@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers Showing Versatility! Eastern Conference outlook

Indiana Pacers Showing Versatility! Eastern Conference outlook

They asked me B was it worth it should the Pacers have given up three first round picks I mean is it 30 teams in the NBA like the Pacers are scary as hell when seam is at that five if miles is having a good game of course he’s going

To close if Miles Turner is struggling or we’re playing a team that he doesn’t match up against no longer do we have to rely on Miles Turner we can simply bench him and have Pascal seaka at the five because you seen Rick not hesitate to press that button he’s a point forward

Out there anything miles gives us as a plus we don’t have to rely on him and that’s a good thing that’s when miles let you down when you rely on him of course it will help if he would show up on a night toight basis but you don’t

Have to rely and count on him so the fact that we got the option to putak at that five marvelous you get you a legit three that can help you on the perimeter when guys are going off you know guys like Devin Booker like when like that is going

Down you need a guy that you can deploy on that perimeter I’m not talking about a guy who’s a good team Defender I’m talking about a guy with straps a guy you can leave on an island by himself use up all your fouls if you got to you

Get one of them and you got n hard Andrew nard low key got Marcus Smart potential at this point in his career Marcus Smart as full lockdown now Andrew NIMH hard is a lock down in training with the ability to run the offense I mean he’s similar I mean Marcus Smart is

Not the best three-point shooter just like Andrew nard but he has locked down potential you are in business you are a threat to go to the Conference Finals you heard me you are a threat to go to the Conference Finals I mean you look at the top teams you’ve beat them all and

To be honest with you a lot of the top teams you match up well against I don’t even need to talk about Milwaukee the Indiana Pacers broke the Milwaukee Bucks Giannis is a diva Philly I’m not guaranteeing a win over Philly like I am Milwaukee but I think we could take

Philly in a seven game service do Philly want Joel andb running up and down the court in a first round playoff service I don’t think Philly and Joel embiid want that I’m going be completely honest with you I don’t think Joel embiid going up against the Indiana Pacers in the first

Round is good for his health running up and down the court that wear and tear that the Pacers are going to put on his body the New York Knicks are you kidding me I’m telling you right now they won’t be able to score enough points to beat

Us I mean they like to play slow I mean we can do that now with se yakum you know we’ll have no problems getting mismatches in the half court and getting shots in the half court and you know the Knicks don’t want to play Up Tempo I

Mean I like the Brunson and Randall Duo but the Hal goat and seak Duo is going to on that duo come on now the Conference Finals is definitely possible in about a month we going to be talking about this Pacers team being hot as Fish Grease not to mention the month of

February is set up so perfectly for the Pacers as far as the schedule the Indiana Pacers have struggled beating teams Who season is in the can the Indiana Pacers changed that today and put the Memphis Grizzly B the rest but don’t get mad at the facts though

#bornreadyjones #nba #indianapacers


  1. Siakam had an interview after the game where he said "indy feels like my new home" or something along those lines. I think he's mentally ready to resign here already lol

  2. 3 first (very cheap) rounds… this trade is a masterpiece so far. What a game against Phenix dude 😍😍😍😍😍

  3. An adjustment that I loved at the end of the suns game was that the suns couldn't hunt buddy hield because he was benched and with that, it shows the versatility and depth of this team

  4. Tbh nembhardt more like tyus Jones and benn low key gon end up a Marcus smart guy… tellin you move Benn for a sweeet piece like PG , Mikal or Ingram

  5. The East is very competitive:

    Celtics, Bucks, Sixers, Pacers, Cavaliers, Knicks, Miami

    Those are all legit teams than can be in the Conference Finals

  6. Yo Bornready I think Pascal thrive and excel at the 3 or the 4 I see taking advantage of mismatches with smaller players I think centers would limit his chances

  7. Siakam has been great so far. Once Hali returns, we're going to be really good. I still, however, think we should get one more defensive wing to continue to give us lineup flexibility.

  8. We needed a guy who could provide post and mid range problems when our 3's aren't dropping. Insert Siakam.

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