@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: Amidst 5-game losing streak, what needs to change? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Amidst 5-game losing streak, what needs to change? | Five on the Floor

Down the B on the floor for my dogs where thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS we bubble frogs just like brother said you in trouble y check the FL play got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust

It’s have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network welcome back to five on the

Floor I’m your host Greg sander today’s floor plan with me Alex Toledo you can follow him on Twitter at Tropical blanket and Brady Hawk you can follow him on Twitter at Brady Hawk 305 and if you hear dogs barking in the background that’s okay too that those are mine uh

I’m Greg sander we are going to dive into the the Miami Heat and what has become in this five-game losing streak I’m going to go out on the limb y’all and I’m going to say the worst five game stretch in the last five years we’re gonna dissect that

And see if if that hot take is hot enough before we do though want to tell you about a great sponsor of the five reasons sport Sports Network and want to tell you about uh a really cool watch party we have coming up tomorrow or Saturday if you’re hearing if if you’re

Listening to this first though tub culture sports fans are you looking to do something nice for your girlfriend or wife you have a great local business right here in South Florida that can help they’re called tub culture they can make bath body products everything from bath bombs shower Steamers to soaps and

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Sweating beer use promo code 5 and get 10% off your order of 20 bucks or more at tub culture that’s shopt Alex tell them about the watch party coming up against the Knicks all right so tomorrow we are once again GNA be back at the Rock Esports Center for our

Third watch party and 2K Tournament of the season the first two were real fun and we’re excited about this one because um not only are we doing it for the 300 p.m. game it’s on a Saturday I feel like it’s just easier for people to get down

There um and really enjoy the whole experience and really make a day out of it because the the game starts at three we’re going to watch the game there there’s going to be food drinks snacks all that is going to be there food truck

Um and after the game is going to be the 2K tournament and I think either as the 2K tournament is starting or right before it starts we’re going to be doing something for the podcast with um Ethan’s going to be there I think my guy Brady’s going to be there and I think

We’re going to do uh a quick hitting podcast there um not a 100% sure if that’s the case but you know what screw it I’m saying it right now live show tomorrow at Rock Ethan’s gonna have to do it because he didn’t show up the first time and we haven’t been able to

Do a live show like we promised Rock So screw it we’re doing it tomorrow screw it we’re doing it live but no in in all reality um I think it’s going to be a good time and everybody should come out there the tournament will start at 6 um

Ethan has I got Ethan to put some money down on top of the the the the cash prizes that that go into um that come sorry that come from the entry Fe sorry I’m not a Salesman but uh so you got the cash prizes on top

For first place and then in second place you either you can win better Edge or prize picks funds and you know what like we’re just trying to make it a little bit [ __ ] here for you guys the last person won I believe $100 or $90 if I remember correctly we’re gonna add on

Top of that and just trying to get people to come out so make sure to come out tomorrow Rock Esports Center down in Palmetto Bay game starts at three not you don’t have to pay anything to come hang out with us and watch the game of course like I said food drinks and

Snacks will be sold and if you want to enter the 2K tournament it’s a $15 entry fee and you can win money so come out tomorrow and try to see if you can keep me from winning first place because I’m gonna be aiming for that that sounds

Like a hell of a good time what has not been a hell of a good time is the Miami Heat basket that we have had to watch over the last five games they’re on a five-game losing streak uh not only have they lost to the drgs of the league with

Nobody playing that anybody can recognize in the Memphis Grizzlies but also have gotten waxed by the best team in the league in the Boston Celtics and it hasn’t looked good either way but we are a solution-minded show and we are coming here today to try to figure out

What the hell can we potentially suggest as fixes um I think that the easy thing to say is they need to make a trade Jimmy Butler needs to play better we need to be healthy so we weren’t allowed to bring those things to the show because those are the obvious things but

Yes all those things need to happen they need to play better Jimmy needs to play better we need to see the big three uh in Tyler herob bam out of bio and Jimmy Butler on the floor more together playing cohesively but we want to find some other things I have a few

Ideas but before we dive into the solutions I want to ask either of you I started the show by saying that this is the worst five game streak worst five game stretch in the last five years so that’s during the Jimmy Butler ERA this has been the most listless without disposition so

Disposition less Miami Heat group I have seen over the last five games do either of you agree disagree or can you you think of any other time where we maybe felt this Grim the only one that that compares to it is two years ago when they had the

SPO and Jimmy fight and everything went off the rails like that’s the only one but as I looked at a little bit ago that was only a four game losing streak so maybe you’re right on the five game span if we if we put that specifics around it

Uh but after that four game losing streak to finish the season they ended up winning six in a row there ended up figuring out Solutions but that the the last game of that losing streak wasn’t the fight it was like the second game and then they lost two more on top of

That where it felt like everything was going downhill at that point it felt like everything was off but I think the big thing the question is now do you feel more comfortable about The Vibes when it’s being kind of in that altercation state where they’re addressing it and going at each other

About the problems or do you feel better about it when it’s the way it is right now where it’s everybody’s kind of looking around like okay what do we do so it’s like I think that’s the question right now to answer your question is what do you

Feel is the worst part to be in so I mean we always are going to say they’re going to figure it out in some capacity because they’re not just going to throw their hands up ultimately but I think those they’ve dealt with it these two losing streaks have been in two totally different

Fashions a Alex what would you rather be the team that’s clashing because you’re bumping heads or the team that’s looking around everybody like what the hell are we going to do like what what spot is is the there a better spot to be in out of

Those two I think there is and if you’re just talking about the way the heat talk about themselves it feels like they would probably much prefer the former right where two seasons ago when they were out there and Jimmy and SPO and UD almost got into fight and all that stuff

Like I think they like that better they’ve always talked about how oh that happens all behind the scenes all the time guys are holding each other accountable it’s nothing personal and all that type of stuff whereas like that was not really The Vibes that we felt

Last night uh in the locker room and of course that’s not representative of the team because we’re there way after everything is done and you know there’s maybe one or two guys in there when we’re in there so we’re not getting a complete Vibe of the team Al together

But like man just and we were talking about this pre-show just seeing Jimmy there sitting down at his locker and The Vibes that were coming off from that presser man he you could tell he was he’s kind of just as done with it as everybody and I don’t mean done with it

Like he wants out of here I just mean like he’s frustrated he’s frustrated and it and it’s not coming out in the same way it did a couple of seasons ago and I I think I prefer that I think I prefer that instead of guys everybody just kind

Of down on themselves and being like oh we don’t know what to do we’ve got to be better and trying to say the right things I gotta say I’d rather I like the the fieriness of the former better yeah I I think they actually wouldn’t lie to

You and they probably would admit that that’s where they’d like to get to as well it’s going to take somebody getting good and mad before things start to to turn around at all um we are going to dive into the solutions that we’ve brought to the show because sometimes

It’s the simple things that can get things started and you never know what flips a season right so we’re going to dive into our ideas before we do want to tell you about a great sponsor of the five reason Sports Network and that is better Edge why is better Edge different

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Better Edge go to better use the code five RSN for 20 bucks in free play Brady you’re the smart one here give us the solution that’s going to help turn this damn team around in the last five games man I mean I I when you pose the

Question before about like what can shift can save the season the thing that comes to mind and I know we’ve been saying it as a joke kind of over the last few weeks but it’s Hy aets to me and and there’s a couple different reasons why number one for the

Basketball reasons like I think he really does make everything kind of come together as the as the glue piece which it is so wild to say that the rookie that we did not have being in the rotation before the season is the glue to all of their top players working

Together uh but it feels like that’s the case number one that the offensive stuff with we talked about the lack of movement we talked about the lack of Rim pressure all of these things that he provides the off ball stuff The Cutting uh just kind of opens up to offer

Opportunities he can get to the rim at any point from at different spots on the floor you look at the stuff that they’re running even aside from the Terry Rosier era where they’re kind of trying to figure this stuff out it’s been a whole lot of pick and rolls that don’t go a

Lot in a kind of a positive direction whereas when we saw from the haih hakz stuff it was like different things it wasn’t just strict pick and roll into pull-ups into the same action every time it was like okay Haka is GNA get the ball in the mid post and do a couple

Spins and find his way into the pain and then throw a couple Jabs like he finds different ways of of operating on the floor that just gives them a different look offensive then you go to the stuff in terms of just the stuff that Eric spoler mentions

A key phrase functional size he has functional size that he yeah he could play at the four he could play at the three he could play at the two they I think that there was a starting lineup early in the season where they had him

At the one so they have a guy that can kind of play in different spots on the floor offensively and defensively because as much as we’re talking about the offense if we’re really because I know defense is is kind of a a perspective thing but I wouldn’t be it’s

Not crazy to say he was he’s been a top three or top four defender on this Heat team this season it’s not crazy to say at all so they need that right now they need him in that spot to kind of give them a little bit more physicality I

Feel like they lack that right now and here’s the biggest thing because we just spent the beginning of this podcast talking about The Vibes in the locker room and Jimmy was talking about the energy last night when I asked him about it he said he didn’t know like what the

First step is to fixing the energy well if there was an answer to the Vibes and the energy it’s time HZ like it it just from the fan base from that Arena from his teammates is a like a walking Energizer on the basketball court with

The stuff he can do you know the the fun stuff on the fast break or the fun stuff in the half court with the spins and just the the it’s pretty much Tyler in his rookie year because I I I how explosive he was and exciting he was and

We’re reliving that now with ha hawz that that they need to lean into that so when you ask about saving the season or or kind of finding a different look they’re going to have to lean into that guy a lot more and it’s it’s hard to say

That in a way because you’re trying to figure out okay well Jimmy’s going to need to get his usage up and and where are Tyler and Bam and Rosier are going to get their shots to the mix like yeah that’s stuff to figure out but I think

Haime making him a priority and I’m not saying on the ball just making him a priority on this team when he comes back is gonna just help a lot of things so I’m interested to see that the lineups he’s used in I know we’re all interested

To see that the main lineup the like the Rosier hero Jimmy hwz bam lineup I’m just very curious to see how that looks on both ends of the floor but I think he can energize this team for sure he definitely is a lightning rod a lightning rod in the arena to your point

On the road other players notice but you know who else has been uh a shot in the arm for the team and I’ve just seen it from the fans Alex Terry roier just him coming and playing we had a 100 people on playback watching the other night in

His debut even though it was against the lowly Memphis Grizzlies and the heat looked awful we still had a 100 people watching the game with us we’ve had more people checking in with Terry roier since he’s arrived it to me I agree with Brady there’s something to this idea of

You’re gonna need some fresh energy from these new guys what else do you see out there that you think maybe uh could help turn this thing around in this five game skid um before I get into that completely agree with Brady about hakus like it’s unbelievable how much they

Miss that guy and I’ve been trying to make this a thing I don’t know if it’s going to catch on but I’ve been calling him the Bandit recently because he’s really been just like like everything felt like it was okay while he was playing right he was

Giving you his boost of energy and really filling in like for stuff that they needed and now like without him and look Kevin Love is a part of this too he’s they the times he’s been out and now again with um him getting sick like they missing both of those guys it’s

It’s a lot it’s a lot to deal with and yeah I think hak is having him back and him and Duncan are their best off ball movers and I think those are the two guys that can fit best around um kind of their better players and kind of make

The offense move a little bit I just think they need more of that they need more of that off ball movement and the way that he does it with so much force great timing all the stuff we talked about forever the rim pressure on and off ball they they miss it badly they

Miss it really badly and obviously he’s an extra Wing body on the defensive end was pretty good there so yeah having haakas back is gonna be huge and Caleb to um a somewhat lesser extent because he’s been great um back to Rosier I I’m not going to fault SPO too much for this

Um because obviously he got thrown into a backtack had uh played the night before he got traded if I have the timeline right so three games and four nights got traded in the middle of it I’m not GNA fault SPO too much for not involving him more but I need to see

That I need to see Terry Rosier involved more and I’m not saying you know he hasn’t been trying to be involved like he he’s doing what’s being asked of him they’ve used him as a screener they have him moving around a lot off ball the problem is there’s been a lot of hes

Hesitancy and I feel like um you know that’s to be expected from a guy who’s trying to fit into a team that already has their core set up they’re not bringing him in here to be like the number one ball dominant guy so it’s kind of a tough and we talked about this

When they traded for him it’s a tough balance um to try to come in right away and play your game where he was a ball dominant guy in Charlotte and you’re kind of like you can be the third or fourth option sometimes in that starting lineup when you’re just looking at like

The names and that I think it’s a little bit tougher with that starting lineup and that’s why I want to see them keep kind of playing through it and and figuring figuring each other out I like the way that him and Tyler kind of passed the ball between each other it

Hasn’t been great yet because I think he’s deferring to Tyler a little bit and uh but but I like the way that they’re going about it it’s just Terry uh I feel like he’s been very up and down right like he’s had some the Mis finishes at

The inim which is fine because he can get there at will and he’s the only guy on this team who can really just get by his guy and you see that so I I I would like to see him involved more in more pick and roll actions but the problem is

With the starting lineup is you get into similar issues when Tyler and Bam are running the pick and roll is the spacing isn’t always great and then maybe the pocket pass to the contestant mid-range is all that’s available so I want to see him used more often and kind of involved

More often but I also need Terry to be aggressive uh when he does get the ball and he hasn’t had a great performance yet and they’re losing the minutes by a whole lot I’m not even going to get into the numbers because it’s such a tiny

Sample but uh it hasn’t worked out so far which is somewhat to be expected but now in this time you know with a day off um before the next game they they need to drill down because they need what that guy brings they don’t need him to

Come here and just fit in so like it’s cool that he doesn’t want to step on anybody’s toes and all that and doesn’t think that he’s going to be the number one that’s all fine and great he wants to buy in and be a part of a winning

Situation and all that they need him to play his game they need him to get into the rim and make plays and I that’s another thing I felt really good about is he’s been more than willing to pass the ball like that reputation of being like a Jordan Clarkson type bucket

Getter it’s just absolutely not true the guy is a point guard and I think he he he is always looking to get others involved and specifically when I want to see him more involved and more on ball is in those lineups that he’s been thrown in with no Tyler and no Jimmy

That is the time where I need to see on ball and Terry Rosier like I’m sorry like there was that stretch yesterday in the second half when like Ducket and Caleb were like trying to make something out of nothing on the kind of east west action and it’s like Terry got the ball

With like less than seven seconds left in the shot clock no Tyler or Jimmy in that lineup why is he touching the ball so late and that’s just one example of course but I really do think that he just needs to uh he’s going to figure

His way out he’s going to figure out the way that these guys like to play and where they like to get their shots and he’s going to have to find his way and I really do think in those lineups he’s got to be like he’s got to be aggressive

And I understand why he’s trying to fit in with the starters but they need him to shoot they need him to shoot those threes because he’s a good movement shooter um they need him to shoot the pull-up threes they need him to run pick and roll get into the paint and create

Out of that like I they need all that stuff from him so I don’t I don’t want him you know trying to scale down his game too much and that’s really what I think it comes down to and obviously SPO involving him more now that there’s

Going to be more time practice and get into film let’s hope so and I agree wholeheartedly with both of you it’s crazy that we’ve arrived at a place where haime hakz junor and Terry roier III are the two guys that uh we are relying on to find answers because we’ve

Basically arrived at a place where we’ve thrown our hands up and there’s no more excuses bam is out there Jimmy is out there Tyler is out there you have your full cast of characters uh against New York it appears as if Kevin Love and haime hakz Jr would both be available

You have everybody there’s no no excuses now and for me this Wells down to watching The Hustle stats this team needs to start giving a [ __ ] I pulled some examples of just this is data points that are super basic hustle stats you can find them on under the

Team stats you you guys know I don’t go digging for data because I do too much of this in my daily life hustle stats follow me here charges drawn this year they are eighth in the league that’s usually a stat that they’re really really um that they’ve flourish in they

Were second last year and they were first in 2022 they’re eighth this year in charges drawn deflections 19th this year they were eighth last year 15th in 2022 they went from 19th to eth in deflections listen to that screen assist 19th this year 10th last year ninth in 2022 and lastly contested three-point

Shots that’s just total contested three-point shots they’re 24th in the League this year they were 13th last year fourth in 2022 those are four data points that to me add up to a team that’s not playing hard enough they need to play harder they need to act like

They give a [ __ ] now is the moment because you’re going to start to separate yourself where you’re not in the four or five conversation you’re in the 6 S8 conversation you’re trying to get out of the play in and what the hell are we really doing here is that where

We’re Landing so to me that’s what we need to watch for and the Beautiful part that wraps a bow around all this is that Terry roier is a guy that wants to fit in he cares about make you know getting this right and haime hawz from day one

Has been all about that so I think we’ve kind of honed in on two guys that can help change gears for this team and we want to thank our sponsors tub culture as well as better Edge make sure you come out to Rocky sports center for the

Super uh dope 2K tournament as well as watching Heat at Nicks at 3 o’clock free to enter all you Spectators you can come out there and check out the game you don’t have to spend a dollar come and check out the road raid at Rocky Sports thank you for joining us Alex Brady

Thank you uh we will have Ethan back with us shortly he’s still moving peace out

Greg, Brady & Alex go over the things that need to change for the Miami Heat, including the integration of Terry Rozier, return of Jaime Jaquez and Kevin Love and adjustments.

Sponsors: (FIVE), BettorEdge (5RSN), ROK Esports Center (Heat-Knicks Watch Party on Saturday!),

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  1. It's one thing to lose it's another to not put forth the effort and still lose. Keep our young guys trade everyone else at the end of the year. Play Jovic at point. Tyler needs to come off the bench.

  2. Why do they even say you need to see big 3 play more together, its been 5 years of tyler jimmy and bam. you know what they are when they play together.
    It just sounds like they are defending the org to stay within the good graces of org for media coverage.
    Saying jaime being injured, that hes gonna save the team. if thats the fix of the entire season then the team is fragile.

  3. The smallest, deepest, best shooting team in the NBA plays the slowest tempo 😂😂, we are TAILOR MADE for run and gun in this new NBA but Spo ego wont adjust to the talent on the roster, he wants to call plays every possesion to show hes the reason, hes universally known as the best coach now so hopefully he'll come around

  4. Favorite team podcast love you guys great work !!!
    Heat seems to not really care about regular season like last year yes I think at any series they can beat those big teams but they have to secure top 6 seed you don’t want to end up in play in again.

  5. What needs to change? Maybe we need an ACTUAL superstar, not one that decides when to show up every now and then but gets a pass for it cause “wait till the postseason” which just leads to 1 or 2 cute little wins in the finals if we get there

  6. I believe we wont have enough this season to make the finals again. I think the team will figure things out but OKC, Denver & Boston are playing at a different level. The Jimmy era has peaked. Now we just have to develop the young guys and position ourselves to get Luka or some other alien so we can compete with those teams that have Unicorns. If Nico hits his ceiling that will help a lot too.

  7. Buddy it’s been 5 years of this core… it obviously isn’t working it takes jimmy going super nova to get deep in the playoffs

  8. This is a UD thing we need that dude who can check a dude and then motivate him to show and prove! Jaime is missed for sure!

  9. Spo has to be the only coach that can get away with anything. He hasnt fixed any of the same problems they have year after year. The way this team plays is the way this team is coached. And everyone keeps blaming this player or that player but never Spo. There regular seasons usually are average to unwatchable. He's been getting bailed out by jimmy in these deep playoff runs until he gets hurt. You think coaching got you past the bucks last year. His formula for winning in the playoffs have been Jimmy and someone else playing way above there level. Like caleb against boston last year when they were up 3-0 another bail out.

  10. trade herro caleb and some pieces plus multiple draft picks to a legit superstar like SGA or A.Edwards

  11. Terry & Jaime are going to save the regular season by being the glue, energy & and penetration with spraying out = offense saved Coach Spo is right that this will turn around, he can always see further ahead then we can on what & who his team is.

  12. I need them to go back to their big lineup:

    Small lineups ain’t getting no where in today’s NBA.

    Their bench should be killer:

    That’s it. That’s the playoffs lineup. They need to make that choice & try and get some continuity/chemistry…. & JRich can be a swing guy if anyone is out.

    Closing lineup lots of options depending on if they need offense or defense, but they better not play slow

  13. If i had a dollar for everytime I hear bring Tyler of the bench or only blame Tyler for loses, i be a millionaire

  14. We have never needed UD more than we need him now and it shows. Jaime is not the solution im sorry yall, but he sure does help us alot.

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