@Los Angeles Lakers

Los Angeles Lakers vs Golden State Warriors Overtime 2 Highlights | Jan 27 | 2024 NBA Season

Los Angeles Lakers vs Golden State Warriors Overtime 2 Highlights | Jan 27 | 2024 NBA Season

Davis wins the tip and most of these players psky in exception have played down the stretch the fourth quarter the entire first overtime James has it guarded by Wiggins Lakers had a four-point lead in that first overtime James three-pointer got it LeBron James his third three-pointer he’s got 33 interestingly they start

Clay on the bench think to get him some rest he also has five fouls James gets right up into kaminga the jimsky the rookie whips a pass Davis stepped out of bounds it’s been a stength of LeBron’s critical call for both teams to find out

Now as psky throws it back up top curry chased by Vanderbilt Curry the floaters up shot no good but a foul the best free throw shooter in NBA history ties the game the jsky the rookie getting huge minutes here Russell picks up his dribble vanderbild up top to [Applause]

Davis here’s Russell off the bounce sets fires hits a three D’Angelo Russell is fourth three-pointer he’s got 25 another strong game for Russell Curry doubled gets it to Wiggins green back to curry curry dancing prancing three-pointers up shot no good side of the rim LeBron James with his

19th rebound they keep trying to get Steph Curry against Anthony Davis in [Applause] space James swon he’s got the rookie psky on him look at all the blue jerseys James falling away it’s up got it LeBron James a huge bucket and Steve cerr needs a timeout a fivepoint lead here at

Overtime over 3 minutes left crowd’s been on its feet quite a bit here down a stretch of the fourth in the overtimes kaminga fakes strives goes in blocking foul called on James it’s only his second [Applause] foul that one perfect four-point game Jared Vanderbilt looks like he’s limping a little bit

Mike well he turned that ankle earlier Russell gets in the paint driv layup comes up short green racing in the front Court looks down low Curry being guarded by James now Vanderbilt switches back Curry fakes goes inside scoop L it’s good two-point game the activity is

Consistent and as long as Steph has room to operate he’s against the big he can get by Anthony Davis 40 points for Steph Curry 218 left in the second overtime Russell pass deflected by kaminga ball knocked loose goes to dve Davis lays it up as the shot clock was about to

Expire a big break there from the Lakers the flection went to the tallest guy in the floor Thompson three-pointer got it play Thompson from downtown one-point game under two to play in the second overtime D’Angelo Russell’s got to make good decisions here he dodged a bullet that last

Possession and he makes another mistake WI with the deflection kaminga holding it wait for Draymond Green Reeves right up into Curry now Davis five to shoot Curry three-pointers up bang Steph Curry does it again Warriors by two Reeves on the Drive Davis jump shot nope a foul before the [Applause]

Shot Russell guarded by kaminga two key deflections from Golden stadia Russell gets passed stolen by Green Here Comes green back out psky three-pointer rebound vanderbelt under a minute remaining and Russell in the front Court no hesitation it’s good the Angelo Russell once again and the Lakers

Go up by one Mike he had three possessions where he made Big Time mistakes the guts to do that Curry pulls up jump shot off the side and James The Rebound with 36 seconds [Applause] remaining both teams still with timeouts left Lakers at two Reeves looking Russell wants the ball

Russell the drive pull up jump shot won’t go gets his own rebound back out to James there’s a 5-sec difference shot clock and game [Applause] clock Davis plays the inbound Curry gets free with Vanderbilt on him Reeves picks him up and there’s the foul to gives so Curry comes free Curry wide open

Three time time covering from downtown Warriors [Applause] up Reeves to James James puts it on the floor drives inside layup is up foul Lakers lead Warriors have to throw it down the length hope for a miracle Curry launches at the buzzer won’t go and the Lakers hold on and win in double

Overtime what a

Los Angeles Lakers vs Golden State Warriors Overtime 2 Highlights | Jan 27 | 2024 NBA Season


  1. People have to be really blind to not see it. Game broadcast nationally, Lakers vs Warriors aka PLAY IN teams. Warriors had this W in regular time but Adam Silver knowing how popular these teams are and that this game was going national. He ordered the refs come in Klutch to award 43 FREETHROWS for the Lakers to keep the game close. Steph knew what he was up against that it wasn't just "LeBron and the Lakers", he also was playing against the refs, and still with everything stacked against him, he literally carried his team, scored over 40,

  2. Lakers should of won this game in regulation, when AD got fouled at the end of the game by Green he got hit in the face, that should’ve been a flagrant foul, the referees are terrible 😂

  3. warriors need to get rid of everyone but curry. curry does 90% of the work. he needs competent teammates to work with

  4. lol! Most of the comments is all about DLo and y’all know he almost cost them the game. At 3:20 Bron was wide open but DLo start feeling himself and list the damn ball. Russell almost cost the game.Bron was pissed

  5. The LeBron haters who I call the Haterpificus will always find another player to big up to not acknowledge Bron. This man is 39 and giving the business to young boys and players in their prime. If not for AD that dlo turnover would be an L

  6. I dont get it… once again they are trying to steal the victory from the lakers. Look at the score of lakers 133 become 132.

  7. 4:50 #2 for the warriors is gassed, closing out games belong to Curry. I understand he open but with Curry on the court 20 seconds on the shoot clock I’d rather not take that shoot and run some more time off the clock

  8. This is a great game! As a warriors fan, warriors inability to close games and lose close games has become a routine. I believe the season is over.

    This is the wiggs best game in a long time. I still believe this team has not figured out how to use Kumminga offensively. His defense has helped the team immensely. The starting line up is the best five players on the team and this is the first time I saw good decision by Kerr in a long time. His closing line up with Cory Joseph, steph to defend Lebron is laughable.

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