@Miami Heat

Have you guys ever thought maybe our undrafted player development is so good because the Skyforce has the coldest location in the whole G League?

[Sioux Falls is the sixth-coldest city in the United States, apparently.]( In my head canon, since basketball season is mostly in the winter, these players are super-happy to be in the warm/mild Miami winter weather, and dread the thought of being sent to the Arctic tundra of Sioux Falls. And if they get sent over there, they work their asses off to earn their way out of there.

No other franchise has such a dramatic difference between the climate of the NBA team and its G League affiliate. That’s got to be a motivator, right?

by TheShadowOverBayside


  1. chezicrator

    A few weeks back I was watching an away broadcast and they jokingly mentioned that the reason for our G league success was that people were motivated to bust their asses off to try to get to Miami 😂

  2. Deep_Worldliness3122

    There probably isn’t a whole lot to do in souix falls in the winter except work on their game. I’m sure it helps them focus on ball more than dealing with the distractions in Miami

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