@Toronto Raptors

Gradey Dick And Jordan Nwora SHINE In Loss | Raptors vs Hawks Recap

Gradey Dick And Jordan Nwora SHINE In Loss | Raptors vs Hawks Recap

Wins and lessons folks wins and lessons an underman Toronto Raptors team with no Manuel quickley RJ Barrett or yaka purle started a six-game road trip against the Atlanta Hawks and thanks to a dominant performance from Scotty Barnes and 56 points from their bench they nearly stole a win against Trey young but it

Wasn’t enough last couple of possessions we were right there uh we got the the lead at the end uh it came down to rebounding and the whole game was was about that uh and they got 20 offensive rebounds and uh really converted that uh tonight the Raptors fought hard in this

Game all throughout and really took it to the Hawks thanks to an impressive second quarter from their bench led by jonte Porter Grady dick and Jordan wara jonte finished with 12 points seven rebounds and three assists meanwhile Grady dick in 25 minutes of action poured in 15 points points five rebounds

And three assists making three of his five Threes And War was Sensational putting up a season High 24 points adding in nine rebounds and six assists and knocking down three threes in the process all three of them were amazing off of the bench so much so that in a

Very close fourth quarter wara and Dick were rewarded by being in the closing lineup it’s definitely a long season um these 80 some games and um it’s been a journey you know to this point and um I think through you know coach and just this organization as a whole um their

Faith in me you know through it all and just wanting to you know help me as much as they can learn is um you know you can’t really get there anywhere else I feel like so it’s it’s one of those things that um improves me you know not

Only you know on the court B off the court my work habits and I’m just habits of you know time management in general you know just little things like that where you I’m not doing homework all the time so I’m I’m having to learn what to

Do you know outside of the court and you know when you have people like that 24/7 that help me along the way it um it makes my transition you know on the court easier it’s it’s tough at times being in the situations I’ve been in I’m just staying ready you know since I’ve

Got here all these coaches have been super welcoming I’ve been in the gym working you know endlessly with these guys you know coming in early last one to leave um I know what I’m capable of I think these guys can see it too um I just got to be willing to work and

Listen to what they they they want me to do and uh just just improve every day now this was a really special game from Scotty who was a monster on both ends of the floor he finished with 24 points four rebounds eight assists and two blocks but scored all 24 of his points

On the inside and made countless defensive plays showing off his two-way ability ultimately a few different things plagued the Raptors in this one first of all they had no answers for Trey young who put up 30 points and 12 assists getting into the paint at will and the Raptors point of attack defense

Continues to struggle but it was double the trouble because they didn’t have yakob inside to clean things up leading to Atlanta scoring 32 Second Chance points including the gamewinner by sadique Bay but folks like I said off the top wins and lessons underman the Raptors fought hard they were

Competitive they had some good developmental reps especially dick and wara so let’s break down both of those guys tonight for the film room this was the most comfortable that Grady dick looked all season in a game curling off of two staggered pin Downs nice little

Move to get Patty Mills off of his spot attacks gets to the rim draws the help and a beautiful dump off pass to Bruce Brown for the Finish showing off his versatility not only when it comes to the three-point shot but remember how he was the little things King to start the

Season he’s back at being the little things King but also doing it in a more refined way I just love his awareness off of the ball ball so watch this here he cuts as the ball is coming to his side of the floor so look at him drawing

In the tag which means that jonte Porter has an easy slip to the basket if he wants to jonte is now wide open if they find him instead kick it to Grady Grady is there little side step shot and again great movement but again that opening for jonte was created because Grady cut

Through and that meant that Ana had to spec the shooter and so the roller was wide open that’s just smart basketball from grv same thing showing off his gravity so here Chicago Action he’s coming off of a pin down and then into a dribble handoff with Dennis Schroeder

And watch how the gravity now clears out the empty side for the pick and roll and that is jeante there so it opens up the floor when you can involve a shooter a shooting threat like Grady into these actions someone that you know teams have to respect showing off more of his off

Ball ability here this time a great pass by jeon Porter as well but look at Grady able to cut to the basket back door rise up over top and dunk it as well using his length but also using his ability off of the ball to attack the basket

Something that not a lot of Shooters his age are willing to do and you know they said that he was on a plan a two-e plan strength and conditioning uh clearly his conditioning was great in this game watch him you know outrace everybody on the fast break break you know try to get

Inside then pedals back noticing that there’s a drive and kick situation and then settles into the three-point shot another situation where staggered pins for Grady dick and look how much attention he draws he could kick it to jonte who’s rolling to the basket but instead settles into this jump shot as

He grows as he develops there will be more and more options to come for him because of the gravity that he creates off of these pin Downs little dribble handoff with Scotty Barnes here and he tacks the basket and draws two again Shooters especially at his age do not

Have this welldeveloped ability to attack the basket and now draw fouls this is clearly something that he was working on in the 905 getting those reps to you know be a more on ball presence and hey it is paying off ladies and gentlemen more of that three-point

Shooting ability Jordan War had a great game so you know as they’re spacing the floor great job by the Raptors to have War getting an open shot Patty Mills has to split the difference War recognizes that kicks it to Grady dick wide open Corner three and he Strokes it same

Action here Chicago Action so Pinn down into a dribble handoff for Grady and he uses it nice little hesitation move gets Trey off his spot attacks the basket he misses but again just the ability for a quote unquote shooter to do that is amazing so once again Grady’s off ball

Movement creating for another player watch how he brings Trey young to the weak side and now there’s a pin down for him and look the Hawks respect it Patty Mills tries to jump the pass and instead it creates an opening for Bruce Brown because they don’t want to give Grady

Dick the ball Brown catches it the floater and I just want to kind of give this shout out to Grady great effort on the offensive glass here as well using his size to get on the inside wara connected with Grady on a few of his shots here he is in transition kicking

It in the corner Grady another three from the same side big shot in the fourth quarter I I also like the fact that he’s confident settling into a mid-range jump shot so here he is catches you know gets run off the line attacks the close out settles into the

Mid-range shot that’ll eventually go down just want to highlight a good defensive play in a big moment of the game you know contains bogdon bogdanovich on the drive really really great job and good contest there by Scotty Barnes as well he was dominant on that end for the Raptors so a big

Possession by Grady in general watch how he drags the help over taking away Trey young as the help now it’s Scotty versus Clint capella you know on an island Scotty misses this shot but watch out Grady follows the shot you know tries to get the offensive rebound doesn’t but

The ball fumbles there’s commotion everywhere they still end up getting it to Trey great defense by Jordan wara to pressure Trey here he throws it Grady with the steel and again a great hit ahead pass by Grady in that moment to get the ball to Scotty for the finish

The Raptors lose the game but still ladies and gentlemen Grady dick was a big winner tonight a huge winner I thought this was his best game of his career so far not just because of the three-point shooting he’s had a good three-point shooting night if we remember throwback to very early in the

Season where he shot you know was dominant in the Philadelphia 76ers game forgot who who it was against for a second there but this was his allaround game you saw him put the ball on his on the floor you saw him make a couple of passes that were nice you saw his

Ability to kind of settle into mid-range jump shots or attack a closeout you saw the fact that he can create space for others through his own off ball movement you saw his ability to shoot which is what everybody has been waiting for Grady Dick had was was Sensational the

Surprise here was Jordan wara having a sensational game and before I jump into the highlights I’m not expecting 24 points eight rebounds six assists every single game from Jordan war that would be ridiculous right it would be absolutely asinine of me to assume that’s going to happen all the time but

You kind of want to give him a more a better look now right you want to give him maybe a couple of more minutes a game just to see what else you can kind of get out of him because at the end of the day he was a part of the Pascal

Cakam trade he is a part that might be sticking around maybe even longer than Bruce Brown so you want to give him the opportunity to showcase his skills and tonight with no RJ no IQ he stepped up in a big way and I think there are some

Reasons actually to maybe look at giving him more minutes first of all in his career he has shown a propensity to be able to shoot the ball um he hasn’t been able to do that well this season but just that ability helped him to three threes tonight and I think one of the

Other things is just as off the bounce game so here he is is he gets the he gets Garrison Matthews on an island and is pretty much Relentless in attacking the paint and finishing over him using his size to finish over the smaller Defender here he is pick and roll action

And he uses that to settle into a pull-up jump shot I’m not saying that he’s going to be able to do this stuff all the time because hey that turns into like an All-Star level player but I like the ball handling I like the creation juice and I’m wondering if given a

Specific role hey noira you’re coming off the bench you’re you’re punching in for 10 15 minutes a night could he give you that boost off of the bench I think he might be able to or at least at the very at the very least I would like them

To try speaking of the playmaking juice look at him finding Bruce Brown they reset and a nice little slip here him and brown already have that connection from Indiana but just the ability to make these type of passes that’s special from Jordan wara I also really like this

Just his uh decisiveness in the pick and roll so here he is recognized ing the strong side cut from Scotty Barnes making that pass quickly and Barnes gets the easy Lane again I really liked some of his playmaking chops and ball handling ability in the pick and roll

Using his length in passing Lanes gets the steel here goes all the way almost gets the end one but gets the foul call also war was pretty physical tonight on offense in general and got to the foul line a bunch so that’s another bonus and so ladies and gentlemen if we’re talking

About wins and lessons lessons and wins I thought it was a really really good game for that a good loss as good as losses could potentially be that was definitely one of them no yakob purle you still give up 32 Second Chance points you get dominated on the inside

Right no Emanuel quickley no RJ Barrett who’s going to step up guess what your rookie your 13th overall pick and a salary filler that you just traded for in the Pascal cakam trade in Jordan wara I think that is a big big part of what this next half season will be for the

Raptors is seeing what they can develop out of these players whether it be Grady dick putting the ball on the floor making plays making shots looking more confident you know being in stride I really thought today just he felt like he had more pep in his step and I know

That’s ridiculous to say because like how are you supposed to gauge pep in one step but I do think he looked energized I do think he was playing with an exuberant level of confidence uh and it showed that’s what Grady was doing and for Noir it’s it’s like interesting because you

Can look at this and say aberration game unlikely this is going to happen all the time and you know what for the most part you’d probably be right to expect 24 points eight rebounds and nine and six assists out of him is is you’d be lying

To yourself but I do want to see him get more minutes now him be rewarded and by the way I think Darko rakovich is the type of Coach to reward players like that grd dick finished this game you know grd dick was was great all games so

He finishes this one same thing War same thing with wara he was great in this game he got to finish the game so Darko is going to reward the guys who play hard who are able to you know show up in certain moments and I think there might

Be even a role for noira on this team just as a ball handler guy off the bench who can make some shots maybe be able to play some team defense he showed that tonight yeah there’s going to be some issues even with Grady dick there were some learning curves here there was like

That transition possession leak out pass and he had a wide open layup but he kind of hesitated and it was a block shot and didn’t work out you know there was another situation where he was in transition he went all the way and he

Was like oh [ __ ] I got to throw it out and he you know threw it out and the Raptor still got a point but there’s like learning curves right you got to go through the learning process and the Raptors at least for the next half season are going through a major

Learning process I think that applies to Scotty Barnes who is figuring out his role I think you know early on in this one Scotty was seeing so much help every time he was in the post they sent doubles every time he was you know catching the ball they sent help this is

What he’s going to have to deal with now as the number one option for this team these are the building blocks the Stepping Stones if you will to whatever the next iteration of this Toronto Raptors team will be it’s hey can Grady turn into a starter level shooting guard

Or small forward for us games like this show maybe in a couple years he can be um can Jordan Noir can we get a rotation player out of Jordan Noir that would be pretty incredible right for a guy who was supposed to be salary filler in a

Trade getting a guy to become a rotation player consistently for you that would be huge I’m not going to bet on that but I think I’m more confident in the dick situation not as much in the AA situation but still you you can you can take solace in the fact that they’re at

Least trying that and with Scotty I think the big thing with Scotty is going to just be how aggressive he’s going to be in looking for his own shot I thought tonight he was incredible at looking for his own shot he did a great job of attacking the paint being relentless on

The inside and you want to see him continue to do that he didn’t take a three today I don’t think I I have to double check but I’m pretty sure he did not attempt the three-point shot not to say that’s the way he should play but it

Also goes to show you what his you know I guess point of emphasis was going into this game that he needed to be aggressive he needed to get his points on the inside and he did and so The evolutionary process for all of these players right now it’s exciting to

See hopefully IQ and RJ will be healthy and ready to go soon as well because I’d like to see this team in full strength I know they’re probably not going to be a very good team but I would still like to see them in full strength one because we

Got to see what we’re working with here especially with yakob back it just feels like they are missing so much of their defensive prowess just because they don’t have someone at the back cleaning things up uh and so yeah I just want to see them healthy at this point ladies

And gentlemen and maybe we will see them healthy for the next game thank you very much for tapping in if you are interested tap in And subscribe to Raptors Republic they do great work I’m sure Samson is doing his live podcast right now and yeah everybody else does

Great work and podcasts on Raptor’s Republic as well tap in dive into those we have the ravoli live show coming up trade deadline show that should be a lot of fun I’m going to be speaking and uh yes ladies and gentlemen thank you so much I will see you for the next recap

Have a good one and yes wins and lessons take care

Wins and Lessons. The Raptors were undermanned to start their six game road trip and fought valiantly against the Atlanta Hawks, with their bench combining for 50+ points including Jordan Nwora and Gradey Dick who combined for 40 points and Scottie Barnes had a dominant outing in a narrow Raptors loss in Atlanta.

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  1. Love the positive outlook even in a loss. We'll need a lot of this in the next couple of years :). Do you think Dick is doing enough with the bigger role given to him to justify not giving up on him just yet? Thanks for the video!

  2. I’ve had my eye on Nwora for a long time. Ever since he dropped Armani Brooks, I’ve watched and noticed he has serious game. I think being a Bucks draft pick is really telling. They need to be particular in their selections with their limited draft capital. I think he gives us what we were looking to develop in Ron Harper Jr almost to the tee. Size, ball handling, off the dribble shooting, perimeter defense, and only two years older. I think he gets the backup forward spot AND we resign him this off-season. No doubt.

  3. Great stuff, Es. I'm happy to pay RR some of my hard earned dollars if you and Samson and Louis, etc are gonna provide so much premium content. Yes, the watchword this season is development. But I remember thinking the same in Tampa, and being really impressed with the performance of Malachi and Jalen Harris in a hard-fought late season game against the healthy Mavs (who themselves were trying to avoid the play-in). We eventually lost that game, but I was so happy because I thought the future was in good hands with those two. LOL!

    Point being, it's only one game. But …. I'm still optimistic that these performances from Dick and Nwora indicate that Raps aren't going to spend forever in NBA Purgatory, a la the Pistons or Hornets. We've got a solid young core, and a potential superstar. We're not re-building from scratch.

  4. Ok I get the "wins and lessons" is tongue-in-cheek but it's still super cringe. We can stop with that now.

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