@Orlando Magic

Phoenix Suns vs Orlando Magic 1st QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 28 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Phoenix Suns vs Orlando Magic 1st QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 28 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Book The only starter on the floor tried to find asabuki up top but vogner Clos it off Gordon connects from deep well you’d like to see him pick up where he left off Friday night at 14 points yeah really in this first quarter there’s a lot of balance scoring for the

Suns which is a good thing back Caro Tangled Up up is able to get the shot away that foul seemingly injuries every year of his career already in his Fifth Season book lobs it up top y couldn’t control it unfortunately yeah just on his fingertips trying to find his rhythm and

Timing as well Anthony with the floater no as iuki snatches it away Booker looked like he got contacted on that shot just volume of three-point shooting that goes up I talked to Jamal Mosley about that before the game tonight because you know there are varying opinions as Vagner able to bully his way

Inside but has auki there to force the Miss book cuts his way inside Bei back on the floor that headband got knocked back feeling a drive the whistle and a foul C on is down and he did not agree and you know I think it’s a number of

Things that Engles can’t connect on that triple but he just said really a little bit like what we witnessed the other night the pace from and and that game might be a little bit of an exaggeration because of the pace that Indiana plays with but you look at the volumes ofer

Gets a big block there on Bogner triggers the break drops it off to kbd but he just said when you consider the number of three-point shots that go up now compared to even 10 years ago that just creates more scoring opportuni so he is not among those who believe that the the

Defense has gotten worse in addition to the way are afraid to foul you know can they run them off the three give up the layup and so you know the offense is always shifting Anthony black the rookie out of arkas able to knock down the two free throws Gordon with the Baseline Runner

And it is it’s a fast game and uh there was a suggestion by another friend of mine he said why not bring in another official and just have one official at the end of each free throw line and then you have the other two running where because the

Game is so fast now has auki rising up and snatching that one away sun with their biggest lead at 10 Beal on the drive pipped up there by Cole Anthony Anthony not pleased and uh I know the feeling when of course mine was a long time ago The Masks were a lot

Different but during the G I went back into the game and played but then they wouldn’t let me play without my mask so they made a mask and then after about I don’t know 5 minutes in the game I just threw it off cuz you can’t breathe you can’t

See plays great defense there gets the steel but get the steel on that even though goes off him and sugs walking into the three the back tap baites y had it had it knocked away bachner on the Baseline slam the Suns have done a better job on

The boards but they cannot allow this Orlando team to really Catch Fire Orlando comes in 17th overall in rebounding about a two second differential between shot and game clock hooker working on the rookie digs his way inside gets it up and gets it in he’s still down here

Comes sus racing down the floor Booker still down in the base

Phoenix Suns vs Orlando Magic 1st QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 28 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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