@Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors Are Listening To Trade Offers For ALMOST Every Player!

Toronto Raptors Are Listening To Trade Offers For ALMOST Every Player!

What’s up basketball fans welcome to the rat report it’s time to talk about the Toronto Raptors because it seems like they are going to be moving a lot of different pieces and we got some new reports suggesting about what players they may be looking to move come trade

Deadline so I’m going to be discussing all of that in today’s video so if you’re ready to watch make sure to give this video a thumbs up and if you wish to hit the Subscribe Button as well that would be very much appreciated so with that being said let’s get into today’s

Video now as you guys know I do like to give out shout outs on my channel and the shout out for today’s video goes out to dile so dile thank you so much for supporting this Channel and also for helping me pronounce her name because I know I’ve mispronounced her in previous

Video so thank you so much for supporting this channel now let’s get into today’s video discussing what the Raptors may be looking to move come trade deadline now basketball on X was reporting that the Toronto Raptors are open for business everyone is set for Barnes quickly and Barrett is on the

Table if they can turn any of their vets Trent Dennis Chris bu the newly acquired Bruce brown or perhaps even purle into picks or prospects that would help push their rebuild forward it’s hard to see them passing that up now this shouldn’t really come as a surprise to a lot of

Fans given you know what the moves we’ve seen with the Raptors Mak in recent weeks and even a month ago with OGG anobi it’s quite obvious that the Raptors are building around Scotty Barnes and they’ve also got some good young pieces in Emanuel quickly and RJ

Beard as well now of course the Raptors a team like them that is going to want more assets that is going to want more picks in the future this is a great opportunity to sell because with the plan what this essentially did for a lot

Of teams that wish to buy is it’s made it that much more difficult it’s given a lot of teams around the NBA that may be 11th positioned a possible chance to still make the play in tournament and even have a crack at the eighth spot in the playoffs so this essentially makes

It very difficult because now you only have a handful of teams that are looking to sell for sure whereas in the past whereas top 10 teams maybe a 10th Place team may be looking to sell with the idea that they’re very unlikely to catch up to the eighth place team but

Obviously with the plane that change is a lot different and if there’s ever a market to sell it is now a lot of teams will be looking for veterans like Dennis like yakob And even Chris and den excuse me Gary Tren as well so let’s talk about some of these players individually and

What the realistic expectation should be for the Tron Raptors if they are to expect um a trade to occur soon now let’s start with Dennis first I’m not going to Touch Too Much upon statistics I mean he is someone that’s making around when you look at the salary cap

Here about $12.4 million and 13 million next season he’s about 30 years old but what he would provide for a lot of playoff teams is good veteran leadership off of the bench any team will tell you that bench players are just as important obviously the starters yes your top five

Top six players are important but you always need that six seven man off the bench that can provide provide some leadership provide some veteran leadership for a lot of teams and also really good quality play like Dennis you could make an argument he would be a

Starter on a really bad team I know guys kind of ironic I know the Raptors are really bad at the moment but you know what they’ve got Emanual quick who they’re going to invest into the future with but he would definitely be a starter on a bad team and I think with

Dennis he’s one of those players that can come in he’s a good passer he can attack to basket he’s someone that knows his role and he’s done a wonderful job ever since the Raptors have decided to trade ojin and Obi and bring Emanuel quickly onto this team he’s kind of done

That wonderful job coming off the bench he’s been a spark for them off the bench he’s been providing leadership getting a lot of their players involved and like I said he can put up points as well so he’s one of those players that’s on a really reasonable contract when you see

Some of the money that is being y around in the NBA you can definitely see Dennis being a really good player for any team and he’s not too expensive so of course the concern for a lot of playoff teams is that second apron tax which no team

Wants to go into but again Dennis isn’t very expensive he’s not making that much money so you can essentially throw a filler maybe a heavy heavily protected first round pick kind of similar to what the Miami Heat did with Kyle lry right except for that you’re trading the

Better player in Dennis maybe you take on a bad contract for another season or so and you get a first pick in return again I know ASI has this reputation of being a really tough executive to deal with but if you’re giving a first- round

Pick that’s let’s say 15 top 15 top 20 protected that’s a fairly decent deal for the Raptors I think that’s what the expectations should be I don’t think you’re necessarily going to get a good young player in return for Dennis but you never know never see never we’ll see

What how desperate teams are let’s talk about some of the other players in Chris Gary and especially Bruce Brown now Gary Trent is a very funny player because you know he’s gotten the opportunity to finally kind of get that starting roll chance with you know Pascal now gone and

You know you’ve got so much opportunity there to kind of showcase what you have not to mention he’s in a contract year not to mention he is someone that is looking to make 20 plus million dollars he’s also very young as well but besides his three-point shot his game hasn’t

Necessarily grown with the Raptors and I cannot emphasize on this enough I understand that some players have a limit as to how much they can grow individually but with Gary it seems like there’s not been a marginal marginal difference in his offensive or defensive game over the last few years I know he

Had that one season where he’s getting a lot of steal but the difficult part for the Toronto Raptors right now is do you keep Gary Trent Jr or is there a possibility he leaves in free agency because the market isn’t really hot for him right now he has been struggling this season he’s

Averaging really really bad in terms of statistics statistical wise you know the last few seasons he was doing much better but this season he’s really been struggling so I I’m I’m being very truthful when I say this I don’t even think you can get a first round pick it

Might be a top 25 protected that’s probably the first round pick you’ll get and that’s not a very attractive offer for Gary Trent again he’s a young player we know he can play a lot better but he’s also you’ve got to question right like how is he going to fit into this

Team moving forward money is going to be a big concern because eventually you’re going to have to P Scotty Barnes you’re resigning Emanuel quickly as well so you’ve got to wonder maybe two second round picks is the maximum I could see maybe a salary filler as well but again

The question is the Raptors never sell low on their players this is something we’ve known for years and I want to use a player as an example which was Terence Ross he was struggling with the Raptors for a few years and he had had the

Spirit of 10 15 20 games where he played really well and the Raptors turned Serge Baka into Terence Frost they they made that trade with the Orlando Magic and eventually it did pay dividends as Serge Baka was a key player in helping the Raptors win the championship so I think

It should be a similar case with Gary it’s it’s again it’s difficult to say because you have to get an idea as to what Gary would want in free agency you’re not paying him $20 million with the way he’s performing but also you have to take into consideration teams

Like the Pistons teams with salary cap out there may just want a young shooter that can shoot the three-point ball really well maybe they’re willing to throw 20 2223 million out there so that’s always the risk with the Raptors and losing some of the free agents so

That’s a decision they’ll have to make in terms of Chris Buche just quickly taking a look at his salary here as well he’s he’s a very strange player because he’s 31 you know he’s making too much money for his production 11.7 million 10.8 honestly is not that bad at all but

You’ve also got to question what team out there wants Chris bue he’s not big enough to play the center position he’s a power forward but he’s not very strong but he’s also High energy guy right so what team is going to give up a lot I I realistically say speaking I think you

Get a salary filler back for him I don’t think you get any picks you’re very lucky even if you get a second round pick for him so Kudos if the Raptors do manage to squeeze any team out of a second round pick and a salary filler it’s probably essentially going to be

Flipping a player that may help you probably a backup center at this point um I just don’t see the Raptors getting a ton for Chris buer and realistically I just don’t think the Raptors may even trade chrisb because I don’t see a huge market for him out there so again we’ll

See what happens but the most important I do want to talk about on this list is yakob Perle now when people talk about yakob Perle the first thing they’ll mention is his age you know he’s 28 years old taking a look at his salary cap situation here he’s making about

$19.5 million which you could argue do the Raptors want that contract long term to me personally it is not a bad contract at all he’s also someone that’s going to have a large Market given how teams across the league when you take a look at a lot of the top teams even in

The Eastern Conference they all have centers you know Boston’s got Chris Kristof porzingis and Al Horford you got the Milwaukee Bucks obviously with Brook Lopez you got teams like the Cleveland Cavaliers with Jared Allen and then you got Miami Heat with bam adabo and all sorts of these teams you know they’ve

Got these big men and you’re going to need it with obviously not one team I have mentioned there the 76ers got Joel embiid as well so a lot of these teams are looking to stop Joel they’re looking to stop guys like Nicola yage and the Lakers have been one of those teams that

Apparently wanted Andre Drummond of all players you know to potentially match up with niola Yoki if they run into him during the playoffs so there’s a need for cers like this despite him not being able to shoot three-point shots and his free throws at a decent rate I mean you

There’s always going to be a market now in terms of the Raptors I think the smart move for at least this trade deadline unless you get an offer that absolutely blows you away I think you need to keep yaka purle reason being you look at the Raptors record they’re one

And eight with yaka purle now the a lot of people may be questioning well why would you not want to trade yaka purle because the goal of the Raptor should be to tank this season the goal should not be to win because you want to secure that top six protected pick and also

Next year as well but if the Raptors do trade yaka Perle whether it’s this season or early to midpoint next season it is quite obvious why they’re doing it they’re doing it because Cooper flag will be in next year’s draft and again if the Raptors keep their pick this year

Reminder they’re going to have to have it bottom six next year as well so again if the Raptor record is this bad with bad with jackob purle you’ve got to question right the only reason they tank is because there’s guys like Cooper flag or certain guys you really wish you tank

For um in next year’s draft but in terms of yakoo I think it’s Al also important to note that you do need to keep certain guys around until until you have a decent option that can come in and take his position currently the Raptors do not jnp Porter for me personally I feel

Like he’s more of a power forward than a center they obviously have no choice so they play him at the center position Thang is not a center guys let’s be honest and the Raptors I think they have to go out and get either sign a center

Big man or draft one and then keep yako for some time until that big man is slowly able to develop and come along because you cannot the Raptors have already gone through this you cannot function in NBA team without a legitimate centor especially given how the big men in the NBA have been

Dominating as of late as well so again I I just want to reiterate that I think yakob is important despite his age he’s also on a really good contract I think you can trade him into the future it’s not something that you have to do at this moment like Dennis you know you

Don’t want him going into next season then you got an expiring contract and then you only get two seconds from right but in terms of Dennis and Gary I do think in suppored for the Raptors who try their best to move off of him because there’s a certain player the

Raptors have and the Raptors 905 that I’d quickly like to discuss before we end this video now this player is no other than Javan Freeman Liberty this player is doing an exceptional job at the Raptors 9:05 as you see there this season with the Tron Raptors averaging

24 points he’s shooting not so great from the three-point line only 33.9% but he’s a good free throw shooter 81.8% 7.3 rebounds four assists 1.4 steals is quite impressive for someone that’s listed around 63 is also only 24 years old so it’s quite important that the Raptors give an opportunity to

Someone like Jawan because I want to use a player for example that the Raptors used to have in the Raptors 905 Unfortunately they just never were able to give that player a chance and that was Gary Payton junor now Gary Pon Jr the reason he didn’t get an opportunity

With the Raptors before the Warriors decided to snag him was because they had Kyle Lori they had Fred vanley they had Norman pal coming off the bench and they didn’t really have room for him but everyone and anyone could tell you that Gary printon Jr was going to be an NBA

Player at that time it was just unfortunate so I think before the season end and before the Raptors decide to draft players that may put into the shooting guards slash point guard position for next season I think it’s quite important to see what you have in Javan Freeman Liberty because he is a

Two-way contract and the last thing you want to do is work with him in the Raptor system for this entire season only for another team to come in and sign him to a two-year deal so I think the Raptors have to see what they’ve got in J Javon Freeman Liberty and also I

Really like KIRO Luis Jr as well these two guys in particular I’m really big on um a lot of people may not be big on Carol Luiz but um I think it’s important to note that when you talk about point guards the new age point guards and how

You see a lot of guys like Tyrese Maxi is you see a lot of these guys that are listed at you know 61 62 63 and they’re really quick they’re able to attack the basket and they’re able to do a lot of things like that so I think it’s

Important for the Raptors to see what they have in these two young point guards SL guards or whatever you want to call them and to see if you want to bring them back from next season or if you want to let them go you have to give

Them that opportunity at the NBA level and I mean the Raptors are tanking what do they have to lose you know so I think it’s very important to see what happens with the Raptors but I’m not surprised and obviously a new name I forgot to mention is Bruce Brown I feel like I’ve

Mentioned him so much recently but he’s likely going to get traded there’s no doubt about it I think the Raptor should be would be foolish to keep him you know beyond the straight deadline he’s got a team option it’ll be very interesting to see teams you know probably throw out a

First- round pick maybe a salary filler is probably the best they get but we’ll see what happens very exciting news you know come deadline obviously the Raptors have made some moves could they make some more very likely so I’m very curious to hear your thoughts let me know your thoughts in the comment

Section below and as always I do have a trivia question for you today and the trivia question for today is which team was Javon Freeman Liberty drafted by was it a the trono Raptors was it B Chicago Bulls was he undrafted C or was he drafted by the Wizards D so whoever

Answers this trivia question correctly first in the comment section gets a shout out in my next video so that will be it for today’s video guys thank you so much for watching and I hope you guys have yourselves a great day

The Toronto Raptors have already traded away two core pieces of the Raptors in Og Anunoby and Pascal Siakam but they may not be done dealing just yet. The Raptors have a hand full of veterans they can still move at the NBA Trade deadline and recent reports indicate that the Toronto Raptors may be open to trading most players besides their core of young players.


  1. OPJ at $6 bills is a very attractive vet . Thad likely salary filler in a multi-player deal. Houston owns the Nets 1st round this year and Brooklyn has been free falling of late so I would look to the Rockets for a Brown deal.

  2. Great breakdown. Javon was on fire from 3 at 905 today. He was great inside & out. We played 5 guard lineups at times. Super nuts. Hope you are well.

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