@Golden State Warriors

“That’s my li’l bro, man,” Andrew Wiggins said [of Kuminga]. “I tell him all the time, ‘No one can stop you, bro. You’re too strong. Too fast. Too good with the basketball.’”

Rest of the quote: “And every day he’s getting better and better. His shot is getting better. His handle. Passing. He’s getting to the rim at will. That’s why I tell him he’s that guy and to keep going.”

“Sometimes that’s a good thing, you know?” Wiggins, who was a No. 1 pick and averaged 36 minutes as a rookie, said of Kuminga having to wait for his time. “He got a ring and he’s learning from Hall of Famers. He’s playing with one of the best players ever to touch a basketball. So now it’s his time. He knows how to play winning basketball. He knows what it takes.

“It just took patience,” Wiggins continued. “But honestly, this is such a good organization, bro. This is first-class, top-tier. You want to be here. Being one of the guys on this team, that’s different. This is a luxurious organization. So it’s not like anywhere else. The grass is not always greener on the other side. If you have a chance to build something special here, you do that. I feel like he knows that now, for sure.”

by spookoftheflames


  1. marionettas

    I’ve been loving the Steph Klay Wiggs JK Dray lineup 🥹 I’m glad Wiggs and JK can play together now

  2. lawgirl22

    Keep Wiggs, keep JK. Start them with Dray, Steph and Klay. Find a legitimate, reliable backup big for Dray with some size. We’ll be ok.

  3. boxout_dame

    Love Wiggs, but somebody should tell him the same things 😂

  4. mandoman10

    Replace Klay with moody in closing min and this lineup will start producing wins. Not saying Klay doesn’t still have stuff to offer, but when he’s in it gives other team an easy place to attack and everyone has to defer to his curling game, including curry (I.e opportunity costs).

  5. mandoman10

    “We’re trying to maximize the number of possessions that those guys play together,” Kerr said. “We’re in a position now with Wiggs playing at a high level and JK having come around, Klay, Steph, Draymond back after the suspension. We’re in a position where we can put those guys together and it’s probably our best five. So we want to maximize the number of possessions they have together.”

    That has Kerr optimistic despite what the standings might suggest.

    “I think we’re going to turn this around and have a great season,” Kerr said. “I really believe that. I love our guys, they’re amazing, they’ve been through so much this year, and I know who they are, I know how connected they are, I know how much they care about each other, and about the game. We’re going to turn it. Tonight we didn’t get the result but our guys showed who they are tonight.”

    – Kerr in slater athletic article

  6. thesecondandre

    That starting 5 can really do something. I think we stick with it. Trade wise, I love em but Loon and Moody could go. Idk how the numbers and all that would work tho. Idk if a legit serviceable big is available right now too.

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