@Minnesota Timberwolves

PISTONS defensive mistakes vs. TIMBERWOLVES | January 17, 2024

PISTONS defensive mistakes vs. TIMBERWOLVES | January 17, 2024

No no no right off the gate Jaden Ivy your back is never the ball I’m not fronting Mike connley underneath Mike Conley underneath Mike connley seeing ball and man Mike connley setting a cross screen here if you were underneath him you could Jam Rudy goar as he comes

Through so Duran can get on the other side but you’re fronting Mike connley like he’s Moses Malone the coaching look at how basic and Elementary this is back to the Baseline see ball see man so you’re beat back door bogdanovich I guess steps up to help you give up an

Open three now could bogdanovich care to box out no we don’t do that an entire city is being held hostage this is going to happen all night long I can’t believe my parents brought me into this world with this defense ice the screen so there’s backside help you’re keeping

Anthony Edwards in front of you look how you’re asking killi and a to go he you got to go from two steps by so sad this is coaching this is stepen Silas Jaylen durren get to the gaps now so that dribbble’s picked up at the top of the key but you’re late so

Now you got to help in the paint two people go to the ball now and now Rudy goar gets to play pingpong with the rim again this is not defense this is the this can’t be okay someone in America say something ice the screen here because there’s no place for goar

To roll hedge the screen here pushing Anthony Edwards out so that because again there’s no place for goar to roll to asard Thompson’s right here look at this this is a dunk contest th this is the world I’m living in right now the Monty Williams is is oh my God this is

Coaching this is stepen Silas the world we live in Azar Thompson the ball gets dumped to the post immediately underneath the three-point line seeing ball seeing man you stay above the three-point line so now off this handoff I want to go under muscala can jam Carl towns as he

Gets the hand off and we’re gonna go under and meet Anthony Edwards on the other side nope go over and continue to get beat this is not fair to anyone in this Adam Silver this is third world transition defense do you work on this in practice do you work on anything get

Over if you’re AAR Thompson to take the ball so Sasser knows okay I’m going to go to NAS Reed what is happening here AAR Thompson’s walking Kevin Knox is now leaving what was that this is not how you defend a down screen over the top of the down screen

And Sasser shows you go up the gut this happens every time Monty Williams it’s the same play the same exact play mon show if you’re Sasser so Carl Anthony towns can’t curl you’re not showing so now Carl are you switching here I don’t even know what you’re doing but you’re gambling it’s

This I can’t believe my parents brought me into this world with this coach Monty Williams ice the screen there’s no place for go bar to roll to you’re operating a way up line can’t the NBA do something this is not right this is not fair if

You’re Kevin Knox do you go over this in practice do you even practice you have help in the strong side corner with Jaden Ivy killi and ases come all the way down to rotate down to help you why are you playing off get up and guard you

Have help why are you taking four steps back this is just not fair to the entire United States of America every citizen this is a disgrace this is not real ice the screen there’s no place for goar to roll to look at this you onun drop coverage

So goar will screen Hayes then he’ll just go screen Duren and guess what we have you could have pulled someone from the stands and they’d score this is coaching Jaden Ivy you’re playing the gaps Sprint over so I’m in a defensive stance my feet set pointers out look

You’re walking so now your feet aren’t set you’re moving towards the ball as this kickout pass happens RI and go for Conley how does this happen the Pistons have numbers defensively numbers Isaiah store get back Killian Hayes get up and guard you have nothing but help even

Duren’s coming back to help you you have numbers on defense how does it look like that Monty Williams is holding this whole City hostage now the Pistons do play up they trap so bogonovich has got to move you can’t let the past to go bear get made McDaniels is two passes

Away but if you let the pass get made you’re late now McDaniels is um one pass away and is left open again you never ever ever ever go over a handoff duren’s got to get up you jam the screener showing your hands using your body and Jay Navy goes under and meets Anthony

Edwards on the other side you go over so now it’s a two onone and dunks and stuff Monty Williams why did my parents bring me into a world with this if you run your stupid drop coverage on a pick and pop you’re giving up practice shots hedge the screen push Mike connley out

Now when Carl Anthony towns pops Jaylen Duran’s right there there’s no place to pop to nope you’re in drop coverage so connley has the lane Jaylen Duran’s in the PT for I don’t know what reason and no one’s getting out banovic if you’re switching the handoff we’re up up up up

Up ready to guard look at this you’re not up so now you’re coming uphill as McDaniels is going downhill you’re GNA be off balance but again Jaden Ivy’s coming to help you Isaiah Stewart is sort of in the gaps don’t backpedal and gamble just get up and

Guard let’s backpedal and Gamble you see better coaching at the Youth Level Jaden Ivy’s taking the ball say it you have to communicate in transition so Isaiah Stewart knows to find somebody else but guess what happens two people guarding the ball Isaiah Stewart trips an entire city my life is

Destroyed Kevin Knox again Kevin Azar Thompson is all the way over helping Alec Burks is up and helping get you have help get up up is this do you just see this in film and say it’s fine we’ll just do it the ne Monty Williams Silas cannot go under if you’re Alec Burks

Look at how much space there is between the screener and Jaden McDaniels again if you ice the screen you’re fine you’re going about five miles under it’s a here it happens again on the handoff muscala get up and jam go bear Alec Burks goes under and

Meets connley on the other side look at how many wolves players are wide open CU you go over goar’s lob’s wide open Kyle Anderson’s wide open this is the world I was born into this is unbelievable now the Pistons actually do ice the screen Jaylen duren’s got to get over now over

Now you’re keeping connley in front of you the most bogdanovich is coming in backside help the most important thing is is that Conley does not turn turn the corner you’re not over enough even close so connley turns the corner now McDaniels is one pass away not high you ice to

Screen this is coaching awful coaching first of all why is Kevin Knox opening his hip up away from where the help is azard Thompson’s help in the middle of the floor you’re forcing at the Edward to the wrong spot and azard Thompson got to get up I’m my feet are set in a

Defensive stance so I can recover you’re back pedaling to the paint you’re not in a defensive stance open Kick J

Timberwolves 124 – Pistons 117
#nba #basketball #minnesotatimberwolves #detroitpistons


  1. We all need to chip in for life time supply of cough drops for this man. Never end, please never stop. Fn legend

  2. plzzz do a break down on college basketball games plzzz 😂 but like for the the first one look at ole miss vs lsu i lost money on tht 😔

  3. The Wolves are too big for Detroit to handle. There wasn't a lot they could really do about it.

  4. My new morning routine is drinking a cold brew or Celsius while watching my man scream at the Pistons for 8 minutes. Makes me ready to attack the day, unlike Isaiah Stewart in pick n roll coverage

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