@National Basketball Association

Former Nuggets Head Coach George Karl on Andre Iguodala: “Damn Andre is 40 this weekend. Impressive. I heard moles don’t usually live more than 5 or 6 years in the wild. 😜”


It sounds like George Karl still holds a grudge against Andre Iguodala who spent one season at Denver before leaving to join the team that eliminated Denver in the Golden State Warriors who went on to form a dynasty.

During the playoffs, Golden State coach at the time, Mark Jackson, said he had a ‘mole’ on the Nuggets and knew of their tactics and gameplan. George Karl thinks it’s Andre Iguodala who went to church with the Golden State players through the playoffs. Iguodala I don’t believe has ever flat out denied this.

by doggoesmeow


  1. Locking down his nomination for hater of the year early i see

  2. grudgepacker

    Karl’s an asshole but got damn he’s good at out-jerking the circlejerkers and giving them content lmao

  3. Niceguydan8

    I don’t really care about the beef or anything but that’s a great roast

  4. >knew of their tactics and gameplan

    Iggy let them know that Gallo got injured before the playoffs.

  5. Technician-Temporary

    Given context and age, this is a pretty good burn.

  6. This is funny but who asked him lmfao

    Did he just wake up to shit on Iggy

  7. runevault

    Karl is a whiny asshole but this is hysterical.

  8. SteveWondersForsight

    Still hate Iggy for this bitch tactic but Karl seems to be holding on to this for life.

  9. I will always love George Karl. Like he’s an old man who shakes his fist at random people he doesn’t like, but that’s genuinely entertaining that he’s old as fuck and still hates these people.

  10. TheRedditAccount321

    Why would have Iguodala sabotaged his own team? Seems like such bizarre behavior, to piss away a shot at the championship.

  11. bacontacos420

    George Karl I apologize I wasn’t really familiar with your game

  12. Chickenfriedricee

    Ayo, he’s been holding on to this one

  13. DaveWest12

    Does he retain a position relationship with any former players

  14. Master-Journalist920

    Lest not forget that the NBA is a business, so imagine the amount if hate a coach must be inspiring in his players for them to be willing to self sabotage. 

  15. firstbreathOOC

    Y’all see his Twitter? George Karl is a spicy old man. Comments like this all the time.

  16. halfwaytocertain

    Now why Mark Jackson say out loud that they had a mole

  17. Balls_of_Adamanthium

    Lmao George Karl is lowkey one of the funniest guy on twitter. Bro is a certified hater.

  18. TIL Coach Karl is only 72. He looked much older even back ten years ago lol. Great that a proper league legend is around and kicking.

  19. m0nkeyhero

    Karl is 100% valid at Dyckman. President of the Hater’s Ball

  20. LyonsKing12

    If Iggy really did this he is 💯 % bitch made

  21. What about all the other times you flamed out George?

  22. nowhathappenedwas

    OP is extremely misleading. Here’s what Mark Jackson actually said:

    > “They tried to send hit men (at Steph Curry),” he said. “The screen on Curry by the foul line is a shot at his ankle, clearly, it can’t be debated. I have inside information that some people don’t like that brand of basketball and they clearly didn’t co-sign it, so they wanted to let me know that they had no part in what was taking place.”

    Not exactly what you think when someone refers to “tactics and gameplan.”

  23. capitalistsanta

    All the money in the world and you’re picking fights on Twitter on a Sunday evening

  24. PensiveinNJ

    The best use for Twitter is for aging sports stars and coaches to air their beefs out passive aggressively and publicly.

  25. blueborders

    Charles Barkley on TNT once said something to the effect of how he doesn’t hold onto beef from his playing days because that was so long ago and no one cares about what happened back in the 90s any more so why should he. George Karl clearly definitely never saw that segment.

  26. I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn’t on r/nbacirclejerk

  27. This is petty shit Iguodala deserves. He really was working/playing for Warriors during that playoffs

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