@Milwaukee Bucks

Giannis Antetokounmpo Postgame Press Conference | 1.27.24

Giannis Antetokounmpo Postgame Press Conference | 1.27.24

Um you know the end of the three three- game stretch here with Joe uh you go two and one what did you like about how the team handled these three games think they did a great job coach Jo did a great job you know out of no to be able

To you know uh take the possibility to Coos for this uh for these three games I think um he had everybody in a good place um our film session was simple our um our practice was simple our walk through was simple gave us direction of what we’re trying to do first game I

Think we came in play with a lot of energy I think uh second game in the first half played a lot of energy we moving the ball guys would be involved second half we came out a little bit flat they were able to uh take the lead

And uh win the game but I think still we we execute the game plan in the best of our ability uh third game after um you know a l in in the back to back same thing came in gave us Direction what we trying to do we move the ball atos was great

You know I’ve been with Coach Joe for five years um his ability you know to be able to as I said take this responsibility and be able to do it with Grace it’s unbelievable um I don’t know it’s crazy to me that he’s never been a head coach in this league is

Insane uh but uh I I loved it I think uh I think three games were two two two and one we did we did a good job obviously you meet doc Friday and he’s official so what just your reaction to to Doc Rivers being the next head coach I meet Dak rivers on

Friday my right that he was I mean he address the team Friday I guess right yeah oh was I don’t remember um I out days but um yeah obviously Co coach as a as a legend you can tell like he has great energy about him um you know from the first meeting

That we had to the second meeting that we had it was all all about the team how can we keep each other accountable how can we touch one another you know how can we come together as a team you know how can we move the ball um you know

From just you know the energy that he has it gives you gives you a lot of confidence I think it gives the lock room confidence and um I can’t wait you know we have um we have a very tough road trip coming ahead of us I think it’s five games I’m not

Sure great uh teams all all five teams are great um and yeah like you have to understand I understand and I think the whole team understand like like I don’t I hope but uh from the little experience that I have I you know I don’t assume

And I don’t expect that the moment he comes in we go five and0 or we go 10 and0 whatever like it’s going to take time like uh we going to change our offense you know is our offense going to stay the same is we going to change our

Terminology how we going to change our adjustment defensively like this are we going to change our practice uh plan how like how practice going to look how should I know like all of those things just like different coach different uh routines for everybody so it’s it’s going to take time but I

Think the most important thing that he emphasized to come come together as a team you know the more we are together as a team the faster we can get to where we want to get to uh but I’m excited I’m excited you know my first NBA game uh

I’ve watched I think I’ve I’ve told you this in the past I you know I was young I was like I don’t remember like 13 I was like doing the TV how you guys say zapping that’s how what we say in Grace I was zapping I was going through

Channel to channel to channel all of a sudden we had this old TV I had to hit it on the side and then uh there was this basketball game was the Lakers versus the Boston Celtics so the first game I’ve ever watched was you know was

Kobe real and Port pce but I remember the the coaches too so you know and now he’s F forward 16 17 years later he’s been in the same lucky room and uh you know I I got to do what’s you know what what I can to help this team and I I got

To follow his uh lead so I’m I’m excited man I’m I’m excited he’s he’s a legend in this in this league he have accomplished great stuff in this league and I hope we can accomplish some great stuff together going off of that as you guys embark on this West Coast trip

Starting out against the reigning Champs with the new coach what does your team’s mentality need to be we got to play good basketball we got to come together you know um it’s going to be a tough one against Denver to move the ball they’ve been playing together for a while um the

You know how they going to play they going to move the ball show out of Threes they going to cut they going to attack transist like there’s so many things like we have to be locked in and um at the end of day like win or lose we

Got to keep on focusing ourselves we got to keep on getting better uh there’s going to be a lot of challenges that we’re going to face and D for sure is one of the challeng but we have to keep on working on ourselves you know defensively offensively the ball to not

Be stagnate the ball to be happy everybody touch the ball everybody has energy everybody attack the ball you know um defensively like what are we doing what what is our game plan how we going help one another how can we all be on a string like so many things that we

Have to work on under the coach DC uh but de it’s going to be a good challenge for us to kind of see where we are uh but we have to keep on getting better Denver I think we play Dallas and play Phoenix or something I Portland and

One more team Utah yeah MH damn I got them all right uh so it’s we have to keep on getting better through through all those games duck has coached 24 seasons in his career um this morning when we were talking about them he said he’s coached teams with no expectations

He’s coached teams with high expectations and he said part of the reason he wanted to take this job was the high expectations what does it mean to have a coach that Embraces the high expectations and is kind of grinding for that second Championship just like you yeah

He speaks volumes like you can tell like what his build you know what I’m saying like he’s tough you know it’s it’s hard to it’s hard to take this job we spoke about it last time it’s you lose feels like the whole world is ending you win by five why you didn’t

Win by by 20 you have y you have D you have Chris you know it’s hard like nothing is good enough only in Championship is good like we’ve got to that point which is crazy but you know somebody you know I’m I’m embracing it I’m okay with it I can sleep well at

Night and I think like having somebody that you know he’s not uneasy that it’s e like it’s confident you know having somebody like that you know I think he makes the environment of the lock room better you know you know we know that he’s played in tough games we know that

He played in two NBA Finals you two right am yeah like he’s been there before we’ve been there one time want to be want to go there again and you know sometimes like having people with with experience next to you uh it helps you when when the when when it’s tough when

You Face challenges when things don’t go your way like having somebody that can be like hey I’ve been here before this is what we’re going to do this how we’re going to tack this how we got to stay together don’t worry about the expectation we got to do this as a team

Like somebody can give you that guy that you know lead uh it’s always it’s always great to have him in your locker room so you know I’m excited that he’s you know he understands that we’re trying to win the championship I think everybody in this L room on understands up but this the

Steps that we got to take in order for us to get there and first step is we got to come together as a team we got them we got to be together as a team um this morning DC said you can’t do too much too soon though but how can you do

Anything on the road I mean do you have time do you have to do this during shoot around usually your off day or your travel day is a rest day like I’m just trying to figure out logistically how you can even just understand the basic principles he’s looking for when you’re

On the road and you don’t have much time I’ll be I’ll be honest with you l i I don’t know um one day when I I become a if I become a head coach um maybe I have answer for you but right now I don’t know I don’t know the

Approach that he’s going to take U but I understand that every opportunity that we can come together as a team in the film session in the in the um in the hotel you know once we get we can watch film uh before shoter we can watch film at

Sho we can talk to one another walk through stuff before the game we all have the opportunity again to watch fi you know once we get I don’t remember if we did it here maybe we did sometimes in the past we like once we get to the

Hotel before we went to the room we watch film like every time we have opportunity to get come together as a team we have to grab it we have to take it you know because we have to come together we have to come together now the the approach

That he’s going to have I don’t know he might say guys you guys got it all you need is just to play defense I’m G to help you like I I don’t know I I really don’t know maybe I have a better answer for you if I become a head coach Monday

Yiannis You’ve Won many awards in your career but this is your first time winning the NBA Cares Community assist award what did this one mean to you it means more than the other ones no it’s um special special I want to thank everybody that um helped me um organize

All the event and make this happen um than I want to thank Mariah your sister Maya she’s not going to like that but I I want to thank her all the people in Milwaukee they came to came together and help organize the whole thing and allow the the families to have a good

Time um I couldn’t do it without them and um as I said this is the this award is not just me it’s so many people that uh put their effort behind and uh hopefully I can not win again hopefully I can um I can yeah moving forward I can win

Win the award again it felt good like I’ve won a lot of award but this is the only award that my mom text me you know good job son so uh it means more there are some reports that Adam Silver’s going to sign a contract extension will be in place

For a few more years I don’t know I don’t know the fin 350 million how about that I’m just as one of the game as one of the game’s top players just how do you feel about the job he’s been doing and how do you feel about

Just him being in place for maybe a few more years to come um we got a wave him I got no I’m joking um I think he got he he got the job 2014 right 2014 I think it was 2014 because he was in the draft that nassis was drafted

2014 I think from 2014 until 2024 been doing incredible job and he’s always been there for us like I don’t think there’s ever been a time that I’ve seen him somewhere that we didn’t have the conversation about something that was bothering me whenever he whenever I

Want you know I can reach out and set up a meeting go to call with think like he’s always available for us um our league from the time that I came in until now it’s been 10 times better everything is more organized you know and they I think moving forward still

Involving and I’m going to be out of the league the league is going to involve more than us I think he’s done a tremendous job so uh he’s he’s definitely a max player he should sign the uh six year uh 350 million that uh Jen Brown

Signed but no no I I think again on the serious note he’s doing a great job and he deserves everything that’s coming his way you get your chicken y I didn’t get my chicken I wasn’t uh fast enough I couldn’t get the barcode I wouldn’t get

The barcode but uh maybe maybe my mom on or my got some they can give me some in the car that Celtics Lakers game the first game you saw was that the two the 2008 finals from the ones when the Celtics won it all or the one that

Celtics won I think 2010 is the one that the Lakers won Lakers won and 10 and nine against Orlando nine the one against Orlando 10 against Celtics eight Celtics won against the Lakers that was thank you

Giannis speaks with media after Saturday’s game.


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  1. Too funny, the idea that Giannis had to hit his old TV in Greece to get the picture to come in better.

  2. What Giannis is trying to say is that the last time Doc Rivers won the chip was when Moby Dick was a gupi …

  3. Giannis also clearly pointed that if Doc is not good enough assistant coach Joe is right there to replace him.

  4. Great win gotta keep getting better do and make a trade for perimeter defense and go from there because we can win a championship if our defense just be more consistent

  5. I notice Giannis always tries to show his work ethic so people know he didn’t get to where he is with just running and dunking. Even the small things like memorizing the schedule lol.

  6. Sad that Giannis lets Dame in and now Giannis is the one who has to change the way he plays and give up the ball to Khris Khris and Dame? Playing Giannis like Dwight Howard or Tristan Thompson. They are turning the Bucks into Dane's Team. The disrespect is unbelievable. This Choker is the one doing all this to Giannis. Giannis has been with the Bucks for yrs and you wanna intimidate Giannis? ACTING all TOUGH. Do you realize that the Bucks championship lies on Giannis' hand? The Bucks without Giannis is 9 seed. And Giannis is dumb for inviting dudes the Bucks. That fake all-star starting job that thousands aren't happy with because we all know Brunson deserves it. Where was he at to start all those yrs?


    Y'all don't treat Jokic, Luka, Kawahi, LeBron, KD…like that. Why are you removing the ball from Giannis' hand? Treating Giannis like Giannis is his dog? For disrespecting Giannis, I hope the Celtics, Heat, 76ers or Knicks send y'all home first round for 3 yrs straight. And I mean that.

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