@Dallas Mavericks

Jason Kidd, Grant Williams, Luka Dončić | Post Conference vsSAC | 01/27/24 | Grant W Career High

Jason Kidd, Grant Williams, Luka Dončić | Post Conference vsSAC | 01/27/24 | Grant W Career High

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  1. JKidd about to make Luka suffer long term injuries if he keeps playing Luka 40+ mpg and not winning in the end. Maybe Jkidd needs to actually “COACH” and not relying Luka to be “The Gameplan” every single game. #FIREKIDD 🔥🔥🔥

  2. Please get a coach with some real coaching skills beyond basketball iq from his playing time. It s a hell of a job, but there are some really talented gutsy coaches out there with competence and a vision. What about Sam Cassell, Kenny Atkinson, Mike Budenholzer, Chris Quinn, Jordi Fernandez, Becky Hammon?

  3. It’s time for Luka to have that conversation with the FO where he’s demanding a trade. It’s year 6 and the team this year looks just like last year’s. He’s playing 44 minutes a game. They only win every 2 games. A player like Luka deserves to be on a winning team. This should be his last year in Dallas.

  4. Great to see my favorite player Luka perform well makes my day to see how supportive this team is to him and vise versa hoping one day I can afford to go to America and watch such miracles in person but for someone who will never beable to get a job due to heart disease it’s gonna be tough but someday I hope I can best of wishes to the team Luka and everyone

  5. conclusions. 1. This is the Grant that is always expected. 2 don't give the ball to THJ in the clutch. and 3. too many protests as usual

  6. Completely befuddles me how so many of these "internet-fans" are so negative, panicky and pessimistic, wanting to throw in the towel as soon as adversity hits and fire everybody that had a medicore game. So many reason why this was a tough game to win. Some mistakes made. A lot of things good things to take though from this game for the future! Looking forward to the next game and hoping for a more healthy team! Go Mavs!!

  7. So we were down 20 twice and came back, (that’s heart!) Grant went off, Josh went off, THJ showed up all while Luka was gassed and without Kyrie.
    1. We miss Kyries help
    2. We need consistent high defensive continuity from ALL players

    If our role players show up consistently helping our two healthy Stars, we can build dangerous momentum going into the playoffs.

  8. Clearly the Mavs need a true defensive disruptor. Curious to know what lockdown defender the Mavs can get that’ll fit with their core tho

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