@Minnesota Timberwolves

Anthony Edwards already has as many assists to Rudy Gobert this season as he did the entire season last year.


Still probably not as many overall as we’d all like to see (27 total assist to Rudy so far), but it’s great to see how much his playmaking and synergy with Rudy have improved since last season.

by EsotericPotato


  1. NazReidRules

    His assist % is up quite a bit too overall

    We often want him to do more of that, but he’s improved measurably already.. Except for turnovers I guess

  2. soft-cookie

    Ant has improved more than just about any other player I can remember since he was drafted. Incredible growth playmaking wise and defensively, the sky is truly the limit for him

  3. ANTfanclub

    I know Rudy has bad hands, but this team is terrible at passing to Rudy. Ant almost always passes to him only after playing hero ball, driving in, knowing he is going to be stopped and chucking it at Rudy (which Rudy often drops).

    I don’t think I have seen Jaden pass it to Rudy more than once this season.

    KAT is pretty good at getting Rudy the ball, but even Conley doesn’t pass to him often.

    It is so painful watching us try to play hero ball and/or create plays or shots when our offense is having it slumps, and watching Rudy get open as fuck and seeing them all just ignoring him.

    I can see Finch drafts up the first two or three plays of the game to find Rudy, and Rudy most games get the first points with a slam dunk. Then they transfer to the free flowing offense which has been problematic and totally 100% avoids Rudy.

    Huge fucking props to Rudy for working hard all game long on offense. This dude is boxing out his guy, making himself be open, he is constantly trying to set screens and read the offense so he can back out of the paint when Ant is trying to drive. To be on all game knowing you are the after after after thought, going to ignored 95% of the game and still willing to do all the little things (offensive rebounds, screens, ect.) It’s so fucking impressive.

    But yes, Ant has passed Rudy the ball more this season, but still ignores him way too much. But the whole team is guilty of that.

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