@Golden State Warriors

[Jerry Hairston, Jr.] I’m a Bulls & Lakers fan & have watched #NBA since mid ‘80’s. Just my unbiased opinion, @StephenCurry30 is the only superstar I’ve seen that gets very little love from refs.

This guy works as in studio media for the LA Dodgers lol so when he says Lakers fan, he really means Lakers fan.

by taygads


  1. BeetLover1111

    Today really made it clear for anyone still claiming for it to be an excuse. I don’t know how and when but something needs to change.

  2. shanks_you

    It’s hilarious nowadays people have to state their credentials before stating a point.

  3. Klonomania

    I don’t know who Jerry Hairston, Jr. is but I like how Jerry Hairston, Jr. thinks.

  4. Steph deserves more free throws, everyone knows this


  5. CarryOnUptheMorning


  6. Lt_Dan_IceCreammm

    Steph didn’t sign Nike that’s why…sad but there’s always an “agenda” or a preference to those kneel to the almighty dollar. UA does not have a seat at the table.

  7. mtheory007

    Its not even “little love”. Its actively just preventing him from having a fair game. Its also not new. Remember, “if he got those Harden calls”, now its “if he got those Luka calls”. Its not just the trips to the line, but it also determines how you can play defense against him, and those other players as well. Its crazy how they do him. We know it stems from them nerfing him early on, but its just gotten worse and worse.

  8. poplockanddropit21

    Nobody else in the league is scoring 46 pts with 3 fts.

  9. Silver is just a small pawn. It’s Nike that wants the next Jordan Brand. Which is worth more than half of the entire nba teams combined. They bet on LeBron, it’s just corporate protecting their asset. Curry is the only guy capable of eclipsing LeBron.

    The Jordan brand’s revenue in 2022 exceeded US$ 5 billion

    Average nba team revenue is $350 million.

  10. grad_student_gamer

    This is the hottest take of the century. Warriors are only relevant in the last 5 years because of the refs. That fenty hittin hard in the bay

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