@Sacramento Kings



Going to pay off to the play a nobody added up 24 poters in the a shot league league hi everyone Thanks for join Jo in us on 2K sports NBA action is coming up this is Kevin harand Courtside with Greg Anthony and Brent Barry David Aldrich will join us momentarily from the

Sidelines let’s take a look at our starters for Sacramento herder and Barnes are your wingman sabonis is the center with Murray next to him and it’s fox in at the one stot and for Golden State the championship Corp of the Warriors here is out there Curry and thomps in the

Back court with green working at Power for Looney out there with Andrew Wiggins and it’s game one of a back to- back for him Brent does that mean you have to hold back just a little to save some energy no not not at all Kevin you’re

Going about this game to try to get yourself in the Rhythm and and play at a high level and you can worry about the next game when the next game tips but right now it’s all about this moment Curry against Fox Curry kicks to Wiggins launches a three rebound by

Murray and it’s Sacramento’s ball they are coming off that win against Atlanta I thought they had a solid game plan coming into that one and then they made good adjustments along the way well the great thing about watching that game was that we saw it through their offense and

They showed a few different looks that they settled into and played well now green following dearon Fox’s three-point attempt and that one good R Green’s not going to let anyone slow him down terrific at completing that chance Fox deciding where to go with it shoots over Curry and fox gets it to

Go and he’s not going to miss many of those especially that wide open now he’s automatic from the mid-range and the defense knows that it’s a mistake to give up a shot like that Wiggins Outside Curry on the wing guarded by Fox offensive rebound he creates such a great opportunity right at the rim and he just can’t get it to go even with the defense not really a factor now here’s herder he’s a good contributor to his team averaging about 10 and a half points a

Game Fox inside the one another Miss by Fox mid-range is where he makes the money so when the D’s slow to get out on him always surprising to see him Miss from there Higgins against bars and that’ll be two free throws coming up officials on the call with the

Foul P fake is so devastating especially for a great offensive weapon like Wiggins the Warriors shooting their first free throws of the game right now and really the form at the line all season has been terrific 79% as a team and he makes the first boy doesn’t

Mike Brown GA deserve a lot of credit for the king recent success he’s been terrific I mean bringing that Championship pedigree from Golden State Brown went to the finals as the head coach in Cleveland and one of the best people in the league as well and both free throws good for

Wiggins and last season the warrior so-called two timeline approach seemed to fall flat didn’t you think G and whether it was chemistry or younger players still growing into their roles the Warriors are now clear there’s only one timeline and that’s Steph thir and fox gets it to go how about

That just accepting the contact and still getting the finish for Fox Curry looking it over they get it again Looney pass it to Green Thompson outside Golden State moving it around and the Warriors Miss again having a hand up in your face makes such a difference to a shooter as good as you can do without getting a block there to

Defend gives a team such a great element having a one guard who can get to the 10 ah certainly something every team wants to have like to see that assertiveness especially from the guy who’s going to orchestrate your offense great idea to get your secondary scores involved early

This helps keep everybody engaged yeah and he’s so so from there but when he’s hitting from Deep it’s a big confidence Builder and here is Fox following the three-pointer by Andrew Wiggins and the new CBA challenging the top spending team Brint that certainly affects the Warriors doesn’t yeah Kevin the roster

Is not getting any younger but it is getting more expensive so to sustain that kind of payroll especially with the way the tax system is set up it’s something the Warriors are just going to have to deal with at some point and make some very critical decisions around what

This roster is going to look like first one Falls for it’s definitely part of the game that fox wants to work on is haven’t been easy for him in the past Fox hits them both and the Warriors decide to take their first timeout here they just couldn’t come out on top last time they took on the kings that one was played in Sacramento and turnovers were the story for them when they saw each other last I mean just a heartbreaking

Way to lose the game [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now we get a chance to check out some stats for Stephen Kirk now about three minutes gone in the first quarter Thompson against herder curry dishes to Thompson good and Curry gets the assist just love the flow and the mechanics of

What clay does so efficiently with that J Kings have gone three to five shooting the ball so far outside Fox herder kicks to Barnes Wiggins with the rebound the defense ready for him on that possession they had to be cuz he is so strong in the paint shots good by green and

Wiggins is a capable passer someone that wants to hit a guy in the right spot and we’re just over three and A2 minutes into the first quarter Barnes against Wiggins Barnes can’t get it to go and the effort never stops with him no easy shots when he’s on the floor well it’s

About the defensive end and that’s what guys feet off he gives the effort down there at all times the ball movement on this run has been fantastic and is a big part of why they’ve been able to get these good looks Barnes outside Murray outside in the corner herder with

It five to shoot over Thompson again the Miss by the Kings and it’s the Warriors ball they’re on a 10- two run here outside Curry there’s the three Sacramento grabs the miss give him a little credit take some guts to keep shooting if you’re struggling this bad

It’s getting a little bit ugly right now count the bucket and he’s got a free throw coming up as well pretty focused play right there from Harrison Barnes showing he has what it takes to convert sometimes those challenging buckets like that one there and he’s got his first

Chance at the line here and you know something I remember from their last game was how good he was at the line And Barn’s one of those guys that every team would love to have he just has a workmanlike attitude Warriors leading by three Curry passes to Looney it’s tipped Fox with the steal and now the fast break Fox with the ball pass to sabonis and it’s Looney with the rebound

Looney’s got his fourth Rebound in this one and stolen by Murray hurder kicks to Fox and the basket for the fourth time from the field he’s a healthy four for six pretty good the dribble set that up got some space and then knocked it down Curry is inside guarded by Fox the 10-footer finds the Target and after missing four straight he finally

Gets one to go the Kings trailed by three and Brent Steph Curry has so much love for this game he’s a true Ambassador for the sport well with Steph anything that he touches seems to turn the goal I mean he he loves hoops no matter what it is supports the women’s

Games he’s involved with youth Athletics in the Bay Area and back home in Charlotte and this guy just loves to see the sport grow as much as he has now here’s Thompson ninepoint game his last outing that one goes in a great way for a three-point shooter to keep the

Defense honest is to show him that you can knock down mid-range shots Klay did that here’s Fox that’s in that’s his fifth field goal he’s shooting the Haw 71% 5 for seven and it’s curry with the ball bringing it up for the Warriors they come into this one following the loss to

The Mavericks in the NBA you’ve got to keep Pace it’s a fast track out there and I thought their lack of hustle defensively was the story of the game you can’t allow any opponent to shoot that kind of percentage if you do it’s just going to be so tough to keep up now

Here’s herder following the Miss by Draymond Green the Warriors leading here’s Thompson and a great assist by Curry as that one goes in Curry’s got his third assist on the night the Kings have gone an even 50% from the field they are seven of 14 for the game herder finds Fox over Curry

Fox no good well you you have to like their work on the boards Kevin particularly here to start the game pass to Wiggins back to Curry six to shoot from Deep three-point land Barn grabs the miss his touch has left him in this quarter nowhere close

To the kind of output they need from him Murray no good how about the timing he shows there to challenge that shot yeah not easy to do there and that’s a guy that you can tell takes every possession defensively very seriously now here’s Curry 26 points for

Him last game against Dallas and guys what impressed me most was his passing he constantly looked for the open man and found guys in great spots and some changes here for the king Kings Trey Lyles checked in for Keegan Murray Malik monk comes in for Kevin herder and it’s Mitchell in for dearen Fox here’s Char it’s hauled in by the Kings now monk he’s coming off a 13-point game against Atlanta here’s Mitchell he’s now one for two with that bucket yeah that’s the third bucket in a row from the paint this defense needs to clog those Lanes in the

Middle and here is curry hard to imagine but the stats are tremendous as he averages close to 27 points a game here’s Mitchell and Devon Mitchell gets the whistle that time that’s his first foul Cory Joseph’s checked in for curry and a change for the Kings Tores checked

In Warriors have gone 50% from the field in the first quarter eight of 16 sabonis against Joseph that one off the back iron and out yeah they got that one but early on it’s it’s really been a struggle for them to secure that defensive back boy monk shots good anytime monk gets room

To shoot especially inside he’s such a crappy gu who you want to see pulling the trigger from inside timeout called The Warriors terrible gold state for yeah [Applause] And uh how is the way shaping up guys well let’s take a moment here to check it out now that the midseason grind is well underway taking a look at Sacramento they’re down at the seventh position right now a decent start to the season but they’re looking to make a

Move and of course the Warriors they’re five spots away well for the Warriors they’re already looking to the off season and that’s a shame their fans deserve a little bit more from this team the body language right now kind of telling the story losing takes a huge

Toll on you especially during an 82 game grind just F to shoot Golden State needs to get off a shot gets the three-pointer def fall and the Warriors lead by two and shich just one of those European players that comes over with the fundamentals beautiful play there monk the pass

DTE and the foul on Chris DTE that’s his first foul and let’s take a moment here to see some of the numbers for damont sabonis first and rebounded and he’s in the top 10 in field goal Pro really able to power his way to the bucket and finish through contact and

Just going back real quick to the fact that he’s tops in the league in rebounds what a tremendous feat what a monster he is in the paint and plenty of contact on the shot so two free throws coming up let’s bring up the 2K leaderboard to show you the teams leading the league

And assist this season fifth best the CES and contrary to what we see from other teams this squad has no interest in playing strictly as individuals their assist numbers show what a coh decent Bunch they are no good on that One and he’s good on the second Mitchell with it the pass toward a now here’s lions in the corner it’s Monk And it’s blocked and the shot clock expires 24 second violation and taking a broader look here at the year-over-year scoring trend for Harrison Barnes and looking at his offensive numbers from the past few years it seems like teams around the league have kind of figured him out he’s

Having to work a lot harder for his points and they haven’t been coming nearly as easily as they used to Joseph against Mitchell Joseph that’s good and the Warriors lead by five that’s a high percentage look when the D doesn’t fight over the screen the coach over there

Just asking for one simple thing and that’s some effort got burned on that one now here’s Mony they’ve been leaning on him for a decent junk of their offense he’s averaging over 15 points a game Warriors leading by five over in the corner kaminga some nice passing by Golden

Stadium here’s psky monk defending pass to Jackson Davis charge outside over sabonis and there are the Warriors now with another bucket catch and shoot opportunity for Dario and he doesn’t waste it they’ve been struggling here on offense yeah a bit of a dry spell for sure Mitch finds

Monk 59 seconds left here in the opening quarter pass it to Lions here’s Mitchell he’s covered by Joseph Joseph against Mitchell and it’s good for two Mitchell’s got his second basket and it’s Joseph with the ball he’ll bring it up for Golden State leading by five pass to Jackson Davis here’s

Psky five on the clock and he gets the whistle two free throws coming up yeah good job to take it right at the Deep Warriors shooting their fifth and sixth free throws of the game shoot two first free throw is good that one Falls so he hits both of them

The Kings trailed by seven two second difference between shot clock and game clock sabonis feeling it out of it 11 seconds left in the first quarter from Deep three-point land no good on the shot and and so it’s the Golden State Warriors bringing the quarter to a close

With a seven-point lead their shooting has been the big key their percentage from the field so far has been terrific and we’ve got more and 2K sports coming your way after this break and thanks again for tuning in if you’re just joining us we played through

One quarter of action so far and a moment here to take a look at the scoring breakdown for the Warriors oh man how about the mid-range jumper from these guys it’s on tonight a huge part of their offense so far well I like that they’ve also emphasized the

Three-point line they drained a good number from Beyond The Arc this year great you look at the size of some of these point guards now Magic Johnson would feel right at home yeah it’s a part of a larger Trend with all the switching defensively if you have just

One smaller guy on the floor he is going to get a Target on the court right now for the kings boxs in the back court with herder to his side Barnes is in the front Court along with Murray and it’s ly in at the five spot now here’s Curry

Harrison Barnes missing his last shot Curry the focus from Curry gets it to fall inside Curry not one of those guards who shrinks when he gets Inside herder passes to lias Kicks it to Barnes can’t hit that one Wiggins with some nice deep and battling hard on the glass they hold the advantage here so far and here we go and let’s head over to the sideline and catch up with David Aldridge thanks very much guys now

Culture is thrown around a lot in the NBA but the world Warriors team has it in Spades and Kavon Looney says the way we play is the way the locker room is it’s fast loose and discipline as long as you work you’re able to enjoy what you’re doing everyone has input and I

Think the biggest thing with our culture is we always talk about playing with joy Kevin and they do love it David good stuff thank you so much and that one’s good Wiggins and man I love it when Wiggins gets vertical such an impressive ath some tough offensive sets they want to

Turn it around yeah right now you just need a bucket to get some momentum you know altered shots don’t show up on the official stat sheet but as we saw there he does a great job of doing that as well as collecting the rebound now here’s Curry they lead by

Their biggest margin of the game nine and it’s Wiggins missing the Kings have gotten only one of their first four shots in the second quarter to drop here’s Fox and foul on the shot he’ll shoot two at the free throw line it’s going to be on Char this is where dear

Fox can be so good just forcing the issue on the drive when he puts those Jets to work he’ll take his third and fourth free throw shots at the game right here and his free throws are falling at a rate of only about 72% on the season not terrible but listen you

Obviously would expect him to do better [Applause] and he can’t get the first one cavon Looney is checked in for the Warriors green comes in for kaminga and the second free throw oh good Warriors leading by eight here’s Curry pass to Wiggins now Looney he kicks to Curry from 18 ft away

And green with the basket on the assist by Curry greens got the lead up to 10 now for the Warriors and for Sacramento they’re shooting under 40% all in all for the game Fox against Curry and fox gets it to go fox has got 17 tough matchup here

And fox has it going right now the Lefty getting some room and making it happen Looney finds Wiggins Thompson outside the train Thompson with the three assists like that have tified their effort today terrific ball movement outside FOX NOW the pass to herder good and it’s Fox who picks up

Assist herders got his first basket of the night so composed right there on that possession herder a pro at handling the defense and then keeping his focused now a timeout called by Golden State well whether things are good bad or indifferent coaches will have adjustments to make throughout the

Course of the game yeah not just there to pump up or to discipline players you got to make sure that the coach makes the proper adjustments and has his team in the right mindset to carry it out [Applause] yeah and we should take this time now to show

You the real stats real scores from the real NBA these teams have been outstanding on the offensive glass this season second the Warriors one of the better rebounding teams in the league especially on the offensive end they never take that for granted in terms of whether the shots going in now here’s

Curry Thompson outside it’s h in by ly and so it’s Murray with it he brings it up for the Kings nine-point game talk about guys brand who can fill those gaps out on the floor how about Trey L Trey just getting more and more comfortable at carving out that reliable role player

Not only is this guy smart he’s also Fearless he’ll throw himself into the game here’s curry after the basket by dear and fox and now the fast break Fox with the ball and a moment here to check out the stats for herder he’s around 10 points per game three rebounds and two assists

And he can play some valuable minutes on the wing for this team I just want to kick back and Lounge here because when this guy’s hot it’s a love story and when he’s cold it’s a nightmare so sit back get your popcorn let’s see what he does the first free throw is Good Fox hits them both Warriors leading by five now Curry to the paint here’s Wiggins and Wiggins throws it down so much attention on sta that really opens up the floor for Sacramento they’ve gone four of seven from the field in this second quarter so far hder kicks to

LY Sacramento again missing and and they’re controlling the boards Kevin that’s plus five in that category curry with it now guarded by Murray Wiggins left side second shot opportunity Looney with the bucket and it’s a nine-point warrior lead kind of a simple job for Looney out

There but he’s willing to do it gets into the middle and fights for that door Curry against Fox herder on the wing there’s the call on Kevin herder that is his first foul of the game and Greg one of the finer points of the new collective bargaining agreement players

In the G league night or overseas no longer automatically entering the NBA Draft when they turn 19 yeah it makes sense you think about players in college they choose when to enter the draft so only right to give Pros that same amount of time now here’s Wiggins he’s coming

Off a 16-point game against Dallas the shot by Looney no good the Kings trailed by nine over in the corner Barnes back to Fox just four to shoot and it’s Looney with the rebound Looney’s got eight rebounds in this game Warriors leading by nine hurry from Deep three-point L goes back up whistle blows bucket is good and he’ll have a chance at the line to make it a three-point play as the game has

Gone along they’ve gotten more and more aggressive on the back f and this is his first trip to the line tonight and with a free throw percentage hovering around 70 he knows he has to bring that up Sacramento making a switch here sabonis is checked in one Shot and that one misses if you have the Good Fortune of playing next to superstars in this league there are certain guys who thrive in that environment and cavon Looney has been one of them now here’s Fox the shot no good green up on top guarded by Fox Curry passes to

Looney green against Fox and it’s green missing the Kings Trail by 11 and here’s herder outside drills the three-pointer herder’s got five points now in the quarter shooting it with more confidence now look at his face he didn’t look quite right in the opening minutes finding it now and here is

Curry green inside hurry on him Looney and it’s Sacramento with the rebound the wide open look here for Fox good and the assist goes to Murray fox has got 24 oh great pass for Murray I like whenever he looks to get his guys involved outside Curry passes it to

Green Thompson with it he’s got 10 dishes it to Curry takes the three rebound by the Kings sabonis has got four rebounds in this game Murray kicks to Barnes good ball movement here by the the Kings Thompson looking for an opening it’s rebounded by herder the Kings trailed by five and stolen by

Wiggins Pass to Johnson Johnson running the FL now Wiggins the theft that starts to break Kings have gone 6 to 12 in the second quarter right at the 50% mark from the field Furer against Thompson wide open look here for Murray again the Miss by the TS Warriors leading by Seven in the corner it’s Wiggins bangs on the trifecta Wiggins has got 12 points in the game good to see Wiggins out there from the corner just great Rhythm on that three box inside the L it’s the jumper in space this is a oneman show right now

He’s on a mission to get him out of this hole Golden State’s gone two for five from three-point Lan since the end of the first Barnes against Wiggins Pass to C Fires the three that falls nice feed that time from Wiggins Wiggins has got assist number five here tonight timeout has called

First of the game for Sacramento sh come Sacramento making some changes Chris DZ checked in for Harrison Barnes Malik monk comes in for Kevin herder and Daven Mitchells subbed in for dearen FOX NOW here’s Mitchell sabonis the pass to Murr out of bounds Golden State takes possession

Let’s take a look at the real stats the real scores from the real NBA these guys have been grabbing rebounds and punches to lead the NBA over the last 10 games in the third spot Deus sabonis when it comes to rebounding it it’s been a stupendous stretch for him he’s been

Using his body and strength so effective Curry gets the bucket not just the accuracy in the quarter it’s his movement and the energy that’s getting him on this nice roll and how about kaminga one of just a handful of NBA players from Congo and Greg those players from the Congo they have achieve

Some of the highest level of recognition in our league NBA champions Hall of Famer the player list is short but boy they’re distinguished and they’ve got a big lead not just on the scoreboard but really in the rebounding numbers as well a moment now to hear from our sideline

Reporter Hall of Famer David Aldridge David thank you Kevin now now Steph Curry has changed the game but he’s going to be hard to emulate Steve Kerr says he has maybe the best hand ey coordination in the world coach is not bad in his own right as the career

Leader in three-point percentage but in their free throw competitions Steve says he swishes everything the guy’s annoying I can’t beat him Evan all right all right David thank you no good at that time from Curry and it’s the Warriors ball they’re on a 12 to

Four run trying to go for an alute but excellent defense in anticipation there to stop it there’s the pass to Mitchell and Curry pulls it down and so Curry will bring it up for Golden State it’s up a three it’s haed in by the Kings sabonis has got rebound number five here tonight

Even if you’re not shooting it you like to see the effort level and his tonight has been high and the basket by kirry another good play this is how they built the lead calling on the right guys at the right time basketball IQ is something that gets talked about but

It’s importance to a team showing up here running plays that turn into score here’s Mitchell following the basket by Stephen Kerry up top monk a floater and sabonis lays it up and in sabonis has got his second basket of the game and how about monk there scanning the floor for the open teammate

That’s how you develop a trust from your teammates here’s psky to the inside here’s Jackson Davis sabonis grabs the board sabonis has got his sixth rebound on the night Mitchell against Curry Mitchell passes DTE he feeds it to M pulls from the top of the key and he gets the jumper to drop and and you like Murray as a spot up shooter knows where to park himself and always ready to receive the pass let’s Curry outside Curry what else is

New and obviously his momentum from the last game has carried over here tonight yeah the coach pretty smart for zoning in on him and giving him opportunities to stay with that confident play count it and the warrior lead has been cut down now to just 12 points with the basket from zon

The defense had the right idea just the wrong execution sabonis too powerful to be cut off it’s been all about Stephen Curry for the Golden State Warriors that quarter had to take a lot out of him he racked up 12 points it’s time now to go

Courtside as we send you over to David Aldridge from the sideline David take it away thanks very much Steve some great engagement defensively what’s happening that’s good at that end of the floor I think they’re just playing hard rotating playing for each other and they’ve done a better job of avoiding

Fouls and just playing Steve thanks for your time back to you all right David thank you and stay with us folks we’ll be back just after halftime to get the third quarter started it’s the 2K sports halime show hey again everybody looks like this could be an upset in the making I’m

Ernie Johnson with Shaquille O’Neal and Kenny the Jets smid so it’s golden state who’s out on top at the half they are leading by 12 Jack what are your thoughts on Golden State they’re running some great offense right now working the ball in good spots taking what the defense gives them not

Forcing up shots we’ll see if they can maintain that discipline in the second half and Kenny your take on Sacramento well the effort hasn’t been there in terms of rebounding the ball they’re getting out worked in that part of the game but you got to be more physical to

Turn this thing around I don’t know if they have the Personnel to do that and it’s just about time now for the third quarter to get underway and as we dive into the second half we’ll find out at the next two quarters are any different from the

First two so far it has been a runaway it’s been one outside standing game from dear Fox definitely been challenging the defense here early on not settling for anything outside and you want these kind of nights where you can start to see those openings before they happen and there wasn’t too much drama

In the first half but maybe things will tighten up here in the second the Kings trailed by 12 the championship Corp of the Warriors is out there Curry and thomps in the back court with green working at power forward Wiggins is out there with cavan Looney that’s Steve

Kerr’s five as we get into the second half Golden State’s gone outside a lot tonight 17 times in fact seven of 17 herder against Thompson outside Curry L It Go with a three Sacramento grabs the miss Murray the pass to Fox get it the put back he hangs in there and Cashes in on the second chance points they are just killing him on the interior and for those of you turning in

We’re about a minute into the second half unloads from 13 curry good Curry’s got 16 well right now Steph is just toying with the defense and it feels like he is the Puppeteer in this basketball game now here’s herder Five Points in the game into the lane the kick out to

Barnes pulls up from the corner and he hits the jump shot Five Points in the game well when Harrison Barnes makes shots like that confidence grows he’s feeling it teammates are going to start feeding off of that curry with the bounce pass Looney finds Curry here’s Thompson oh Thompson tough shot just

Such a confident scorer seeing clay get into these areas on the floor and still being effective got to appreciate that part of his game two minutes into the second half of play now mder on the wing tries it from 19 and it’s Looney with the rebound Looney’s got rebound number 12

Here already in the game down low here’s green rebound by Murray and the pressure he put on that shot forced the miscue those are all the little things about effort there he just gets out there and contests and that’s just enough now what a great option he gives them on every

Possession and Thompson kicks to Wiggins Pass to Looney outside Curry puts up a deep threee and demonus sabonis pulls it down sabonis has got rebound number nine now what an effort here Tonight Fox against Wiggins Fox passes to sabonis back to Fox the lead now in single digits out time out fox has got 28 points for the game and there’s a pattern starting to take shape here they’re working it inside and getting good shots from close range timeout called The Warriors Brent many

Noteworthy second generation stars in the NBA right now like Damon sabonis unbelievable had a chance to play against his dad who was a force to be reckoned with at the center position but Dam montis has exceeded him in some ways like multiple All-Star selections [Applause] [Applause] Cory Josephs checked in for the Warriors

The Kings also at the sub Trey ly checked in for Keegan Murray Warriors leading by eight outside Joseph tipped away on the wing Thompson from deep it falls for his seventh bucket of the contest he’s seven for nine just so remarkable inconsistent from distance is Klay Thompson Joseph against fox pass to herder

Over Thompson oh and that one had the right spit on it and it is good herter got his third basket of the night here’s Joseph inside GRE and contact on the shot so he’ll be shooting free throws here averaging less than nine points a game for his career but Draymond Green does

Everything else on the basketball court Brenton I know you admire that yeah of course the former Defensive Player of the Year a tremendous playmaker but the biggest skill Kevin is his mouth he is a great communicator out there to keep this team connected and the first one at the line is good

Yeah what really sets Draymond apart is that tenacity I mean he never stops fighting you I mean any second he’s on the floor he’s competing and he’s coming at you both shots good from the strike now Fox and he has 28 points for the game pass to Sabonis Second Chance shot no good at The Rim Warriors leading by 11 here’s Wiggins basket is good he’ll get a chance for one more at the line and Wiggins showing a bit of strength even with that frame of his able to take the punishment and still get the score

And a moment now to look at the scoring approach in terms of where the points are coming from for the Warriors they’re doing damage from the mid-range not sure if that was the game plan or if they’re just taking what the defense gives them but thus far it’s paying off well

Looking at the stat sheet I could just see here tonight sharing the basketball the stat that comes up most is assists so sometimes you have to look for your teammate that makes things happen they’ve done it free throw good Wiggins and Andrew Wiggins came into this league is such a

Special talent it’s so great to see all of that blossoming this far into his career now here’s Fox a in around 272 points a game one of the best in the league and it’s fck with the jam and your point guards got to be the Catalyst

Great job getting to the 10 well Greg he knows when they need a lift did you see how much air he had under him wow ear against Thompson the dish to Joseph and it’s Fox with the rebound and the effort never stops with him no easy

Shots when he’s on the flooor well it’s about the defensive end and that’s what guys feet off he gives the effort down there at all times well here’s the problem he’s shooting the lights out but they’re still behind they need another guy to step up here’s Wiggins barries it

Down low Wiggins has got 17 now what a performance on the offensive end he’s making the Defenders pay right now for all of the mistakes they’re making hder kicks to five over Joseph Fox no good Warriors leading by 12 green passes to Joseph now here’s Thompson and here’s Looney he’s

Averaging around five and a half points a game that shot Off the Mark for Zach ramento they’ve gone 7even to 13 in the third quarter so far just above 50% shooting foul as the whistle blows he’ll shoot two free throws this is the challenge Fox poses for defenses sometimes just forced to foul

Him he shot five of six at the foul line sh two the first one Falls Fox hits them both Joseph with the ball and the pass to Looney Wiggins against bares Wiggins kicks to Thompson at balls nice feed that time from Wiggins Wiggins has got six assists now in the

Game now here’s herder he has seven to the middle fouled on the shot and picks up two points so one free throw coming up yeah sabon is just taking that hit and finding a way to finish first trip to the free throw line for him tonight and

Some changes here for the Warriors Char checked in for cavon Looney and kaminga subbed in for Draymond Green Sacramento also making some changes monk comes in for Kevin herder and Daven Mitchells subbed in for Fox and the free throw no good and sabon is such a key to this team and what they

Do on the inside a big man that does a little bit of everything a moment here to look at some numbers goar putting up about 10 points a night five rebounds and two assists and so much of what they do on offense depends on how he plays well he attracts serious attention from

The defense and that really does open up the backside for a lot of his teammates to take full Advantage free throw good Joseph impeccable from the line since halftime and the Kings making a change here dores checked in that one misses and it’s Mitchell with the ball for Sacramento down by 12 Barnes outside kicks to monk wles inside covered by sh count it

Is got his first points of the night and they’re forcing the ball inside and it’s working like a charm Thompson dishes to kaminga mils against charish passes it to Joseph over in the corner kaminga FL is at three stolen by Mitchell and Mitchell with the clear PA to the

Hoop fouled in the act of shooting gets the bucket anyway so a three-point play chance for him taking it up strong against size he does not lack for confidence yeah hard to stop it there if you’re the big man that’s just too good a shot and great Concentration and this is his first trip to the line tonight and converted more than four out of every five free throw attempts last year so just solid at the Line free throw dropped for Mitchell here’s psky he’s got Five pass to Thompson inside playay Thompson defense shaking their heads no idea how to stop him in this quarter he’s got him on the ropes on the wing monk he’s covered by Thompson here now the League’s highest scoring teams the past 10 games what a stretch it has been for these guys

Fourth the Kings yeah what an impressive run for this club everybody seems to be in a rhythm in terms of scoring and they are putting up some big numbers you think about Klay Thompson’s career Brent an incredibly resilient player look at all his overcome now you think about

Those injury cards dealt out to Clay well here’s an ACL not only that he gets the Achilles card so he did it twice and he continues to play at a high level the Kings Trail by nine now Mitchell he has seven passers from outside the ark up going to go that

Time Golden State’s gone into the three-point range four times in halftime and buried two of them kaminga finds Thompson back to kaminga six on the shot clock pass to psky this one for three it’s hauled in by the Kings mil got five rebounds tonight feeds it to

Mitchell well time pass and he goes straight to the bucket for the layup and it’s nine points for Davon Mitchell Warriors leading by Seven here’s psky Five Points in the Game And the shot is good rimsky’s got seven points in the game and when he gets in his head that he’s going to get to the basket very little you can do defensively NS inside off on the L Warriors have gone eight of 14 on their shot attempts here in the third

Some pretty nice work here’s kaminga laid in with a nice touch off the glass and it’s an 11-point Warrior lead excellent play just adding fuel to the fire and really trying to put this one Out Of Reach This is what great players try to do they’re not allowing the

Opposition to gain any kind of hope to try and get back in the game and there’s the call on Dario sh that’ll be his second foul of the game and the Warriors making a change here Curry’s checked in Keegan Murray’s checked in for Sacramento the shot from the low post is

Good Murray’s got four points in the quarter almost impossible to guard Murray inside in college we’ll see if that translates to the NBA pass to Jackson Davis here’s psky shot clock at six nice fake with the layup Off the Mark the Kings Trail by nine and here is Monk we’ve got 155 left to play here in the Third Mitchell passes DTE offline with his three Warriors leading by nine pass to Pinsky here’s Jackson Davis two free throws coming up and they call the shooting foul and a moment to see numbers for curry and ranked among the top 10 in scoring he can fill it up with the best

Of them and it’s nice when you have the NBA’s best free throw shooter just keep the ball in his hands in clutch situations he’s been completely automatic this season and he knocks down the first one a good job bringing that free throw percentage up here in the second half doing a great

Job at the line and so he makes both from the line yeah and their free throw shooting has really improved here in the second half and so it’s Mitchell who brings up the ball for the Kings 11-point game there’s ryles and it’s denight we’ve got 118 left to play in the third outside

Curry and the Warriors Miss again you know he’s usually very reliable from out there but tonight it’s just not going down Murray the pass to monk up top ws and looking at his production he averages a little more than seven points game in the corner Murray with

It Mitchell trying to free himself that one’s in there the warrior lead is cut down now to just nine in the bucket for Murray I like seeing Murray be assertive in close using that 6’8 in frame to his Advantage now here’s Curry he’s got 16 the pass to

Shich and it goes down two points charge has got six points fighting through the contact Dario does a great job that Time 23 seconds left to play in the third monk the pass to Mitchell Murray outside from downtown connects from three-point range Murray’s got nine points in the quarter an NBA ready as a rookie Murray can do damage from Deep Curry fires from way outside and that

Would have counted but his shot was off the mark this time and we’ve reached the end of the third Warriors lead by eight and we’re coming right back be sure to stay with us as we get started for the fourth quarter and let’s take this chance now

To show you the State Farm assist of the game yeah an easy choice tonight look at the Precision on this pass put it on a platter form well there’s a way break down the defense with the handle but you can do it with the pass prime example of that right

There and with three quarters behind us let’s see what this fourth period holds in store Force Warriors leading by eight on the floor for Sacramento backourt bear is fox and mon sabonis is the center with Murray next to him and it’s herder in at the three spot I mean the

Range is just unreal Curry can make even the toughest shots look easy Fox dishes deur on the wing Monk on De herder and the rebound goes to the Warriors the biggest lead of the game 15 points just a solid performance on the interior the rebounding has been off the chart here’s

Psky and the call on the shot it sends him to the line it’s going to go on Sabonis And the first one drops and as a team they’re hovering around the high 80s from the free throw line they’ve gotten better as the game has gone along which is exactly what you want to see barns he’s checked in for the Kings and he makes the first but misses the

Second the Kings Trail by 12 to the paint here’s Fox nice pass led him to the rack perfectly for the layup fox has got 36 Shooters tend to be hungry but this time herder finds an open teammate here’s psky monk defending making the most of the screen that’s how it’s done

And it’s in the perfect spot Greg frees him up to get all the way to the bucket really not enough help their lack of communication on the backside passes it to Barnes good ball movement here by the Kings sabonis inside Looney on him Fades and shoots sabonis no good Warriors leading by

12 here’s pmy good d by Barnes and that was almost a block still did enough to alter the shot yeah altering the shot just as long as there’s a miss that kind of energy not wasting no question he got bumped on that shot shooting two first one Falls for Klay Thompson

He’s checked in for Golden State and he can’t hit the second and so it’s Thompson with it he’ll bring it up for the Golden State Warriors they played a great fourth quarter defensively allowing only three points that’s a tough one there from Draymond Green as tough as they

Come monk the pass to Barnes Fox against Curry steps back and fires and fox gets it to go fox has got 39 he’s been terrific tonight and With a Little Help from the other guys on the floor they might be able to turn this game around pass to

Kaminga Looney down low defended by sabonis the shot by no good not great numbers but great effort in this one sounds funny but I think he’s been a positive for them offensive rebound the lead now cut to single digits maybe the length helping out Harrison Barnes that time to collect Warriors leading by

Nine Curry passes to Green three-pointer and there’s stepen Curry on the assist by Green Curry’s got 22 points w he now has four three-pointers this game guys two in each half he’s really spacing out the floor for his teammates last to sabonis over Looney and too long on the

Shot it’s a plus five Advantage for them in rebounding after that one monk against Thompson outside Curry green taking his time here back to curry good and it’s green picking up the assist Green’s got his third assist on the ninth he can score on you in bunches Curry doing it all in this

One fox against Curry Fox passes to hder sinks the triple first three of the half second of the game can he heat up the Warriors have gone five of seven from the field since the beginning of the fourth strong work at that end of the floor Thompson with the bucket 24 points

For Klay Thompson and the excitement on that bench grows as Klay Thompson pours it in Fox kicks to sabonis the pass to herder it’s rebounded by kaminga kaming has got four rebounds in this game inside Looney pass it to Curry and there’s the whistle illegal screen screen and a moment now to check

Out who the Warriors have coming up on their schedule on Wednesday they’ll be taking on Clint capella and the Atlanta Hawks and then on Thursday it’ll be the Sacramento Kings coming into town and looking at the Philadelphia matchup they’ll need to be at their best for this contest anything short of

Excellence and they’ll be in for a rough ride the defense all up in sabonis his face but looked automatic pass to Looney back to Curry pass Tooney good and Curry gets the assist Curry’s got assist number eight here in this one already and they’re pass see the ball very crisply here Curry against

Fox pass to Barnes down low there’s sabonis and it’s Looney with the rebound Looney’s got his 18th rebound here tonight all over the place here’s Thompson it’s rebounded by herder herder’s got got his fifth rebound right now in the game [Applause] stolen now here’s kaminga he’s defended by

Herder huminga with it here’s green six for 10 with that shot going in that’s a good game for a lot of guys yeah the chemistry has been terrific really impressed with their offensive execution sabonis at the elbow back to Fox and the rebound goes to the Warriors Curry’s got his fourth Rebound

In this one one shot on the way Warriors getting another chance here and kaminga gets it to go how about the purpose with which he’s crashing the backboard right now some hard-earned Second Chance points timeout called by the Kings curry with a strong contribution so far in

This one not sure what the defense is thinking or if they are they continue to let him shoot that his bad Defense Sh and now let’s present our New Balance player of the game Stephen Curry and to me the best part of his game has been the work he’s done inside I mean slashing driving the lane attacking the basket at every chance when he’s had an opening he’s taken it this was a big

Game for him there’s no denying that coming off a bunch of losses in a row they turned to him to break the streak and he delivered in a big way and there’s the pass to herder outside sabonis that’s good it’s his seventh May Basket in 14 tries good determination as

Sabonis worked his way through contact and here’s Curry who brings it up for Golden State Atlanta will be traveling to face them after this game that shot misses nice D from sabonis the Kings Trail by 15 Murray with it kaminga picks him up and yes it’s good and give credit to Murray

Right there absorbing the hit and finding a way to finish Golden State’s gone two for two from three-point land to start the fourth quarter now here’s Curry passes it to kaminga get get to the inside Wiggins and it’s Sacramento with the rebound on the wing Barnes guarded by

Curry with him struggling tonight they need to find some other options out there to keep themselves in the game that BS nice that time from Wiggins Curry’s got 12 points in just the second half Sacramento’s gone one to two from three-point range here in the fourth outside Fox there’s

Sabonis an amazing finish with a hand right in his face sabonis working close in the basket he likes those tight quarters and he’s so skilled down there Thompson outside Beyond The Ark tries again and that’s two points on the layup oh there he is beasting on the glass converting the opportunity trying

To put this game away I just don’t see how you climb back into the game when you’re allowing plays like that to happen extra work on the offensive class and fox gets it to go and the crisp passing has opened things up for them offensively Warriors leading by 13 now Curry pass to

Wiggins 11 fet away goes back up kaminga no good the king shooting 53% from the field in the fourth quarter can’t ask for more than that from your offense on deep herder and another three for Sacramento and he’s finally getting the feel from Beyond his second three of the half right there

And there’s Thompson that’s good on the assist by Curry Curry’s got nine assists in the game great passing the Kings Trail by 12 Fox the bounce pass there’s sabonis Andrew Wiggins pulls it in yeah and that’s been the story of the game I mean the rebounding has been very onside

Basket good Curry’s got 28 and he’s starting to show that killer Instinct this quarter looking to extend the lead outside Fox he kicks it to M no one near herder as he lets it Fly sabonis and he makes the bucket gets the whistle and now a three-point play

Chance here for him and you can see what the emphasis was at halftime here in the second a lot more effort to get the ball inside and it’s starting to pay dividend is what here’s Curry timeout called The Warriors [Applause] yeah [Applause] go the wait us now from our sideline reporter David Aldridge David it’s all yours take it away hey guys well Steve Kerr talked to his team during the last timeout he reminded this team we’re up all the pressure is on them let’s just keep playing our game makes sense

Because they’ve got a nice lead late in this game back to you guys thanks David just five on the clock sabonis with the steel herder kicks to Fox off the mark and a chance to trim it to single digits kaminga dishes to Cur Fox with the steal and now the Kings fast break and and that one clearly a foul gets the whistle and two shots coming up Jonathan kaminga picks one up the fox surveying that time and hard to

Cover when he’s got options take a break take a break two shot good on the first and that brings them to within 10 Fox hits them Both and here is curry 46 left in the fourth Quarter lock at six a three-pointer Wiggins Sacramento grabs the Miss sabonis has got a 16th rebound on the night Barnes passes to herder Murray outside Curry against Fox Andrew Wiggins grabs the ball Wiggins has got his seventh rebound of the game with that last one kicks it to

C there’s a minute left to play play here in the fourth pass to kaminga back to Thompson shoots the three and it’s Sacramento with the rebound and close to making the defense pay for the lack coverage that time and it’s Fox with the Jam Just Fox being

Impossible to contain right there on the drive Curry box and again it’s the Warriors missing and I think they realize any hope of a comeback is gone well realistic at this stage of the game they’re going to lose this one but will they take something from the loss now here’s Fox and here’s

Herder outside and it’s Looney with the rebound and here’s Curry who brings it up for the Warriors 17 points was their biggest margin So we see the Warriors get the win here it was a fantastic ball game and they did a great job making sure it didn’t get away from them late yeah I mean they faced some challenges but really held firm when they needed to on both ends and just effective in terms of coming

Away with this win and now let’s go over to David Aldridge from the sideline for an interview with our player of the game hey David thanks very much Stefan how special is to share your success with your family that’s what it’s all about man I know you know when your kids get to

Enjoy uh the game and the show and uh it’s fun so uh I’m glad I did something good for him in the fourth quarter remember all of it I’m sure man congrats on the win back to you guys all right David thank you thank you for

Joining us that’ll do it for now so for David Aldridge Greg Anthony Brent Barry and the whole 2K sports crew this is Kevin Harley thanking you for being with us so long and good night Everyone leig Le the game and he definitely deserves the award reading the defense like a point guard he’ll be proud of that one bigs love when their passing skills are noticed the fourth quarter has arrived so good to have you with us and the Warriors with possession 10-point lead on the court for

Sacramento the duo inside Barnes and sabonis fox and monk they’re the guards and it’s herder in at the small forward position fires in the triple their strategy has been pretty simple here in the second half attack from three-point range and you see this so much more nowadays in the NBA teams putting a

Larger emphasis on jacking up threes outside herder six to shoot back to sabonis monk passes to Fox the offensive rebound and he gets it to go sabonis has got 24 points looks like they’re going to keep pounding it inside for as long as they can pass to Jackson Davis herder against

Wiggins here’s Joseph launches it here’s Jackson Davis boom he Jabs it straight down and I just love how he’s making the effort plays that everyone around him appreciates it is certainly making an impact tonight offensive rebounding is about hustle and determination huge put back making a statement there here’s monk oh and they

Immediately answer back with a dunk on the other end now that’s how you use the screen right there and it leads to a thunderous finish that was nice yeah you like the pick to set up the open shot but when it leads to a DG okay even better you’ll take it green against

Barnes outside green shoots over sabonis oh sabonis with a block nice defense there from sabonis getting his timing just right to come up with the block and the Warriors making a switch here sh checked in and here’s sabonis he’ll bring it up for the Kings lets it go from 14 and the rebound

Goes to the Warriors and here is green Char and that comes off the assist by Green nice ball movement there delivered the pass right on time the Kings have gotten half of their attempts to fall in the fourth two for four now Fox outside outside herder to the

Paint sabonis can’t hit showing great intensity around the rim is part of why he’s a respected Defender yeah you can see why he’s established that reputation strong understanding of how to defend at the ring Wiggins Barnes with the rebound the king shooting around 53% a nice

Number from down in the low post it goes fourth quarter keeps moving along three minutes gone by Now here’s Wiggins and the foul is called he missed it so he’s got a couple of free throws coming his way working hard against the defense Wiggins manages to draw the foul Inside the first free throw is good Looney’s checked in for the Warriors Stephen Curry comes in for Joseph and the Kings also making a change Murray’s checked in off on that one so he goes one out of two at the line the Kings have got three

Of six shots to go in this fourth quarter Curry against Fox outside herder he shoots it and it’s good off the back rim and in they’re going at it on offense neither team backing down man this has been a fun one but look who doesn’t love a highsc scoring game outside

Curry it’s Wiggins on the wing just five on the clock on the wing Thompson Fires for three oh and clay makes that three Look So Easy whatever adjustments were made in have boy they are working he’s looking like a different player since the break box the pass to Barnes and here’s Murray

Green covering inside pass to herder lets it go from Deep warriors with the rebound and their physical dominance has been on display a 10 rebound Advantage is a good indicator of how this game is gone the contest and the rebound folks that is how you defend sabonis outside Barnes with

It the shot no good excellent D there from Wiggins rebound by the Kings Barnes has got four rebounds now here’s Murray and he bangs it home with one hand just a big play at this juncture of the game Second Chance points could be the key for them impressive effort right

There that’s what they need to mount a comeback Curry against fox now here’s Wiggins the kick out Curry over Fox and the Warriors Miss again Sacramento has gone 0 for two from outside here in the fourth quarter o a clear foul there on the Miss

Shot so he’ll get a pair at the line that one belongs to Wiggins this takes real toughness Fox getting the shot off despite the foul and RJ team’s now able to add a third two-way contract to the roster a lot of quality players getting a foothold into the league now yeah you

Think of names like Alex Caruso L Dort able to develop in both the G league and in the association so many players have really gotten their footing inside that GLE and he can’t get the first One and the second free throw is good here’s Curry pass to Looney now Curry outside green and here’s Wiggins and the Warriors Miss again and they’re up right now but it hasn’t been because of him he’s really struggled on offense here’s Murray and he was fouled while in the

Act of shooting so he’ll take two free throws yeah so tough to defend Murray’s smooth and he’s got size and he’s agile too take a break take a break two shots and he makes a first if they want to come away with a victory they just need to keep knocking down those free

Throws And Murray drops them both curry with it pass to green back to Curry now Wiggins shot clock at six Thompson with it puts up a deep three oh from the parking lot yo this dude has an absolute flamethrower he makes long shots that look like second nature

Sabonis in the post he’s defended by Looney and he’s doing things on the glass tonight that we don’t often see he is totally in the zone showing his incredible focus when it comes to attacking the glass oh Stephen Curry shot maker extraordinaire the assist numbers certainly Stand Out they’ve really

Emphasized ball movement here today Curry against Fox O Plenty of contact on that shot officials call the foul and he’ll take two free throws now take a break take a break two shots and he knocks down the first One he does not get the second one they really have a commanding lead not just in points but in rebounds as well here’s green Draymond oh such a force inside just won’t be denied draymond’s inside game a strength Fox against Curry to the paint here’s sabonis the basket’s good off the

Assist from fox fox has got six assists in the game and he’s doing everything he can offensively to lift them out of this hole but I’m not sure his hot shooting can do it alone to the middle here’s green and that basket makes him six for 11

Shooting a good percentage and he’s been much more assertive here in this second half getting to his spots executing with ease hurder passes to Murray Looney grabs a Miss he did everything in his power to make that a hard shot excellent D avoided fouling and got in perfect position to alter that shot Curry no good and he got a couple to fall from long distance in the first half but still looking for that number three Fox

Outside outside Murray Murray makes his move and he banks in the layup Murray he’s got 10 points in just the second half as a player a rough first half look it can wake you up sometimes it leads to much improved play in the second half Fox against Curry pass to Thompson

Let’s go with a three ooh that one makes him seven for 14 got a nice rhythm going here today in today’s game you can never afford to get beat in the three-point [Applause] battle outside herder they kick it out to Murray and out of bounds the Warriors will take it

Go are the turnovers that have coaches pulling their hair out why do you think I’m [Applause] bald here’s green Thompson outside pass to Looney hey hey Curry against fox now here’s Wiggins clock at six over Barnes that one a little long okay so if

I were to say this was a disaster of a period for him it would be an understatement but hey sometimes you got to shoot your way out of the slump even for him he knocked down a three in the first quarter but he still been unable to connect from Deep past the break

Here’s Curry the nine citters on the mark Curry’s gotten four this quarter and just not letting up at all I mean you have to love this approach you want to get the ball to the guys who make plays this is when good players really get after it he can sense that they’re

Reeling and he’s going to put his foot on the pedal timeout called Sacramento man it’s been quite a game for Stephen Curry and I think a new plan would be a good idea at least make it hard on this Guy oh and now we present our New Balance player of the game Stephen Curry what an impressive performance for him tonight particularly on the scoreboard but understand the team’s unselfish play the ball movement the player movement allowed him to convert consistently on the offensive end they were not playing

Well and were in desperate need of a win he took this responsibility upon himself and he delivered and here’s fox pass to sabonis and the officials signal the back court violation careful there that’s a cost error now let’s see how they bounce back well they don’t

Have time to dwell on that they just need to learn from their mistakes and move forward next play now here’s Curry here’s Wiggins Looney with the ball he’s guarded by sabonis Looney inside working on sabonis oh he hangs in there and Cashes in on the second chance points those Second

Chance buckets are major bonus points if you can get them and there’s the call it’s going to be an illegal screen you can get away with one once in a while but it looked like he wasn’t completely set on that pick you got to blow the whistle when

It’s that obvious great call there by the official golden state with the ball they’re on a 16 to5 run Fox against Curry pass to Thompson Looney up top outside Curry shot clock at five pulls up on the wing Wiggins no good Sacramento has gone 0 for three here in the

Fourth Murray passes to Barnes 124 left to the fourth and he was camped in the lane there he gets a 3se second call and while we have a second what rule changes if any would you like the NBA to consider Richard well how about this instead of rule

Changes I want to talk about something that I want them to keep the same I want them to keep the same 82 Game season that’s the same that Bill Russell played that Kareem Abdul Jabar played they weren’t flying private they didn’t have five trainers they didn’t have all of

This technology and these guys put up outstanding seasons and played 82 games that was The Benchmark and I think doing that and changing that would mess with history they came out and had a statement win with their performance tonight a fantastic effort to get it done here for the Warriors they paid the

Price for sloppy ball control before but tonight they kept it locked up tight yeah they did and at the other end they were very disruptive defensively and they add to the win column their 19th Victory this year and propelling them to a solid win it was a night of big plays

For Stephen Curry okay I’m going to explain what he did here it’s called playmaking being someone that seeks out their teammates making the extra pass outside kaminga the drive by Joseph finga shot is off outside Murray outside Mitchell to stop the run back to Murray here’s

DTE sabonis right side and so it’s the Warriors taking care of business in this one they didn’t have too many problems tonight they didn’t just a tremendous team effort once they had that big lead they were not going to let the visitors back into the game thank you for joining

Us that’ll do it for now for the entire 2K sports crew this is Brian Anderson saying thanks for watching so long everybody leue leag League big bag Big R and the candidate tonight as we take a look at our State Farm assist of the game and I’m glad this was the pick

Because I love this pass such a great dish that’s what I call Court Vision well a great job with the eyes and what separates Great Playmakers as we know his peripheral vision well what a terrific game it’s been so far with this fourth quarter sure to bring more pressure packed

Basketball the post pair for him it’s green and Looney then it’s kaminga then there’s Stephen Curry and it’s psky in at the two so that’s the group out there for Golden State Looney rebound by Murray and so it’s Murray with it he brings it up for the Sacramento Kings six-point game he dishes it to And it’s Looney with the rebound Looney’s got nine rebounds in the game getting it done here’s green good and Curry gets the assist and it’s eight points for Draymond Green and defensively they are on their heels every time the ball comes inside Curry against Mitchell here’s dwarte

Unloads almost but it rolls out and I’m not sure that is a shot that he should be taking no he he should know better he knows that’s not his game which is why we don’t see him take that shot of him now here’s Barnes following the MIRS by

Jonathan kaminga and it’s the warriors on the Break and green with the basket on the Exist by kaminga Green got four points now on the 30 that’s their third straight make off an assist now a timeout called by Sacramento and Coach can’t be happy and and I think I know why their defense putting up no resistance inside no they’re not

Preventing them from scoring and if you can get to a high efficiency shot on the floor and that’s the paint you just keep going [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and some changes here for the Kings sabonis comes in for D and Kevin herder subbed in for Malik Monk and with an

Update from the sidelines let’s check in with David Aldridge hey guys during the break listened in to Mike Brown he tore into his guys he said your body language is awful right now you don’t even look like you want to play right now should I

Sub in for you where’s the drive to win guys all right thank you David herder showed some great progress in his first year and now showing how much more comfortable he is shooting two and that one misses Fox he’s checked in for Mitchell he hits the second from the

Line and we’ve made our way through just over a minute and a half in this fourth quarter here’s psky he’s defended by herder Curry against Fox Curry can’t get it to go the Kings Trail by nine and fox gets it to go and that’s Now 37

Points for dearen Fox Fox not a jump shooter just doing a great job of mixing it up offensively now wow wow he got whacked on that one shouldn’t be much debate there That’s good from Stephen KK that’s also good so he hits both free thrs and here’s Fox he’ll bring it up for Sacramento they Trail by nine points and it’s in there a herder also comfortable getting physical and scoring against the defense not just showing that he shoots

It the 11-footer curry gets the bucket Curry’s got four points this quarter and obviously his momentum from the last game has carried over here tonight and the coach pretty smart for zoning in on him and giving him opportunities to stay with that confident play and they call

The foul so a chance at the line for one more coming up that’ll put dearen Fox on the line they get it’s Stephen Curry and one of the problems in the first half that shoty work at the free throw line they needed to fix that and they’ve been much improved since the

Break now here’s Curry Thompson outside from the ark good and Curry gets the assist and the Warriors lead by nine and with that three his second of the half he’s equaled his total from before the Break Curry against Fox Barnes Outside and it’s barns slaming it down you got to have a player you could trust if you’re going to call a number that involves a pick and roll and Harrison Barnes making a good decision there Higgins outside back to Curry and he uses the glass on the layup

And that’s now 24 points for Stephen Curry if you came to watch a scoring battle you’re in the right place yeah both of these teams locked in on the offensive end going to be a high scoring Affair tonight now here’s Fox sabonis the pass to

Fox EP it counts fox has got 42 in the game they should continue to get the ball inside the defense struggling to contain them it’s Curry outside Sacramento grabs the miss now here’s Fox and it’s Fox with the jam how about fox just getting to the rim right there

Great to see him explode at times Warriors leading by Five outside Curry on the way Wiggins the pass to green back to Wiggins it’s the aggressive part of Andrew Wiggins coming out of him forcing the defender that time to get his hand in There Free throw good Wiggins as steady as Wiggins is across the board it’s his free throw percentage over the years it hasn’t reflected really how good a shooter he is he doesn’t get the second one the Kings Trail by six here’s Barnes here’s Murray Wiggins with some nice

Deep Golden State’s gotten just one of four three-pointers to go down for them here in the fourth here’s Thompson and it’s Sacramento with the rebound now herder he kicks to Fox passes it to sabonis six to shoot pass to herder that falls nice feed that time from sabonis herders got six in the

Quarter watch out now that he’s got his first three of the half there might be more in store and that one’s good rigin toughness there from Andrew Wiggins would like to see more baskets like that one from him the Kings Trail by five Fox with it Murray Outside woo down low there’s sabonis and a lot of contact on that one so he’ll shoot two here oh sabona is such a fantastic Prospect the guy you think is going to play 10 or 12 years in this league and a good job there getting contact and getting to the line shooting two

And the first one at the line is good sabonis is a guy you have to watch closely in terms of how Relentless he is trying to get in there mix it up play physical he just never stops fighting and sabonis drops them both and this is

One of the things they need to keep doing in the second half to get this win keep knocking down those free throws they’ve been Sensational here at the line now here’s Thomson misses in close and the effort never stops with him no easy shots when he’s on the floor well it’s about the

Defensive end and that’s what guys feed off he gives the effort down there at all times now here’s herder after the Miss from Klay Thompson Murray against Green sabonis kicks to Murray over green again the Miss by the Kings maybe not the best shot against that kind of

Defense but he still has the ability to knock that kind of shot down that one Falls he’s put on a shooting display here in the second half he really seems to be in a great goup Ro right now and here is fox makes it off the glass fox has got

46 points it feels like the other four guys have disappeared at this point he wants to be the one to get them back Curry outside rebound by the Kings I think if I was coaching these guys right now especially him i’ tell him we take one more three-point shot and we’re going to

Have some some conversations here side by side and that was the right call when you need a basket go to the guys you trust the most yeah whether it’s teammates or the coaching staff hopefully a combination of both but gets close he’s getting the ball here’s Curry Harrison Barnes picking up that last

Basketall to the paint and Damas sabonis pulls it down sabonis is curry against Fox Murray outside on the wing Barnes the pass to sabonis and they take the lead sabonis has got the lead up to one now for SA yeah they’re going to have a nice little run here timeout called The Warriors

Without question dear and fox displaying his skills today yeah smart move here talk things over he’s really eating them up and they’ve tried a few different looks defensively nothing quite getting it done yeah E and now a moment to present the new balanced player of the game dearen Fox and his performance has been a jaw-dropper he must have been feeling great coming into the building tonight because once he hit the court it was all working for him he was in a Zone here’s Wiggins Pass to

Curry shoots over Fox Curry’s shot is good Curry’s got eight points here in this quarter he could score on you in bunches Curry doing it all in this one fox passes to sabonis warriors with the rebound Looney’s got rebound number 13 for him here tonight to the

Middle and he James it after taking the nice feet on the Run M Looney is so long gets up there and rushes it Fox against Curry and it’s Fox with the jam and sometimes as a point guard you got to take things into your own hands

Yeah right it’s okay to be selfish when you have a chance like that well if he’s calling his own number there’s a reason for it there you respect the decision making from him out there and Wiggins committed to help the team out offensively Big Shot Fox passes to sabonis here’s

Herder on the wing Barnes lock at six the Kings need to get off a shot here three-pointer Fox and it’s Looney with the rebound didn’t hesitate for a second to get a hand up on that beat ball yeah you got to like how he hustled the guard out on the perimeter

Definitely respecting shooting ability hurder no [Applause] good and it’s curry with the ball bringing it up for the Golden State Warriors shoots from Dr and the Warriors tack on two more what work from Steph Curry gets open and makes it look easy wow Fox against Curry Fox no good Warriors leading by five

Passes it to Curry fires away from way outside and deas sabonis pulls it down and even without that three ball dropping for him the defense should have done more on that last play Murray no good and the pressure he put on that shot forced the misu those are all the little things

About effort there he just gets out there and contests and that’s just enough boom he chams it straight down that gives him the double double 11 points and 16 rebounds that is a product of pure effort guys I agree and that’s nothing new coming from him G he loves

Going to work on the rebounding going to work on the board stick with fundamentals there shot goes up box out or he’ll destroy you now here’s Thompson following the Miss shot by dearn Fox outside Curry out to Thompson in the corner it’s Wiggins and he could not get that one to

Go out of contact and he’ll go to the line for two well the defender was all over cavon Looney and he got physical right back that’s a nice play he doesn’t hit the first and that was the one they really wanted he’s got one more though

And he does get the second one and that stretches their lead to eight there’s a minute left in the game here’s Fox and two free throws coming up unable to get that one to go with all the contact they get Stephen Curry here and fox not backing away that time from

The contact drawing the defense into Him take a break take a break two And he couldnot get the first one to drop tough one to miss he’s able to hit the second one and that narrows the Gap to seven not a perfect trip to the free throw line but they’ll take what they can get at this point they’re in good position here to ride it

Out yeah certainly if they just play smart this game’s over here’s Thompson tries again he lays it in opens up the offense here you’re just getting some bonus points from him and that’s helping out when he knocks down Jays timeout called by the Kings they’re trailing by nine there’s

38 seconds left in the fourth quarter of this one guys what do you think well they’ll need a very quick basket out of this [Applause] timeout [Applause] he he and the Warriors with a completely new five on the floor a big group substitution here for Sacramento Trey ly checked in for Murray Chris DTE comes in for Barnes Malik monk he’s checked in for Kevin herder and it’s Mitchell in for dear and fox Mitchell the 19-footer

Is on the money we’ve got 33 seconds left in the fourth quarter here’s psky monk grabs the board and I think they realize any hope of a comeback is gone well realistic at this stage of the game they’re going to lose this one but will they take something

From the loss on offense here are the Warriors they’re on a 13 to5 run here’s Joseph so we see the Warriors get the win here probably a little closer than they would have liked it but a win nonetheless yeah but I really got a sense that the fans gave them that emotional boost that was needed down the stretch this crowd man they were

Electric and now we’ll send it over to David Aldridge who is standing by Courtside David thanks very much Draymond when you look at the stat sheet and why things work tonight what are you looking at the most turnover that’s the key to the game look at turnovers how many free throws they shot

They weren’t able to set their defense we didn’t turn the ball over we were able to set ours those are the two things I look at certainly sounds like the foundation to Victory man congrats again back to you all right David thanks so much and that’ll do it folks for

Brett Barry Greg Anthony and David Aldridge this is Kevin Harland along with our 2K sports crew see you next time Big League Play This Big Le and let’s take this chance now to show you the State Farm assist of the game yeah an easy choice tonight look at

The Precision on this pass put it on a platter for him well there’s a way to break down the defense with the handle but you can do it with the pass prime example of that right there and with three quarters behind us let’s see what this fourth period holds

In store for us Warriors leading by eight on the floor for Sacramento backourt pair is fox and monk sabonis is the center with Murray next to him and it’s herder in three spot I mean the range is just unreal Curry can make even the toughest shots look

Easy Fox dishes to Murray on the wing Monk and deep hder and the rebound goes to the Warriors the biggest lead of the game 15 points just a solid performance on the interior the rebounding has been off the chart here’s psky and the call on the shot it sends in to the

Line it’s going to go on Sabonis and the first one drops and as a team they’re hovering around the high 80s from the free throw line they’ve gotten better as the game has gone along which is exactly what you want to see Barnes is checked in for the Kings and he makes the first but misses the

Second the Kings Trail by 12 to the paint here’s Fox nice pass L him to the rack perfectly for the layup fox has got 36 Shooters tend to be hungry but this time herder finds an open teammate here’s psky monk defending making the most of the screen that’s how

It’s done and it’s in the perfect spot Greg frees him up to get all the way to the bucket really not enough help their lack of communication on the backside passes it to Barnes good ball movement here by the Kings sabonis inside Looney on him Fades and shoots sabonis no good Warriors

Leading by 12 here’s psky good d by bars and that was almost a block still did enough to alter the shot yeah altering the shot just as long as there’s a miss that kind of energy not wasting no question he got bumped on that shot shooting two first one Falls for Klay Thompson

He’s checked in for Golden State and he can’t hit the second and so it’s Thompson with it he’ll bring it up for the Golden State Warriors they played a great fourth quarter defensively following only three points that’s a tough one there from Draymond Green as tough as they come monk the pass to

Barnes Fox against Curry steps back and fires and fox gets it to go fox has got 39 he’s been terrific tonight and With a Little Help from the other guys on the floor they might be able to turn this game around pass to kaminga Looney down low defended by

Sabonis the shot by Looney no good not great numbers but great effort in this one sounds funny but I think he’s been a positive for that offensive rebound the lead now cut to single digits maybe the length helping out Harrison Barnes that time to collect Warriors leading by nine Curry pass it to

Green three-pointer and there’s Sten Curry on the assist by Green Curry’s got 22 points well he now has four three-pointers this game guys two in each half he’s really spacing out the floor for his teammates pass to sabonis over Looney and too long on the shot it’s a plus five Advantage for them

In rebounding after that one mon against Thompson outside Curry green taking his time here back to curry good and it’s green picking up the assist Green’s got his third assist on the night he could score on you in bunches Curry doing it all in this one fox against Curt Fox passes to

Herder sinks the triple first three of the half second of the game can he heat up the Warriors have gone five of seven from the field since the beginning of the the fourth strong work at that end of the floor Thompson with the bucket 24 points for Klay Thompson and the excitement on

That bench grows as Klay Thompson pours it in Fox kicks to sabonis the pass to herder it’s rebounded by kaminga kaminga has got four rebounds in this game inside Looney passes to Curry and there’s the whistle illegal screen and a moment now to check out who the Warriors have coming up on their

Schedule on Wednesday we’ll be taking on Clint capella and the Atlanta Hawks and then on Thursday it’ll be the Sacramento Kings coming into town and looking at the Philadelphia matchup they’ll need to be at their best for this contest anything short of excellence and they’ll be in for a rough ride

The defense all up in sabonis face but looked automatic pass to Looney back to Curry pass Tooney good and Curry gets the assist Curry’s got assist number eight here and this one already and they’re passing the ball very crisply here Curry against fox pass to Barnes down low there’s sabonis and it’s

Looney with the rebound Looney’s got his 18th rebound here tonight all over the place here’s Thompson it’s rebounded by herder herders got his fifth rebound right now in the game [Applause] stolen now here’s Kinga he’s defended by herder huminga with it here’s green six for 10 with that shot going in that’s a

Good game for a lot of guys the chemistry has been terrific really impressed with their offensive execution sabonis at the elbow back to Fox and the rebound goes to the Warriors Curry’s got his fourth Rebound in this one one shot on the way Warriors getting another chance here

And kaminga gets it to go how about the purpose with which he’s crashing the backboards right now some hard-earned Second Chance points timeout called by the Kings curry with a strong contribution so far in this one not sure what the defense is thinking or if they are they continue to

Let him shoot at his bad defense And now let’s present our New Balance player of the game Stephen Curry and to me the best part of his game has been the work he’s done inside I mean slashing driving the lane attacking the basket at every chance when he’s had an opening he’s taken it this was a big

Game for him there’s no denying that coming off a bunch of losses in a row they turned to him to break the streak and he delivered in a big way and there’s the pass to herder outside sabonis that’s good it’s his seventh May Basket in 14 tries good determination as

Sabonis worked his way through contact and here’s Curry who brings it up for Golden State Atlanta will be traveling to face them after this game let come on that shot misses nice D from sabonis the Kings trailed by 15 Murray with it kaminga picks him up and yes it’s good

And give credit to Murray right there absorbing the hit and finding a way to finish Golden State’s gone two for two from three-point L to start the fourth quarter now here’s Curry passes it to kaminga get there get there to the inside Wiggins and it’s Sacramento with the

Rebound on the wing barns guarded by curry with him struggling tonight they need to find some other options out there to keep themselves in the game that balls nice feed that time from Wiggins Curry’s got 12 points in just the second Sacramento’s gone one to two from three-point range here in the

Fourth outside Fox there’s sabonis an amazing finish with a hand right in his face sabonis working close in the basket he likes those tight quarters he’s so skilled down there Thompson outside Beyond The Ark tries again and that’s two points on the layup there there he is beasting on

The glass converting the opportunity trying to put this game away I just don’t see how you climb back into the game when you’re allowing plays like that to happen extra work on the offensive class and fox gets it to go and the crisp passing has opened things up for

Them offensively Warriors leading by 13 now Curry pass to w begin 11 ft away moves back up kaminga no good the king shooting 53% from the field in the fourth quarter can’t ask for more than that from your offense and deep hder and another three for Sacramento and he’s

Finally getting the feel from Beyond his second three of the half right there and there’s Thompson that’s good on the assist by thir Curry Curry’s got nine assists in the game great passing the Kings trailed by 12 Fox the bounce pass sabonis Andrew Wiggins pulls it in yeah

And that’s been the story of the game I mean the rebounding has been very one-sided B it Curry Curry’s got 28 and he’s starting to show that Killer Instinct this quarter looking to extend the lead outside Fox he kicks it to Mur no one near herder as he lets it f

Sabonis and he makes the bucket gets the whistle and now a three-point play chance here for him and you can see what the emphasis was at halftime here in the second a lot more effort to get the ball inside and it’s starting to pay dividends here’s Curry timeout called The Warriors Start [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] for in the lit us now from our sideline reporter David Aldridge David it’s all yours take it away hey guys well Steve Kerr talked to his team during the last timeout he reminded his team we’re up all the pressure is on them let’s just

Keep playing our game makes sense because they’ve got a nice lead late in this game back to you guys thanks David just five on the clock sabonis with the steel herder kicks to Fox Off the Mark had a chance to trim it to single digits kaminga dishes to Curry Fox with the steal and now the Kings fast break and that one clearly a foul gets the whistle and two shots coming up Jonathan kaminga picks one up the fox surveying that time and hard to cover

When he’s got Options take a break take a break two shots good on the first and that brings them to within 10 Fox hits them Both and here is curry 146 left in the fourth Quarter lock at six off three-pointer Wiggins Sacramento grabs the Miss sabonis has got his 16th rebound on the night Barnes passes to herder Murray outside Curry against Fox Andrew Wiggins grabs the board Wiggins has got his seventh rebound of the game with that last one KES it to

Curry there’s a minute left to play here in the fourth pass to kaminga back to Thompson shoots the three and it’s Sacramento with the rebound and close to making the defense pay for the lacks coverage that time and it’s Fox with the Jam Just Fox being impossible to contain right there on the

Drive Curry against Fox and again it’s the Warriors Miss and I think they realize any hope of a comeback is gone well realistic at this stage of the game they’re going to lose this one but will they take something from the loss now here’s Fox and here’s

Herder outside and it’s Looney with the rebound and here’s Curry who brings it up for the Warriors 17 points was their biggest margin So we see the Warriors get the win here it was a fantastic ball game and they did a great job making sure it didn’t get away from him late yeah I mean they faced some challenges but really held firm when they needed to on both ends are just effective in terms of coming

Away with this win and now let’s go over to David Aldridge from the sideline for an interview with our player of the game hey David thanks very much Stephan how special is it to share your success with your family that’s what it’s all about man I

Know you know when your kids get to enjoy uh the game and the show and uh it’s fun so uh I’m glad I did something go for them in the fourth they’ll remember all of it I’m sure man congrats on the win back to you guys all right

David thank you thank you for joining us that’ll do it for now so for David Aldridge Anthony Brent Barry and the whole 2K sports crew this is Kevin Harley thanking you for being with us so long in good night Everyone

A simulation video game of the match between the GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS and SACRAMENTO KINGS of the 2023-2024 NBA Regular Season (January 26, 2024).. Enjoy watching! 🤩

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