@New York Knicks

SHOCKED & APPALLED with the NBA All-Star Vote?! It was the fans’ fault?! | Numbers On The Board

SHOCKED & APPALLED with the NBA All-Star Vote?! It was the fans’ fault?! | Numbers On The Board

Can we talk about the allar RO just for a second yeah yeah we have to let’s get it and then we’re gonna get to allba we do we do whatever we want to do on this show so we know who the starters are um it’s GNA be Tyrese Damen Lillard Tatum

Uh Yannis and jel and beat out east out west it was Shay it was Luca it was Braun it was KD and it was yic those are our 10 Damen Liller got the starting spot over Donovan Mitchell who y’all had and jayen Bronson who I had and I was

Shocked and appalled um until I saw the voting it was the fans fault all of it Jaylen Bronson had more media votes he had more player votes but what Damen Lillard dominated was with the at home votes the fan votes and I know Damen Liller has transcended his Market because he’s got

His own signature sneaker he’s one of the most popular players of all time you know he’s saidit two walk-off game when his shot so on and so forth but in a market like New York and a player like jayen Brunson in my mind he should get a lot more votes than

What Damen Lillard did yeah and he didn’t Damen lard two Market yeah he has Portland guess what both of those markers are smaller than New York City both of those markers are small combine both of those cities it’s small than New York City but that’s just pure that’s

His population but I go same way it’s the it’s kind of like I like out of there but I wonder if it ever does kind of skew it a little new also split it’s not though with 20% of people brought net fan but I’m just I you know when you do the

Votes sometimes it’ll have it for the fan votes it gives you like multipliers like it’ll be like times three times four problem and I I didn’t know like I wish it was a like if you could look and see if there’s a correspondency like Jaylen Brunson went

Off this night yes and so they’re going to start voting this night was times two and Dame’s night was like times three or whatever I’m going with Derek because he does have two markets but over other than just the two markets he is a more popular player in in neutral markets and

In um what’s a neutral what’s somewhere that don’t correlate to just give me a random Place well nobody’s basketball wise Memphis Memphis people who are just basketball fans they probably are more familiar with Damen Lillard and you know Dam if we take the United States or globally basketball NBA fans more of

Them are probably fans of Damen Lillard sure but we’ve o seen like pretty much the opposite of that too I mean two years ago is a perfect example Wiggs made an Allstar starting position based on fan voting he did but he’s really only got one market them Minnesota Tim

People don’t give a damn about him he’s coming from he’s coming from a dominant cultural spot which is the Warriors with the di but even then New York New York City fandom and this is Yankees this is this is I guess Jets New York Knicks they have some of the most dieh hard

Fans in all of all of America they do the one thing Mike pointed to is also a problem I have not not with Nicks fans or New York City fans but just NBA in general because the people in the node when you see that three times multiplier

MH they voting like crazy yeah and it’s so inconsistent that a average NBA fan does not know you have to be really really into fan voting to know that it’s times three today so I’mma vote all of my favorite players because they count as three times more I just I I’m just

Surprised that’s all because New York is never had a talent like this in like this current ERA right we had Melo Melo again was transcended so it doesn’t really count but for a market as big as it is to have that little because we see markets that don’t even have man don’t

Even have really good players to be voting like crazy that’s why that that’s the part of it why I didn’t like cuz I I don’t like the market conversation as far as what Market you at but when I talk about Dame Lillard he does have multiple markets like that’s just that’s

Just is what it is but yeah I don’t think because OKC has produced a lot of All-Star starters MH Kevin Durant Russell Westbrook Paul George Shan now like they’re they’re they’re a small market and they produce they’ve produced more All-Star starters than the Knicks and I don’t know how

Many years the last how many years so um but yeah I just think Damen Lillard is a more popular player um and that’s just what it is I think but I do think the fan vote holds too much weight is right now it said 25% so here here’s the exact

Numbers Jaylen Brunson got 1.4 million votes while Dame got 2.2 so Dame had almost a million more vots that is kind of ridiculous again not saying that Dame doesn’t deserve to be because we we did our ballot you know what my head is at with Dame but I’m just like the

Difference between his market and Dame is crazy I mean he had less votes than Donovan Mitchell he had the same amount of votes as tyres Maxi and Philly’s also a really big Market too and they’re die hard just like New York but it’s just like when

You have a player of his caliber um I’m just s I’m just surprised that’s all I’m surprised he ends up in fifth in I’m surprised man I’m surprised too man CU you ain’t put no votes in you would with that three times that he might be here

I’m a grown ass man I definitely asked y like did y’all do y all Sero today he was like NOP but no he beat him in everything else he was number two among monst of media while Damien Lillard was number five and then he was number three with

The players when Damian lard was number four so it was the difference was the fan voted because they ended up with the their weighted score was exactly the same and I’m not saying this because Jaylen bruss is my guy on my team but even when the wiggin happen like or

When you have somebody popular that’s your man so was like hey Justin Bieber tweet out this so Wiggins did had the K-pop stuff from a couple years ago so is that you know what I mean like people start doing that and it’s just like Anthony a tried to get the barbs yes he

Did um but y’all want to hear some crazy stats from this Fanon aunti Auntie Beyonce from Houston man next we going to get get you we going to get you in as a as a the Beav a the be gonna get him in there Ricky counts to the fourth what teams he play

For come on now Ricky counts to the fourth what teams he play for Philadelphia 76 is Arkansas University he got votes from F from from players players um D Wright got votes from players DJ Davon Mony Bates TD Jerome RJ Hampton these Stephen Adams get votes too uh I’m only like Eastern conference

Right now but maybe Lonzo ball got votes from players yeah it’s a whole article about players that Lon so ball has not suited up in two years seen him the other day was looking flawless by the way so we D need to take away player vote we cuz I remember when they was

Saying limit fan vote impact M yeah cuz I remember when uh who was it Zaza pya was getting a bunch of votes yes with the Warriors yeah and that’s why they did like oh it’s not all fan voting that that that that that’s that’s more unacceptable than the fans fans are

Going to be fans yeah yeah the players player you need ass oh I’m trying to figure play bro early on Austin Reeves was like top 10 in those fan he was above Devon Booker I think mhm yeah and then the fans are like reality hit we

Can’t have it we canot have it who is the worst player out west that got a vote from the players Nate Williams got two votes Nate Williams is on the Rockets yes he is yeah yes he is he got two votes who you think those vot for teammates

Had to be yeah had to be Josh Christopher got fan votes it’s not on NBA team he’s literally his name has no team associated with it so this so yeah it’s kids voting that’s what it is yeah no grown ass person just you voted for Josh Chris you remember his high school

Was his family his family W went to Arizona State [Applause] n

On Numbers On The Board, the squad talk through the NBA All-Star teams and who the winners (and losers) were from the vote.

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  1. The casual fans didn’t vote for Brunson & it has a lot to do with the narrative surrounding the team. The whole “Knicks need a superstar” works against Brunson to the casual fan who may only watch nationally televised games. It implies he’s not really that good. These voters are pretty much kids voting for their favorite/name recognized players. Knicks fans voted for Brunson, the casuals voted for Dame & Trae.

  2. It all stems from the players themselves. Guys like Tyrese Dame and Trae will always get more fan votes because of their flashy playstyle, personalty, etc. The argument that its market based is just not valid. Casual fans are always going to vote these guys because that's who they see constantly. Besides the only thing the "media" talk about when it comes to the Knicks is how they're not good enough and they need a star player blah blah blah. Open your eyes Brunson is literally right there, and he absolutely was snubbed.

  3. Knicks marketing is to blame for not promoting Brunson enough there should of been more in social media for easy access to vote. I had to do a google search to find were to vote. I follow alot of knicks on social media there accounts weren't promoting it. Im actually glad there focus is else where, like winning games and maybe getting rest over the Allstar break. JB did play over the summer which did effect his play early in the season.

  4. The media who has worldwide viewers constantly trashes Jalen Brunson everyday…..but its the fans fault….lol yeah ok

  5. Jalen Brunson has no media presence this ain’t a who playing better thing it’s a popularity contest and it’s always been

  6. All-star votes are not the same thing as all-nba votes, not sure why this is so hard for some people to understand.

  7. Let me help you brother. Most Knicks fans are older people who don’t go on the internet to vote.. We’re from the old school when it used to be ballot box ALLSTAR VOTING. Must young people aren’t Knicks fans like that yet.. Now they’re starting to get to it now

  8. Knicks fans are older. Viting takes too much time and we have more important things to do

  9. No. NYK just are NOT Marketing Brunson enough to the local folks, also, they are on MSG TV, they have been pulled off of local channels hurting their player/team exposure.

  10. first of all, i also think Brunson deserved that first-team all-star position.
    but let's be real, Dame is by far more popular among fans than Brunson (especially casual viewers).
    one reason might be that he had his break-out season just about 2 years ago, while Dame is playing on a high level for at least 9 seasons now.
    it's unfair, i agree.

  11. It wasn't Knicks fans that was the reason Brunson didn't get in. The media is the real problem. ESPN, Stephen A Smith spread a negative propaganda while claiming to be a fan. The national media doesn't show the team in a good light which can alter votes around the country.

  12. Telling you.. I tried to vote for Randle and Brunson and kept getting kicked. Like 7 times on different days. Anyone experience that as well? I'm from The Bronx. Hmmm…

  13. Lillard also got votes from Giannis fans hence he got more than Brunson. E.g. Fans from Greece voted for the 2 Bucks stars….

  14. Brunson deserves it more but It’s an All-Star Game and the fans want to see three’s from the logo which Brunson can’t deliver!

  15. Markets don’t matter anymore. Players can brand and market themselves to billions of people on a multitude of social media platforms from literally any city. So Portland, Milwaukee, or NYC… it doesn’t matter at all from a marketing standpoint. It’s just a matter of what kind of lifestyle the player wants to have more so than anything else

  16. I tried so hard to get knicks fans like me to vote brunson but another disappointing from our team to not advertise to new york this all star starter calibre player.

  17. not everyone in nyc is a knicks fan. you have people from all over the country/world who live there. also Dame is just a more popular player nationally

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