@Phoenix Suns

UNDISPUTED | Should KD be considered the GOAT? – Skip on Durant SHINED 43 Pts in Suns win over Bulls

UNDISPUTED | Should KD be considered the GOAT? – Skip on Durant SHINED 43 Pts in Suns win over Bulls

Kevin Durant says he’s disqualified from the goat debate only because he went to Golden State Kevin says why shouldn’t I be in that that’s the question you should ask why not what haven’t I done well Kean you first should KD be in the greatest of all time conversations are we talking about

Championship SK see this is that this is that type of conversation that I just we’re right back to that are we talking about championships are we talking about skill set his ability to be a seven-footer and and just be ridiculous with the basketball if we’re talking

About that you I would say based on my eyes of seeing some of the great ones play he belong in that conversation as far as skill and all of those things now if we shift into championships no and the reason is is he’s right because he did go to Golden

State I don’t don’t ding him for that I don’t ding him at all for it I’m I look if I could have joined the Dallas Cowboys with em and and Troy and Michael guess what I would have joined them and instead of the triplets it would have been whatever y’all call what the

Quadruplets or whatever it is would have been something totally different I want to win a championship I don’t mind Kevin Durant going to Golden State I don’t have a problem with that you know if he’d have done this in Brooklyn now in Phoenix and he’s also one of the

Ones in Golden State and he maybe one in go OKC now you having a conversation about it but everybody is going to ding him because he joined Golden State if he never joined Golden State in one and he won in those other places then the conversation is

Different and I don’t know why KD is worried about that anyway I don’t give a damn my skills is crazy I’m as rich as all outdoors I got got my own shoes you buy my shoe like I think different than Katie I’m not in that sensitive block and I I

Can’t understand when I have these Kevin Durant conversations that he has to respond and defend himself he one of the coldest dudes to ever lace him up right so why even get caught up in that because it it it frustrates him it frustrates him because he doesn’t feel

Like he gets the respect he deserves as one of the greatest players to ever touch a basketball at any level and so who from the people that judge it from the people that write the history books from the people that will write the story when when he when he’s dead and

Gone will they remember him the way they remember LeBron James the way they remember Jordan the way they remember will way they remember uh Kareem the way they remember and and he’s feeling like they won’t and he doesn’t understand why and I’m I’m with him because he is a

Seven-footer that has a handle like a guard like he’s 5’11 and can shoot it out of this world he’s one of the greatest to ever lace them up period the reason they don’t give him the respect and the reason they give him LeBron because LeBron left too LeBron left

LeBron went to other teams but when he went to other teams he won and when he went to another team he won again and that’s why he’s still in that conversation because everywhere he’s gone he’s won he didn’t win it initially with Cleveland he came back got him a

Ring he went to Miami got a few rings went to La got a ring and if KD did that if he went to if he left OKC and then went to uh Golden State they won their rings then went to the Nets and won a

Ring and and he had a chance that one year he was the best player on Golden State when they was winning no question no question that’s why you that you give him full credit for that I’m just saying if he would have continued when he went

To the Nets and they lost to Giannis and those guys when his foot was barely on the line if he had somehow won that series and then won that Championship that year we would would it would be a much tougher argument to make against Kevin Durant because he would have had

To wield that team on his back with no help James Harden was gone Kyrie Irving was gone and he it would have been all Kevin Durant reeling this team and then he leaves the Nets and he’s he goes to uh Phoenix and if he would have gone to

Phoenix and W won a championship and they win a championship this year or win a couple then you start to have those conversations again but that’s why they’re it’s it’s getting further and further away because they’re not he he’s not getting back to those championships that he got to in Golden

State all right so my two cents on this is that I’ve been on record for many years on this show saying that Kevin actually qualified himself not disqualified he qualified himself for at least being in the all-time top 10 player conversation by going to Golden State because I’m going to remind everybody on

July 2nd of that year that summer of 2016 that whole Golden State team flew all the way across the country out to the tip of Long Island to get down on bended knee and beg Kevin Durant to come save them because they had just blown a

3 to1 lead to LeBron and Kyrie in the NBA finals and because of that they knew and they saw what was coming they weren’t going to be able to overcome LeBron they didn’t know what was going to happen to Kyrie but they could see that trouble was ahead that the only way

They’re going to head trouble off was they had to convince Kevin to come all the way to the other coast just to save them and not only did he do that but with the weight of the NBA World on his very slender shoulders with everybody

Waiting for Kevin to fall on his face do you remember what happened in game three of back-to-back finals in 2016 and 2017 Kevin Durant went into LeBron’s house in Cleveland and outplayed LeBron face to face nose to noose jaw to jaw both those games and tilted the series

In favor of obviously Stephen Clay and Draymond you can say well he had all that help well it didn’t help them to have all that help with each other the year before when they blew the 3 to1 lead so I I give Kevin the highest marks for going to save Golden State which

Obviously puts him in a top 10 conversation but now if we get back to 6 and0 in the finals with six MVPs there’s only one guy who belongs in the goat debate take us to commercial break skip please yeah you you had enough of this yeah because it it we can’t this is

About Kevin Durant this is not about Michael we already know that Michael is considered the goat by many including myself but they all are great to me as I said to you before I don’t start without talking Kareem Abdu Jabar I just don’t okay okay no I I got that but don’t

Don’t you guys see how great Kevin was for Golden State I don’t know why ABS he went Golden State at a time Steph Curry was considered a top two top three player in the world and he said hey take a back seat I got this and I’m the best

Player not only on this team but in the world and and that’s a tough thing to do that’s a tough thing this that was Steph’s team that’s that they’ve been together for so long and for the time Kevin was there it was I just I just wish Kevin didn’t care so much about

This type of stuff I just I just wish CU it does not make up next we got to get back to National Football League because Gerard Mayo new coach new bill bich quote unquote says the Patriots are ready to burn some cash woo

UNDISPUTED | “Should KD be considered the GOAT?” – Skip on Durant SHINED 43 Pts in Suns’ 115-113 win over Bulls


  1. Goats are defined by a career not a singular game. Or otherwise Wilt is the GOAT bc he scored 100 points in a fukn game. So sick of seeing this goat debate. Not an opinion here but if you don’t agree Michael Jordan is the goat then your just plain stupid, like you’ve surpassed ignorance, bc no body has done it better than MJ. KD, Lebron, Giannis, Jokic, Embid, Kobe, or whoever. Fact is no one has out done MJ’s career. All these other players are beyond great but MJ was beyond their greatness like a good head and shoulders above otherwise people wouldn’t be debating it. When someone is better than MJ like actually then MJ will no longer win every poll ever. Fr like every single poll ever has had a mass population of human beings vote for MJ. I want to see someone better fr I do but Lebron and KD just ain’t it.

  2. KD is gunning for a chip with phoenix. You can see it. He’s on a team that can make it if they reach their potential. They’re only just starting to understand each other and gel. They’re aware of their weaknesses from a bad start. It is very early days for Phoenix which is being forgotten. Other great teams have taken far longer. They’re probably over achieving already

  3. When Goat debate is all they care is championship😂. KD is 1 of the best player period go 2 the GSW and made stpeh his Robin. Basketball is a totality evry player, every crew, coach, GM etc. so winning a chip does does not only credit 1 player. Bulls did it cuase thry have a great Team not beacause of all MJ. – if u say so ur keeping mj😂. did watch few games by mj in 95-98 all i have to say pippen deserve credit so as harper, rodman, tony they r best defensive team i ever witness in that era. if u say championship is all u been after 4 why not include havlicek-but u diddnt cuz ur keepin ur boy and being bias like charsmatic kobe, idol 80's magic and bird save d nba, mega star jordan. u bias pepol. we are debating PLAYER greatest of all time as a PLayer not TEAm who wins championship. KD vs KAreem STATS= KAreem abdul-jabbar Stats-10.1pts/4.5 reb/1.1ast/47.5%FG vs KD-29.6pts/6.3 Reb/5.6 Ast/53.1 FG.

  4. If he leads this team to a title this season hes in my top 10 right now hes in my top 15. The goat conversation is between the top 3 or 4 players

  5. Dude I hate when skip says this about Durant. No one and I mean no one was waiting for him to fall flat on his face. The whole word thought " wow they are gonna win the championship easy af"

  6. When people baulk at the idea of even Lebron James being in the goat debate, then what chance does KD have? 😂

  7. Players who jumped ship to a team that are stacked to win a championship should not be included on the GOAT conversation

  8. The fact that this is a conversation disgusts me. He has 2 rings BECAUSE OF CURRY. Even if he got one on his own he’d only have 3. There are still some weirdos that don’t even have curry top 10(which he is top 5 for me because he’s better than magic) but curry has 4 Kd has 2. Kd also is the most un loyal player to ever play the game. He goes from team to team because he can’t win on that team when lebron has got a ring on every team he’s been on. Kd barely top 20

  9. I like KD I really do I would even take him and build a team around him But he’s not up there yet he’s not even top 6 if he can bring a room to the suns then we can start talking if he brings two to the suns then we could put him in the conversation with Steph Curry and LeBron James hes prove that he’s unguardable know he’s assassin when he wants to be but remember it’s all about winning Last time KD was at the NBA finals was 2018 we in 2024

  10. A lot of guys can score 30+,40+,50+ or more per night if they are constantly fed the ball.The trick is to elevate your teammates consistently across the board with assists.

  11. That 79 and 3 team lost in the finals to lebron .mr james would have 6 titles instead of the 4 he has now because of KD

  12. Skip so stupid bro he forgot kd blow 3-1 lead against curry too and he keep forgetting the warriors had a ring before kd arrived and also after kd departed so where was kd in those moment and my question is then kd haven't won nothing without warriors he made a super team in Brooklyn had a super team in okc and have a super team in Phoenix

  13. For the longest time Jordan totally dominated the GOAT convo; but once it became difficult to justify him as such the sports world pivoted to "virtually everyone that scored a game winner or something" should be included#GTFOH

  14. This commentator talk non sense when LeBron is in Miami he had Chris Bosh, Wade,Ray Allen. When LeBron is in Cleveland he had Kyrie Erving, Kevin love,Tristan Thompson you bitter shuy up

  15. These guys are full of shit so what KD 7 footer he's not skill for skill comparable with MJ..his mental toughness is weak….and KD Goin to warriors was weak af being warriors took them out the year prior

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