@Denver Nuggets

Nikola Jokic 26 Pts 16 Reb 7 Ast Philadelphia 76ers vs Denver Nuggets HIGHLIGHTS

Nikola Jokic 26 Pts 16 Reb 7 Ast Philadelphia 76ers vs Denver Nuggets HIGHLIGHTS

Is you want to compete against the best so that’s what they have to fight that natural you know human let down of like oh we’re no Tyreek smacky no Joel and be you still got to show up as you see calledo Pop knocked down the mid-range took me there and said hey if

This kid acts up you come to me that is a great job officials you got to get to know him great veteran move there by Patrick b as you see just the spinning Lo here’s joic massaging his way double comes yic splits it Gordon eating well underneath

And what for for me the thing for Joel and beid that is most important is going into the playoffs healthy it’s not about MVP it’s not about games played can the one of the best players in the world be at his best come playoff time yic the hook FEA offensively they’re shooting

Great 50% but they’re still giving up 67% right now late here in this first half Paul Reed his easiest attempt of the game maybe and got caught a little in between Murray lays it two-point lead on Philadelphia 210 to go in this first half here’s Murray lot of space did not

Take it disses to Gordon extra feed and yish gets fouled very un the action I really think Jamal Murray you’ve got five threes in the first half you came off that backside action yeah I I I will say this we when we get to go y able to finish on the interior for

Percentage here’s Porter gives it up Murray five to shoot for joic oneon-one with Morris joic dips in and finishes starting lineup have at least 13 points a piece Beverly Uber Bray Reed and Morris joic the quick spin the feathery touch too easy and that time they were coming up

See it on display today right second straight game there without Tobias Harris dealing with an illness he’s had a really nice season as that third option Porter yic left alone short time out Philadelphia yic starting to cook himself here in this third the Denver lead is back to eight here’s

Yic grab dribbling down floing to the corner yic comes free and flips it in 16 points 10 rebounds six reads career high is 25 Watson Waits takes and hits lose a playoff game or two a joic follows it up up and floats it in his 14th rebound 21 points seven assists as well get Murray who’s time out here’s that two-man action maren yic joic wait spins and flips it In

Nikola Jokic 26 Pts 16 Reb 7 Ast
Philadelphia 76ers vs Denver Nuggets 105 111


  1. he let the defense around him get tired, there were constantly two or three players on him, and in the first half he assisted and played for the team. in the second half, he took charge and led Denver to a routine victory

  2. Чекам цео дан дуел Јокића и Ембида, и лик се не појави …није играо 5 година у Денверу и ово је баш провидно…јел Ембид има забрану доласка у Денвер?
    Браво Јокићу љуби те брат 💪🏀👑🃏🤫

  3. that's weirs, I thought it is important for Embiid the mvp stuff, now all of a sudden is not? his whining still rings through my ears

  4. Among the 533 players who have played in a game this NBA season, none have gone longer since their last visit to Ball Arena than Embiid’s 1,541 days (and counting).

  5. I heard people the other day predicting that Embiid would duck coming to Denver again but I thought there's no way he would do it this time. And lo and behold he went and pulled the duck. Embiid fans keep barking about him being 6-2 against Jokic whilst conveniently ignoring the fact he keeps conveniently getting injured everytime it's time to go to Denver. It's like four years or something now. It's clearly not a coincidence lol. It's strategic and quite frankly disgraceful

  6. I was a Jokic fan who respected Embiid. Now I'm just a Jokic fan.
    Mathematically, there is no realistic chance that this isn't on purpose. Bro is ducking. Bro is not the MVP. Bro will never be the champ.

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