@San Antonio Spurs

Victor Wembanyama talks win vs Blazers, Postgame Interview 🎤

Victor Wembanyama talks win vs Blazers, Postgame Interview 🎤

Pretty cool to see everyone hit the boards tonight you know the energy that k brought Jeremy brought of course yeah it felt like everything was falling in in their hands you know it’s it’s great to see those you know those progress being made were you excited for Jeremy

Tonight you know he started the season he had some rough moments for him to have a game like this of course yes you know his energy you know remind me of that game he had against the Hawks first one and um it’s uh yeah I mean he when he’s

Playing like that he’s just a a great you know great player and on every aspect of the game so it’s it’s uh it makes me happy to see that you r his twohanded dunk coast to coast um that was nice that wasn’t expected i don’t know that was that was a good

One po said that um he he’ll know more tomorrow morning as to whether you’ll play uh tomorrow night um é de s’habituer bonsoir Victor à perdre régulièrement comment est-ce que on appréhende une victoire qu’estce que ça génère comme sentiment c’était enfin comment dire en tout cas nous on s’est pas

Habitué à perdre mais mais h chaque match c’est vraiment un combat et il y en a aucun qui est laissé au hasard et ça fait plaisir de de voir le fruit de nos efforts un peu au moins sur une soirée et c’est pour ça qu’ faut en profiter il faut faut au contraire

S’habituer à à ce sentiment de victoire et eu même si on a déjà match dans moins de d’un jour c’est il faut profiter et euh et profiter intensément et dès dès lendemain matin c’est on est déjà focus sur le le prochain match mais ton deuxème compte surf Simons quand il

Drive beaucoup de joueurs seraient arrivés derrière aur envoyé le ballon en dehors du terrain on a déjà un petit peu parlé du fait que tu gardais la possession est-ce que je peux nous raconter comment ça se passe dans ta tête dans Cees moment là pour ramener ton poignier ramener le ballon

Euh j’ai alors je voulais je dès que possible j’y pense pas tout le temps mais d possible j’essaie de de garder la possession et là j’essayé de le faire mais je j’allais trop vite je pense que je serai tombé en dehors du terrain donc je l’ai je l’ai remise j’essay de la

Remettre dans mes coéquipiers et mais c’est même s’il y a de l’instinct c’est quand même quelque chose que je travaille bonsoir Victor on a un peu passé la mi-saison est-ce que tu peux nous faire un bilan de de ta mi-saison et de de C ton équipe ce que tu en

Penses je trouve qu’on a vraiment ce qui est bien c’est qu’on a ciblé certaines marge de de progression et que on est on est sur la bonne voie et on voit vraiment un peu plus de maturité je trouve par rapport au début de saison et

Et beaucoup de et et on se trouve mieux aussi collectivement donc donc le jeu est de meilleure qualité et ça se voit sur ça se voit aussi statistiquement pas seulement sur le bilan victoire défaite mais aussi sur les statistiques avancées et et personnellement aussi je suis

Ouais c’est c’est ça reflète un peu ce que comment l’État de de l’équipe en fait je trouve que on a bien réussi à cibler mes mes zones où j’étais en difficulté celle où j’étais plus à l’aise et à et voilà et à améliorer la qualité de de tout quoi épurer le

Jeu un petit mot sur ran R qui est de 2004 toi tu le connais bien tu as quelle relation avec lui je discutais avec Jimmy verov qui me disait que tu’étais un gros travailleur aussi je crois qu’il a pris 100000 shoots à peu près toutes les semaines qu’est-ce que tu en connais

De Ryan ruper ça fait longtemps que je connais parce que nos deux grandes sœures étaient en équipe de France ensemble en 2017 donc ça fait ça fait un moment nos familles se connaissent aussi et c’est sûr que je c’est sûr que c’est un gros travailleur s’il y a une chose que

Je sais à propos de lui et et mais ouais en tout cas c’est au-delà du fait que ce soit un Français ça me fait très plaisir de voir de le voir à ce niveau-là quoi mer

Portland Trail Blazers vs San Antonio Spurs – Full Game Highlights | January 26, 2024 | 2023-24 NBA Regular Season

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  1. People think he doesn't like his teammates are so wrong. They are all young kids working together. There is zero animosity in this team

  2. if he played 30+ minutes a night and got more touches he would break so many records and hes only a rookie

  3. All this crying about him being waisted in San Antoon. Ain't nothing better then a bunch of young bucks fighting for a bone. Spurs are coming 🇨🇱🤘🇨🇱

  4. For the non french speaker

    Q- As you get use to loose how does it feel to win?
    A- we are not used to loose. Every game is a fight. We don't give up on any of them, it is a good feeling to get rewarded for our effort, we have to enjoy it and get use to that feeling. Enjoy it intensly even if we have to quickly turn on the next game .

    Q: on your second block on Simmons, you keep the ball in the court and not throw it outside as a lot of player would do coming from behind, how do you do that?
    A: i, not always but as much as possible, try to do that, this time i carried to much speed to stay on the court and throwed it to my teammate. I use my instinct but it is also something I work on.

    Q: we passed the first half of the season. How do you feel about your and your team first part of the season?
    A: we focused on some improvement, we are in the right track, got some maturity, find each other better, and it shows on the stats sheets. Not only our win/lose but also on the advanced stats.
    And for me, the same as the team, we found out the things i'm good at and the one i have to improve. And improve a little bit everything and clean up my game.

    Q: Ryan Ruppert is from 2004, how well do you know him? What relationship do you have with him? He is know to work a lot , what do you know about that?
    A:i know him for while, our two sisters played together for the national team in 2017, our families know each other, i know that he practice a lot, i'm happy that he is here.

    You're welcome, sorry for the few mistakes

  5. Team has been playing better after that Milwaukee game. Even tho they lost that game. It gave them hope they can compete with the best💯 we heading the right direction 💯

  6. Victor Wenbanyama French Q&A translated

    1. Hello Victor, we were forced into getting used to losing on a regular basis. How do you register a win, what feelings does it stir up inside you?
    1. How to say this… * chuckling * We did not get used to losing.
    Every game was a battle, we took every one of them seriously. It brings me joy to see that our efforts are rewarded, on the night at least. That's why we need to enjoy this. That is what we need to get used to, Winning.
    Even though we have a game coming up in less than a day, we need to enjoy this, thoroughly enjoy this, and tomorrow morning have our full focus aimed at that upcoming game already.

    2. You had your second block on Anfernee Simons's drive. Many players would have come from behind and sent the ball flying in the stands. We have mentioned your ability to keep possession on blocks before. Can you tell us what's going on in your mind in those moments, flicking your wrist back and getting the ball back?
    2. Whenever possible, I don't think about it all the time, but whenever possible, I try and keep possession. On this play, I tried to do it but I was going too fast and I would probably have walked out of bounds so I tried to pass it to my team mates. Even though it's mostly instinctive, I try to work on it.

    3. Good evening Victor, we're halfway through the season now. Looking back, what are your thoughts on your and your team's performance?
    3. I appreciate the fact that we have identified certain areas of improvement, and it's moving in the right direction. I believe that we are showcasing more maturity when compared to the start of the season, we have an easier time finding each other on the court, the overall quality of our game has improved. All that can also be noticed on the stats sheet, not only looking at the W/L record but with advanced statistics as well.
    My personal performance reflects that of my team's. We have successfully identified the areas where I was struggling and those where I was more comfortable, improved the overall quality and cleaned up my game.

    4. Victor, a word about Rayan Rupert of the '04 generation, you know him well, what kind of relationship do you share with each other? Jimmy Vérove (French Coach ex player) told me he was a hard worker, taking about 5.000 shots a week, how well do you know Rayan Rupert?
    4. I have known him for a long time, because our sisters played together for the French national team in 2017, so it's been a while. Our families are acquainted with each other as well. He is a hard worker for sure, if there's one thing I know about him, it is that. Beyond the mere fact that he's a French player, I am very happy to see him here, playing at that level.

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