@Chicago Bulls

Kenny on his Chicago Bulls 👀 #shorts

Kenny on his Chicago Bulls 👀 #shorts

The Chicago boyss how y’all feel about the Chicago boyss man indiffer ninth um ninth out east three games below 500 which is crazy Zach is out for another week or two so we might win four straight game Kobe white took over the other night when Zack went out legitimate playoff finally got fourth

Quarter shots man finally and he hit the game they’re playing team they’re playing team they’re pretty comfortable at nine and 10 in the playing

#shorts #nba #numbersontheboard #espn


  1. We trade Zach. I’d hope to trade DBo too if something like that can work out for the right assets or picks in the same or a different deal. It’s time to go young and I’m excited especially the way Coby has been hooping looks like an All Star!

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