@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic Is EXPOSING The NBA Media

Luka Doncic Is EXPOSING The NBA Media

Would you rather have Devon Booker or Luca donic I mean right now I mean Deon Booker went to the finals Deon Booker went to the finals yeah he just went to the Dallas just went to the Conference finals last year Deon Booker just went to come on now he went dein Booker went

To the finals Devon Booker went to the finals Deon Booker team is at the did Big perk have amnesia or bump his head on a wall when he said those words well in case he forgot Let me refresh his memory of what Luca did to his boy Devin

Booker back in the 20 22 playoffs joh with 16 in the bio doubl inside give him go here in the first half stunning 27-point lead down goes Johnson three shot clock is down to four and a three by Luca the sun’s on the board Oh What A Move by

D in that game the Slovenian sensation smoked Devin Booker and his entire crew for 35 points on 12 of 19 shooting from the field to go along with 10 rebounds and four assists and uh although I don’t always agree with stepen a and his wild takes I think perks co- Anor best summed

Up what happened in that game seven Massacre Phoenix Suns lost by 33 points in a game seven got clowned at home and while Deon Booker still got his whole career ahead of him he just might need his whole career to get people to forget what occurred Sunday night get used to

Seeing this Phoenix because this image is going to haunt you I mean in other words what stevenh was saying was that Luca Don just became Booker’s daddy in that particular game but despite that performance and all the crazy stat lines that Luca has been putting up since day

One it seems that Luca magic is still not getting enough love from the media men like big perk anyway Perkins was not the only one who’s been criticizing Luca cuz SK bis also said some stuff about him even though he hasn’t played a single minute in the NBA okay donic at

67 will get exposed for all of the inadequacies that Dirk Dirk’s not a great athlete Dirk does have explosive fness right Durk isn’t physical well that’s what’s going to happen to donic cuz he’s not going to have the one thing nobody can bother or stop now obviously

Skip was trying to say that Luca wouldn’t Thrive as an offensive player since he doesn’t have a one-legged fate away in his back pocket like Dirk did well just like his failed predictions in the past skip got it all wrong with Luca cuz in his rookie year Luca shot 42.7%

From the field and 32.7% from downtown and averaged 21.2 points a ball game to take home the Rookie of the Year a Ward and if you compare Dirk’s rookie here to Lucas it is pretty clear who’s the better offensive player among the two in their year one in the league and uh when

Skib said that he didn’t have the one- foot fader like Durk had he was also dead wrong on that cuz Luca has had that in his bag since his rookie year F nope Fade Away according to NBA Advanced stat Lucas shot about 42 turnaround fadeaways in his rookie year

Which is a move that is pretty close to the one-legged fadeaway but to me his ultimate go-to move which is his step back is way more lethal and harder to guard than Dirk’s fadeaway and back in his rooked year he hit 43.1% of his shots with that move’s got five fouls

Smith slipped he found Luca Luca late clock he losts it step back and that’s why baby they are leaders of the game by nine and here it is step back Luca okay step back three oh Wi on skates I mean it’s pretty normal for analysis to make these Hit or

Miss kind of predictions since they don’t know what they’re dealing with but some analysts out there are just masking themselves as a pure genuine hater take the case of Rashad Phillips now for those of you who haven’t heard the name Phillips was a former basketball player

So he had some credentials to back up his take but see here’s the thing unlike Luca Phillips never made it to the NBA and was just a journeyman throughout his basketball career anyway during a one-on-one interview with Chris brard Phillips just ripped Luca right from the get-go with his outrageous analysis such

As this one his feet is slower his his feet is slower than rush hour traffic okay really slow feet really that’s a problem really slow feet he struggled with quick Defenders okay um guys defending him yeah guys getting in his pocket getting to him not a great a you

See that obviously every night so Philip said that Lucas’s feet are slower than rush hour traffic and there’s no chance for him to keep up with some of the best defenders in the league well to refute this major clown allow me to show an example with his back against the wall

Against the Clippers during the playoffs inside the bubble Luca put up an unforgettable performance against arguably two of the most elite Wing defenders in this generation kawh Leonard and Paul George I mean whether it was against the claw he just m manages the game so well three-pointers up it’s good donic

Drive Falling Away up and in or going up against PG bad play by Luca that time on the steel donic takes it away from Paul George drives inside fake shot banks at home he just schooled them both all the same and when the game was on the line

Luca just took over to put the final nail in the coffin donic Don pulls up three-pointer bang bang it’s good donic wins the game at the Buzzard in game four of their Series against the Clippers Luca dropped 43 points on a bad ankle against Kawai and PG along with 17 rebounds and three

Assists to show us that he’s Unstoppable and if you take a look at his performance against the Clippers in the playoffs all time you would see that he pretty much owned them as he averaged 30 3.5 points 9.5 assists and 8.8 rebounds in all 13 playoff matches I mean I have

No clue where Phillips got the idea that Luca wouldn’t stand a chance against the elite defenders in the NBA but as you saw right there he just destroyed PG and Kawai in the same game and fast forward this season there’s still no team in the

NBA that can figure out a plan on how to stop Luca I mean just listen to what Greg bovich had to say about this I wondered about your perspective on him and how he’s continued to at such a high level despite so many different defensive Strategies employed on him

Nightly now um well that’s a that’s a great question but I think it’s a great question because none of us has the answer to how he continuously um just destroys whatever defense is thrown at him and I I think he he must be like underes estimated as an athlete you know you

Look at him and he looks like he ate a couple too many donuts sometimes you know uh and he you don’t think of him as an athlete athlete now since Bob talked about Luca being a non-conventional athlete Phillips also touched on this subject and criticized his lack of athleticism

Athleticism that that’s a pro the lack of athletic yeah doesn’t have it he shoots it like he do he no he don’t shoot it like that while he’s a bit correct on that Luca is not your typical nuclear athlete who will just explode out of the gym but saying that Luca

Doesn’t have an athletic bone in his body is just plain wrong I mean to counter his argument just take a look at the following Clips down to eight moves on so that you can react before you really have to react in there turning the corner Luca it opens up he drives a

Luca dunk you got teed up too knocks it away gets it on the steel and he’ll throw Luca Maneuvers away from the close out well as for his quote unquote lack of shooting as Philip suggested Luca has never shot below 40% from the field and 30% from three throughout his career so

Basically he’s a pretty decent shooter overall and when it comes to effective field goal percentage he never averaged below 49% which means that he’s far from the bad shooter that Phillips paints him to be then aside from that here’s another from the hip kind of take that

Will make you shake your head we tend to over sensationalize European basketball okay there’s restrictions um that cater to him you can’t have nine Americans on the floor in Europe it sounds like you’re saying Luca will not be like a perennial Allstar type player but I

Don’t believe he’s a lottery pick not a lottery pick wow so I’m not loving what I’m hearing about Luka now first Phillips yapped about how people tend to overhype European basketball which may be true at that time but when he said that Luca is not All-Star material or a

Lottery pick to say the least that’s just pure crazy talk and buffoonery I mean with the exception of his rookie year Luca was named as an Allstar since and he also racked up for all NBA first team honors and before he ever even entered the NBA Luca was destroying

Grown men in Euro league by winning a championship and being League MVP in the same year at just age 18 so how did Phillips manage to miss this one anyway I’m pretty sure that you’re already fed up with his silly takes but before we move on from this dude here’s the last

Take he made against Luca and man it doesn’t get any worse than this his NBA comparison is hedu turkalo I don’t see Steve Nash and I definitely don’t see Larry obvious NBA comparison is hedu turkalo Big guard crafty handle great feel for the game loves the big stage I

Mean no disrespect to turkalo the Turkish vet played 15 seasons in the league and made the Eastern Conference Finals once but that’s about it and if we’re going to take a look at their head-to-head comparison it’s clear as day that Luca is the far better player

By a mile I mean Luca is playing in just his sixth season in the league but despite that he’s already far above and beyond hedo in every statistical category be it in points rebounds or assists and in terms of individual accolades Luca’s growing list of achievements include four all NBA first

Team selections four All-Star Game appearances while heto has nothing to show for not even a single one anyway why do you think the media hates Luca so much let me know your thoughts on this one by putting your comments below if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to

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Luka Doncic Is EXPOSING The NBA Media

Despite his performance and all the crazy stat lines that Luka has been putting up since day 1 it seems that Luka Magic is still not getting enough love from the media

In today’s video we’re taking a look at Luka Doncic Is EXPOSING The NBA Media..Be sure to stick around!

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Inspired by JxmmyHighroller, Thinking Basketball, BBALLBREAKDOWN, DflowHoops, Hoop Digest, AMHoops, MJ2KALLDAY, Nonstop Sports, JimmerRange, Austin Sweatt, Hoop Reports, TREESE, 6Man.

Inspired by Nikola Jokic EXPOSED The NBA Media AGAIN

Inspired by Nikola Jokic Is EXPOSING The NBA Media

Inspired by Trash Talking Luka Doncic GONE WRONG..

Inspired by Why Luka Doncic is Impossible to Guard

Inspired by NBA Legends Tell The TRUTH About Luka Doncic

Inspired by EVERY POINT From Luka Doncic’s INSANE 73-PT CAREER-HIGH Performance! 🔥 | January 26, 2024

Inspired by Luka Clowns a Reporter, Instantly Regrets It

Inspired by MAVERICKS at HAWKS | FULL GAME HIGHLIGHTS | January 26, 2024

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  1. Friend,

    The elephant in the room is that there is a palpable insecurity among black-minded players and commentators about the rude intrusion of a presence. So brilliant and intuitive, such as in the case of Larry Bird, Pete maravich, Jerry West, which greatly intimidates their game plan and their prideful attitude in their game.

    Coming out of a culture of schoolyard. Standoffs, face Downs and life and death on the court battles for survival, chauvinistic black players and commentators unconsciously realize they're coming up against the reality which transcends their territorial paradigm, and this makes them uneasy, even frightened, because it suggests a dimension of basketball which has largely escaped them, but has returned to bite them in the rear end via the strategically oriented non-black players of the US and Europe.

    This is the elephant in the room.

    Skip Bayless is just trying to buy points by criticizing as if he were black.

  2. It's because most of the commentators are black now and they can't stand to see 2 white guys like Luka and Jokic be two of the best players in the league. They're always building up Embiid and putting Luka down

  3. They are all mad because he’s white and will go down as the goat 🐐 in the end he’s only 24

  4. Perkins is a tiktoker that happens to be on TV. He is only looking for trash talks and never adds anything of value. He should be ignored, it's simple.

  5. These media clowns are nothing else but irritators. They know nothing else but to spit out garbage without any actual knowledge. Absolute clowns.
    Might also add that Americans are not used to Balkan Athletes lol

  6. Luka is probably better 😂 but I’m not sold that luka’s step back is more lethal than the dirk one legged fade. Both great though 😂

  7. Doncic and Jokic are making fools out of these so called analysts. The hate and disdain they have for them is on another level. They don’t even try to hide it. They’re teaching these guys how it’s done and they’re losing their minds. I love how they torch them with less ego and less effort! Jokic should have been 3x MVP but got robbed and Luka will have a chip and MVP before his career is over. They are owning them at their own game! 😂 Brady also did it with the most dad body I’ve ever seen on an athlete. It must be mental maturity but whatever it is it’s light years ahead of the rest. They keep hating because it’s in their nature!

  8. Media is biased against white players as they continue to think that white players can’t play basketball as good or better than many black players. It’s not about what the players think

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