the next decade or so first free throws good 1816 I just can’t take all the Zack

Collins threes I can live with or anything else yeah Edgar when he’s out there shooting five threes and missing them all that’s a little rough I David I haven’t watched the new Spurs HB commercials come to think of it I have not I keep forgetting wman Grandma’s 87 he’s not

Going to get enough minutes so drives in the paint throws it off the glass and good no they couldn’t Gregory Simons with the ball out three-point land a little over five minutes to go Spurs up 20 to 17 get the ball to grant grant gets double teamed kicked out open three three-point shot

Yep well when you leave Guys open for three guess what they’re going to hit the three now scoot Henderson for three did scoop cut his hair or is he got it he’s got does he have it like I can’t see what’s happening he gotta B I can’t see what’s happen when

Scoot Henderson’s hair because he had a he has a BRI Moss right there I’ll tell you he’s going to win the team that scores the most points I guarantee is going to win the game 2020 Zack Collins at the line for two and the first one’s going to bounce and

Bounce and bounce and bounce and finally go in I’m glad to see Blake is one playing that he’s playing stop right there see BL was he playing period he’s much better defensively than Malachi brandham offensively he has his ups and downs I think sson has his hair down tonight

Toally threw me off because I saw the z z and I’m like wait a minute I was looking for you know the big moss but no no big Randy Moss tonight gr for three no good offensive Bo or sorry Kell gets the loose ball Spurs on the Run Wesley

Will bring it up for San Antonio and will reset the offense out to Vel Deon into the paint stops pops misses the shot Kell put back no good Kell with the ball again put back again no good Jeremy flies in through the air and hangs on an

Empty rim okay that was ugly on all counts and Kamar just dries in the paint between a bunch of Spurs and gets the layup tied it up at 22 thank you for H the like David make sure youall hit the like for me please I would appreciate it it’s the only thing

We’ll ask for on this channel it is Spurs ball tied game seven on the shot clock Kell out three-point Lane gets it back to Jeremy Jeremy’s going to start to drive spins around stops and we’ll just force a jumper and misses the shot I’m rooting for Jeremy

Hard well Anthony Simon Just launches a three and Jan drains of three this is on NBA TV by the way tonight my friend if you have NBA TV well you can watch along there which team is being Champion neither one of these teams are going to be a

Champion uh Christian Jose Zack Collins is a liability on defense he’s not a great rim protector he’s a horrible rebounder for somebody his height he’s a stretch five well when he’s not making buckets he’s not helping us defensively unfortunately we have a lot of players like that where if they’re not

Contributing on one end of the Court then they’re just a liability because they’re not they’re not going to end the court Veron if you’re still in there oh you’re right there hope you’re feeling better but douge mcbuckets Doug MC derit is an example he is not a good Defender

When he’s hitting his three-point shots he’s a valuable asset he moves great off the ball keeps his Defenders chasing him but if his shots aren’t going in with his defensive liability he becomes a total liability on the court kind of like former San Antonio Spur Legend

Brenn Forbes when he was in Hing shots he was a complete liability on the court so we’ve we’ve had a lot of those type of players over the years where they couldn’t play both ends they could only play one end one end wasn’t going then the spars weren’t

Going he does have the athleticism but he just hasn’t put it together greetings from my semi on tx-59 coming up not Donald good evening to you I don’t think Zach’s the worst defensive big and yes I did say San Antonio Spurs Legend Bren Forbes or as my man Carlos shunter in

The chat calls him brim something because he never could remember his last name I’m covering my ear I you obviously being sarcastic when I say Bren Forbes the legend because the real leg Legend is former San Antonio Spur Maris Chris you might be saying who well he

Actually never played a game with the team he was traded from the Warriors and then we ended up waving them like the next day yep some oh there it is something Forbes that’s what you called them something Forbes you could remember his first name uh GM Forbes was a Turn Style on

Defense what the hell am I watching I just saw devel with green hair and Jeremy son eating a burger is this a HB commercial or are they filming is this behind the scenes for an HB commercial this might be a behind the scenes we’ve been bad for a long time Bren

Forbes think about that Bren Forbes was a starter when this channel started I believe we started our Channel and I I mean when I say we TSR Sports we started in April of 2019 I think Forbes was a starter that year we started the channel gosh now I

Got to go look uh wemy is not in if you look on the right uh reim if you can see it the players are on the court on the right side of your screen Blazers are up 2522 the Spurs are in the bonus 3 minutes 20 seconds to go K’s going to

Dry in the paint throws it off the glass and in these last five years have flown by yes they have you call them suck Collins Jonathan is that what we’re going for Kamar gets in the this what this Kamar dude is killing us gets in the

Paint throws it up off the glass three minutes to go 2724 RDM with the $5 Super Chat let’s see what he says if you could insert a six of the Year from the past in their Prim to play for the Spurs who are you picking up insert a six of the Year from

The past like a six man uh I mean jobi would certainly be great and I just turn back and Simons hits a three again so we’re talking six as in six man uh take Noy why not bring him back Kell thinks about a three pulls it down dries in the paint

The floater is going to bounce off the rim the put back is no good gets another K another rebound we get the Collins 10 on the shot clock thank you for the Super Chat by the way appreciate the support my thing is not on live chat

It’s on top chat as Wesley’s going to fly the paint and he gets blocked now that’s something we see Blake Wesley do all the time I think I can end the poll now it’s been up for about 40 minutes uh Zack are you talking about Kon tibo saying the Spurs should have

Signed Markley instead of Jones I did I didn’t see it until tonight and at that point it was way too late to do a video on it as Lonnie Walker heard he’s not on our team let Lonnie Walker’s gone unless you’re talking about another Walker Walker Texas Ranger he’s right

Here Spurs ball in the turnover Wesley’s going to takeen and he missed the dunk oh oh man Blake no Blake Shaq is an idiot I like Shaq s jbg but his bble and Wy takes are awful absolutely awful Blake come on man no I’ve I’ve I’ve been praising you all year and how

You’re finishing much better at the rim and now you missed the layup tonight and you just missed a dunk SC Henderson’s at the line for one jeez like yeah I saw he keep saying Bobo and W Bobo can do whatever Wy does and I’m just like seriously Shaq like what what are you

Doing so you guys think Wy will score between 21 and 29 all right thanks for voting it is Blazer’s ball they’re up by seven man when one’s n on the court this team defensively and offensively just Kamar drives in the paint throws it up tough shot no good Kelvin Johnson

With the rebound he’ll get it up to ched Osman Osman over to Blake Wesley Wesley in the paint reverse layup roll off the rim oh my God what in the hell is happening to Blake Wiley nothing he’s not getting in any breaks at The Rim my best ringless player and you

Could put John Stockon Carl Malone Charles Barkley there’s a long list of guys I never want to ring I’m just thinking of the 90s guys off the top of my head I’m sure there’s a lot of other players that aren’t coming to mind um I think George ger never won a ring

Did he guys trade resley for I could go for bag of Doritos we are terrible without Wy Patrick Ying that’s a good one Steve Nash Jack calls Bobo lazy as in victor one comparison awful an just pick one oh I was just throwing some names out Allen Iverson practice

Gerin never one Dominique Wilkins I can’t just leave it to one there’s so many great players Blake Wesley’s terrible offense but he has lots of speed maybe a little too fast he is young white chocolate tmac uh didn’t tmac get a ring with us Adrian or was he here the year

Before he didn’t play at all but he was on the roster kind of convin to without Wy this team would have zero wins Garrett uh yeah you know uh we hope we’d have zero but maybe only two or three Grant Hill so player to never win a championship ship that is

Tough if I had to isolate one I don’t I don’t know if I could pick this one he lost okay he was on the losing team that’s right the the r finals okay the greatest player to never win an NBA championship hands down Luca salonic there there’s my boat The Sandwich Master

Himself good evening Cash blue h no James I don’t think he’s going to not at all Spurs want a challenge first possession we want a challenge if Brin Forbes didn’t get a championship with the Milwaukee Bucks then he would easily be the greatest player to not get a championship but he

Got the ring so I can’t put him on that list supposedly wey’s minutes are going up but it doesn’t feel like it does it uh RAF Rafiki gez these guys are bad this is an indictment on the Scout shwan you know Jacob why me had a good start but

He’s on the bench right now somebody was uh one of you was asking me on the Twitter CU that you know you guys can message me on the Twitter why which why I have my handle up there I don’t I know some channels charge you know you have to have a p a

Patreon or membership or whatever to actually talk to the content creator you talk to me for free I’m not I will never charge anything for that um that being said somebody was speaking with me and gosh what were we talking about oh we’re talking about the draft history from Brian Wright and

You know aside from the wemy pick we haven’t really had a hit I like that myself but he’s not really progressed the way I thought he was going to Primo pick was gone awful cins for three hey guess what happened he missed it Ball’s going to go out of

Bounds and it’s going to be Blazer’s ball I can’t believe we’re down by seven why not Jack good evening to you I thought he heard 30 Gregory in the chat you want war building uh I don’t know I mean I like our guys but nobody’s shown me that they’re the guy yet

Besides Wy Blake almost with a seal Bladers get the ball back Anthony Simons way out in three-point land and on the shot clock starts to work on Blake just launches a three real quick that’s an air ball and the putback is Jabari Walker nice nice defense by Blake bu day

I guess kawhai would be the last good acquisition but he was not drafted by the San Antonio Spurs that was a trade that night 3124 Spurs ball Kell’s going to drive in the paint get some contact throws it up off the Glasco and Kell’s actually playing pretty well

Tonight he’s been very aggressive which he hadn’t been as of late getting a lot of rebounds but attacking the rim the Kell that I’d like to see not not the herob ball stuff that some people accuse him of just you know attacking the rim and now foul on the

Spurs we out two free throws coming up Collins does miss a lot Jawan he does need I you know Gregory I I see what you mean but if we’re being if we’re being presenting just the facts then he was not and to you Garrett Blake does play hard on defense and Joshua

I I feel like I’m guilty of this sco Henderson’s at the line for two by the way he has his hair down which is why he looks so different to me tonight he um Brian wri I don’t think he’s done a terrible job drafting but I think part of the

Problem is at least for me personally and I’m probably not alone on this I overrated our talent was it with the half court three no good I think I expected too much out of players like Helen Johnson Dan Vel I mean this last year a lot of Spurs fans

On this channel are coming Vel you know Allstar Allstar didn’t happen with the injury in the this year like velus an All-Star this year he’s not gotten to that level at all um he’s nowhere near being an All-Star in the league defensively I thought he was going to

Be an all NBA Defensive type of player not happened yet and offensively I like a lot of things I see but he’s he’s like a lot of our guys inconsistent you never know what you’re going to get any given night I got to change the quarter first

Quarter over and the Spurs are losing to the Blazers Malai lost his spot to Blake Wesley for the time being qu was second with 15th overall pick in the 2011 NBA draft by the Indiana Pacers trade that night to the San Antonio Spurs yes they did they took

Lonnie Walker ahead of guys like Anthony Simon J Brunson Grayson Allen I mean if you look at our roster we took demel ahead of Tyrese halberton I believe we had dejur at the time but still we took uh Jeremy soan above in front of Jaylen durran we

Took Joshua Primo over I believe Alper shenon who’s been absolutely a monster so Nei there’s but you can do that with every NBA team because hindsight’s very easy it’s 2020 you can say well that pi turned out great you didn’t know that pick was going to turn out great Tony

Parker was a late first round pick teams didn’t know he was going to turn into a Hall of Fame right mono jov was a second round pick Nicole yic the best player in the NBA right now was a second round pick how many we pass up on how many

Teams P passed up on Nicole joic and then he ends up being if not the best arguably the best player in the NBA well I would I would agree with that none of his picks have really hit yet except for when which was the obvious one Lonnie Walker Josh Primo s guys that

Aren’t even on the team two which are lottery picks uh Prim was a lottery pick who was the other lottery pick was was mon wasn’t a lottery pick was he son was drafted 19 I believe in 2019 and Walker I thought was a late first round pick I missing something I think George

Hill was part of the deal jbg I couldn’t remember his names so thank you did we have 13 free throw thr in the first quarter good grief well well yes if they didn’t draft one me that was it Lon was 18th all right so start off the game with a turnover it

Took two minutes and 35 seconds for Victor to touch the ball he was so mad he got two blocks and forc himself to get the ball and shot free throws yeah he did Brian wght odysse see we need Wy needs his his Robin wem’s clearly our Batman

I like Devon I think Devon’s better as a third option in the offense than the second option I think we still need that that other guy scoot Henderson with a pullup jumper no good W with three gets it out to Osman on The Fast Break ch’s gonna take

It in and he’ll throw it up and in 3320 and one man I don’t know like why I don’t like soan like you you you don’t have to Carlos here’s here’s what’s fair for whoever you know you’re not a big fan of Jeremy San you know I’m not a big fan of

LeBron James but is what it is just some players you don’t you just don’t like I don’t hate LeBron I don’t think you hate soan just some guys maybe there’s something about him something about their game something they said whatever it may be they just not a

Fan if I this is a very wable game I don’t want to see us lose tonight yeah Joshua those days do feel a little bit uh feel like yeah made the free throw 3329 what do you mean by sell 140 Donald I’m not sure what you mean spur the moment our team is

Inconsistent it’s not just Jeremy soan the whole team is do not buy me a Red Sox jersey no no no because it wouldn’t be for me I’ll just give it to miss TSR because she’s a Red Sox fan so you’re you’ll be buying Miss TSR Worth to Red Sox jersey and if

You’re buying my size should be like a night on her Anthony Sim the ball drives in the paint checks it out three-point attempt at the buzzer is no good by I don’t know who that was but dup reath gets the ball and puts it

Back Spurs Tred to get to Wy on the down a transition because sometimes he takes off and could not do it turnover four San Antonio six-point game and the layup is missed by Jabari Walker Jabron Walker on that layup wh just going to take the the one the

Onelegged running three did not make it get him a Big Poppy Jersey you guys know I’m a Yankees fan right which is probably why you’re saying all that 3529 Oney uh ran up and took off one foot and the running uh three-point attempt it did not go in not necessarily

The shot we’re looking for there and Simons gets rejected Spurs on The Fast Break cheddy Osman in the paint throws it up to Wy who my goodness and one oh man oh under dunk of Justice oh my Lanta that was beautiful Osman running the break sees Wy trailing

Throws it up Wy one-handed finishes it off and gets foul you can’t stop his dunks man and if you fou you might stop stop it obviously 3531 one me have bad intentions on that one at the line for one made it ah big pop your Pedro

Uh I’m not I don’t want who’s your daddy so I’ll take I guess David Ortiz and now another steal Osman leading the break gets in the paint throws up the layup good Spurs down by one getting some momentum do we have a timeout we have a timeout for the Blazers there we go

Cheddy playing some playing some B tonight Manny Ramirez Jersey you know what there’s one Red Sox jersey I would take you can get me a Babe Ruth Red Sox Jersey Cash blue I don’t think either’s on the trading block but you never know you really never know we’re in a Timeout right now

And the Spurs are down by one I want to check the record of the Blazers because well I want to check the record of the Blazers I feel like they’re not that much better than us but I could be wrong because we we are we are pretty bad Spurs fans this year

Let’s be honest uh Portland is the second worst team in the Western Conference the Spurs are eight and hurts me to say this the Spurs are 8 and 36 the Blazers are 13 and 31 so we have a chance at the second worst team one look at the standings

There’s bad news on the standings and I haven’t done a video on this yet but maybe will at some point the worst teams in the NBA from worst and up the Pistons are the worst team the Wizards are the second worst Spurs right now are the

Third worst which is a good spot for us to be in historically the Charlotte Hornets are the fourth worst so goodbye to their lottery pick we knew we weren’t getting that the Portland Trailblazers are the fifth worst and unfortunately with them trading a lot of the roster

Away on a four game losing streak in 2 and eight in the last 10 games the Toronto Raptors are the sixth worth team that is important if you’re San Antonio first fan we have their first round pick in this draft this year but it is Lottery protected now I believe that conve into

A protective first round pick in the next year I don’t know the actual details of that trade if I’m wrong please let us know in the chat next year’s draft when I understand is deeper than this year’s draft so if that’s the case maybe we don’t want that pick this

Year and we’d rather have it next year so that actually could be a blessing in disguise even though you know you see a lottery pick you’re like man I want the lottery pick now how about you know now now instead of then which will be soon but maybe it’d be better if that

Pick is delayed into next year of course if Toronto sucks again next year and that’s a lottery you know a top six protected and then it might not convey again and roll over again I don’t know how many times that pick rolls over I think the the Hornets pick rolls over

Into a second round pick I’m not sure the Hornets have just been just continuing to stay awful I mean we’re bad I can admit we’re bad but the Hornets have just been like the Pistons just just just bad bad bad top six protect every three years thank you Lance top six protect

Every three years okay that was a good prade the yaka trade was good and yes Mez that that Raptor’s pick is top six protected this draft is pretty shallow next year’s we okay so maybe it would be a good thing if that pick does not convey this year and rolls over to next

Year oh Victor starting off good definitely good we’re getting close to 100 thumbs up my friends if you have not hit the thumbs up please do so it does help the channel it’s the only thing we’ll ask ask for on this channel is a thumbs up Trey Jones with the steal Spurs on

Gets it up to cheddy Osman threw that one a little too far Spurs do keep the ball under under control Wy saveing the ball or ched saving the ball to Wendy Trey Jones drives in the layup throws up drives in the paint throws up the layup can’t get it Spurs with seven steals

Already tonight wow seven steals for San ant and a corner three is no good as Spurs ball cheddy will get it up to D mcit quick catch and shoot three off the rim no good Ball’s going to get knocked out of bounds and it will be Blazer’s

Ball DeAndre for Jeremy S no I I’m rooting for Jeremy Gregor it’s all good it’s all good man thank you nothing to be ashamed of nine minutes and change to go Spurs down by one and Bs with a lot of steals tonight already it is Blazer’s

Ball and J Bron Walker is gonna get fouled what trade what port what trade would Portland oh a for no I that was Happ August 3rd 2023 it was announced that Frost Bank would be the arena sponsor that is a fact it’s boyo was it lifted officially because I thought I’ve heard 30

Minutes hurricane Megan I don’t do memberships either this is a community Channel and I feel like if you know you’re your community you don’t ask your community for it’s going to sound bad a handout nice Carlos number 44 it must have been a Greg thing I need the reminder to like it as

Well uh Adrian I called him Dron Walker his name is Jabari I playfully Dron Walker you mean respect to the man he’s an NBA basketball player something I in my greatest dreams that would happen where I’m a professional athlete playing a kids game in front of millions of

People making millions of dollars I mean that’s living the life so I may call him Jabron Walker he’s not a Jabron Wy with the ball start to drive gets into the paints throws it up tough shot off the rim but a tip in from Kellin just a

Tip good to see you smarty next door use Google M to find yeah exactly I mean I enjoy doing this I’m a Spurs fan in Connecticut you’re my spurs Community I’m a Giants fan as well and I’ve enjoy I’m really enjoying doing Giants content again even though it’s just shorts I’m

Enjoying doing it Wy just going to launch a three well I don’t like I’m shooting a lot of Threes but it win in so I can’t complain on that a Rudy poo J Bron you are three seconds away and the rich means three I don’t want to

Yell to my Mike A’s going to get into the paint tough off balance jumper back r no good wemy with the rebound wemy gets knocked out I think he took a shot to the face he did take a shot the face Victor W’s on the ground soan comes in and gives him

Some on the chest he’s okay he’s okay he is okay he’s okay I think a might have H me something yeah you got me right here and look look like they’re cool I get scared sometimes when me with the ball right now starts to drive on Aon pullup jumper

Is short and it is Blazers ball Spurs up by one you went to the website and what was lifted jbg no idea if he’ll play tomorrow you wy’s minute restricted lefted that’s a bucket for the Blazers I was looking at the chat it is 40 to39

Cheddy owman going get it over to douge dougy back to wemy wemy are going to launch a long three okay well okay Anthony Simon’s going to drop gets to the Aon Aon in the paint gets Wy off his feet throws it up off the glass good TI game

420 bro you need to put that moment when MCR on the floor because your action is like oh no well yeah I’m worried mcder on the cat three ball doggy no douge MC airballs tile for four from the corner or for three from the corner he’s number

Four shoot a three no good Trey Jones will ringing up for the first 42 7even minutes ago Jones drives in the paint throws up a l no good going to get fou and go to line for two exactly Toby if it goes in I can’t complain okay thank you Billy that’s

Been a fun game I mean look if wey’s going off it’s going to be fun because he just got pulled from the game well crap I am not the backup anything for any of team Carlos do you really want douge in a Lakers uniform Trey Jones first free throw is

Good indeed RDM yep con’s back in there goes the lead fr’s looking okay Greg I don’t know if he’s 100% but I don’t see any I don’t see him limping or anything I don’t see him Limp Biscuit bising around the court yeah he got pulled after only five

Minutes Megan 5 minutes and 14 seconds and he’s already yank yanked a lot of yanking tonight yeah I think wh he does burn the well he’s moving a 7 foot three frame round I mean if I was a foot taller I would be burning energy Ty gets in the paint throws up

The light we get a tied game again 44 all Spurs are in the bonus with six and a half minutes to go Zack Collins drives on the paint out to Trey Jones Jones drives out to well not a SE and that’s turnover Bladers on a fast break and that layup is good by

Kamar time out pop H 4644 Collins at Greg are you serious that can’t be right is Zack Collins real at a minus 15 already smarty next door I’m not good on the post I’m really not he is doing everything offensively defensively is C the Blazers are only up by two how can

Collins be at a minus5 already that doesn’t seem I’m stupified right now it’s not that how could he be a minus 15 he’s barely played good God he is at a minus 15 in only seven minutes that’s bad big shocker wemy leads a team in plus

Minus plus 13 when wey’s on the court so when wey’s on the court we’re plus 13 when Zach’s on the court were a minus5 guess what happens when you take positive 13 against Nega 15 you get two the Spurs are down by two wow they suck

When Collin is on the court I mean the dude’s played seven minutes he’s our backup center no rebounds the guy can’t rebound I like Zack for the record but I’m judging him on his basketball ability and while he’s an infinitely better player than yours truly’s just I I think I had high expectations

For Zack and he is meeting none of them like I was really hoping he would be a solid five like a solid starter for us and wemy would play the four wemy is infinitely a better five than Zach and and Zach’s on the bench where he should

Be Zack is not good because he not want to get injured it takes a special to be that it takes a special kind of bad goosa we can’t trade Collins there’s something in his contract we can’t trade him this year I used to forget all the

Time and we’re stuck with him until the end of the season Mr lyrical 88 can’t H it can’t happen this forcing teams to spend money on the sour cap is bull crap that actually probably one of the reasons we got col kept Colin Joshua because we had to spend money Bon was a

Minus three and played 1 second was it really that’s cool they are overrated but you know Trey steel uh yeah you know Trey Trey has a Team friendly contract for all the people that want to trade Kellin Kellin has a Team friendly contract you know kosiba I’m ready for Dominic Barlo

Time and I Greg am happy that Zach is not getting injured anymore either I’m very happy he’s been able to turn his NBA career around and is yes he had a sprained ankle earlier this year but the the severe injuries that caused multiple surgeries believe I’m glad he’s passed that but he’s not

Him I don’t know Joshua decades and now we’re starting over we have to make us draft we have things right way and keep the people that we want I mean that’s not a bad statement by Pop I am a foot shorter than Wendy I’m not going to be a very good backup but

You want me to get in there and cloth line somebody tear star will do it I the people’s elbow the shot clock expiring Vell throws up a long three just catches the front of the rim no good it is Blazer’s ball Ty will ring it

Up trying to get into Aon no forget it he’ll just B pack it back to man Deron Walker a in the paint right now one-onone with Collins a little jump Hook is no good Jeremy soan with the rebound Spurs down by two two worst teams in the western cup where it’s

Going head tohe head tonight Collins is open for three and he didn’t take it thank goodness nice pass to Vel Vell in the paint can’t make the shot gets fouled going to go to line for two the Thunder template worked out great CER beating the bucks 10493 with

255 in the fourth quarter with new coach Doc River wow the Cavs are beating the Bucks well I mean it’s gonna happen I don’t have peacock Mr Savage and quite frankly I don’t know who anybody is in the WWE these days I I haven’t watched wrestling in a long time for free throws

Good it it I I say this respectfully I don’t care I’ve checked out of wrestling a long time ago I don’t know who the wrestlers are I don’t know who their moves are I don’t I don’t think I can name three people in the WWE

Today I know a lot of people left for the aew I don’t watch that either but those you that watch it keep on watching if it entertains you I mean I watched it for a long time from 1984 to around 2005 with some break a lot of

Breaks in there but still I was a fan definitely for over 20 years that’s a miss and it Spurs well so him bring it up the court gets into the paint throws up a layup and Jeremy finishing much better knock on wood I don’t have any wood still factual say and I

Don’t eight in the paint turnaround jumper good 48 oh four and a half minutes to go enjoy it Roy I hope you like it hope you have a good time I have a lot of friends that still like it so and takes a three okay Jeremy Jeremy feeling pretty good

Tonight penalty cuber we are not getting first round picks for champen and Osman or wait are you trading them for somebody are you training for Trey young look how much money is wasted de yeah a and pullup jumper good I hear you man but it’s a good game this is this is

A competitive game and now that buzzer just went off we’re out some substitutions you know when we should be considered for defensive player the year the Spurs defensively are bad but when he’s in the game their defensive rating jumps up what BL what 10 to 15 teams in

The rankings and he’s leading the league in blocks and we’re going to have a turnover by this first Adrian I agree am I I’m good Carlos did I space out for a minute I mean I am tired I’m gonna admit I am very tired but I’m

Good weny I think should get Rookie of the Year and should be in the convers should maybe he probably should make an all defensive team on the inbounds pass the catch and shoot three is no good for Walker it is Spurs ball under four minutes to go they

Are up by one soan drives and launches it right at Blake Wy oh my gosh he’s trying to take his head off K with the ball now for San Antonio drives the paint layup good Helen and jermany being much more aggressive tonight rookie of the decade that decade wow I am tired I’m

Mispronouncing my words now penalty cuber I don’t know if a rookie has ever won defensive player the year that’s a turnover for the Blazers so in on the run the runner no good Kellin flies in and hangs on the rim but he also forgot the ball it’s second time tonight as

Spur is slam dunked air and a three down the under end is no good offensive board for the Blazers they have 12 on the shot clock and the offense is just all the ball is flying all over the place finally open Corner three is no good Vel

With the defensive rebound will get it up to Wesley and in transition Wesley missed another dunk s for three the Spurs got the ball back that is no good so gets the offensive board that’s no good and Collins finally throws it down somebody made a bucket Wesley missed again at The

Rim under dunk of Justice wow Blake what is happening Blake you’re killing me hey and we have a timeout this is crazy yeah Adrian I don’t know what’s happening either last year soan was a great finisher and this year I did I did Stephen I am kind of

Tired I’m not gonna lie I’m kind of sleepy I was up at probably 5:30 or 6 this morning no I was probably 5 or 5:30 this morning maybe even a little earlier so I’ve been up for a while but man just a bunch of Misses left and

Right finally Collins cleans it up but Blake is one of the big things with Blake Wesley last season and summer league and a preseason this year is he constantly was missing around the rim and all a sudden that’s come back tonight and droves yes M he is terrible at running a fast

Break cash blue I mean Malachi brand be missing those two I jack I should should take Blake’s minutes I mean what better than have a 46-year-old 64 dude running around the court that’ll be gassed after 45 seconds chasing around people that he’s old enough to be their

Dad uh Lance I’m not sleeping late tomorrow I will be up at 7:15 to make a Walmart run I got to pick up some groceries pick up some Necessities my girlfriend’s stopping over at some point tomorrow so I want to make sure we have food here for her

Um Tyson is a point Tyson’s old exactly calm down get some composure and is Wendy out again no he’s in there he’s in there he’ll probably play more in the second half you know Mr fourth quarter Anthony Simons he’s been playing very well tonight he drains the three

He’s been playing very well against our guys tonight kin will bring it up for San Antonio 16 on the shot clock gets it into Victor Wy With A Bullet Pass Tred to de feated it to Vel Vel little some traffic there that’s turnover for the Spurs some of our guys are throwing some

Extremely hard passes tonight A in the paint the end of the ball misses the shot and a little hot potato with the ball and deisel will get the loose ball nice behind the back dribble moving up the court get it over to Kellin Kellin

In the corner minute and a half to go to Wendy Wy in the paint pull up Jay how many points does Wy have he’s got to have double he’s got to have double digits by now right got to have double digit he’s got 15 he has more points than minutes doesn’t

He turned away missed the shot whoever shot through the Bladers didn’t get it it is Wendy with the rebound he’ll bring up for the Spurs get to the Kell Kell’s going to take off flies into the paint gets a lay and good telling being very aggressive tonight attacking the rim and

Finishing I hope we win Raphael and pull up jumper good Wy trying to stop the pass with his with his foot going for the old kickball defense 5955 soan with the ball out three-point land gets it to weny wy’s gonna going to take a three that was short well thank you Carlos you’ve

Always called me the best the you the the you always say you’re the best YouTuber ever and I really appreciate that Simons pull up jumper good two-point game but a fun game bad teams but a fun game I like to see Dominick par get some more minutes again Jonathan Wesley with

The bar right now for the Spurs gets it into wemy Wy double teamed just going to take the jumper it’s good and got hit on the back of the head that’s an n one Adrian with the soan details where’s t uh TS bear tonight uh Phil no Miss TSR or bear cuz bear

Doesn’t live here but we do have Selena and we have baby coyote and coming up I I don’t know what just happened there sorry I did say I was a little tired and I get silly when I’m tired Wendy with 18 points 14 this quarter

He could go for 40 tonight if pop gives him enough minutes Blazers can hold for the last shot 6257 and there’s a foul this is the way no you don’t hit one the head I don’t know Phil uh bear is staying with me for two weeks

Sometime in April I don’t know if it’s going to be during the season or shortly after the season I think it’s going to be during the season which means to keep them in check I might just have him sit on the couch right here to get the inbound pass in eight and

Over Wy toss it out for Corner three the corner three is no good soan with the rebound we got a couple seconds guys soan will bring out the court half court three off the back of the rim almost Jeremy almost all right a good fun first

Half 6257 we look at the halftime stats and yeah this is a late game tonight AJ this it’s a late one yeah you know what if that was the NFL about be February they would have thrown a unnecessary roughness flag no doubt let’s get to the halim

Sets looks like I got a add break coming up for some so my apologies if uh I’m going over the stats and an annoying commercial comes up for the Portland Trailblazers by the way the Spurs got outscored 3326 in the first outscored Portland 3625 four in the

Second for Portland Walker with one he’s got seven boards but only one point Grant with four Aon having a good first half 12 points and six boards thy with two dang Simons is going off 22 points and seven assists in the first quarter half first half I knew he was

Playing well I didn’t realiz he was playing that well five of eight from Beyond the AR Off the Bench Mina Godzilla Sun Mina zero points with eight Murray with zero wath with two and scoop Henderson with six for San Antonio Spurs champ Penney with two Jeremy SE

Having a good first half well 5 11 from the field but I think he’s had a lot of putbacks he’s got 11 points and eight rebounds Wy with 18 points seven boards and two blocks in only 13 minutes give this man some minutes Trey Jones with five and five five points

Five assists Del Mel having a rough first half two of eight from the field one of six from Beyond The Arc seven points Off the Bench Zach Collins Four Points douge mcbuckets with zero Osman with Five Points Kellen Johnson having a very aggressive first half 10 points in

Seven boards and a steel in two blocks he’s playing K having one of his better uh first halfs of recent memory and Blake Wesley really struggling tonight got zero points three assists two so he’s still defending well one turnover 0 for five from the field now

One of those shots was a half court three with the game clock expiring but 0 for five from the field and a lot of those misses were right at The Rim he’s missed a layup and two dunks tonight I believe he gonna he going to be

Like he going be wesling a fool he not going to be shocking a fool be wesling a fool Blake is really having a rough first half and it sucks cuz he’s been playing so well and I see him struggle tonight dang it Blake who’s better Wy or Michael

J I am a San Antonio Spurs fan through and through I’m enjoying watching Victor wama develop and play his game but I’ve also go on record on this channel saying that in my lifetime Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player I’ve ever seen and as good as wemy is he’s got a

Long way to go Jordan has six championships what n scoring titles a defensive player of the year we’s not there yet if he ever gets to that point great if he if he has that many titles that’s awesome but we can’t be talking in the same breath Michael

Jordan and Victor wama because it’s it’s not a fair conversation exactly herrian we got to give him time I heard a conversation between David Lee and poing about how to guard Steph Curry he’s tough the guard that’s for sure who do you want to win in the Ravens Chiefs game this weekend Sarah

Neither honestly neither team I don’t want to see the Chiefs in the Super Bowl again and I don’t like the Ravens because well I’m a Giants fan and I I shouldn’t like the Ravens for obvious reasons the Ravens destroyed us in the Super Bowl back 20 is it 2001 or 2002 I don’t

Remember it was forgettable Spurs got no Keith don’t jinx us Spurs got this game when we will get minutes in second half Lake will hit his shots I mean Wy has a legit shot to go for 40 tonight he’s never gone for 40 in the NBA before he’s playing very well

And he’s hasn’t played a lot of minutes they clearly can’t stop him they can’t they can only hope to contain him they can’t stop him so I’m hoping he gets a solid amount of action in the second half and if he can get to 40 that’d be

Great I mean I would love to be here live for when he gets his first 40o game old Carri yes Carrie Collins is right and yes aie Luca did go for 73 tonight Trey young is thinking get me out of it Atlanta David I don’t know if he’s playing

Yet and Toby I thought Vel would be better and Jason yes I did see the Luca game I’m at home Carlos I want to go to Spurs game to see Oney and I’ll be the judge if he’s any good what Veronica have you been to a live

Spurs game in Texas since wh’s joined the roster I say pops head and dry like in Futurama and just let him Coach forever what what to counter Keith Blazers got this all right thank you Greg I love that PR Joan go oh he says I love that brandom hasn’t played one minute brandom

Brandom’s one of those players so we were talking earlier us and about how we have those players that are kind of onedimensional where they can only contribute on one end of the floor I use d mcder as an example he can be an offensive Beast 20’s on for a player Off

The Bench but if his offensive game was not working he’s a liability on defense and he just becomes a liability on the floor Malai brandom is that type of player too right now his offense has been very wishy-washy this year but his defense is atrocious he’s a defensive

Albatross he’s one of the worst defenders in the NBA from what I’ve heard from you guys defensive rating wise or some some analytic that I can’t seem to find on the webs so when he’s not playing well offensively he is a huge Li on the court so uh

Yeah uh Jeremy grants with the Blazers didn’t he only play 10 minutes I don’t know what’s going on hey you know I haven’t put up a ghost first goal in a while here you go here’s the Couple a whole lot of ghost first Go guess who else is Happy the Spurs are winning baby baby coyote King of the gohost Spurs goop uh Trey Jones played today hop topic to me Luca has the second most points in M history all both stats are H I mean if you want to say modern

Day NBA so you’re saying Kobe’s first I assume whoops what what’s happened why’ that move What’s Happening Here what is going on so you’re saying Kobe’s 81 I mean mon if you what I do personally is I just go from 1990 up because that’s when I watch the

NBA not that everything that happened before it doesn’t count but for me when people say who’s on like your Mount Rushmore I’m like I’m only going 1990 up you’re not going to see Will on here or Bill russler or Kareem because I did not see them play or Dr J just none of

That douge on the hot seat douge is is the hot scene okay in her mind Veronica’s already married Doug mcdermit many many many many times over Chiefs need to go down for more than one reason Calvin I assume you’re sick of casy Luka yeah I know we did yeah it’s

Already making Jo and Beads and performance just look like yeah whatever the 73 is now the season High I I wouldn’t be shocked if we don’t see another 70 point performance Mick I didn’t see them play when they’re in their Prime I started watching the NBA in 1990 when the the Bulls run

Started I was a Spurs fan but that was the start of the Bulls run so I saw them play the Lakers but at that point magic was near the end of his career bird was having I think his back issues already I respect what they did for the

Game from what I understand they kept the game alive in the 80s I don’t have halftime up for whatever reason but I I I can’t put them on my goat list or my Mount Rushmore because I I didn’t see them play I barely saw them play I mean so

That’s just the way I rate things like for the NFL I’m just going to go when I started watching which was the 90s up in a well as well um thankfully I did get to see enough of Lawrence Taylor to for me at least call him the greatest offensive

Player of all time as far as you know greatest offensive players I’m going to put rice and Brady on there um and Barry Sanders I guess positionally I would probably say Sanders rice and and Brady I don’t know where I’m going with this we could see a 100 at some point

With the lack of Defense in the NBA with a lot of the touch fouls with a lot of free throws being shot I mean my goodness that Spurs and 76ers game what there like 50 free throws taken zst to to tril G first go to you thank your stopping there right time

Well happy Friday happy Friday to everybody hopefully you are going to have a wonderful weekend I don’t have a ton of plans this weekend I do want to work on the music video tomorrow if I have the energy I got the Spurs game tomorrow night going to make a Walmart

Run tomorrow morning um want to get a workout in tomorrow as well obviously spending time with the lady and then Sunday’s kind of I just probably watch the NFL playoffs but it’s Sunday might just be a relaxing day I don’t know 20 three Spurs versus 2016 Golden State I

Mean defense still wins games so I’ll H his Spurs and a close one probably goes seven games but that 2003 Spurs team what I really like about that team is that combines you know the the the old with the new if you will David Robinson’s last year but he was still

Able to play well in the playoffs especially his last game then you had Timmy of course pretty much prime Timmy but then you had a very young no and Parker on the roster so I like that team because it was nice it you know it was

The the end of the Twin Towers but the start of the big three and just that that felt really special to that team that would be I mean a lot of people like to ask what I see it’s popular on the Facebook is the 60 I’m

Sorry the 70 win Bulls which I don’t remember which year that was was that the 96 97 Bulls the 71 Bulls against one of the Warriors teams with ktie you know who would win that championship in a seven game series and it’s like it would be extremely it would it

Really depend on the rules if you’re playing in today’s era then the Warriors have a good chance of winning that if you’re playing with the 9s rules then the both have a very good chance of winning that and they’re like well nobody’s stopping Curry that’s usually the argument say nobody’s going to stop

Steph Curry like well who stopping Jordan I mean you nobody stopping Curry nobody’s stopping Durant nobody stopping Jordan always sing Pippen it’ be a fun game Joby ver gustan lasos I’m sure I said that wrong but felt good exactly Adrian he doesn’t have I mean Timmy was very lucky Tim Duncan’s a

Great player let’s not let’s not take anything away from Tim came in the league and had Greg Pap as a coach great we didn’t know po was going to be the pop that he would end up being the pop pop pop po pop pop but he had pop and he

Came in with one of the greatest centers of all time in David Robinson he had you know Timmy became the Batman but that first year David was the Batman eventually David passed the torch but he had a strong Defender with him somebody could also score a leader El Capitan and

Then when that El Capitan was on his way to retirement he had Tony and Manu he was just he yeah it worked out out great for our Spurs right now when you look at the roster the best player after wemy is wemy is our best player there’s no doubt about that but after

That Devin’s probably our best player but he’s not an All-Star Tim was blessed with re Hall of Famers and qu Leonard at the tail end of his career too let’s not forget qu was part of that Spurs roster so we had a fantastic four at one point Timmy Joby

Tony and Kawai so I mean Timmy you know a great player fantastic but he’s he’s been blessed to have incredible Talent around him his entire career from start to finish what was a good question by Mick would Steve K be on the Bulls or coaching for the Warriors what do you

Mean I’m hoping Steve Kerr comes here his contract’s up soon isn’t it allegedly big McMahon is in the hot is he still part of the WWE well Adrian I’m just listen to the hall of famers He Who Shall Not Be Named which one is that Veronica does he look like [Laughter]

This sorry had to do it I me I didn’t have to do it but I did it I did it and I’ll do it again and I’m not ashamed you hot check torus Tim nckin said you never can see the impact to Min in the court even though he doesn’t have the

Ball sco Henderson has not been starting we lost George Hill but got a ring I’ll take the ring over George Hill why does German Grant only have four point bro I got money on his what’s up Caleb I don’t know I was not expecting to read that

Comment so thank you for getting a laugh out of me Raptors lost tomorrow but got a ring oh who would Steve Kirby playing for would he be playing for the Bulls or coaching for the Warriors ah Mick I didn’t even catch that uh bull that would be the crazy thing he’d

Be running the court while coaching the opposing team so glad we didn’t fall in the draft and get scoot ouch 1992 dream team versus a 2008 redeemed team 2000 basketball rules I 92 Dream Team if we’re going to say that the team’s healthy too because the dream team has

If they’re both teams are fully healthy I’m going 92 s and a half uh it’s going to be close I I I don’t know if we can cover that we’ll see that shot was not good by the Blazers whoever took that didn’t see it is Spurs ball Wy will bring it up for

San Antonio wh going to take off and gets just turns the ball over was looking for the foul didn’t get it it is Blazers ball down by five 11 and a half minutes to go in the third quarter as that just started DeAndre pull up jumper over wemy bounces around no good WBY

With the rebound douge winking W’s goingon to drive and turn the ball over again I don’t like that I don’t like that at all ating the runner in the paint good I think Wy can see that that that 40-point game and just say maybe try a little

Tooo much here no they can’t Mark no they can’t de with the ball on the paint right now out to so and Jeremy will drop it back off to Wy he’s going to launch a three no good all right Wy slow it down a little bit slow

Down Jacob have a good time if you go to the game and hot check I’m hoping the Spurs will have a great team for years to come by I haven’t plugged at all tonight if you are a Spurs fan make sure you hit the old subscribe button we have

A wonderful San Antonio Spurs Community we actually just have a wonderful Sports community in general but the majority of the fans here are San Antonio’s Spurs fan we go live for a ton of games also do random Spurs videos throughout the week and yeah thank you for being here and

Also if you have not hit the thumbs up please do that as well yes we got a back to back Blazers tonight Timber Rolls tomorrow and then we have four games next week as well let’s make Rich play 2K what’s up Mike Smith good evening to

You I not I’m not a sports gamer anymore I still game on occasion I was playing Resident Evil 2 today I got out of the damn police station the Resident Evil 2 remake uh it’s just got uploaded on Game Pass and I’m having fun play I know it’s

A 5-year-old game and technically it’s a 20 plus year old game but I love res Evil 2 in the late 90s and be able to play it again with updated graphics on the Xbox you know new Xbox systems I’m enjoying it it’s some of it samsy some

Of it’s different I got out of the police station I was like oh I’m out of the police station I’m not going to have to fight the stupid uh giant crocodile again well guess who’s in the sewers me guess who’s in there with me a damn giant crocodile that I’m have to

Probably fight again Queen Jedi good evening to you what is a like it’s a thumbs up uh I don’t do college football Jacob so I will not be getting the video game Why not start mcdermit I think he’s going to get traded either that or because he’s not

An expiring contract would I would rather ask is why start Julian champeny Greg I hope he’s playing tomorrow too I really am I I I’m skeptical when we will be allowed to play tomorrow but I hope he can you you guys were saying that he’s off the minutes restrict well somewhat off the

Minutes restriction he’s on a 30 minute minute restriction but he’s off the back to back what’s Adrien Garcia a wrench can I do the NBA trade done that what do you mean Jacob Oh you mean go live for the NBA trade deadline I mean I think I have to work that day so

I probably won’t be able to sit here and just be live waiting for things to happen um because that’s I I think that’s on a weekday and I have to work so that’s and that would be a long stream if the Spurs make any moves I’ll

Definitely do a video on it but as far as just going live for it I just I I don’t have the time it is Blazer’s ball they are down by 3 6259 DeAndre with the ball right now and he’s going to pass it out of bounds which will be a

Turnover but we are winning we are right now divon Sean uh yeah I can’t really argue that we we’re pretty bad right now we’re the worst team in the Western Conference Dell’s reverse layup is no good knocked out of bounds and that will be Blazers

Well S penny up in Austin last year he deserved the chance I expected more I think he would be doing better without wmi wmi is too non-traditional Robert interesting take huh okay same can be said for everyone well yeah silence pull up jumper no good so him with the

Rebound have you tried NAD therapy who’s rubbing my NAD me or miss TSR I don’t know I don’t know what that is but it sounds something with the sexuals 10 turnover Spurs nine turnover Blazers all right well it’s close is Spurs ball right now Trey Jones out

Three-point Lan we’ll get it to wemy wemy against eight 12 on the shot clock gets in so and so and turnaround jumper good Jeremy having a really good game tonight we have eight g-league players and not a real Center and a good point guard and a decent small forward or go

Get a in the paint throws it up over Wy good close game still wmy 18- n Wy with the bar now will drop it off to champeny get to the se s is going to launch to straight up three Jeremy soan tonight playing with some confidence I think it’ll be before that

ACN I think next year he’ll be a top five player J is prom cling for age related conditions never heard of that Blazers Miss so rebound why can’t I just have my NAD rubbed instead or or both of them Trey Jones with Martin out for San

Antonio over to Wy Wy in the paint draw does draw a crowd tries to get get it to Sean and Jeremy could not hold on the ball it’s going to go out of bounds that’s turnover for San Antonio what’s the highest scoring game by a spur in

Their franchise history I know that one for sure his jersey hanging on the wall Devonte Graham uh dogghouse permanent dogghouse 6761 8 and a half minutes to go and Le bati HBO pull up three is good 6764 that’s right get the chocolates out and AEL misses in the paint 6764 8

Minutes to go Spurs up by three cash bo just got it that is the highest score uh most points by San Antonio Spur in their history Simon for three no good and it’s knocked in by Kamar who’s been having a good game from us now onepoint game that 71 by the way was

David Robinson against the Clippers it’s my boy and I think Trey Jones just got a reverse layup the San Antonio Spurs have just 69 the Portland Trailblazers they have 69 them 69 69 69 Al to went me down the other end no good but he’s going to get fouled and

Likely going to the line for two I don’t know what that was all about but whatever Doug’s not starting you know that yes Nick Garcia he did beat Shaq for the scoring title on that day finished with 29.8 points for game to Shaq’s 2 9.3 bada bing bada boom have I

Ever what 69 not a couple position not not a fan 6966 Spurs up by three been TMI but hey I’m pretty transparent son’s going to drive in the pink fumbles the ball but still gets the layup and one Jery’s really feeling it tonight yes they do Greg I actually did a

YouTube short on the 71o game but it’s it’s it was kind of hard to you know squeeze you know squeeze all that into one minute soan is having a decent game the onehanded free trow is good Spurs up by six Jeremy’s got to be get Jeremy’s got

19 points and 10 boards tonight one of his better games I was know voting Zack one woman vot voting for Zack Collins to oh Zack in the chat I thought Zack Collins I ain’t voting for Zack Collins anything Simon at the ball right now pull up jumper in the paint is short put

Back no good chant Penney with the rebound I don’t think wh’s going to go for 40 tonight his offense has cooled way off he’s got the ball right now pull up jumper no good got spice it up in the chat yes you do did you do Trey Jones helps with a

Ste SE in on The Fast Break Sprints up the court layup oh he flying out of bounds I think he was going to go for a dunk actually fell on his wrist and now he’s waving at the camera he’s all right wheny has five turnovers does he

Really yeah I guess he does need to calm down a little bit Jabron Walker with the foul wait did he go to their bench did he I didn’t even notice that Mr Z 7266 Jeremy trying to drop his 20th Point uh no RDM I why do I do I look old or

Something do you mean because I said I was tired tonight that’s cuz I was just I was up early I still work I work out twice a day I my energy still good work out twice a day um feel good the drive is still there I’ll just

Leave it at that so I don’t think I need any type of therapy b ball 70 Spurs up by eight that’s as we’re up by eight Walker misses a shot Bladers get the ball back the followup three is also no good fight for the board and DeAndre with the put

With the rebound and finally a foul on Zack Collins as the Spurs cannot get aboard wman gr on so flopping on the floor they’re they’re okay Zack I have no idea how many assists Simon has Simons has I think he had he had like

Six or seven at the half do you think we have a four game winning streak this year Nick I don’t Mike it’s the Punisher in red thank you Jay’s final take Colin is weak 7467 first free throws good I guess your age I your channel

Name I could be all light trying to get that Nick they’re trying and I think did I see we have almost 200 thumbs up no do we no 134 thumbs up we’re not near anywhere near 200 thumbs up that pull-up jumper is good as I looked away I think that was Vel 7668

85 Spurs are in the bonus with 5 minutes and 40 seconds to go Simons with the alop to eight and it gets broken up by Collins knocked out of bounds it’ll stay with the Portland Trailblazers and I think we’re going to have a timeout there you go that’s always a good guess

69 old 69ers get a win for baby coyote tonight it is Blazers ball I might put up my first baby coyote video this weekend just for the record or you a little YouTube short I think he I think he should be the official mascot of TSR Sports I

Don’t know what do you guys think baby coyote official mascot of TSR Sports as Kamar gets in the paint misses the shot Spurs wall soan will bring it up for San Antonio drops it off to Vel Deon way out three-point land pick and roll with Zach Collins back to

Collins Zach will get over to Blake Wesley Wesley drives out to soan so just going to take the three at the shot clock expiring jery soan baby coyote for the win the biggest lead in the game 11 points 11o lead that’s a Miss for Portland and it’s SP colins for three of course not no rafhael I still play I’m 46 I still bike play basketball that three-point attempt is no good I don’t know who shot that for the Blazers but that was not good uh that was Murray sorry that was Murray with a three-point shot Spurs

Ball go Spurs go to you go soan go m b on the post out the Collins Collins going to take a three Kell with the rebound man Zack needs to stop shooting threes because he ain’t making them might just be a damn turnover Zack D pull up jumper forces the shot

Tough shot made it we’re up by 13 first fans uh if we were to draft Alexander SAR we would be those would be the Eiffel Towers SAR and Wy you look like a brand new Young Maniac me getting rid of the beard helped a lot I noticed there was some gray in my

Beard and I I just don’t way too much gray so I got rid of it feeling good though looking good feeling good good this kind of looks weird stop doing that I retire PL basketball I’m better shooter than con Carlos I believe it and you could build a house with all those

Bricks Urban wild good evening to you rank Houston for the whole week is that good or bad depleted mind probably not getting into a game this year I was going to look into going to the Celtics and Spurs when the Spurs were in town recently and tickets were ridiculously

Priced I you know San Antonio prices went through the roof this year for tickets so I just they probably not getting out there the problem is I live in Connecticut so it’s not exactly around the corner but I will see Wy play live at some point sooner than

Later are the is Portland usually bad in the third quarter can anyone search for con last repoter made it seems like it’s been a while cash BL the easiest thing to do on that and a site I personally recommend not sponsored by not getting any money to say this but basketball is a site you guys see me use a lot in the videos when I reference stats when you go to the website just search for the guy search for Zack Collins and the first thing that comes up is their last five games so Collins in his last five games well hit a

Three-pointer on January 24th against Oklahoma City he was one to2 previous game he was over for five before that 0 for one before that one for three before that 0 for one so he’s two for his last 12 and whatever he’s done tonight which I’m guessing is 0 for a

Lot we look at Zack for the year Zach on the year shooting 48% from the field only 30% from Beyond The Arc and with tonight’s game you got to think he’s now under 30% he’s averaging 5.7 rebounds per game which is not very good averaging just under 26 minutes he’s a terrible

Rebounder he’s a good passer he sort of stretches the court he’s not making three so he ain’t stretching much right now he actually is having his Worst season ever uh for three-point shooting and he’s he’s got to be under 30% now after tonight I think he’s what over two over three he’s

Feel like he’s over for everything I just heard that the Spurs are outscoring the Blazers 5535 in the second and third quarter Rich please don’t stop giving this good news Nick I’ll try man no we don’t want Jeremy at point we already did that BR zero I got no

Idea blers got some guys in the game now I don’t know who they are who the hell is 72 is that M Mina Mar with the Miss I think that’s Mina that’s in the game it is Spurs ball Zack Collins will drop it off to Blake Wesley Wesley going to take

Off off on the paint kicks out the champ penny for three Chum Penny he’s terrible and we’re gonna have jab Walker muscles way into the paint get a bucket love white game you won 20,000 on a $5 scratch to get your boy Rico damn congratulations Spurs ball Kelling way

Out on three-point land 12 on the shot clock takes off gets into the paint stops pops bounces off the rim and up getting tipped out to him the put back is good or the followup I should say hot check no I don’t think we’re gonna have any major

Trades yeah right Vera you won 20 grand you’re taking us all the dinner and we’re going to foul on the Spurs Kellin with 12 points on six of 10 shooting he does Adrian as long as it goes in I don’t care you to park was oh all right that’s awesome I think the

Most I’ve ever won on a scretch ticket was maybe 500 but I didn’t buy it I was scratching it my my mom bought it and I just had me scratching it Eagle lands good evening to you thank you for stopping in two free throws for the Blazers and

This one is first one is no good all right I tell you your boy is a little tired I think I just heard Kellin has a double double missed them both he is d Walker on those free throws yep Mr Z I just heard that myself

Cheddy owman on the layup on the break we’re up by 15 yes masaga always masaga I was thinking to play my Xbox after the game that ain’t happening I am exhausted I’m getting some z’s after this we driveing a dunk and one Murray gets in there throws it down

Collins with the foul oh my clock is way off we’ll get that caught up mang qu hang I hope so yes Joshua well you know we see a bad team in front of us we can beat we get you the Spurs get intense like we beat this team crappuccino was a French restaurant

Is it Raphael 208 and a free throw coming up for Mr Murray not the jte Murray car with another rebound missed the free throw Blazers missing all their free throws lately 8572 two minutes reing Wesley Way Out three-point looking for a pick and roll with Zack Collins

Gets the screen passes it out to champeny champen is going to drive and get it uh to the crowd turnover champeny butterfly good evening to you Nick Garcia I have no idea what the over under is on this game I so Spurs are up by 13 13-point

Lead got a good feeling about the game but it’s still way too early gosh I don’t know some of these players still on the court for this the Blazers they throwing everybody out there tonight dupy wreath or whatever his name is with the shot no good good evening Joby thank you for

Stopping in this is the best I’ve seen so look if he has a mentality may turn out to be pretty good he has this mentality yes he doesn’t play like this every night none of our guys do we’re we’re consistently inconsistent minute and a half to go we have a couple free throws

Coming up for dup wreath dup another Miss free throw the blazes are missed like what four or five free throws Mike Smith don’t you be saying that don’t be diing it I Javy ignored it I I just I assume you were talking to me all

Good I still believe in KJ he’s a late bloomer RDM I hope you’re right I like kman too I have two of his jerseys one’s up there and one’s in my closet Spurs with 18 fast break points tonight the Blazers only half nine and a 12-point

Lead for the Spurs and both teams are in the bonus K with bar right now and turns the ball over we have a lot of turnovers though I feel like we have a ton of turnovers reath for three no good Blake Wesley with the rebound and he takes off brings

Up the court one minute to go Blake with a nice crossover and then just backs it up drops it off to Kellin Kellin will get over champagney they find an open Zack Collins for three old Zach Collins 3 will suck the energy out of you every time suck suck

Suck Simon with the ball pullup jumper is good Anthony Simon has been very good tonight for for Portland yes thank you Ron everybody smash that like like it ow your money lay the smack down on that like button squar ball 10 on the shot clock champan going to drive champag G throw

It up off the glass champing and let up B one all right Julian I see you from here we have 13 thrown overs a feel like a lot more than that r is’s on the bench that’s all I know scoo on the bench all right 12-point

Lead champag at the line for Uno Uno free throw oh 8875 18 seconds to go in third quarter Blazers can hold before the last shot uh Big John he might start the fourth quarter he’ll probably play in the fourth quarter Spurs 15 of 16 from the line tonight the Blazers are 12 of

17 leaving us some points off the board we’re going to have a corner three at the end of the quarter and it’s good that was I don’t know who that was man is it me or the blade is going deep on the roster tonight wheny carrying all the bags from

HB is on his arms penalty me too when I’m when TSR is coming on home from the grocery store and I get to the front door all those groceries are on my one arm as I’m opening the other you know open it with the other let’s reset the clock one more

Quarter to go the Spurs are up by 10 12 on the clock put the Q4 up on the Q and let’s finish this game off first fans I think he’s coming back Jay I think he’ll start the fourth quarter it’s only a 10-point lead so it’s not

Like we can just you know sit here and say we got this when we had 18 points in the first half I don’t know how many points he has now but I feel like his points production has dropped off quite a bit I’m GNA actually pull the box

Score right now the game is on NBA TV for those of you watching at home Simons actually Simons had 22 at the half he has 24 and Wy had when we had 18 at the half he still has 18 he did not score in the third quarter so

Has actually been really picking it up he’s got 24 points tonight his career high I want to say is 30ish I’m going to look it up soan has a chance to go for a career high tonight he’s got 24 to three quarters I want to

See what his career high is it’s like 30 or 32 Jeremy San’s oh 33 all right so got to pull a little work in but soan does an outside shot at a career high we’re talking about Wy maybe going for 40 tonight as he had 18 points in the first

Half there’s about a uh 0% chance wh goes for 40 now I I don’t see it happening but that doesn’t mean he can’t come back in the game of produce and get his overall points up to like 25 get his rebounds up get his blocks up more importantly though help the Spurs win

The game because that’s what I want in the end the way when he carries his grocery bags like how he carries most of his teammates oh ouch ky’s playing Welcome to the Jungle get him Coyote he’s rocking his guitar he doesn’t have a guitar but that’s how he’d be playing it you got reason unfortunately depleted Eagle lands I don’t know what that means Andrew how’s the game I’ll show you the game game’s right here Victor wama is on the court to start the

Fourth quarter Jeremy San is not Spurs will have the ball it starts off mono ambor at the game all righty then hopefully no fouls at all in this fourth quarter because I am tired Wendy with the bar now gets into the paint puts his shoulder down throws it up off

The glass no good dang Victor can’t get a bucket in the second half to save his life really struggling to score quick pull up three is no good Kell Johnson rebound I don’t know who shot that for the Portland Portland has gone very deep on their bench tonight and I

Don’t know some of these guys Ken drives in the paint and he’s going to get fouled well so much for the no fouls in this quarter you add the over 230 what a Bad Bet uh ooh we’re at 164 right now it’s not looking or 166 excuse me not looking good not

Looking good uh oh we’re getting cold it’s Kell’s at the line for two first free throw eight no good oh goodness we are getting cold come on Kell make the second one Kell with a double double tonight SPS rebounding very well against this Portland team I think we have multiple

Guys with double digit rebounds I think wemy soan and Kelvin might all have double double digit rebounds tonight Miss TSR is at home butterfly she is sleeping right now she is uh lights are out turnover for the Blazers Spurs on a fast break Trey Jones layup is good 13-point

Game those are that I SP the moment I feel like the RG league players are are the Blazers on a back to back because I don’t know some of these guys rert Murray I don’t know maybe they play I mean I know Malcolm bram’s out tonight scoot Henderson hasn’t been playing much

I don’t know if he’s hurt I don’t know what’s going on that’s a Miss for Portland wheny with the rebound Trey Jones will bring it up for San Antonio throws it over to Kellen Kell’s open for a three hits the front rim no good coffee next year I don’t drink

Coffee not a coffee drinker at all manah for three no good Trey Jones the rebound it’s also late for I mean it’s the end of the work week I was up early today I’m usually tired on Fridays wy’s open for three takes the three he will miss the three dang Victor

Can’t get a bucket this half come on buddy just throw down a dunk get an easy one I need two more rebounds and seven more points for w and I win 80 bucks good luck imk9 he is struggling in the second half to get a bucket though he

Can’t get one he hasn’t gotten one Portland ball four on the shot shot shot clock and a drive and that’s a shot clock violation could not get the shot off Reef K with 12 and 13 thank you Mike players are shooting like us now oh Nick Garcia you having whiskey right

Now Whiskey in the jarro I don’t see that trade happening a che too many moving Parts we’d have and we’d be helping the Lakers something the Spurs would pretty much refuse to do speaking of which Spurs ball nine and a half minutes to go they up by 13 let’s

See if we closest one out Spurs fans the worst team in the Western Conference playing the second worst team maybe’s going to get the ball to demisa S to catch and shoot in the paint no good wheny put back no good Spurs do get the ball again wy’s

Going to take a corner three hey finally wemy scores in the second half je 90 biggest lead of the game for the Spurs biggest lead for anybody 16 points 9478 Spurs have 50 rebounds the Blazers only have 33 Murray drives in the paint spendal can’t get it Wendy with the rebound we

Are killing them on the boards tonight gets it to Deon Deon bounce pass to Kell Kell in the paint muscles it up no good going to get fouled going the line for two I feel like I need cover 7f someone please help me Carl Anthony Tal’s being destroyed is

My plan cat getting destroyed tomorrow night didn’t cat go in for 60 against us like a year or two ago Otis soan is looking good tonight he really is I’m happy that he’s he’s he’s having a good game cu kind a rough Fe for Jeremy soan the Jeremy soan point guard

Experiment definitely a rough time for him and the Spurs and yes Jared Williams LCA donic went for 73 tonight 73 and I don’t know else to say no defense apparently in that game whatsoever 9578 second free throw good 18-point lead for the Spurs I think I just heard the Bladers

Have not scored yet in the fourth quarter Spurs are 18 of 20 from the line tonight the Blazers are 12 of 17 Simons will driveing the paint knocks when be over misses a layup but I think he’s might be going to line for two 73 is for difference Gregory but the

Lack of Defense certainly is not hurting that but I will give credit where credit was due he went what what eight of 13 from from Beyond The Arc actually in the last week we’ve had cat go for over 60 Luca go for over 70 and be go for 70

I think you guys said book went over for 60 and a loss I mean the guy the way the guys are dropping 60 lately yeah they’re playing well but go on now I Carlos I could go for some ice cream and it’s happening on the four anniversary yes Kobe and Gigi passed

With they rest in peace and everybody else that lost their lives in that helicopter crash that free throw is good 96 to 80 16-point game getting there coach that’s right and now the Spurs turn the ball over blers ball four years Kobe today do seem like it’s been that

Long Booker’s gone off for 60 twice this season fresh zero I had no idea no idea 96 to 80 NBA has turned back to 70s type score might be time for n to actually guys play defense again Gregor I agree that’s a t for the Blazer so and dve Jeremy throws it down

Hard under dunk of Justice you don’t mess with the soad jery really just killing it out there tonight that pull up jum by S speaking of killing A7 been playing very well been a lot of Thunder dunks of Justice tonight for our first night my friends 9882 wmy with the ball right now

Crossover gets into the paint lost the ball that’s a six turnover good grief my man I hate seeing him turn over the ball as much because you know that the Buster Ro people are going to just give him crap for it Ty for three no good eight and put back good

9884 Taco cookies and ice scream hurry oh Carlos stop you’re making me hungry stop my man and I’m I’m since I’ve been working out I haven’t been eating crap like that and by the crap I mean delicious but sell the ball t on the shot clock out three-point line start to

Drive in the paint forces a jumper no good gets foul going to the line for two you like that I’ve been the trouble with jery a lot this year is he was struggling finishing at The Rim but he’s finishing strong tonight wh’s going to get he’s GNA hit the wrong time kind of

Triple double toy H ESP Rafael no no well uho hog you can eat it’s natural no I’m not drunk I’m drunk on on water and eye drops a war beds it does wash my sheets today they’re nice and clean just go into nice clean bed and sleep for seven hours cookie you

That’s are really making me hungry in the chat by the way I’ve been having gas paines in the last couple days it’s so uncomfortable well Jared let it out literally don’t worry TSR I speak enough Spanish both of us all right Mike appreciate it cookies used to be the best in the

90s cookies are still good no bless okay go my again I wish I was fluent Spanish I took uh Spanish 101 in college as a as an elective just you know I could have taken any cupcake class but I wanted to learn a little basic Spanish and uh the thing I remember the

Most from the class Professor mu Bonita gorgeous she was she looked like Jessica Al was cousin like like she was related like I tell you I kid you not when she walked into the classroom myself and every guy looked at her looked at each other and I looked at her

Again and looked at us and we’re like wow what the heck all right Andrew good night so cap I’ve never been much of a drinker I’ve never been an alcoholic I was a social Drinker in my early 20s if I went to a party I would occasionally

Drink if I was out going out friends at a Kine drink but I’ve I haven’t had uh I haven’t been buzzed since 2017 which was my mom’s funeral since then I’ve had maybe half of a cider with an ex-girlfriend and I don’t know if I’ve had anything

Else I really don’t I had a mixed drink when I was in Vegas so I’ve had maybe two drinks in the last seven years it’s not not to stop anything I just I don’t know don’t need it no honestly I do not I haven’t touched that since 2001 again

That was a social thing never bought it never owned it if I was at a party and it was puff puff pass and I was going to buy by all right it’s coming over to TSR and up pass what is up uh Brother The Game’s been going well the Spurs are playing

Good tonight s the line for two the first one’s good also very good in Spanish do language make I teach you you know I have a Spanish book still where I could at least get some some of the words dang it second free throw is no

Good for sell like I I can’t put sentence together I remember some words obviously we say m AO on the Channel all the time but the D miror you know sleep and quarter miror for eat I remember some words I can roll my RS like nobody’s business probably too too much

Rolling Dand in the paint pull up jumper over Wy in and out and in it’s only 13-point game the the Blazers are not out of this yet look at Carlos dropping the Spanish but I know you speak Spanish so there’s that too turnover by the Spurs that’s an easy

Fat break for Simon he’s gonna get in there he’s going to throw it down Spurs are sloppy I do like Greek food you know what Nick you know what I recently discovered for Greek food the the cheese spiral it’s uh I love that I discard my

Girlfriend and I I do enjoy it very much so in the paint throws it up on the light Jeremy can’t be stopped no overtime no no no no no no no as a comr com ah Diego you know what I meant I said M no bueno uh you know I know the important

Words to Cha bicho you know petta Spurs ball down the other wy’s going to throw it up no good gets fouled going to go into line for Two Chiefs are Ravens Jared I really don’t want to see either team in the Super Bowl I really don’t no offense to fans of either team

I don’t want to see the Chiefs in the Super Bowl again because they’ve been in there a million times the last freaking five years and I just can’t stand the Ravens as a Giants fan so it’s a for me that’s a lose lose tomorrow Sunday that being said I’m rooting hard for the

Detroit Lions to get into the Super Bowl since they’ve never been to one and whoever they play if they were to get in it I’m hoping they win first free throw is good for Wy the turnover battle between Wy Andel what Mr Z do the wy’s got six how many does Vel

Have so tattoo says never too high does it really maty I feel the same way I’m really running for Detroit while I’m a New York Giants fan through and through Barry Sanders is my favorite running back of all time and mega Megatron Calvin Johnson was one of my favorite receivers to

Watch play when he was playing for Detroit so I mean even though they’ve never won anything they’ve had some great players on their roster and I’m really rooting for them this year Spurs ball off the bucket over five minutes to go Jeremy with the ball right

Now just going to launch a three oh my goodness this might be the most confident we’ve ever seen Jeremy in a game he’s hitting from everywhere his career high is 33 he’s got 31 he has a chance at a career high no he you can’t stop him you can hold he contain

Him he is playing so well tonight I mean if this is his ceiling we’re seeing tonight Jabron Walker with the three-point no good if this is his ceiling great but we just don’t see this uh we rarely see him play this well you got to think the Spurs know he’s getting

Close to his career Jeremy drives in the paint throws up a layup no good got blocked I was hoping for Goen no Goen Simon for three over Wy gribbler I’d love to see JS get 40 I don’t know if he’s gonna get to that

But adro no no goal T it was not a go hand Kell going to drive in the pain himself gos up the layup good kelvin’s been very good tonight Jeremy’s been very good this the Spurs went I’ve said this before my friends when their guys are all playing well they can probably

Beat most teams in the NBA Simons for a quick three the problem is getting wemy Kelvin jery Devin all on the same page playing well rarely happened this year it happened when we beat the Suns twice Jeremy’s gonna forc the pass into the paint and it’s going to go out of

Bounds it’ll be Spurs ball Trey Jones starting has definitely made the team better pop suck tonight Wy coming out with 23 points 12 rebounds four assists and two steals he also has he’s got a couple blocks in there uh Travis Kelsey is who you’re talking about one

Of the greatest offensive tight ends of all time I don’t if I want to say the greatest tight end he does seem like a big wide receiver Simons for another three no good soam with another rebound and the ball deflected out of bounds it be Spurs ball I like Mexican food like tacos

Chalupas tamali spicy chicken with rice and black beans I love Mexican food as well Carlos if you ask my two favorite foods probably mexican and italian I love it Italian’s probably number one with Mexican right there right behind it over with the $5 Super Chat thank you my

Friend with the little guy doing Boop you know what you’ll get a Boop from coyote for that Boop Osman for three nope douggy mcbuckets with the rebound gets it out to Kellen for three back iron no good Kell with the offensive Board and they’ll get it out to Osman

Over to soan soan fakes the three eight on the shot clock and Jeremy now stepping on the Spurs logo four on the shot clock he just launches a quick three that’s an airball that was not good Simon in the paint layup good it’s a 10-point game Pop’s going to call a

Timeout po GNA start playing again he’s coming out of retirement you mean the best Fair like coaching come on put Wy back in just for two minutes k is that for a bet I think some of you said you had a bet on Wy it’s been a great game my friends it’s

Nice to see the Spurs what a legit chance at winning a rare game this year this will only be our nice win a lot of players playing very well tonight so appreciate you being here on a Friday night if you haven’t done this already make sure hit the Subscribe button if

You’re a Spurs fan we have an awesome Spurs Community we go live for just about every single game we do some analysis videos during the week and also there’s a sense of humor on the channel I do some goofy stuff too we’re going to have a baby coyote video coming up I did

A cover of raging against machines Killing In The Name Of but that’s going to be wmy in the name of that hope to have up soon because I love how the song came out and uh while you’re subscribing make sure you hit the thumbs up if you

Haven’t done so or if you’re already subscribe give the thumbs up make sure you do so what up Jeremiah Leo uh the mini restriction is supposed to end this weekend Carlos Jer the $2 Super Chat says I think everyone here is hungry now go Spurs

Go I I am very hungry Carlos but I’m not going to eat something before going to bed Jan Chong my friend thank you for stopping in tonight dry bananas you wet ban Banas in the first half dry bananas in the second Robert ball good evening to you they kept talking about ice cream

So now I’m hungry I’m hungry but I’m not going to eat anything I ran a couple times today and it just doesn’t make I ran at a break at work and then I ran after work and I just don’t putting that work into it to get

Your you know to get in shape and get your body where you want it to be I just don’t want to eating this late which is yeah I’m not getting anything Phil I hope Wy does play tomorrow night I really hope he does you seem like a slim guy you can afford you

Little M Gregory I’m uh 64 about 200 but yeah I’m probably on the Slimmer side more so probably because I do more cardio stuff I do lift weights so I’m not a weakling but I you know I play basketball I cycle I do a lot of things that keep my weight in

Check does Anthony Simons have 40 yes I can show you the game ages J this one suck breakfast Su and are also the best I’m a huge dude I don’t know about huge a lot of people don’t realize I’m 64 Leo there’s a picture of me with sea

Elliot well not on the channel there’s a video I put up about my spurs experience in San Antonio and I got a picture with Sean Elliot and yeah I’m I’m 6’4 4 200 Jeremy with a career high 14 rebounds tonight 12 of 20 from the field

31 of 14 I’m hoping he can get three more points to break his career high is 0% body fat no had say killer oddly enough I did a video about Blake Wesley taking brandom’s minutes on like Monday and then sure enough immediately happened that night butterfly Miss TSR is

52 Melle Corner three he’s going to Rattle around Ratt jge I am taller than some of the guys on the Spurs and Clement I am from Western Massachusetts currently reside in Connecticut been a Spurs fan for over 30 years love our guys we’ve only covered

The Spurs as a bad team on this channel this channel started in April 2019 and we’ve only been here for losing Seasons as a Ball’s going to get knocked out of bounds it’ll save SP Spurs ball Lonnie Walker yeah I’m taller than wy’s back in the game I’m taller than

Trey Jones I believe I’m taller than Blake Wesley I think Blake’s been listed at 63 I’m not short I just I’m not not NBA good at basketball clearly I won’t be sitting on my couch spings ball the cell will get the ball over to Jeremy son thinks about the three pulls it down

Drives in the paint gets it to a flying Ry miss the dunk Ry miss the dunk you gotta be kidding me 64 and 52 yep Phil 64 and 52 Simon for three no good and Kellin with the rebound a minute and a half to go Spurs are in the bonus the Blazers

Are not Trey Jones will bring it up for San Antonio Trey looking for a pick and roll with wemy Wy with the screen but no pick no roll 13-point lead she is petite butterfly she is little they’re going to find Kellin under the rim he gets the layup good

Wy missed the dunk and you know what Leo I do have the build of a basketball player I’m thin it’s okay did you just put wheny had seven turnovers wow so R would that actually be what be a hermano his brother right hermano sister hermano brother Ashley needs one more wemy

Rebound trade wemy come on now I would show you a picture of me and Miss TSR together but she’s not ready to be on the channel yet she’s on the channel audibly she’ll be here tomorrow night for the Spurs game but not ready to actually be in front of the camera I am

Hoping she does at some point in the future we’ve talked about a little bit shakon a fool kills her she cracks up uncontrollably to shakon a fool and I think I think it’d be fun if we did reaction videos to Shack fool in the future I don’t know if you would on to

Drive me for you know join me for Spurs games because I mean I’ve got a coost and Selena Gomez she’s not going to want to knock her out of out of her chair but maybe join me for sha and a fo reactions join me for maybe the odds Yankees and

Red Sox game I’m a Yankees fan she’s a Red Sox fan that could be fun maybe not for one of us that is crazy seven turnovers but plus 23 does Wy have a girlfriend I don’t know I think W’s going to the bench he’s going to the bench whoever needs more out of

Wemi sandrew mish Kelli is checking in for the Spurs so I think Papa is emptying the bench hell little Kell staying in there Shaq yeah Shaq and Barkley are hilarious Jeremiah I met all about do CSR stuff I met her on a dating app called hinge h i n

G and so I mean we’ve been together for over seven months so so far so good it is Blazer’s ball one minute to go turnover and the Spurs have a fast break Kellen Johnson in the paint layup good Spurs up by 17 and the game’s obviously

Over uh Robert I actually told that to her I think it would very much help our it would definitely grow the female audience having not only a female on the channel but she’s a knowledgeable sports fan like shouldn’t just I’ve said this before not assuming females don’t know Sports don’t please

Don’t take it that way but you know co-host sometimes don’t get very involved and she is a huge basketball fan would definitely would be audible about stuff about that and I’m sure if the Red Sox are playing the an she’d have a lot to say oh definitely dagger

We a lot of our guys had some good games tonight Wesley at the line he’s been awful at the line this year and a miss free throw well aie Wesley still has zero points I believe her audio demonstrates a firm knowledge yes it does Robert made the second free throw 116

100 33 seconds to go yeah Toby he had a he had he had a very quiet second half this mile I don’t know who any of the Blazers players are anymore in the court just for the record I pretty much don’t know anybody and the Spurs look like they’re

Just going to dribble it out that’s a win for our Spurs win number nine all right we’ll take it right we’ll take another win let’s put the uh final let’s put a an up there for final not for anything bad I will take it why poor Rich who do

You think would be the next jersey retirer for the Spurs can oh I have no idea I don’t know we’re GNA see Dominic Barlo back I don’t Fox 250R thank you for stopping in Sp you got sco are you you don’t want scool Mr Z with the $2 Super Chat says

Everyone is earned shout to the new era of Spurs I’m not eating a pepper by the way one I don’t have any peppers in my house we out scored the Blazers in every quarter except for the first that was a nice game for our Spurs we’re going to

Get to the final stats if we could get to 200 thumbs up though before the stream is over I’d greatly appreciate that we’re at 180 right now we certainly have enough people to get it to 200 so appreciate you you get the old thumbs up and let me pull up

The I said Spurs trying to get their first uh back-to-back win look I’m optimistic with our San Antonio Spurs but I’m also very realistic and I don’t think we’re beating a Tim roll tomorrow night but I’ll be live We’ll Be Live we’ll give it a shot and hey you never know stranger

Things that happen maybe this first can pull one out when we at least expect it all right for Portland Trailblazers Walker with three Grant with four Aon with 20 and 12 nice game for DeAndre Aton TYB with five and then Anthony Simons dropped 40 on us with 10 assists

He did have five turnovers but still big game for Simons Off the Bench man the Blazers had just about everybody out there Mana with Mina with zero in 22 minutes that’s awful Kamar with 12 Murray with two dup with three Moore with two scoot Henderson only played six

Minutes was he hurt he was rocking a plus eight one of two from the field one of one from the arc three of three from the line one rebound it’s scoot Henderson H again and then rert with three for San Antonio Spurs champag with five Jeremy soan with one of his best

Games of the year 31 points for a career high 14 rebounds two assists two assists two steals two turnovers 12 of 20 from the field four of seven from the ark a nice game for Jeremy wemy was monstrous in the first half at 18 points finished

With 23 seven of 18 from the field 12 boards four assists two steals two blocks he did have seven turnovers he rocked a plus 23 Trey Jones rocked a plus 24 but seven turnovers see that number come down and seven three-point attempts so those are two

Sevens I want to see go in the opposite direction maybe a few less threes and definitely a few less turnovers Jones did have nine points and seven assists and three steals devel finished with 15 points but it was an inefficient 15 points 54 from the field two7 from

Beyond The Arc Off the Bench and we had some strong bench play from a couple guys tonight Zack Collins 0 for four from Beyond The Arc just as usual Collins was actually kind of useless tonight four points three boards that’s pretty much it in 18 minutes Mamu played

One minute and had zero D MC durit with zero tonight yet he had a plus 13 go figure cheddy Osman was all over the place tonight in a good way seven points three rebounds Kellen Johnson had a really strong game Off the Bench 21 points and 16 rebounds for Kellin Off the

Bench not too shabby Blake wesling one point now that looks you know Blake was over five from the field he missed a couple dunks I believe and a layup that’s the bad side of Blake Wesley but he had eight assists and two Steals and only one turnover so that’s

The one thing we’re seeing with Blake Wesley right now is while he may strugg be struggling offensively getting the ball in the hoop Blake is giving us defense and he’s dishing the ball so I mean I can’t complain too much uh I like what I’m seeing at Blake

Wesling and I am so happy for him because I was definitely critic of him because it was the same thing for him in year one and part of year two turnovers because he was just playing a little too fast and then just constantly getting rejected at The Rim every time Blake

Went into the paint he throw it up Boop right back out again so I am so happy that he’s playing better for those people that you know were ready to give up on him I said let’s not do that and a lot of you said that as well this is a

First round pick from two years ago a player that’s still very young you don’t want to give up on a first round pick in year number two primo unless you have to um so I’m happy Blake’s turning things around Jeremy hopefully he can build on games like this the big question mark

For the SP Spurs right now is from that draft class Malachi brandham he’s now two do not plays out of the last three games kind of in the doghouse but we’ve said it before on the channel he’s terrible at defense and if he’s not playing well offensively then he’s a

Liability on the court so hopefully he can turn things around sooner than later he’s still very young and a great went tonight and we’ll be back live tomorrow night for the Spurs and Tim wolves I want to thank you all for tuning in and

I get my butt to bed so on behalf of Selena grou myself and baby coyote what you gonna do when TSR Sports runs wild on you sp go

The Portland Trail Blazers face the San Antonio Spurs!

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Portland Trail Blazers vs San Antonio Spurs Live Stream
Blazers vs Spurs Live
Blazers vs Spurs Live Stream


  1. Damn, Jeremy is so inconsistent in terms of scoring. Could have a night like this puts up 30+, or single digits.

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