@Chicago Bulls

HIGHLIGHTS: Chicago Bulls beat Portland Trail Blazers 104 – 96

HIGHLIGHTS: Chicago Bulls beat Portland Trail Blazers 104 – 96

Was at the center of all of that tip one by dosumu and he jams it been a big Boon for them second leading score nice move by D Roan he’s a very good Defender as well oh there’s Phillips oh my goodness Simons oh into traffic and Carter did a good job of securing

It white on the push oh what a feed to B and guys that are going to get minutes through their defense like Julian Phillips won a title with the in 02 play with some Dall I was going to say you guys are both Mavs D rozan over Brock

Nice Portland is yet to lead in this game they’re looking for it here brogon good job by Terry push Drummond white on the outlet Caruso back to Kobe for three good oh the rest of the unit on the drive ter nice reverse I like that I like I like to see his

Aggressive driving that Stacy sign defense there from Terry out to Caruso surrounded tried to slip it was off of eight no kick good save by white got it to Terry what a h play I all over Simons good defense excellent defense long rebound to U that’s a lot of dribbling

In that sequence Kobe white explodes takes contact and scores oh Kobe white starting the last three Phillips and Terry getting some extended run nice pass iot is a good pass you know over all the positions you got to start getting back into the paint nice Fe simple game here comes

Dosumu looking for vich on Q There He Goes that helped him get back into it and eventually take a lead we start the fourth quarter in Rip City the r roen to Drummond with the fake the fou go big fella you got a good look at it though

He did ohman’s there go give it up Lo Kobe white two the cup back to drum jul somebody’s going to come to the ball on the back side they rotate to vuic five to shoot IO do oh game time IO do stes a big time clutch Tre hey Bulls fan thanks for watching

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  1. Trade everyone at the deadline who cares about beating a bad rebuilding Blazers team they have a brighter future than us

  2. This is the best I've seen my bulls play since They had a healthy Lonzo…. trading away, the older guys will help the younger ones develop out of the shadow

  3. An amazing game from Ayo and JP! I hope Phillips gets more minutes and finds a consistent jumper.

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