@Golden State Warriors

Yes, the refs really were that bad vs. the Lakers

1. [Missed kicked ball violation](

1. [AD fouls Klay on the floater no call](

2. [Wiggins hit on the head on the layup, no foul call](

3. [Steph fouled by Austin Reaves on the layup, no call](, and [here]( is the screenshot

4. [Klay gets bumped by Hachimura on the drive, no call](

4. [Draymond called for a foul for trying to rebound while AD shoves him down](

5. [Illegal screen by Wood, extends the elbow](, and no i dont give two shits about illegal screens, just tired of some people acting like it only a handful of players/teams setting them

5. [Kuminga fouled by Hachimura on the jumper, no call](

6. [Kuminga fouled on the release and shot by Hachimura, no call](

7. [Reaves flop that should be a T](

6. [Looney called for a moving screen because Vanderbilt fell](

7. [Lebron flop=foul](

9. [Lebron double reach in on Kuminga on the drive](

9. [Reaves fouls Curry as he comes off the Kuminga screen](

9. [Curry called for the foul for AD putting an elbow in his back](

8. [Foul Wiggins, existing near AD](

9. [I have no idea how this is three in the key, hes both doing the dance in and out and near Vanderbilt](

10. [Reaves gets a foul call for running into and flopping against a stationary defender](

11. [Wiggins fouled by Dlo coming to set the screen and Steph fouled by Dlo with the reachin+trip, no call](, and [here]( is the screenshot

11. [Again, i do no understand how this is three in the key](, TJD clearly [steps out]( within clear line of sight of the ref

11. [TJD called for a foul because AD ran into him and flailed](

12. [Vanderbilt with a F’allon de Floor candidate](

12. [Steph called for the foul on the Dlo flop](

13. [AD fouls Steph by going over the back no call](, and [here]( is the screenshot

14. [Ref inadvertent whistle bullshit](

15. [Steph fouled by Dlo and AD on the game tying shot no call](

16. [Klay called for a foul on the Dlo flop](

16. [Steph pushed in the back by Vanderbilt no call]( and [here]( the screenshot

And that stupid ass lane violation when Dlo missed a FT that happens on every fucking FT attempt and is never called and gave the Lakers a free point.

TLDR: Once is coincidence, twice is happenstance, three times is………..

by CummingInTheNile


  1. praline-latte

    And people on r/nba still with the “but the 3 pt attempts!”

  2. BeetLover1111

    Cook!! It’s a miracle we only lost by one point, fuck the refs & their favoritism!

  3. Spirited-Cap-9779

    You should post this on r/NBA. I guarantee it will be the most downvoted post of all time. That’s how biased Lakers fans are.

  4. KerrLovesMidgets

    I’m going to actually analyze your clips for once to see if they’re even vaguely rooted in reality. Although disappointingly none of your links work so I had to use an alternative.


    Going to assume you’re talking about this clip. That is not a kickball.

    > Kicking the ball or striking it with any part of the leg is a violation when it is an intentional act. **The ball accidentally striking the foot, the leg or fist is not a violation.**

    LeBron made no unnatural motion, and his feet stance is shoulder width. The ball also hits Curry’s feet but again, unintentional.


    How is that a foul? Refs never call fouls on arm contact after the ball leaves the hand and there’s no where in the rules that state this. If that’s a foul every shooter in the NBA would go to the line every possession.


    I don’t see any evidence of a head swipe unless you can show another angle. Wiggins did not make any complaints and if he got hit in the head I don’t see why he wouldn’t.


    Oh man go post this in r/nba or r/nbadiscussion if you think a hand on a hip warrants a foul. This is baseline level of physicality in the NBA and happens on every drive with no calls.


    Congratulations you got your first complaint correct. Klay’s driving path was impeded all the way and this should have been 2 freethrows


    Where is the shove? Do you actually watch basketball and know what a standard boxout between 2 guys look like?

    Here is what I see. Draymond pulling AD’s shorts down:

    Correct call by the refs.

    I’m not even going to bother looking over the rest of your ‘analysis’ because it’s completely delusional and one-sided. I don’t see anyone talking about how Draymond face swiped Anthony Davis which would have sealed the 4th quarter by giving them possession + 2 free throws if the refs actually called a flagrant. Or the face swipe and multiple fouls by Green on LeBron in overtime which was replayed from 2 different angles but was a no call. And if you tried to call every illegal screen from both teams we’re the ones that would be screwed.

    If I don’t respond right away to any nonsensical counterarguments it’s because I’m asleep

    **Edit: The clown replied but blocked me so I can’t even respond to his braindamaged arguments. What a snowflake. LMAO he comes back saying he never blocked me even though every comment and post of his was [unavailable].**

  5. KerrLovesMidgets

    > Lebron makes a very clear unnatural kicking motion

    No he didn’t, you think people are blind when they have the footage in front of them?

    > Contact that interferes with the follow through of the shooting motion is a foul

    No it’s not, tell me where in the NBA rules it says that. Even better, I want you to find a single clip of someone getting 3 free throws because the defender got him on the forearm after the shot release. Should be easy?

    > Dlos arms siwping and Wiggins head moving in the same direction? Wiggins almost never complains

    Wiggins complain all the time. All you did was admit you have no actual evidence.

    > Hand on the body during the shooting motion, is in fact, a foul, Reaves clearly pushes Curry while hes attempting the layup, lesser contact than this got whistles this game, and frankly i give 0 fucks what those congregations of idiocy think

    Having contact on the hip isn’t a push which would be a foul. If you think any hand contact on the body is a foul do you even watch the NBA? It happens almost every possession. You’re completely braindamaged.

    > Elbow on Drays neck/shoulder so that he unable to jump as high

    First of all speak proper English. Second of all if you actually watched this is standard boxing out. This post is just a terrible look for Warriors fans.

    > AD brought the ball up near his head, you do that youre gonna get hit in the face sometimes

    Name me a single NBA player who gets this many head swipes going for the ball. You’re telling me Draymond’s reflexes are so bad he didn’t recognize the ball was already down by the time he raked AD? Even if you were delusional enough to believe that wasn’t intentional that’s still a flagrant foul that they DIDN’T CALL.

  6. commonground3

    Thank you for taking the time to do the above list. I hope the owners of NBA teams are paying attention. Refs are ruining the game and fans are leaving to watch other sports, as games like the Lakers vs Warriors appear so set up for the bookies.

  7. odd-meter

    The “the warriors can’t defend without fouling” narrative was born years ago. How else are you going to handicap the most elite jump shooting team of all time? Take their defense away.

  8. aginglifter

    The lane violation and Klay fouling out were the difference in the game. Both, B.S.

  9. This game was decided by a lane violation call…

  10. No. 17, the 3 second call on Podz, is absolutely bullshit. You can just feel Steph’s dejection there as he walks up court. He knew they were fixing this crap. Amazing that they managed to send that game to 2 OTs the way that was reffed.

  11. tharneutronshock

    The inadvertent whistle is the most damning of all of these to me. Clearly shows the refs were hunting for ways to give this game to the Lakers

  12. mutedexpectations

    The Warriors lost because they’re losers now. They’ve lost that championship level desire and never give up attitude. I saw it in Curry’s face right before Klay hit the three to make it to first OT. The entire team had the same defeatist mentality. They are not going to claw their way back from this one. Blaming the refs is a poor excuse from class 1 losers. Own it.

  13. jweezy2045

    There was also the uncalled time where Draymond puts his hand is LeBron’s face, and he’s also lucky they didn’t review how intentional foul for a flagrant.

  14. NextofKin

    The inadvertent whistle is the one that tells me how tigger-happy the refs are.

  15. SO 22 is a F’allon de Floor candidate where Wiggins clearly gives Vanderbilt the shoulder bump but 28 is clear foul, you are hilarious…

    Draymond literally moves nowadays while setting screens like a NFL player, you are delusional.

    Example 5 is hilarious, this is not Hachimura this is Max Christie, and Klay runs into him how the fuck does Christie bumps him.
    Of all these bad examples maybe 5 at most are valid.
    And most of you are gonna eat it up without looking, wild.

  16. ALBundy321

    The NBA hates Curry for some reason. I think they always want to put LeBron on a pedestal when he plays Curry. I hate the refs with a passion as they fix games. The NBA needs to change. I mean College basketball is more physical than the NBA. I am a pretty decent basketball player and I really really do think if I perfected drawing the foul and became a prolific free throw shooter, I can play in the NBA not doubt. I mean that alone can get me 10 points a night even if I suck at all other aspects of basketball. This is what the NBA has come too. LeBron will never be compared to Jordan IMO I don’t care about stats, I just can’t stand to see him flop his way into wins all the time. He is the biggest baby and would get wrecked in the old ages of NBA. Just pure A7 Wagyu flopping ass baby.

  17. bigkahunaLOL

    I’m done watching Warriors vs Lakers games. It’s insufferable. Post online afterwards saying “game of the year.” Not even close. Game wasn’t fun at all. Between the constant whistle, constant flips, and a 5 minute stoppage for AD because Draymond’s things hit his thigh, there was no flow to the game. Game should’ve been over in the third but the refs went to work. If this truly is the Lakers play style, they always get almost 50 FTs a game, why in the world would anyone want to watch. Bright side, I see a lot of potential with the combination of Curry, Kuminga, and Draymond on the floor.

  18. schadkehnfreude

    Oh god this again? Cope harder, bitch babies.

  19. No. 15, where Curry properly fronts a taller AD on a transition seal and properly contests the entry pass is somehow called for a foul. There is zero illegal contact, AD cleanly received the pass and was in position to easily take a step and dunk the ball. I just don’t get how you blow the whistle on that at all.

    The thing about this play is that the result may have been better for the Warriors, in that LA may have not scored on the ensuing possession, but the momentum of the game has been stopped and it allows a slow team like LA to keep up with a rhythm team like the Warriors who thrive on up and down play. It also racks up a foul on Steph… you know, just in case.

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