@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs vs Wizards | Wemby vs Bilal | Recap + Reaction | SSPN Postgame

Spurs vs Wizards | Wemby vs Bilal | Recap + Reaction | SSPN Postgame

What’s up everybody Welcome in to a winning Edition for the ninth time I think right this is our ninth win yes sir I believe so actually is it our eighth win I think it is our eighth win you’re 100% right we were seven and 34 and you know I could have just pulled

This up and checked myself but we don’t you know we don’t do the easy things sometimes Ethan and that’s kind of how it felt like during this game is that the Spurs did not always do the easy thing they made it harder for themselves but after that timeout late

In the fourth quarter they pulled it together they imposed um I know this may sound crazy if you’re looking at this from like a non Spurs perspective but if you watch them like us I think they imposed the the more overall talent that they had on the floor um and you know

They got back to playing connected obviously a lot of the the fourth quarter surge had to do with wemi um Jeremy had some clutch plays as well that we’ll have to talk about um but I don’t want to get too ahead of myself here Ethan because I know we’re going to

Go into the game Flow but regardless of how ugly this one might have felt a win is a win and in this season we got to cherish him when we have him I couldn’t have said it better myself Jude and you referenced something before we get in

Got in here which was before we learn how to win we have to learn how to win ugly I think that was so elegantly put and honestly if you look back at when we were playoff contenders every year in the championship hunt like that was kind of our specialty where we would let

Teams like get a nice 10-point lead and then that fourth quarter we were just like okay let’s go back to being the perfectly executing team not saying we did that tonight but that was kind of the Spurs recipe for so many years so it’s something we definitely have to

Have to work at yeah and you know I I cover basketball a lot of you guys know that and I cover high school basketball specifically and the team I’m covering is kind of going through a little bit of a rebuild after losing some D1 players and that’s kind of one of the things

That that uh um their coach talks about is sometimes you know you may come in with this whole critical eye because you want to have Championship standards but you also have to take that 30,000 foot View and as much as this was an ugly one tonight that frustrated me a lot I

Really felt fed up at times during the game and that’s not something that I usually feel even over the past two years um but at the same time when you find a way to pull it out sometimes there are just games where you got to

Find a way you know what I’m saying for sure and this one felt more angering because we were pretty much in control for the first three quarters and then that seven and a half minute stretch of that fourth quarter we were just doing everything we could to give it to the

Wizards and thankfully they gave it right back to us and that’s you know the the blessing of playing a team with the same record as you exactly exactly but you ready to get into this game PL Ethan let’s do it alrighty so here we go you know a really

Back and forth um first quarter and and you can see it was pretty close in the second quarter as well um but let me see I’m reading that right yeah 37 to 36 um so not a lot of Defense in that first quarter Ethan um I’ll just jump into my

Notes and then dish it to you so what I wrote down when be on fire to start um oh wait no wrong wrong notes I’m reading my Celtics notes let me stop Marvin baggley thinks he’s him that was the first thing I wrote down and let me say

You know when I first saw that I’m like I even texted you before uh you know early in the game I was like this Wizards team feels like a team of NBA Rejects and the reason I said that is because of Marvin Bagley I was not aware

Of what he did on Thursday against the Knicks and really he had a solid showing tonight um and he’s still somebody who’s pretty young you know as much as it feels like we’re so far away from him being the future in Sacramento as the number two pick um when he was coming

Out of Duke I believe um he’s coming into his own a little bit so I got to give a shout out to Marvin baggley and hopefully he can you know continue to develop and and uh make an NBA career for himself because you never want to see somebody like completely fall off

From from where they were he he’s showing some of his potential um in these past two games and and another great performance against wenby um the other thing I wrote down and this is a theme that’s through the game turnovers led to transition buckets for Washington early that gave them easy

Looks at The Rim you know obviously in transition um I wrote down we were looking for open Shooters when penetrating and getting the ball to wemi this is kind of when it was like 15 to 10 Devon hit two threes to start um we you know we were Force

Feeding wemi and then champeny was spacing as well um but then after that there was a timeout from the Wizards at 15 to10 I believe and and things really got lacad isical um after that point obviously we kept scoring uh but defensively there was there was not a

Lot of that from either side in this quarter but the other thing I wrote down our mistakes are giving them opportunities and they’re playing with energy that’s really something that also flowed you know that or could be said throughout the whole game um I said

Delon Wright got Blake a few times I say that though and Blake really had a really solid game I just wrote that down you know when I was like writing down you know um just things that I was noticing early in the game and and and I

Was just focused on Blake a little bit more because of the fact that he got those minutes tonight so you know that was something that you mention on the last stream Ethan and uh I think Pop might have been listening because in the next press conference after last night’s

Game against the Hornets he says Blake’s forcing us to give more minutes and we’re seeing him kind of become that true backup point guard obviously this is just the first game but with Pop’s words in context all of his g-league experience him being a secondy year uh player I think that’s something we’re

Going to see moving forward and then the last thing I wrote down was there was tons all caps of Defense in this quarter which of course is a joke I was about to say I maybe you watch a different game than I did but defense was definitely not the theme of that

First quarter U I wrote down a lot of the same notes playing through wemi early again I think everybody consciously trying to remove that narrative that’s that was being pushed about nobody wanting to pass him the ball he was getting touches in the mid-range off of screens in the low

Block and of course from three um So that obviously isn’t something that we’ll continue hearing hopefully um Trey Jones he was mixing up the routine um fed wmy early but also like you said getting Shooters involved um trying to break up the monotony of our of our

Usual offense uh which he’s really the only guy that does at that point guard position on our team um Point wemi had a lobin transition to Jeremy soan that forced that timeout at 15- 10 for the Wizards uh but you’re right after that we kind of subbed wemi out of the game

Um and the wizards they they felt like they were getting easier points um in transition off of turnovers off of Miss shots um and then when WBY was on on the floor obviously Zach’s uh still kind of recovering and coming back getting the rust off uh from his injury so there

Wasn’t necessarily Rim protection so it felt like the Wizards had the momentum despite the fact that we were in the lead but with that being said great defense from Blake Wesley and Zach did look physical they were just getting easy baskets um and Kellin Johnson Bull

In China shop Off the Bench even a couple moments where like like yes I’m glad you’re being aggressive but like you you missed a couple guys wide open either on a cut or open for three but I I can’t even be that mad he finished with 19 points seven for 15 shooting and

And was one of the few guys that was getting to the free throw line considering we actually had zero free throws in that first quarter our leading rebounder tonight as well Kelvin was and there were a couple Second Chance buckets that he had I completely agree

With you on a little bit of the frustration at the beginning um but you know when you consider that the last game we covered against the Celtics he had five points and then last night he was the leading scorer with 25 and he had 19 tonight um it’s just good to see

Him getting back to that six-man role and and doing you know scoring around 20 points because we’re paying him $20 million and and that’s what he’s supposed to be doing so it was it’s been good to see in this backtack that he’s bounced back after you know that kind of

Non-existent for lack of a better term performance in Boston yeah for sure for sure now let’s move on to the second quarter and the first thing I had written down Ethan was really bad start we weren’t connected we weren’t flowing um I wrote down champeny is keeping us

In the game with threes um and our threes overall are keeping us in the game and it was kind of funny because as soon as I wrote that down the Wizards broadcasters because it was right after champeny hit a three the Wizards broadcasters were like man the only

Thing that’s really keeping the Spurs in the game right now is champeny has nine points and you know vel’s got two threes also if they don’t have their threes right now I think we were like seven for 10 at that point um let me see what the

The total was there yeah we we we finished 12 for 31 so I know that doesn’t that seems like we didn’t make much for the rest of the game I could have been a little bit off on that but I believe it was that I think we started

Off really hot and then kind of cooled off at least from distance yeah um later in the game but um that kind of ties into how the second quarter was going you know they were they were stopping some other ways of of our scoring um and

We were only really able to find him on wide open outside looks um I wrote down good timeouts from pop because after that start you know we had a timeout and we came in looking a little bit better um we saw another uh I don’t know if it

Was a lob but it was at least um a Victor pass to to Jeremy cutting towards the basket that led to another dunk um because I wrote down the the wemy Jeremy connection is nice I think we got to see that a little bit in the second half too

Um the other thing I wrote down this is Midway through the second about about 5 minutes and 50 seconds we need to come out in the second half looking completely different effort wise I wrote that down um and then of course as soon as I wrote that down Ethan kind of like

The champeny thing I said the effort was getting better after I thought of it but that lineup where the effort really turned up listen to this and you’re gonna like this this is to and I have it written down too it was Blake Wesley Devon vasel Kellin Johnson Jeremy Sohan

And Zack and um we went on a 10-2 run to tie it at 5959 and then finished the half on a 21 to8 run uh Zach had a lot of great assists in there in the two-man game with multiple different guys in that lineup um and and the energy in

That last about five minutes of the game um that that was huge for us to get us a lead going into half and to win the second quarter yeah I think that was a really really good summary um I had that exact same no written down about that lineup

Like great great together High Pace High player movement the ball was popping and guys were attacking Blake was attacking the rim Kellin was attacking the rim Jeremy soam was attacking the rim and then of course Zack Collins operated as that Hub once again which is what I

Think his best attribute really is um but at the beginning of the second quarter way too many turnovers for the Spurs um I know agree with what you said about Julian and Devon kind of keeping us there from distance but after they were finished like nobody could buy a

Three-point shot and uh the only player being aggressive getting to the cup was Kellin for a little while there and the Wizards were playing with great pace and high energy and it just felt like we weren’t felt like we were not focused a little too laxidasical with our passing

Um kind of going through the motions out there not feeding wemi at times when he finally got subbed back into the game um but once we went to that other lineup and guy started penetrating it really kind of flipped the switch we were able

To go on that run and Blake West W Ley one more shout out to him defensively I I know he got beat a couple times early by um I can’t remember his name Delon right but but those are just like it’s also his first significant minutes like

I mentioned that but like it was like after those two plays you didn’t really see that that much I don’t want that to Define his performance oh yeah you’re you’re good but his one-on-one defense picking guys up basically full court was incredible to watch High effort and and

Really really good technique and able to get into Guys Without fouling and contest shots without fouling I saw him in several plays where he was the help Defender looked like he was completely out of position and use his athleticism to somehow get back in like at to the

Corner where his man was wide open for three for like half a second but he’s still able to get out there and contest it um I’ve been really impressed with what I’ve seen from him as everybody knows he finally did have 15 minutes tonight so I think this is a pretty good

Sample size of what he’s able to do and as a help Defender when guys were spinning opposite his Direction so they took his took their eyes off of his side of the Court he was really going at like Jordan P Kyle kosma swiping at the ball

I think he had one steal tonight that led to a fast break for Malachi got a layup or one steal as a as a help Defender at least I don’t know how many he had total um but him just being a pest is really helped out um our other

Defenders who might be struggling from time to time oneon-one so shout out to him yeah yeah for sure I mean you can just see like now that Blake has been molded in the G league and honed and controlled a little bit um the it’s just like you know as much

As like I already went through this whole thing uh a couple episodes ago um of kind of it just when you put the point guard in the lineup it it does do a lot of things um it it just fixes a lot of different stuff um and that was

Once again you know that showing itself on the bench with Blake in his development so that’s something that I was wrong about you know kind of even twofold when you’re seeing what’s happening with Blake as well as what’s happening with Trey who almost had a triple double tonight was fighting on

The boards um 10 assist was able to get up to 11 points um really liked his effort overall but obviously what you said about Blake too um I mean his his energy and effort was you know he was he was setting the tone and facilitating

That lineup uh that on a 21 to8 R and one more point I forgot to mention in the second quarter I know I said Jeremy soan was penetrating but that really doesn’t do it justice he was playing physical inside and cutting with decisiveness and finishing with dunks so

Really shout out to him as well yeah I mean you know we didn’t necessarily go through all of the box score here Ethan so if you want to do it since we’re kind of at the halftime Point here to just kind of talk about the way everybody

Played um I’m seeing some other things in the comments kind of talk about wmi a little bit and how he had some struggles tonight I saw two different people say that and I totally get where you’re coming from especially I mean that’s kind of why I let off with the um the

Marvin baggley talk but at the same time like he had 248 and4 and the six blocks like we’re just not in any of these games without wmy so it’s hard for me to criticize him too much but I do understand um what you’re saying when it

Comes to the physicality um but I mean I don’t know we’ve seen him also you know stand tough against Giannis in the clutch as well um and and some other guys too so I feel like this was just kind of overall a meh game for the team

What are your thoughts on that yeah I mean it didn’t look like we were super hyper focused on destroying the Wizards and I know we’re both bad teams but I still put the Spurs Talent over the Wizards Talent like you said at the beginning um and the box score is a

Little misleading because I see Devon had 21 Jeremy had 23 Vic had 24 Kellin had 19 like those are great numbers and at the end of the day obviously we need to give them credit for what they were able to do in crunch time when it

Mattered the most when we were down by 10 or 12 points uh but that first like three quarters I mean there were times where it was really like tough to watch we were making bad mistakes offensively offensively we look stagnant um and guys weren’t really playing great defense

Either so yeah no that’s why you know I mentioned earlier that I almost felt fed up at times watching this game which I honestly haven’t felt like over the past two years and I know that sounds crazy but like that this was really the first

Time I felt it I my my patience finally wore off Ethan it’s tough to make judee’s patience wear off that guy’s one of the most patience dudes I know so what do you think of this comment Ethan is this controversy I I I don’t know man I don’t

See any Ethan Ling the comments I’m getting a little I’m getting a little hurt yeah I mean if y’all don’t if y’all don’t show Ethan some love he might he might never come back yeah might just Deuce might just Deuce he might just disappear like um Jordan

Pool I was trying to do somebody for us but I guess we won yeah we won I want to give a shout out I keep saying shout out this episode so I apologize good but the Wizards coaching staff taking balal kabali out of the game in clutch time was so clutch for us

Because he was cooking we could not stop him not to get ahead of ourselves I know we’re not in the fourth quarter yet but he was the reason the Wizards got out to that 10 to 12-point lead and then they were like okay let’s put the starters

Back in and then the Spurs came right back and won the game so thank you Wes unel Jr dude balal was taking over at some point I was just or I say at some point I mean one point it was in the fourth quarter um I was just like man

Are we really about to get like is he really about to just get his his W over Wy and then the thing that really scared me was like right after that happened they put up the stat and I think this is when we were down 20 uh excuse me when

We were down 12 with five minutes left like somebody else referenced in the comments earlier they show tus Jones nine and0 against Trey Jones and I’m like I think that’s like through three different teams too yeah and so exactly I wasn’t sure I knew he was on Memphis

But I wasn’t sure if he was on Minnesota too and I believe that was the that was the third as well as Washington of course um so when I saw that I was like man this is just this is not good but what is good is that Trey finally got a

Win over his brother um and that was because of the way that we finished uh the fourth quarter but let’s get into this second half Ethan and our third quarter winning winning streak was broken um and this is what I had written down the first thing I had written down

To start the third quarter was lacad isical Miss returns I said tus needs to be nicer to Trey because he h a couple shots on him um and then it’s all intensity if we have it to the standard that like pop is trying to set I felt like we could run

These guys by double digits that’s what I wrote down and that’s kind of what you saw in in the final five minutes of the game which we’ll get to but the other thing I wrote down Zach’s defensive physicality was was looking better and and it kind of made me think of last

Year Ethan about how we talked about how throughout the season we felt like Zack got better at you know staying straight up and not fouling in the post um and I think the thing that just reminded me or or the thing that like I I thought about the most was Zach’s defensive C

Physicality looks a lot better when he’s playing Off the Bench you know he’s had a much less of a deficit than when he was starting and we were kind of complaining about it again um earlier in the year um the other thing I wrote down and this was kind of another theme uh

That we saw in in the second quarter was the energy did pick up though near the end of the third um or in the in near the end of the second I say that that happened a little bit in the Midway with k or middle of the quarter with KJ and

Devon scoring because we actually the other thing I had written down was at the end end of the third so not like the middle of the quarter uh Washington did go on a 124 run now I feel like that was more of our own accord with turnovers um

Was this the quarter where we just started passing the ball out of bounds like yes at the very end and of the fourth yeah so that’s what I’m saying like I wrote down the energy was was up you know kind of in the second half of the quarter until we just started

Throwing the ball out of bounds miscommunicating with guys and like it was crazy I there was one where wemi just completely air mailed Shetty in the corner there was another where Zach thought that champeny was gonna be on the wing but instead he was cutting and

It just went straight out of bounds I was just like man we’re really passing to the fans right now that was like a Fed Up moment for me Ethan but but tell me your thoughts on the third yeah uh Wizards had all the momentum going into the third quarter like you said went

Right back to that LAX laxidasical style of play um energy was brought back by try Jones however holistically the team was missing wideopen Cutters it felt like um for some reason we couldn’t find the open man uh but Trey Jones continued to supply energy he was getting rebounds

Like crazy this is the I texted Jude during this quarter was like man Trey Jones is fighting for every loose ball every extra possession and trying trying desperately to give the rest of the team some energy because nobody else is playing that way and then to finish off

The quarter like you said just turnovers biting Us in the butt um had it not been for those turnovers our streak is probably alive yeah yeah we did only lose the quarter by six is that a eight or a nine up there Ethan can you tell

It’s an eight it’s an eight yeah so that’s by six um so yeah I mean that’s three possessions right there yeah and there’s three turnovers that I think of that were passes directly into the St yep um and the start of the fourth quarter wasn’t much better unfortunately

Uh the first thing I had written down was Doug getting assaulted pain because there were like two straight buckets I can’t remember I I think Cory kissper took him off the dribble on one but there was another right before oh it was the Bal it was the balal real tough

Fancy lay that could have been a poster um turnovers balal that’s what I wrote down those were the first thing three things I wrote down Doug getting assaulted turnovers and Bal nothing else um and then like just what did you have that’s so close to the first three

Things I wrote down I wrote Vic looks Gass can’t stop Bal turnovers Man Okay so so what all what all of that compiled into Ethan was after we LED 104 to 102 with 8 minutes and 20 seconds left in the fourth Washington then went on a 10 run and it probably went a

Little bit longer than that or it might have been even more you know than just 10 but that’s what I had written down at the time this is when I said throwing passes out of bounds shooting ourselves in the foot and I texted you about this and this was about Midway through the

Quarter I said turnovers will be the reason we lose if we do luckily we did but the reason it was this close and like you said the reason that our third quarter winning streak was broken really if you had to point at one thing it

Comes down to that and as much as that sucks you know I’d rather it be turnovers than you know just just getting beat by these guys you know what I mean um because at least turnovers is something we can control and it’s like something that you can fix you know what

I mean still not good but with the nature of this team and being a team at the bottom of the league that’s just going to happen some games on unfortunately I’m glad it happened at this rate against a team like the Wizards um but I think that also just

Ties into the lack ofical that we kind of saw throughout this one and and the lack of intensity that we’ve seen you know when we’ve competed with with teams that are much better than this um the other thing I wrote down was Corey kissper going off I saw I saw Mark

Commented earlier he said I was so pissed when we were getting cooked by a guy like Corey gisser I get where you’re coming from my gosh that it was it was frustrating but shout out to Cory kispert though he was going off um but then at the four-minute

Mark we we call the time out and that’s when things switched up for us we went on a 120 run from that point um and and we had some a clutch three and some clutch free throws from Jeremy soan on those uh second it was it was like in

The last three possessions those were the first two and then Devon had a free throw at the end of the game that iced it um but that three from Jeremy to take the lead in a two-point game was giant um and and then the free throws as well

For him to drain those in the clutch I was really worried that he was gonna you know at least miss one of them um but man that one-handed free throw it’s it’s just getting more and more consistent and and the one thing I noticed about Jeremy too is even in like these clutch

Moments when he gets the ball it’s not like Marvin Bagley on the free throws before where he had you know he had the opportunity to take a league and he’s taking this big inhale you know what I mean like right to calm himself down Jeremy just gets the B and goes up with

It in his routine and just doesn’t even think about it um and and so it it was good to see that in the clutch as well um and and I really want to touch on Jeremy here before I you know dish it to your fourth quarter notes um I saw

Somebody else say that he was the MVP of this game and and I really do agree obviously Kellin had a solid game uh Devon had a solid game and wemy had a solid game as well we talked about Trey also um seven boards for champ Penney

I’m seeing that too two blocks also not a terrible game from him um but if I had to pick an MVP too it would have to be Jeremy I feel like you know when I talked about the lack ofical I feel like if there was one person who didn’t have

It and had intensity and effort throughout all four quarters I think it was Jeremy and the other thing I noticed about Jeremy he may not have the prettiest offense but he’s getting more consistent with some of his his little hook shots um his little kind like I

Don’t even know how to Des there you go yes exactly stuff like that um it’s good to see him get more consistent with that and it’s also great to see um you know just his offense continue to evolve and and and be shown more um since he’s you

Know started playing the four again I think he’s flourishing trying to get back into the swing of things at that three four spot as a cutter as a guy that can create his own shot not have to worry about creating for others he still has that in his game but that’s no

Longer his primary focus um and you mentioned the two clutch free throws let’s talk about being six for six on the night and I think having the most free throws made on the team Kellin took the most was seven but he only made five so Jeremy soohan definitely staying cool

Common collected I agree MVP of the game and and held Kyle kosma he was the primary defender on to 11 points tonight and say what you will about Kyle KOA I know he’s an inefficient scorer but he’s usually a high volume scorer like pretty sure he’s averaging what like 24 points

Per game and tonight he held him to 11 um terrific defense from Jeremy soan and that probably fueled his confidence on the offensive side of the ball as well U but to just get into the fourth quarter I mentioned how Victor looked a little bit gas I think some people have agreed

In the comments we couldn’t stop belal he was on a oneman wrecking crew I guess Twan because he had Cory kisper helping him out um turnovers killing us looking messy we looked ugly no f focus and a good example of the no Focus Devin

Caught the ball at the at the top of the key he had Wy wide open on the Block on a mismatch and for some reason decided to drive into wemi and take a contested like Step Back Fade Away from the mid-range and it was like that’s such an

Ugly shot like like I know you’re a tough shot maker Dev but give it to wbe maybe he can get you a better look or he could just take a better look for himself like I I didn’t understand that decision but thankfully the entire team clutched up when it counted we came back

Down TW to 12 points I think led by Victor led by Jeremy soan um and then of course it was big for for um wmy to get that clutch rebound at the end of the game that then we were fouled and were able to get free throws to ice the game

So amazing win despite the fact that it was very ugly to get there but these are the kind of games that we have to win like we said at the very beginning couldn’t have said it better myself Ethan well that’s your game Flow so basically wrapped up this one but

There’s one thing that does kind of stick out that I’ve been seeing in the comments and that really was on the screen in the box score that we didn’t talk about too much and that was Malachi brandom getting only four minutes um really the story there is Blake’s taking his

Minutes I would agree and I think he got subbed out immediately following the first quarter because he was pickpocketed at the end we were holding the ball for last possession and Jordan P was able to lay it up so I don’t think he’s played himself out of it but you’re

Right Blake Wesley is playing himself into it and he’s it’s it’s proven successful thus far yeah it’ll be interesting you know we’ll see what happens at the deadline as well if we do end up moving like a shete or a Doug maybe that opens up more minutes um for

For Malachi again um you know but we we’ll see what happens I I feel like we’re gonna see like at least little spurts of Malachi and Blake in the back court Off the Bench um they are two former first round picks but it’s really nice to see what Blake is doing and how

He’s developed um because if you would have told me this at the beginning of the season honestly Ethan I would have been like no way no way Malachi is gonna kind of fall off and then Blake’s gonna take his minutes I would have thought that it would be like maybe Blake can

Work himself into some minutes but Malachi is going to be like our main scorer Off the Bench that’s really what I would have thought prior to this season so yeah I’m honestly surprised I get that Doug mcdermitt’s a veteran that could knock down threes but he had 10 minutes

Tonight I would still give those minutes to Malachi personally right because cheddy can be your sniper and at times Devin or Julian like if you really need a shooter out there play them but Malachi is also a capable three-point shooter I don’t know what his percentage

Is but it can’t be lower than like 35 mhm yeah it’s tough I mean like there’s just I mean for for the the state of this team I don’t really think there’s an argument against that I understand that you know Doug can sometimes go crazy and have have a laser

Type of night that that Malachi doesn’t always have but but when you think about the context of the team you know I I completely agree because you you want that development you want to see what Malachi’s potential could be um etc etc but I think also pop did want to win

This game um so that’s probably why and and you know really when you think about it the whole season we’ve just been doing like the minutes that that Blake Got Tonight is what Malachi got so it was good to see what a look would look

Like with with Blake in his place and I think I think pops liking what he’s seeing you know if you look at the Charlotte press conference yeah well put well pthan I think that’s G to wrap this one up do you have any final thoughts on on this game tonight

Nice little eighth win here e eighth win feels just as good as the first first win feel just as good as the ninth win heck yeah heck yeah well we appreciate you guys hanging out with us I think I do see one more comment here that that

This is this is what I think we should end off with film room says that the Spurs need to sign Brin Forbes to a supermax and I think I think it’s very obvious um he’ll fix all of our problems I don’t think anyone’s signing him to

Any Dr if we being completely honest if you don’t remember what happened to Brit Forbes go go Google bin Forbes oh that’s right I forgot about that my bad my bad with that being said smash the like button as Robert ball says if you enjoyed the content especially like me forgetting about uh

Brin Forbes criminal record don’t forget to hit the like and the Subscribe button below please follow us on Twitter to stay updated with everything sspn omyt Jude McLaren and Ethan Quintero in all seriousness guys we truly appreciate yall hanging out with us after games we hope you have a great Saturday night

We’ll catch youall later

Ethan and Jude are back to recap the #Spurs’ matchup with the Wizards! 🏀

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  1. Sochan and Wemby together will be a problem for a lot of teams. They both can cut and pass at a high level to each other. Once the chemistry kicks in, teams will have a tough time with those two

  2. I am excited for Wesley finally getting minutes, granted Malakai seems to be in the dog house now and I worry about his long term with the team when his defense is so poor still. I think Wesley can be really great starting the game for the Spurs even if Tre has another injury this year. Wesley has to get more minutes because he is the best small guy defender we have and his offense is not bad at all if it can develop. A bit sad Zach is back so Barlow is out of rotation again

  3. I don't know what more we need to do to get Tre to make those wide open threes. But we can't compete with the big teams when our starting PG is 0-3 from three more games than not. Those shots have to fall or he has to be replaced longer term

  4. Collins is such a horrible defender… He neither has the IQ or the physical attributes… I think because he has the "scrappy white guy" reputation, ppl think he is tougher on defense than he really is… And it has nothing to do with his recent injury, because this is who he has always been the entire season

  5. If the team was set up like this from day 1. Wemby stats & Spurs wins would have been higher than what it is now. Next season will be nuts by adding more experience veterans to the team.

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