@Denver Nuggets

Nikola Jokic PRAISES? Joel Embiid after ANOTHER No Show in Denver

Nikola Jokic PRAISES? Joel Embiid after ANOTHER No Show in Denver

Hello Guys Nicole I know this matchup was filled as a game between you and Joel uh what kind of went through your mind when you first heard the news and just uh how do you how do you feel like the team kind of responded to that I mean I don’t know

Uh I mean I I think they they they they have a really good professional players and they uh maybe it looks on the paper that’s supposed to be easy game but we know there is no easy games for us uh uh we were fighting they were fighting it was an interesting

Game and I’m just glad that we won in the end Coach B said he he felt there was a let down because of it did you feel that too in the beginning I mean I not on my personal side we’ve heard you say before that your preparation for each game starts the day

Before the game you’re looking at who you might match up with um how did how did you adjust on a flight to Paul Reed instead of whoever else uh yes uh but you know even even if D play we we were probably Cross Match

Like uh like we did in in Philly so you know you just need to have a game plan in your head like the couple plays that they run and uh tendency of the players so I mean uh but I think we we don’t need to talk about Jan B not just

Because he didn’t play because I think Paul Reed played really really good for them and uh we need to give him credit he he he was fighting there he he he attacked the glass he he shot the ball really well so I mean I don’t want to

Say that I think he needs to deserve in this moment more time than drought Nicole how was how did did you feel like your eye was is it completely better did you feel like your vision was affected all the last couple days since a little bit but it’s it’s good I think

It’s going in the right direction Nicole this game was built as a as a Rivals rivalry week game uh mostly because of the match up between you and Joel I just do you like games like not not necessarily you specifically I mean to be honest Media made the Rivalry I

Think I don’t don’t have nothing against him and I think he’s a great player like I said in the in the interview even if you’re a basketball soccer horse racing fan whatever Denver Nuggets fan Philadelphia fan whoever like enemies whatever I think you need to respect

What he’s doing and uh uh he’s putting the history right now in in front of our our eyes and uh he’s making it uh he’s making it look so easy do you view any other players as a rival no I think I’m playing against the team not not the personal not the person

Not the player in front of so I’m playing as a team would you say that the team as a as a whole has a rival like if you had to pick a team in the NBA I don’t think so that we have rival to be

Honest ni do you do you think that uh defenses have a fair shot at guarding the elite offenses in the league today with the way the game is called and the way the game is played uh I mean yes no you always have a good good good uh good defensive

Player um in every team and uh like in our team we have a kcp we have adri who can guard multiple positions you know but I think at the end of the day I think offense is going to still uh have that little Edge just because I’m going

To say defense react to offense you know so uh but yes there is a lot of Defense great defensive players uh and U the guys like Dr I think you need to stop as a team not as a one player do you think there’s do you think there’s some there’s been some argument

With all these guys scoring 60 70 not just Joel there’s been I think four 60 point games this week there’s a lot of games 130s 140s every night like that maybe there’s too much offense and there should be a little more of a chance for defenses to to to have a Level Playing

Field do you think that that’s the case or is it just sort of the way the game is evolved I think the players are extremely talented and uh there is so much talent in the league right now that uh there is a bunch of guys that you cannot stop oneon-one and

Uh I mean that’s just my opinion I think the the game involves so much and uh the players are getting better and better like right now like if you leave one guy open it’s basically automatic shot you know so automatic basket so I think we need to enjoy in in

The what we’re witnessing not trying to put that down like put like put the like Lucas game yester I don’t think we need to uh make it look bad I think we need to embrace it and just enjoy the moment I think sorry Sor I’m good good than

Nikola Jokic Press Conference after the Denver Nuggets beat the Philadelphia 76ers after Joel Embiid was ruled OUT at the last second. In this Denver Nuggets press conference, Nikola Jokic reflects on the game and his team’s performance without Joel Embiid’s participation. Jokic acknowledges the challenges his team faced, emphasizing that there are no easy games and giving credit to Paul Reed for his exceptional performance. He also discusses his preparation process, adjusting strategies on the fly, and his perspective on rivalries, stressing that he views competition more as team against team rather than individual matchups. Additionally, Jokic shares his views on the evolving nature of the game, the rising talent in the league, and the balance between offense and defense in modern basketball.



  1. Common Jokić, get your shit together!!!! Respect for the biggest 🤡 in the league and the most EMBARRASSING MVP in history?!?!?!? For what!?!?! HoeL has ZEEEEEROOOO PRIDE IN HIM!!!! I can't stop laughing 😆 🤣 😂 😭 hooooooeeeeeLLLLL WHERE ARE YOU (AND YOUR BALLS)

  2. Embiid may have a health issue playing in the mile-high. Numerous other elite ballers explicitly state the elevation affects them.

  3. Several days ago I mentioned that embiid would find a way not to play in Denver well he did embiid and the 76ers both should be find and embiid suspended one game

  4. If we agree that there is so much talent, why only offensive talent though? Where is the defensive talent? KCP and AG scrub players or what? 🤣🤣🤣

  5. Embiid played only 33 games so far, while Jokic played 46 games. Those +13 game more is +40% games played.
    Everyone going batshit insane over per game performance of Embiid while he literally has 40% lesser workload.

  6. Jokic = SOLDIER. Injured, one eye, tired. it doesn't matter. Jokic picks up his weapons, straps on his helmet, and he jumps right into battle every single time.

  7. Jokic is a class act to bring up Reed. The 76ers that did play gave my Nuggets all they could handle.

    Remind me of when the Nuggets went into LA and beat the clippers without Murray Gordon or Jokic.

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