@Minnesota Timberwolves

The Biggest Gangster In NBA History…

The Biggest Gangster In NBA History…

Jamaran is the most recent addition to the list of NBA’s Wann toe gangsters and if you’re a real NBA fan you might know all these players who allegedly have gang ties or you have seen some of them throwing what seem to be gang signs in the actual NBA game or after

Itook you [ __ ] with bills you [ __ ] with bills but none of them can compare to this guy remember him he’s 611 307 lb montenegrin bulldozer Nicola Pekovic and he just might be the biggest gangster in NBA history stick around until the end of the video to find out all the

Basketball and non basketball related reasons for this title of course you could probably ask how can this guy be gangster Nia P looking at these clips he just seems yet another friendly charismatic and funny guy from the bulans yeah yeah oh that’s a that’s hug even him saying he killed someone sounded chilled

And relaxed the guy’s been killed it’s game over some of his teammates described him as a big teddy bear of the court but at the same time he scared the hell out of other players first let’s rewind it back a little pek was drafted 31st overall in the 2008

Draft by the Minnesota Timberwolves but came to the NBA only two years later first proving himself to be a star in Europe back there he signed his first professional contract when he was 17 with atla basketball Club from Belgrade Serbia Peck played 7 years in Europe and

This is what he managed to achieve even becoming an Euroleague champion in 2009 with patinos Athens and when in 2010 Pekovic decided to move his talents to Minnesota even his own teammates were scared of him a few months with the team and everybody in the Wolves organization

Knew what pekovich was all about the teams forward Michael Beasley said that nobody has the guts to challenge Peck to a fight and Kevin Love was quoted saying this he wants to make friends with us before he knocks a few teeth out we are just hoping it’s the other team and not

Us in 2019 Zack LaVine who already played for the Bulls at the time admitted that when he joined the Timberwolves as a rookie in 2014 he was terrified of Pekovic coming out of college I was number 14 I wanted to have that in the NBA and he had it I just

Didn’t even feel like asking like I wasn’t even going to ask Pekovic for the number I was terrified of him even the toughest and strongest NBA players hated playing against this man just look at him toying around with Dem Mar’s cousins here’s Pekovic good move on the

Low block a free time Defensive Player of the Year Dwight Howard went as far as saying Pekovic should fight in the MMA father was one of the strongest guys like I ever played against and he was crazy strong he should do MMA in 2020 Andre Drummond also remembered Nica

Pekovic saying he’s the strongest human Andre has ever played against Drummond admitted that he felt like a kid when playing against peek and that the montenegrin would push him around he’s the reason I started lifting harder Drummond revealed Pekovic was so terrifying that his opponents tried to

Make sure peek didn’t get into a fight with them things got a little intense here between these two teams Danny Granger gets the rebound and then gets in the face of Kevin Love Granger gets the technical foul love a personal foul when this altercation between Danny Granger and Kevin Love happened after

The game Pacers guard Dante Jones revealed that In the Heat of the Moment he immediately tried to approach peek and tell him that they don’t want to mess with him even if it wasn’t a joke in manner this says a lot about pic’s terrifying stature now I can actually

Understand why big grown men were terrified by this guy especially since every time Pekovic spoke it was comical and frightening at the same time miss about being out there on the court hitting people what’s your favorite holiday meal yes meat is good don’t get me wrong

In his NBA days Pekovic wasn’t a player who would often get into arguments or the one who always wanted to fight but at the same time if pek decided he wanted to bully somebody nobody could do anything about it I mean nobody even the refs sets the screen not once but twice

For B he takes advantage with the triple Pekovic was such a quote unquote gangster that the Timberwolves started playing Godfather music when he scored can you guess what his favorite movie was yep The Godfather once when peek was asked what he would do if he had a time

Machine the montenegrin giant said he would go back a couple of hundred years to the times when people used swords I can already imagine Pekovic in a Game of Thrones battle scene his tattoos also suggest he would definitely be that guy on the front line what is that that he

Looks like a a mighty warrior of sorts who’s yeah I like Warriors that’s how I like the one on your leg it’s same same Warrior did they hurt yeah unfortunately his career was cut short due to injuries in 2014 2015 season Pekovic played 31 games and in 2015 2016 only 12 games

Before the pain from ankle and ailis derailed his season he was also ruled out for the entire 2016 2017 season Pekovic admitted he cannot run without pain and is considering retirement due to mental exhaustion and pain in 2017 he was waved by the wolves and never played a professional game of basketball again

That’s where we get into his real life gangster stuff even during his playing days peek was rumored to be connected to some people with questionable or downright bad reputations but when he retired all his links to criminals became public information peek went back to Serbia Belgrade and just months after

His career was over ran into problems with Serbian police it was reported that police found drugs and weapons in an Audi with American license plates pekovich wasn’t there but the car was registered to his name two men who were in the car had close ties to Big Time

Bulan drug lords Brothers Darko and duko shich one of the men in the car Roo tomasevich was reported to be Pekovic his bodyguard of course pekovich himself was no stranger to the charage brothers when peek was called to testify and speak with the police officers he admitted he is friends with INF famous

Drug lords it turns out pekovich is also a Godfather of duko shar’s child The Godfather oh the irony talking to serban media in 2017 PEC stated that he met Duos sharich in 2014 when asked about his friend’s criminal background PEC stated why should it bother me to hang

Out with someone who has repeatedly shown how much of a friend he is to me the former basketball star also explained he has no business interest with the drug lords although in the media the information was different it was reported that pekovich owns a hotel and a nightclub that is also linked to

The infamous criminals then in 2018 it was also reported that Pekovic repaid the depbt of dko sharich of more than1 million e to the bank I just don’t understand do drug LS really not have money to pay it themselves Darko shage eventually was convicted for drug trafficking and money laundering and

Pic’s friend dko sharich just recently on the 4th of January surrended to the Serbian police he is also accused of being part of the criminal group of his brother Darko shage let’s be clear there’s no actual proof that Nicola Pekovic is a drug lord or any other kind

Of criminal back in Serbia but it’s no secret that people in Serbia or Montenegro talk about peek as a mobster and not a former basketball star are what do you think about Pekovic his career and his post basketball life is he the biggest gangster in NBA history

Or does someone else come to mind let us know in the comments make sure to like the video and subscribe for more see you in the next one

Nikola Pekovic spent 7 years in the NBA with the Minnesota Timberwolves and during that time terrified both his opponents & teammates. But before Pek became known as ‘The Godfather’, he had a successful career in Europe with Partizan Belgrade and Panathinaikos Athens.
In this video, we look at Montenegrin center’s career, post-basketball life featuring ties to Serbian drug lords & answer why he’s regarded as one of the biggest gangsters in NBA history.

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  1. I'll tell you, the simple truth…from the first hand, I know him personally ,he's a good guy…and he's not a criminal, nor a member of mafia, he just know many different people, someone is successful, someone is not, someone is a football player, someone is a basketball player, someone has rent a car, or small business, someone has connections with crime, someone doesn't…he trained hard all his life, he achieved his goal, when the injuries came, he started to deal more with his private life, he missed his family, friends, he was far from home, on another continent, he didn't want to play basketball anymore. He's a great guy🤷‍♂️👍

  2. Lmao I remember seeing Nikola Pekovic in Belgrade with my group of friends and we were all hyped to see him and he just straight ignored us all and looked away. We all started laughing because it was in good spirit and he was smiling, it's such a fun memory

  3. He is not a member of the mafia, rather, he is the leader of a Montenegrin-Serbian mafia organization that launders money on the mountain of Zlatibor, Serbia. Although it is no longer just a mountain, it has become a city built on drug sales, as evident on YouTube.

  4. I met him in 2021. He was surrounded with 30 guy who'boss was Dušan Panajotović UFC champion(won vs Bob Sapp).. While Dušan was offering muscle help for governemnt…Nikola said to me:"I saw Night Wolves MC make a lot humanitarian bike shows…please call me I want to donate a lot of money"… Everyone loves Dušan and Nikola. They are real SERBIAN MEN!!!

  5. These stories are good theres a story about a wrestler from Romania his name is Costel Corduneanu he was an olympic wrestler before he became the boss of a mafia family very amazing story

  6. This page is a joke and super biased. The NBA is far better than Euro basketball. Euro league is a college-style game the NBA is supreme. Juan Carlo Navarro used to tear up the Euro League and couldn't do anything in the league. Nobody is scared of this guy. Stop with this biased nonsense.

  7. they show a video of him scoring a layup on cousins and say he bullied him🤣The biggest gangster in the nba is peewee kirkland.He wasnt friends with the drug dealers he was the drug dealer.Yes he as drafted.

  8. Remember been next table in club with him.I got 3 girls that night and he was looking at me like good job buddy.That was at peak of his NBA carrer

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