@Philadelphia 76ers

Never gonna feel this high again

I went to the game today fully expecting to see Embiid v. Joker for the first time since I’ve been going to every Sixers at Denver game the past few years, and I’ve been a bball paul stan the past 3 years. I wore this jersey to the game thinking absolutely nothing of it, only to walk out after witnessing one of the greatest BBall Paul performances ever, and tons of Philly fans showing me love!! I’m framing this jersey at the moment so whenever I see it, i’ll remember the legendary 30 point game and the sheer love from every Philly fan I saw tonight. This will go down as one of the happiest moments i’ll ever experience in my life.

by onetwo34fivesix789


  1. acerocknroll

    Dude so stoked you got to see that game and props to you for rocking the bball Paul drip! There are dozens of us!!!!!

  2. creativeusername9275

    Hell yeah!!!! BBall Paul is a gift. Seeing a dude who is sooo underappreciated and unrecognized have a national televised game like this to show the world how good he actually is at basketball. ITS HIS NAME!

    I too have been a huge Paul Reed fan for years going to a road game and seeing this in person wearing a 44 jersey must have made you feel 10 feet tall even after a road loss. Great foresight!

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