@San Antonio Spurs

This Spurs Lineup Is INSANE. (Oh and Elliot Cadeau!)

This Spurs Lineup Is INSANE. (Oh and Elliot Cadeau!)

So this is going to be weird I’m going to be gone this weekend so this specific segment or whatnot is going to come after the San Antonio Spurs game so or game versus uh Timberwolves I think it’s Timberwolves it’s not showing up here yeah I know it’s the Timberwolves though

Um so yeah this will be uploaded after that so if soan has a terrible game okay this won’t age well I’m just kidding AG is fine he’s awesome um so I just wanted to talk about him really quick cuz I came across this and I thought this was

Great so take a look at this um the three players players line up Janes soan and wiim banama have a plus eight net rating over the season with a top 10 offense and top two defense in the league top two defense in the entire league now I think this is only like 200

And some minutes so it’s not a crazy great sample size in the long scheme of things but that’s pretty dog on good right like that’s kind of ridiculous that’s crazy it is crazy I think it just speaks to how good of a Defender these three are but I’ve said this so many times

That soan and wimy this is a Duo this is going to be a defensive Duo All You Need is Another defensive Wing the Spurs could legitimately end up having a juggernaut defensively um and yeah and Tre Jones US a game changer yeah yeah for sure for sure Tre Jones is a good

Defender you know he’s not a lock down or anything like that but if in the future the Spurs chose to keep Trey Jones have him come off the bench uh Le that second unit he’s a fine player to have on your roster right he is fine

Player to have on your roster um i’ I’ve even convinced myself at this point and you guys are going to hate me for this that and this isn’t saying it’s because Trey Jones is like a superstar or nothing like that okay I’m not going to go that far but looking into this draft

Let’s let’s just say hypothetically uh we don’t get the Toronto pick this year it goes over to the next year or you say the Spurs decide to trade away that Toronto pick or whatnot um and you only have one spot uh for that Lottery if you only got one

Spot for that Lottery guys I might be waiting the next year to get a point guard and this year I might just go ahead and go in on uh mtis bues uh I know there’s uh gosh oh gosh I’m about to say Ricochet uh is that it it’s not

That’s not how you say it re rishe I think it’s rishe correct me in the chat if I’m wrong or in the comments with the segment um but there’s there’s a lot of like defensive wings that you can get um so I don’t know if this would be the

Year that I would just go all in on a point guard if you have okay Reese is Shay okay okay cool um I don’t know if this is Reese’s Pieces got you thank you thank you Sebastian I I just don’t know if this is the the year that you go all

In if you only have that one spot you know I personally I people make fun of me for this but I think you actually don’t watch the games okay uh that’s funny um I typed in kado I didn’t realize that that meant gift in French kadu

Kedo gotcha uh okay Elliot Kad here we go this kid this dude he’s a monster he’s an absolute monster if the Spurs were to get him I would be very happy and I think we’ll have like what like three picks next year I I have to go and look it’ll be ridiculous we’ll

Have a lot of first round picks next year uh let’s see we possibly could I’m going to go ahead and just type him in type them up so we can have some type of visual ual cuz I just want to I want to Rave on him a little bit

Why is this a fan page no does he have a I know Elliot K has his own am I spelling his name wrong I know he has his own page doesn’t he fan page let’s see what the heck is going on I know he has his own page I’m not crazy

Here oh did I just spell it wrong maybe I spell it wrong Elliot oh here it is AO huh didn’t know that he goes by whatever that is this dude right here he’s nasty y’all he’s so let let me just let let me just sell you on him a little bit right so

What did the Spurs need they need a point guard that’s Elite at passing that can give wimy the ball right that’s what everyone talks about why can’t wimy get the ball um he sees every play before it happens his defense is impeccable for his size I know you’re

Going to say well how tall is he he’s 6’1 don’t don’t get upset okay it’s fine he’s he’s 6’1 um but his defense is really impressive he moves his feet well laterally he’s sneaky athletic like Derek white was very sneaky athletic his first his first step is pretty

Ridiculous uh his his uh pick and roll game is ridiculous he just completely changes the game when he’s out there he is a true point guard when people say oh we need a true point guard he is a true point guard a Tony Parker type um no not

Quite not quite T Tony Parker wasn’t like a great passer this early right like Tony Parker wasn’t a great passer this ear early um and yeah yeah and Tony Parker wasn’t good on defense either so no not quite like Tony Parker um but yeah anyways defense is

Really good very quick uh the only problem is his shooting isn’t that great right now um but the thing is he doesn’t if you watch the games cuz people will go and look at his stats and say he’s he’s not averaging that many points or what not but it’s like if you actually

Watch the game you notice that he is completely unselfish he is giving it to his guys and he is the focal point of what they have going on over there in North Carolina like he comes in and it changes everything he sees plays before it happens he’s the ball is out of his

Hands so fast his skill set is just so high his basketball IQ is ridiculous he’s one of those point guards where you watch and you’re like I didn’t know that guy was open he makes you open he knows he got eyes at the back of

His head this is the guy you won okay who was on the screen Elliot Kad he’s probably not going to be in this draft but he’ll be in the next draft um he’ll probably wait a year so some uh vets on the team are gone um and

His draft stock is going to probably go up quite a bit I would love for him to be in this draft and the Spurs just say well no he can’t be in this draft if we only have one if we only have one then I

Don’t do it but dude if we could get Elliot kadoo that would be incredible yeah Tony is not is really not a passer he is Score first point guard made a living off spin moves and tear drops yeah yeah he’s not a he’s not

A pass first guy he had to learn to pass um he got some iconic passes but uh agree with spleen what do you say you need a shooter you don’t need a second Trey Jones this isn’t a sec okay there’s certain players that are so at

Lead at what they do that yes you can excuse certain things he’s going to be a better shooter he’ll be a better scorer it’s not like his shot is broken or anything he he’ll be fine right he’ll be fine um he can create his own shot he

Has that bag it’s just a matter of tweaking his jump shot and him getting those opportunities He he’ll be totally fine he’s not another Trey Jones he he his passing ability is Elite Trey Jones is solid like Trey Jones overall is a solid player this is a whole another

Monster you’re dealing with kadoo isn’t just like anybody any NBA coms for kadoo passing ability uh when I was Swiss he’s you guys know my friend swish he’s so into uh draft prospects and everything like that he always com he always Compares him to Chris Paul I have to agree passing wise he’s

An elite passer it’s ridiculous um so yeah you’re going to see this you’re going to see this guy a lot in the future okay you’re going to see this guy a lot in the future this isn’t even what the segment was supposed to be about uh this okay uh

This defense is absolutely ridiculous and I just wanted to say that I know a lot of people say Clan why don’t you give Jones any credit you never give him credit and that’s not true I I do like Jones it’s just he’s one of those

Players where it’s like he is what he is like I know what he is he’s a solid player and you know he can in the future he’ll either come off the bench he’ll maybe maybe start next year if we don’t go ahead and get a point he’s fine I

Like Trey Jones I think that he’s a smart player I think he makes the right reads I don’t think he’s necessarily Elite player but he’s a solid player and he’s one of those where I don’t think the ceiling is much higher just me personally I just don’t see it as much

Higher but I do like what he brings to the court I don’t think that he’s a liability in in most cases he is totally fine I like Trey Jones Okay um and we don’t even have to praise wimby but soan saying this right now everybody talks

Trash about soan but once the Spurs are winning again every single fan is going to love soan again and every single nons Spurs fan every single opponent is going to despise this dude because he’s going to have so many moments in the playoffs where you’re just like well that help

And you want a guy like that pop has talked about this how he’s that little bit of nasty you know he’s not afraid of anything um he’s going to go at you he’s he’s going to speaking of nasty I say all that to say this okay this right

Here we’re going to get a lot of these this is annoying this is terrible I’m just kidding it’s awesome uh this regular season this regular season soan but when we’re winning and you’re getting this oh my goodness dude he is going to he we are going to be so

Annoying if you have wimy that just will spike your ball literally spike the ball hold on I’m I’m I’m going to risk it I’m going to risk copyright for this I’m risking copyright for this when you have this what do you do what do you do you have you have literally wimy just

Terrorizing everybody and then you have soan who’s just getting under your skin all the time this is going to be really tough and we have a team full well not full okay I’m not going to say everybody okay just not say everybody but at least our cour

And I can we’re talking about soan and wimy so I’ll stay there these are ultimate competitors okay these are ultimate competitors so I don’t know people can hate them now but they’re going to absolutely love them how can you move like that who me

Oh wimy oh I was like me I was like what when I do this stuff when I do all that a skill a skill baby I’m just kidding um he spiked it he spiked it like a volleyball spiked it like a volleyball so yeah people just need to chill um but yeah

Apparently our best lineup out there uh at least when those three are on the court is really good uh another thing impressive too is soan his I know I don’t care about plus minus but from a game to game plus minus is usually okay to use here and there but it needs a

Little context but his plus minus he’s out there with a bench often times too and his plus minus doesn’t dip as much because of his defensive ability I mean it doesn’t dip as much as it would with another player you know good stuff though good stuff good stuff


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  1. this game cured the flu that I’ve been fighting. before I knew it, I was on my feet, clapping and screaming with joy!

  2. Sochan coming along not gonna lie and yesterday when he tried to dap up the other team was great

  3. Cadeau is 6'1 that shoots 57% from the free throw line and 21% from 3. Id honestly take Tre Jones over that. We cant afford to have more scrubs on our team that cant put the ball in the basket at an efficient level. We need Risacher or Cody Williams first and foremost. Even over a point guard. We need efficient shooting.

  4. Cody Williams or Risacher. Stop with Buzelis, his draft stock has significantly dropped. No one in the G-league has panned out very well so far.

  5. Gotta Keep Tre Jones, if even as a backup. We are two players away from a legit starting 5, but we also gotta build our 2nd unit and KJ with Tre is a good start.

  6. Can you tell us more about the player the Suns recently activated. All I could find is that he is French, 6’6” and a guard

  7. Agreed, if the TOR pick doesn't convey, I agree they should not target a PG specifically, take the best player and see if you can make it work. Tre Jones is a good PG and should be enough for now and to make a push for play in next season.

  8. Tre Jones is solid. Consistent. Dependable. High IQ. Makes everyone around him better, every time he is on the floor. If he would have made that game-winning clutch 3 a few games back I'd have absolutely nothing against him. And yet, nobody thinks of him as anything but a backup PG.

  9. If you don't know what's going on, yeah, they're crazy. You'll know Victor has a younger brother. And That's what the spurs are Going for he's gonna be in the 2025,2026 draft class, so not this year and not next year, but 2026🎉🎉🎉

  10. I really don’t see it with Cadeau. Dillingham is the same size and is quicker and shiftier, and therefore way better at creating separation for his own shot, a shot which goes in at a way better clip than Cadeau’s. This means he creates bigger advantages in possession, which enable easier reads and passes. Leaving aside that he’s shown signs of being a really good passer too, even if Cadeau is a way better passer than Rob (he may be, but I honestly haven’t seen anything in his film which makes me think the gap is that huge) it doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll be a better playmaker. I would bet on a guy who looks like he could be an elite shot creator and good passer being a better playmaker & PnR operator than an iffy shot creator and great passer.

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