@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs WILL TRADE Doug McDermott At TRADE DEADLINE? And also Graham and Osman?

Spurs WILL TRADE Doug McDermott At TRADE DEADLINE? And also Graham and Osman?

Hasn’t been a lot of good news lately I mean I guess it kind of has been but we’ve had a lot of losses and that’s not good but this this is good news this is this is great news guys uh so check this out so Spurs Devonte Graham available in

Trade talks thank God uh I’ve been very open and admin about this if the San Antonio Spurs were to trade anybody by deadline I would do Devonte Graham Osman and Doug McDermot I don’t think you’re getting a lot of utility out of these guys obviously you’re getting nothing

Out of Graham cuz he doesn’t play at all um but Doug mcdermit the the big issue that the Spurs are having in my humble opinion just just this is vibes okay I’m not I’m not even looking at the numbers right now this is more Vibes um is it

Stops I I feel like offensively they’ve been pretty decent they can score the ball they can get the ball in the basket and especially when you have Wim banama I mean you can get it almost every time not not every time he has a lot to learn

But you can get quite a few easy baskets a lot more easy baskets than other teams don’t have the luxury of getting uh so with that being said offensively I’m not really worried about it I’m not worried that oh my god do we have a sharpshooter

To come in and and jack up five shots I’m not worried about that I’m not and cheddy Osman while I do think that he fits um in a way he definitely fits us I just think that him and Doug mcder would get way more utility somewhere else with

A different team that’s actually uh constructed to win right now I don’t I don’t understand them playing with us uh cuz defensively they’re Dreadful they’re they’re just Dreadful um and Devonte Graham he’s just been I don’t want to say unplayable uh but I mean when you have Trey Jones uh and Blake Wesley

Playing as well as they’re playing I I don’t necessarily expect Devonte Graham to come in and take a bunch of minutes okay and I don’t think defensively he will be that much better than Osman or Doug mcder so not not really worried about that and at the end of the day for

All of this I don’t know what you can get Devonte Graham unless you packaging these guys you’re probably just going to get second round picks which I’m I’m content with I don’t know what you would get out of Doug maybe one first I don’t think so though with the new CBA these

These picks are very valuable they’re very important so I I’m not quite sure uh but I I really don’t care at this point I just kind of want to clear it up because I want this is me all right this is this is my uh this is my uh big brain

Assessment here okay it’s not big brain at all I want City sasoko to play I I don’t understand why he’s not getting any minutes at all he he should he should play I I yeah cidi Soko um I think he’s hurt right now if I’m not mistaken uh but that doesn’t matter he

Hasn’t played at all right he’s he’s he’s barely actually here let me let me look it up I mean has he played in the NBA at all it it I think it might have been garbage time for a couple minutes let’s see cuz I really want to know what we

Got in in cidd Soko um let’s see I mean I love his playmaking ability and looking at how Blake Wesley has played um how he’s just playing the right way playing well defensively making the right reads I have no doubt in my mind that if cidi

Soko came in that he can at least get some minutes doing that I’m not expect him to put up a bunch of bunch of uh points or nothing like that okay so five games 6 minutes so yeah it’s been it’s been garbage time and as you can see 16%

Field goal percent he’s bar he’s barely played um so yeah I’m not expecting him to come in and light it up or anything like that I’m not expecting him to be able to shoot like Doug shoot like Osman but I I would expect him to come in and

Play better defense and the only thing that I’ve ever been worried about with cidi Soko is his fouling but honestly he’s um he’s been doing better uh he’s he’s been fouling way less hold on I can give you some proof of that because you’re probably just like Clan you’re just

Talking you you don’t know what you’re talking about wait I’m about to prove I’m about to prove you wrong you you about to you guys about to look so stupid no one who said that uh let’s see yeah all right so yeah you can see it right here so 2023 2024 two personal

Fouls uh in during two games though wait a minute this ain’t right wait this isn’t what I was oh god dude I hate I can’t stand I can’t stand looking up g-league stats I can’t stand it I don’t know how they’re an extension of the NBA but their websites are way worse

I I have no idea dude I hate it I hate it with the passion oh my god um look just take my word for it okay you probably just going to take my word for it hold on Let’s do let’s do showcase and regular season you might have to just take take

My word for this one guys oh no you don’t no you don’t you can see it right here you don’t have to take my word for it uh it’s right here so you can see last season 3.4 fouls per game and he’s got it all the way down to 2.1 uh this

Season uh out of 13 games so he he’s been he’s been doing really well um limiting his fouling and that’s the only thing I’ve ever been worried about because he can just get a little little too rough sometimes um but his defense is really good I know that this was

Supposed to be about um uh Devonte Graham and stuff but yeah it looks like he is definitely on the trading block oh and also forgot to mention this so shout out shout out to Josh Peres for just uh uh posting this so I he said I asked

Mark Stein uh about who may be interested in Osman mcder and gram at the trade deadline Mark stand specific teams will surely emerge as we get closer to deadline I reported in one of my recent notebooks that the expectation is that Doug mcder will indeed be moved before the deadline whereas the Spurs

Could have moved him a year ago but decided against it so it’s looking like the Spurs are going to push forward on uh trying to get rid of Doug mcder at least which thank God I mean I it’s it’s not that he’s trash he’s garbage or anything I don’t necessarily I’m not

Necessarily of the belief that just because a player gets traded it means that they’re bad or um anything like that I just don’t necessarily think there’s much utility and Doug me D with us right now doesn’t really make a lot of sense so uh yeah yeah get it get it

Get get I’m out of here get out of here what are you smuck um hold on oh Don God Don in the chat God you always have the worst opinions dude I love you thank you for all the support like you while you always disagree with

Me you do always reply on on Twitter when I post something you’re always replying in my my my videos here you’re always in the chat I love you thank you so much but dude come on he said Devon fael should be on the trading block come

On man come on I mean come on why would Devon Vel be on the trading block at this point in the why why would we do that he just got a contract just just give it a just give it a minute all right just just give it a minute de if

Anybody Devon need to lease another season before we make that assessment come on come on and as bad as and the funny thing is as inefficient as Deon fael has felt and at least at least with Devin if he’s not scoring offensively you can um you can justify him being out

There cuz he’s he’s okay defensively um even even with him not being as efficient as we would like he’s still close to what he was uh averaging last season 17.7 last season with 18.5 pretty pretty similar free throw percentage went up um three-point percentage went

Down a little bit so he came down to earth there field goal percentage overall went up um and yeah same three so he’s about right where he was at um let’s allow him to have a a full a full season okay cuz unfortunately in in his

Career you know 62 games his first year 72 that’s a good chunk his second uh but then after that the injury really hurt him and then this season he even dealt with an injury ear ear in the season so I I really want to see a a full season

Or a a huge chunk of a season with Devon before we make that assessment so we’ll see we’ll see just just give it just give it a minute okay my biggest issue with Devon right now is he just settled for too many shots it’s nothing it has

Nothing to do with Talent it has nothing to do with anything else he just settles for too many shots and I know people say like well what I I just wish he had the mentality of Kellan I don’t I don’t I don’t want him to have time Vision I don’t want him

To miss guys I I just I I just want him to be smarter about the shot selections he take and it’s not like he’s afraid to take them he’s not afraid to take the shots he just takes bad shots sometimes you know yeah I don’t know cahoot pins

You just got a new sub thank you thank you cahoot pins I’m I will subscribe to you in my heart too many tough shots way too many for unnecessarily tough shots mind you I mean in this game or this past game against the Hornets like he created

Space I don’t even remember who was on him I’m sorry I don’t recall um but he created space and then he immediately like passed it up and it’s like that well that would have been a good shot but then he’s willing to take like a contested three

With 17 seconds on the shot clock uh yeah I don’t know uh Devonte Doug plus first um for Reeves I’m going tell you guys this right off the bat all right this last thing I’ll say you would hate Reeves you would absolutely hate Austin Reeves on this

Team hold on let me see I don’t know if I liked it crap see I I don’t I don’t know what where I don’t know where these segments are going to go I don’t know what oh here we go here we go okay you guys will hate them uh

Porest defense of impact brandom is one Reeves is two you would hate him you would absolutely despise Austin Reeves on this team you think that you would like Reeves keep in mind Reeves is surrounded by Superstars right now okay you think you would absolutely love him you’re like yeah Reeves will yeah he’ll

Be great you would hate him Spurs fans would hate him they would hate him at least brandom you know this is second year super young you know whatever we’re on a bad team Austin Reeves yeah he’s second I had no idea I know I know I

Know I know so trust me you don’t want them you don’t want him he’s one of those guys where like he look it’s great from the outside looking in but as soon as he come to this team it’s the same thing with Osman right think about it Doug mcder

Osman I loved those guys with other teams but as soon as they came here at least this season I mean I’m not going to harp on Doug MC D being bad but this season shoot I they can we can go without him so there’s that yeah trust me you don’t

Want Reeves so uh if you do a trade man I don’t know dude it just just get some picks just I don’t know if you can if you can manage to get some type of Veteran point guard I have no one in mind right now other than uh Dennis

Schroeder that would be cool uh where’s Patrick Beverly right now I feel like I feel like Patrick Beverly would really help is Patrick Beverly with a I haven’t been watching any I haven’t been paying attention to anybody is he with the he’s not still with the Sixers is he where is Pat

Biff oh he is with the 76s okay yeah I haven’t been watching last 76s um yeah dude I would take pat Bev in a heartbeat and that’s not a oh he fixes our point guard I’m not worried about any that his been ality we need it we we

Need it dude we need it we need it we need this type of vet this is the type of vet we need this is what we need so if you want to trade Doug mcderment for another vet just do it with Pat Bev I feel like you’ll get more utility out of

Having a pat Bev on your on your bench than anything else Beast dude Pat Bev would be great you do Pat Bev or Dennis Schroeder I think Dennis Schroeder would like genuinely actually help at the point guard position but yeah that that that’s what you want right there that that

That’s what you want but at that point I don’t don’t think we can just give you Doug for Pat like we got to give you Doug you got to give us Pat and then you probably got to give us like a second rounder or something you know you got to give us

Something I think that I mean that’s my that those are my thoughts on that I don’t know Gotta Love P yeah yeah good stuff good stuff um Dennis schroer would help on the floor but hurt the chance of Spurs getting Toronto’s pick you think so yeah yeah you’re right cuz they need to

Be pretty no well no you’re right even if we don’t get Toronto’s pick I think it’s um I think it’s protected one through six for the next two years so I mean we’ll probably eventually get it and honestly I was talking to uh swisso my boy he told me cuz he keeps up

With all the draft stuff um by the way follow his channel hold on I’m going to bring him up and we’re still in this segment of this trade but uh I do want to bring this up but he was talking to me he was like yeah dude um while this

Is a decent draft is 2024 he was telling me 2025 is where it’s at he said it is where it’s at so yeah guys go follow Swiss Hill go follow Swiss Hill and then uh comment on his one of his videos or something say Clan sent you um yeah go

Follow Swiss heill just type in swis heill on YouTube but yeah he was saying 2025 is is where it’s at so I mean if we don’t get Toronto this year maybe we’ll get it next year you got I collab with Swiss more swis is literally my best

Friend IRL I don’t know if you guys knew that like I’ve been to his house twice like he’s he’s we talk all the time like on the phone all the time hours almost every day yeah no he’s my best friend in real life so

Um yeah I got to get him on we got to talk on a again um but yeah I’ll get him on I’ll get him on we we can find something to talk about we’ll see all right end in this segment


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  1. I mean, Doug is streaky at best, if he doesn't make his 4 or 5 three pointers a game, he doesn't contribute anything else. Graham was a stud with the Pelicans but for some reason doesn't get minutes anymore. Cedi has one good game then disappears the next 5 games or so.

  2. Pat bev has been great for philly this year, i dont see them giving him up for what the spurs have to offer, especially considering who the 76rs are looking to trade for.

    That mental toughness you think would be good for the spurs is exactly why they brought him on the 76rs to begin with.

  3. Maybe it will mean more minutes for the seldom-played Sandro Mamukelashvili. I wonder why he's not in the rotation. He's a good passer and a significant scoring threat who always contributes something notable when he plays.

  4. if theres any point guard I would love to have on the team is Lonzo Ball I think that he would match the culture is a genuinely coachable player besides the injuries.

  5. You package the oft injured Vassell while his stock is high. Since Holt wants to build a "superpower" team I don't see Vassell or Johnson being part of that. You're building something around VW and Sochan and two other superstars that PATFO is targeting. We just don't know who that is right now.

  6. What difference does it make if the Spurs trade these guys?

    What team would be willing to offer anything of value?

    The hard discussion is Keldon Johnson or Devin Vassell.

    What are we really talking about?

  7. I DISAGREE WITH YOUR OPINION on Doug Mcdermott should stay on this team because he's are best 3 point shooter ( Instant offense ) DEVONTE Graham is on pop bad side because of DWI Incident

  8. I wish cedi would stick around man he just plays like a true spur in my opinion. Devontae gotta go tho he has no spot on this team unfortunately. Hurt to see Doug go too tho but it makes sense where we are at as a team he could be on a contender contributing

  9. Yep. Pat Bev would be perfect glue guy and defensive culture guy. Those pesky guys are a fine line. You hate one like Brooks (thank goodness he went to houston, perfect fit). But Pat Bev I've always respected. With Clips and Wolves, he brings Playoff culture to a team.

  10. What I like with trading either doug or cedi is that hopefully it will give Mamu more playing time

  11. at this point in the season, I just want the best chance at the highest draft pick possible and I want Toronto to end up at 7. Ideally, I want Sarr and Topic in the first round. As far as trades…..I would be ok with trading Dougie, Graham, Osman, Mamu, and Collins. Unfortunately, my 2nd round choices keep moving up the draft board. I want PJ Hall and Dillon Jones in the 2nd. PJ has moved to the end of the first in a few mocks. Jones as moved up to the first half of the 2nd.

  12. You preaching! We can’t get stops man smh. we need strong perimeter defense but Osman and Mccdermott ain’t it on the defensive side of the ball. With Osman I literally expect at least two fouls almost every game or the shooter his covering going off for at least of 6 points because of him overhelping. McDermott’s man will always get a back cut on him. I could make a bingo board with those two I swear.

  13. Idk what made me think of this while watching a trade scenario video. But I just had a thought of Wemby becoming so dominant on offense.

    Teams will start trying to implement a hack a Shaq style approach to his dominance. I think they'd call it the whack a Wemby. Lol

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