@Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors Trade Deadline Preview!

Toronto Raptors Trade Deadline Preview!

What’s up basketball fans welcome to the veracha port it’s time to talk about the Raptor treade deadline preview and I have a special guest with me introduce yourself my guy yo what’s up everybody it’s JJ buckets it’s been a while since I’ve been on the channel so nice to see

Everybody again absolutely good to do this it’s always fun talking about trade deadlines obviously the Raptors have already made a couple of trades in Pascal yakum OG and noobi there have been a few listed names potentially in Bruce Brown Gary Trent Jr Chris Buche Dennis as well and perhaps even yakob

Let’s go to some of these list of players and we’re going to be going through teams and potential returns and what specific type of players you like in return let’s start with the most um hottest name out there that’s very likely to get traded that is Bruce Brown

So JJ who do you think which team do you see targeting Bruce Brown because it says half the league and what kind of return are you looking for are you looking for a young player or a center what specific type of players and picks are you looking for yeah man I talked

About this not too long ago on my YouTube channel and Bruce Brown I think is very obviously the biggest trade asset for the Raptors although depending on whether or not yak is available I guess we’ve seen the reports that obviously the Raptors outside of you know I think BBQ is their nickname

Outside of Barnes Barrett and quickley everybody is reportedly available so uh I digress a little bit but yes bar sorry Brown is probably the biggest name that’s going to be out there that’s still wearing a Raptor’s Jersey right now and I really I I look at the Knicks

Again and look I know we’ve already traded with them this season but I look at the Knicks I look at the Quinton Grimes situation and I just I can’t see a more seamless trade to put together now I talked about this again briefly on my channel as well and I guess um I

Remember seeing somebody in the comments asking what do you like about Grimes because I guess I didn’t say it in the videos but yeah like fantastic 3 and D player would fit like tremendously besides Scotty Barnes like that’s the mold of player that I think you want

Around a guy like Barnes and I think Grimes can do all the little things space in the floor play like good enough defense and you can obviously put together a package pretty seamlessly there like Evan for’s contract really um takes care of all the salary failure you

Can probably get Grimes maybe you get like some kind of draft compensation as well although at that point if you’re getting gmes I don’t think you’re really getting much draft compensation so I think that’s kind of what I’d be looking at there is just uh for a for the cap filler and Quin

Gmes is kind of like the selling piece of that trade because Nicks are trying to get rid of him he’s a good young player good forit besid Scotty that’s an easy one for me yeah no I’ve actually gone through um I was doing my own mock

Trades and I was looking at a lot of teams you’re not like a lot of teams don’t have that type of prospect that they’re going going to give up for a Bruce BR like you know like example a lot of fans keep talking about Derrick lley they weren’t even going to give him

Up for a pascal seak trade so realistically you’re not going to get that New York is one of the more realistic teams I’m looking at someone like Dallas now I know this may not make a lot of sense because they have Tim Hardway there but I think Bruce Brown could compliment

Kyrie and Lu’s game so well and again it may be a little bit unrealistic you can maybe do a Josh green and a salary filler I don’t think you’ll get a first round pick and I believe the only have one first round pick they can trade realistically anyway so maybe if you get

A Josh Green type of player He’s listed at about 65 he could play the small or backup small forward or whatever you want to insert them into a starting lineup depending on you know who they draft and what they do in the future but he’s one of those players I’ve been

Looking at for quite some time he’s really really good he can get his own he’s a pretty decent Defender from what I’ve seen and he’s still young enough again he’s not young to the point where he’s you know 21 he’s only been in the NBA for half a season or one year he’s

Been in the NBA for a few seasons now and if the Raptors are able to get someone like that that would be a great great um add to the Scotty Barnes and the Raptors young BB ke like he said so let’s move on to our next player

Here this is a very um I’ve talked about this in my last video but it’s a a very strange situation with Gary Trent right because we see him as a player that could have been part of her future he’s obviously not had the season that a lot

Of us were hoping for but also you’ve got to remember that he’s a clutch client they always demand good money and there’s always a chance he can leave as well what are we doing with him are we keeping him in hopes of signing him for a cheaper deal is there a Flight Risk

There where a team like the Detroit Pistons potentially offers a ton of money and he leaves us in free agency or do we sign or do we trade him on the low and maybe get a second round pick like what what is going on with Gary and what

Do we do with him I said this again like I said this on my channel but I think if the pre and you’ve pretty much touched upon already yourself like I think if the price is right you in terms of the next contract that Gary Tren Jr is

Seeking you you keep him I like his mold player I know he hasn’t had like the best season uh this year but he’s young enough and moving forward he can definitely have a good spot on this team I don’t see any issues with keeping him

As long as the salary that he’s going to be demanding on that new contract is realistic and he doesn’t hit you with a uh well actually that’s a good question let me toss this back to you War what do you think is a reasonable price for Gary

Trent Jr um in terms of an annual contract like what do you see him signing for or what would you ideally want him to sign for right now I think like the way he’s performing with respect to Gary I think might be even at overpay but you have to

Be truthful and realistic about what both what would benefit both parties I think somewhere around the 16 to 18 million range is probably reasonable for both sides of of course you know some people have gone as far as to say he deser doesn’t deserve more than 15

Million you also have to take in consideration again a lot of teams out there want a young shooter and there’s going to be a market for him whether he struggled or not doesn’t matter how he’s performed there’s still going to be teams that could potentially sign him

And they may be willing to pay him up to 19 2021 million so I think if the Raptor can maybe sign them a little bit less maybe include a player option in there for you know a one plus one or you know two plus one kind of deal kind of how

They’ve done with their previous contract with Gary Trent I think that would be a reasonable deal for both sides it works out we do know that tvdl is kicking in so the salaries are going to be going up a ton so maybe you know you look at that and say you got two

Years to work under this new contract you do have a player option as well if you decide to decline it you want a bigger contract and it also also also benefits both sides so I think that’s probably the most realistic um contract extension for Gary okay I like that yeah

I think if you’re clocking him around like 15 16 million like that’s not a terrible price otherwise yeah like you could flip him to any of these teams that are obviously trying to win this season and Gary Tren Jr like fits right in there with most of them I think the

Two that stick out to me most is probably the Mavericks or the Lakers I think Gary goes over there and is a seamless ad to either one of those teams um who would I necessarily want back from either of those teams you’ve already mentioned Josh Green I think Josh Green realistically outside of

Lively who they’re not going to trade uh Josh Green is probably the most alluring asset they have in any kind of trade talks for the Mavericks and for the Lakers uh in terms of the contracts matching up like ruy hachimura is there I like ruy hachimura I’ve seen him get

Like a little bit of flack from like Raptors fans in terms of you know some like just they’re not giving kudos to ruy and here’s the thing like do I think Ru is a fantastic player like he maybe he’s not the best player in the world um

But I do I do sympathize for him in the sense that I think in La his minutes are so inconsistent sometimes that it’s hard for him to necessarily develop say into a consistent good defender or a consistent knockdown shooter or something like that because some nights

He’s getting like 15 16 minutes a game other nights he’s getting like 32 and obviously that’s just the way of the NBA sometimes but when it comes to Young player in their development like that’s going to hurt them so getting him over to a situation like Toronto where he can get more consistent

Minutes I don’t mind that I really don’t mind a ruy return on a trade no the only thing of about ruy I know we shouldn’t judge games based off of Statistics because there’s so many factors like you said the only issue with him is he’s let’s say what 68 69 he doesn’t rebound

Well for his size and the team like the Raptors do need rebounding um especially with Pascal none especially even though OG wasn’t a huge rebounder he’s so good at boxing out and you know defending um the defensive rebounds anyway so I think if ruy were to be on the Raptors he’s

Averaging something like four rebounds a game even with going back to the Wizards I think he was five rebounds as a highest he’s average in a season so again I I ideally and he doesn’t shoot the three-point ball exceptionally well I think correct me from wrong he’s had

One season he’s had one season I’m going to quickly look this up but he’s had one season where he’s averag great from the three-point line but other than that it seems he’s more of a mid-range shooter uh when it comes to his Arsenal but I do think the potential is there to EXT

Extend his game a little bit like further in terms of shooting from the arc again I I think it’s about consistency I think it’s about play time and I think it’s about opportunity in a lot of cases and while his opportunity with the Lakers is like he’s definitely

A part of the rotation um I think he could get better opportunity elsewhere where he can turn into a better player than he’s shown to date yeah possibly I mean he does like looking at his stats there it’s kind of ironic I said that but he’s shooting 37% U from the

Three-point line only on 2.9 attempts per game um I actually did watch him a lot with the Lakers during that playoff run um when they lost to the nuggets in the Conference Finals I believe it was last year um he he looked really well like he played exceptionally well he

Looked great and I was kind of surprised he’s not he’s not really getting the opportunity this season again LeBron’s their 80s they you know whatever they play the power forward Center position wherever but um ruie yeah it could be intriguing the only thing I also I quickly want to mention about ruy is

This contract I believe he has a he has a massive contract where he’s making like 18 it’s not massive but I mean it’s kind of along the lines of what you’re going to pay Gary Trent um he’s making something like I believe $17 million $18 million take quickly taking a look here

Yeah he’s making 15 17 and 18 The Following season so I guess it’s not too bad I just expect maybe a low bit more because I feel like if you’re trading Gary Trend not that you ever want to get a specialist in a certain position but

It’s not like he’s not a great rebounder he’s a decent scorer but he’s not a great scorer he’s not a great three-point shooter he’s not you know it’s it’s one of those things if you were to do two of those things really well it makes the trade obviously that

Much more attractive um but yeah we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens with k um let’s talk about another PL now this is a very very interesting one because do we keep yaka Perle or do we trade him now I think you’ve invested way too much into Yak to give him up

Especially considering how bad the team has looked with him you know not there at the center position I think yakob does a lot for you defensively and while uh I think he maybe was build is a little bit better of a Defender than he actually was before showing up into

Toronto and some fans were disappointed about that realistically I do think he an anchors the defense a healthy amount that as like as soon as he’s out of the lineup it shows like the Raptors were kind of already not great defensively and then as soon as Yak is gone now and

Obviously like OG’s been gone as well and I’m sure that has an impact on it um but like I I don’t think you can afford to give up yaka perl’s presence down low as a Defender and as a rebounder as you’re saying the Raptors have been struggling with rebounding in particular

Like whether it be uh J or whether it be that young like it’s just anybody else at that spot hasn’t been that good and like naturally you can look to acquire other names uh for next season stuff like that now like this Raptor season is over like we’re

Looking towards the draft right like even if they stumble into a playin spot or something which I hope they don’t like there’s nothing going on this season we’re building towards the future and I do think Yak is a building block that you want to keep around for the

Most part again he’s a great defensive anchor he’s a good rebounder and he can be a tremendous pick and roll partner for quickly for a very long time Yak is a very good pick and roll big and I really enjoy watching him in that role so I’d like to personally keep Yak

Although depending on how high the Raptors get in the traft uh somebody like Alexander SAR could be an interesting addition to the team as well but that’s looking well head into the future as far as this deadline goes I I would be surprised if yaka purle isn’t

Still in Raptor Jersey after it so if a team came up to the Raptors and let’s say they offered two first round picks one in 2025 one in 2026 top 10 protected do you take that deal or not and a salary filler of course oh why you got

To make it difficult for me like that man oh I it depends on who’s the teams that are offering it depends on the pics right because hey man two first round picks is two first round picks obviously you gave up one first rounder to go get

Yak and obviously that one’s kind of bit you in the ass don’t uh in terms of just the control that it gave the Spurs over the Raptor’s future in that pick um H I think it depends on picks I think it depends on the picks um but it’s something worth considering in that

Situation I don’t disagree with you yeah I I I agree you know the thing is yakob is so um important to this team and considering they’ve really suffered not only on the defensive side also their rebounding hasn’t been great since he’s been out I think for the time being and

Like you said we don’t really have a player that is ready to come in and take over jakob’s position at the time being so it it it’s it’s going to be a recipe for disaster unless the Raptors want to bottom out for the next you know year or

So for the bottom three teams and maybe maybe tank for Cooper flag you know but um then maybe you could view it as that way but again I don’t think the Raptor should be in any H to trade yakob they don’t have a backup center I think jonte

Is more of a power forward for me I felt like that for quite some time obviously the Raptors don’t have much option so they’re playing him at the center position but they don’t have anyone that can come in unfortunate for really really unfortunate for Christian Koko

You know we saw what happened with him we don’t know if he’s going to play basketball again but yeah the Raptors don’t really have an option at the center position I think it’d be wise to keep yaking for now and I think as we progress in the next year or so like I

Mentioned this in my last video JJ when you look at a lot of the top teams in the conference even you look at the 76ers you know obviously they got embiid you got the Boston Celtics they got porzingis and Horford you look at the Cleveland Cavaliers they got Jared Allen

All of these top teams have a good Center so you’re going to you’re going to definitely have a team that’s going to be desperate enough to want a player like yakob to guard some of these players and just be a good rim protector and provide some defense for them so I

Think for the timing you’ve got to keep them um it wouldn’t really make it ton of sense unless they get an offer that blows them away which I really don’t see happening but we’ll see what happens in terms of some of the other guys who are

Some of the other players that you think could potentially get traded we’ve obviously heard some rumors as well who do you see being on the Raptors and maybe you know being on the Raptors or not being on the Raptors in the next few weeks or so in the next 10 days or so

Yeah I’ve talked about it before but according to Blake Murphy on Twitter or at least somebody quoted uh something I believe he said on one of his shows on Twitter that Chris buet is in all likelihood gone before the deadline and I fully understand that like bue is a

Piece that can you know be a very good role player for a winning team and the Raptors are not a winning team so I wouldn’t be surprised if they take you know whatever decent young player or like salary filler in a couple of like second round picks or something for him

And flip him elsewhere and quite frankly I think buet deserves to get an opportunity to go you know to a winning team and try to well win um I think he’s been a very good role player for the Raptors for a long time and I just kind of think he’s at

The end of his tenure with the Raptors I I I’m actually one of the few that I think the Raptors may end up keeping Chris Bush it’s not because no disrespect to Chris bu but um I just don’t think they’re going to get a decent offer for him not even a good

Offer I think there’s very few teams that actually would want Chris bu I think the Celtics want him but they don’t have the money to make it work I could see a team like the Dallas Mavericks wanting him as well but again you’re not going to get a ton back from

Them so I I think the Raptors end up keeping him and maybe that um expiring contract next season looks a lot more attractive you know to get get off a salary you know maybe take on a salary in return for Chris buer and maybe get a

Second round pick I think that could be realistic next season I’d be surprised if the Raptors do get any sort of trade done but what about some of the other players do you see any sort of deals being out there for someone like an auto porter dadus young feel like we’re

Missing someone here even Dennis who we haven’t touched upon right Dennis fith is a big one that we haven’t talked about uh but before we get to him in terms of Porter I mean maybe somebody takes a flyer on him he hasn’t really done much with the Raptors and it’s

Weird because like there’s times where like the Raptors will play him in the rotation and then Porter looks good and then we don’t see him for like what 10 games load management load management oh my goodness um so yeah maybe somebody will take a flyer on him as far as Thad

Young like could some team out there take a look at that young and be like he can and think to themselves that he could situationally be a good player in the rotation uh for their winning team sure but at the same time I like that young um I think anytime that you watch

Him in the post game postgame interviews or anytime you listen to that young talk he’s the kind of Veteran leader you want around your young team so I’m not saying that makes him Untouchable or anything on this roster by any means but I don’t think they’re jumping at the opportunity

To trade that young again he says all the right things I’m not I’m not around to see it but I’m sure behind closed doors he’s a good motivator he’s a just good like I said it he’s a good veteran presence for these young guys so I don’t

Think that’s one that you’re rushing to get out the door uh as far as schruder goes I think he’s been a good piece for the bench but as I kind of touched upon in my last video if you get a good offer and you have an opportunity to clear up

Minutes take a look at some of these young young guys um with like a Carol Lewis Jr or with um I’m blanking on his name I always ja Javon fre Liberty uh yeah I see in my head I always mix up if it’s liberty Freeman or Freeman Liberty

Yes um I think if you have a chance to kind of give them a good run in the second half of the season and see whether or not they can be good NBA Pros for you I think you do it and in that sense I think you can happily move off

Dennis Schroeder probably get a little bit of pick capital for him and take whatever hopefully expiring contract in his place cuz Dennis has a very tradable contract right like that’s that’s not one that’s going to be tough to get rid of so I think it’s worth looking into

Den Smith Jr trade as far as the other guys uh sorry I said Dennis Smith Jr I don’t know where that one came from Dennis Schroeder we have too many Juniors on our team that’s why honestly shout out to Dennis smth Jr man um met him one time in LA very nice guy

Um always kind of wished that his NBA career turned out better than it actually did but yeah that’s a story for another day so yeah um Dennis I could definitely see there being a huge market for him again like the Lakers I think a team even potentially like the Nuggets could

Really use him as an insurance if you know something happens to Jamal Mur he’s had injuries um they do have Reggie Jackson there I know they like him there but maybe if we get Reggie Jackson maybe some sort of salary or young one of the younger players do they do have some I

Wouldn’t say like really good prospects but they have some prospects that I could see the Raptors being intrigued by but we’ll see what happens you know with Dennis I think it’s kind of hard to predict which team’s going to really want Dennis out there because it’s there’s so much unpredictability around

The NBA round certain guys and if they’re actually going to get moved so we’ll see what happens but um JJ any last words any one player if the Raptors could acquire realistic realistic realistic player if the Raptors could acquire that you’d want on the Raptor scene before we end this video uh yeah

So there’s this little known uh big from uh Serbia out there called Nicola yic I think it’d be a great fit on this realistic realistic all right uh there’s this other Slavic player that I would really love on this team as well his name is Luka donic he’s not really that good he

Only he just dropped 70 for the first time in his career took him long enough um and all seriousness though I will throw a name at you that I actually do really like I just don’t necessarily know how this deal would come together in theory I like somebody like a Wendell

Carter Jr from the magic um if they could make that deal work in whatever capacity I think Wendell would be a fun player for a team that I think believe they would have more Center depth than they ended up with and you were talking about it obviously with Koko and with

His uh respiratory issue I believe it was where unfortunately that kind of look we haven’t heard much about it but it looks like it’s kind of threatening his career I think the Raptors expect expected to have more depth at the center spot than they did uh than they

Ended up having excuse me um but obviously with the coloo stuff unfortunately and I hope he’s doing right by the way let me just toss that out there but yeah like with Koko uh facing the health issues that he’s facing I think yeah depth that the big man spot is something that you’re

Looking for and I think Wendell would honestly fit pretty seamlessly here and I think it would work out uh as far as who the magic would want back I don’t know I’ve heard magic fans talk about guard play which is hilarious to me because I’ve always thought about you

Know the magic having a buttload of guards but I guess not that many of them are that good so hey if they want a Dennis if they want a Bruce Brown and they’re willing to said Wendell back here sure let’s do it yeah no I I really

Like Wendell Carter Jr too um I believe it’s wend Carter Junior we’re talking about so many Juniors but wend Carter would be great for the Raptors he can space the floor as well which is a huge huge bonus for any Center that’s able to do that so I think if the Raptors are

Somehow again he’s on a really reasonable contract so if you’re allow if you could maybe flip someone like a Gary because he fits in with their timeline and maybe again I don’t know how much the asking price is going be maybe a second round pick or someone

Else in there as well maybe you do that deal um for me personally I really have kept an eye on the Dallas Mavericks some of the younger guys for quite some time I’ve mentioned Josh Green I really like him if the Raptors are able to get him

But some of the other ones as well Jayden Hardy could be intriguing but I mean it for him I feel like it might be an attitude thing remember if you recall he was projected to go I believe in the loty he ended up following following um

I believe at the end of the first round or early second round the there was a there was a time where Jaden Hardy like obviously this is like long before like the full draft season kicked off but there was a time where Jaden Hardy was like a top five protected pick in that

Dra sorry top five protected top five projected pick in that draft Yeah and then obviously that never really end up materializing into anything but I I get what you’re say I guess in terms of the attitude thing and such like the talent is very obviously there I don’t think

That’s a question yeah no I I really like Juden Hardy obviously Josh green but I think the realistic if the Raptors are somehow able to get omx and I know I’m going to butcher his name here but Oliver Maxon Prosper is I guess his name but um if the Raptors can somehow get

Him he was having comparisons I’m going to quickly pull up his U stats here for those who aren’t really familiar he’s only 21 years old he’s Canadian he’s 68 at 230 pounds and he’s um Power Forward position now he hasn’t obviously you know been great with the Dallas

Mavericks three points two rebounds less than assist per game so again I know it numbers don’t look good he’s very raw so again I do want to mention that he is very raw but omx is a player that I’d love to have on the Raptors and if we

Can again I think the Mavericks will give him up if we can that would be an interesting Prospect to invest into for the future and uh for my French Canadians out there it’s Olivier Olivia there well I’m a disgrace to the French Canadians because I used to live in

Montreal but I forgot my French as soon as I started learning English so apologies to the French Canadians out there but yeah hex I’m just going to stick with omx omx would be awesome if the Raptors can get him but yeah any last words before we depart here JJ uh

Yeah um whenever Luca donic is uh unhappy in Dallas I want him in a Raptor’s uniform that’s about it well JJ this has been fun thank you so much for doing this and um if you guys have not checked out JJ’s Channel guys I will link it down below definitely go check

Out his channel he post some awesome awesome draft contest content as well I’m sure he’ll be doing that as we get closer to the draft definitely so excited I am so excited for the draft stuff so definitely go check him out he’s got some awesome Raptors content as

Well and that will be it for today’s video guys so thank you so much for watching and hope you guys have yourselves a great day

I have a special guest with me today and we discuss players the Toronto Raptors may look to move at the NBA trade deadline!


  1. Injuries like Julian Randle now has will shift the trade landscape. Knicks need a shooter now for next 2 months minimum so GTJ or OPJ probably better fits than Brown .

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