@Charlotte Hornets

Could the Hornets be the biggest trade deadline seller? | The Athletic NBA Show

Could the Hornets be the biggest trade deadline seller? | The Athletic NBA Show

Have you heard any Rumblings of how different to expect this franchise to look next year like are are you as fans anticipating like a new coach or a new GM coming in this summer yeah I mean I think everyone thinks that Mitch and and Cliff are on their way out you know I

Don’t know how much good it does to fire Clifford right now especially if you don’t have like a replacement in mind right I mean especially someone’s not available um yeah coach Bud if he’s available obviously like you can get him in but I think they’re going to write it

Out this season but most people are expecting there to be a lot of turnover um people also have um I guess theorized that Mitch cup might not necessarily leave the organization completely he would just step into a different role but yeah I mean I think there’s gonna be

A new coach new new GM all that type of stuff and I think there’s gonna be turnover in the roster as well I think you know miles Bridges and PJ Washington I there’s something about the fact that like I don’t they’ve played well together but I almost feel like the

Roster construction point of view they need to move off one of those players and bridges is on an expiring so if they are thinking about keeping him you know considering all the uh the drama that comes with that they probably need to trade PJ and I know his name has

Been floated out there a couple times you know just just little things here and there I feel like the whole roster construction needs to be different and I think the owners see that and then it’s going to start with the GM it’s going to start with the coach as

Well and then for Hayward what’s what’s the expectation there do do is the expectation that he’ll be moved bought out like what’s the what’s the Thought right now with with him yeah it’s interesting because him and Lowry are you know expiring contracts $30 million million total yeah yeah and so it’s it’s

Gonna be hard to trade both or buy out both and I think with that new CBA rule too where like these teams that are above the apron can’t sign players that make more than mle which obviously Lowry and Hayward both kind of fit that bill I kind of think that gives more leverage

To Charlotte because you know you could say oh Lowry wants to go to this team well well they’re above the apron let’s we’re going to trade you to some somewhere else same thing with Hayward the problem with Hayward right now and I don’t know if you view this as a good

Thing or a bad thing he hasn’t been playing for the past 15 20 games and does that lessen his trade value or does that protect his trade value I guess you can kind of look at it both ways um there’s been rumors about a buyout but

Don’t think both he and low are going to be bought out I think Lowry is almost like the first priority deal with him if he is in a Hornets uniform after the deadline it’s not because the Hornets didn’t try to trade him uh Hayward on the other hand I’ve gotten indications

That he likes it here in Charlotte he has a family now he has four kids I believe and they they’ve kind of settled here so whether or not you know he gets moved to a contender um I think he will come back to Charlotte to kind of settle

I almost wonder like would he be a guy that would be open to taking a contract obviously lesser than he has now and and being a veteran to Brandon Miller um or does he really really value winning to the point to where he wants out after

This season uh so it’s kind of up in the air I think between Hayward and Lowry but I think Lowry might be the first guy that gets moved before Hayward is even considered and it’s really hard to judge hayward’s value right now just because he’s been out for so long so I don’t

Know how you guys view that if a guy’s been injured is that like hurting his trade value or is it more like I guess his trade value can’t get any worse yeah I mean I don’t think you could get a whole lot for him like we we

Discussed on our show like Davis bton has has a pretty attractive expiring contract and then like the Thunder have young guys on their team that aren’t playing a whole lot like a Trey man doesn’t play a whole lot yeah and so it’s like hey could could we interest

Charlotte in a Trey man with a Davis Berton you know something like that where it’s hey the the Hornets get to try a young player yeah and then you know Hayward gets to be on a team that’s going to be in the playoffs like to me there’s there’s something that makes

Sense there V Sam Vini brought up to me today like the Mavericks as like another possible landing spot um and Grant Williams being a player that goes back to Charlotte which he he said that Charlotte had interest in Grant Williams over the summer so like something like

That I think might make some sense um for both squads if I’m Charlotte I probably just would rather have more expiring money and younger players than have like a long-term because I mean you already talked about it like miles Bridges like having having that problem with Miles Bridges PJ Washington like

Grant Williams is kind of the same kind of like tweener player so I don’t necessarily see a match there but I don’t know I don’t know if either of those like strike you in any way yeah I I’m kind of in the same boat where you

Don’t want the I’d rather have the young asset versus the the money that extends two or three years that’s that’s kind of the Allure of trading Rosier you get that money off the books he was not the best pair with lamelo or in my opinion like they were both productive but like

When you pair them together you know they don’t scare anyone in a postseason series because they don’t play any defense you know Rosier is is you know he can play the point of attack defense but like it’s not it’s not great like they they always Target him late in

Games I just remember this one game in Toronto where Scotty Barnes ran this pick and roll over and over again and it got Rosier onto Barns and every single time it feels like Barnes scored on a drive or a pass so I I think getting off

Rosier um for that young pick I think that’s the way to go that’s why I’m always worried about like the D’Angelo Russell trade to uh the to the Hornets because he’s got that player option next year maybe he maybe he doesn’t want to be in Charlotte and he’ll decline it but

It’s it’s 19 million

The Athletic NBA Show discuss the Charlotte Hornets’ trade deadline plans.


  1. I feel like Charlotte has 3 pieces in place. Lamelo is the offensive engine Miller is the complementary scorer who can evolve his Two way game, and Williams is a walking double double. They need 2 gritty tough defenders to play the 2 and the 4 along side those guys. Maybe a Josh Green or Isiah Stewart.

  2. Hayward and Lowry probably end up as buyouts. But I could see them move Washington and/or Bridges for value.

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