@Utah Jazz

POSTCAST – Road weary Utah Jazz get blown out by Brooklyn Nets in Ben Simmons return

POSTCAST – Road weary Utah Jazz get blown out by Brooklyn Nets in Ben Simmons return

A road weary Utah Jazz lacked focus and discipline early and that ended this one before it really gots started Brooklyn blows out the Utah Jazz Ron Boon and I are talking about it next on postcast you are locked on Jazz your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz part of

The locked on podcast Network your team every Day David lock along with Ron Boone as we bring you postcast tonight as the Utah Jazz just got worked early by the Brooklyn Nets they allowed 43 points in the first quarter 71 in the first half trailed by 14 knocked on the door a little bit you thought they might make a

Run got it down to 10 there was a huge two-play sequence actually where Simone fonio went at Mel Bridges one-on-one Bridge is a great defender the Jazz did not get the stop or the Jazz did not get the bucket they ran the other way Bridges put a shoulder into Lowry got

The whistle and finished I’m not saying Simone should got in the whistle I’m just saying that’s how it happened and the Jaz instead of being within eight the Jazz are down 13 and then it really just like let go of the rope from that point on and they got blown out final

Score 147 to 114 yeah I thought it was two consecutive plays in a row where they ended up um uh scoring one on a lob there I think was the Clon on the other end that all of a sudden you go from 8 down to 13 before you know it they back

Down 15 and the jazz is not very good tonight anyway at playing uphill yeah and then it got a little ridiculous then it became like a little bit of a feast at the rim and and alleyoop after alleyoop and Showtime after show we ball games like that as well yeah right no we

We we did the last two games playing Charlotte and Washington we certainly did do that so uh the Jazz you know the the you know do you worry about this one or not I think it’s a road weary team um been out for a long time um and and that

Was somewhat represented how they played I I will say this the one thing that is I think a little disconcerting or and it’s not an issue tonight so the Jazz allow the most transition of any team in the NBA like that’s not great that’s not like transition is the best way to score

And the Jazz to allow the most transition of anyone in the NBA so I think that that um I I do think that that you know if you want to find something you want to you know if you’re if you’re one who wants to claw into something and say well this is

Concerning me yeah 43 points in the first quarter a lack of physical presence defensively they got out and ran and then what Ben Simmons did to them in his ability to play transition the Jazz really had absolutely no answer had no answer and he just made them it’s

Like he settled a team down that runs and play ISO uh and and they do a pretty good job at especially uh Thomas the way he’s been shooting the basketball didn’t witty wasn’t a factor tonight it might be a different story in the next ball game he might be more involved but you

Know they have some players some Wing players anywhere that can shoot the basketball but you’re absolutely right you said this during the broadcast um if Simmons can play what do you think 60% 70% of the ball games going forward that’s left they could they could probably move up in the standing yeah I

Mean he he dramatically changes who they are as a team um one it gives them they don’t you know they with drawn sharp out they don’t have a backup center they were playing Roy O’Neal as a backup Center in Houston well now you got a 610

Guy who can play as the backup center who also then plays point guard that’s a real matchup problem for the other team it’s a huge matchup problem I mean Jazz trying to play The Zone with with that with that um that lineup out there on the Flor

Tonight and it just didn’t work yeah Ben Simmons is the story of the night here 12 points um he ends up with eight rebounds 11 assists plus 27 in 18 minutes tonight in his first seventh Game of the Year first game back since the first six been out for months

Hasn’t practiced with the team uh had a run with their Long Island g-league team um but that’s that’s really the story and he did he changed the game like when he came in in the first half matching the Jazz bench they they was on a 10 something run almost right away yeah

Looking at a guy that doesn’t look to pass I mean shoot looks to pass um smart player can play around the rim as SM as layups and and use both hands I think very effectively uh at The Rim that makes him such a a valuable asset to

When you can put four other guys out there on the floor that can flat out shoot the basketball and I think that’s what you’re going to see going forward with this team now he doesn’t slow him down either as far as pushing the ball or racing the ball up the floor no he

Probably does the opposite probably speeds him up a little bit um all right so from a jazz standpoint what was obvious to us in the first half was every time a jazz player drove hand swiping at the ball ball getting knocked away no room no space what to talk with

Chad forer Jazz assistant at halftime and his comment was we have terrible spacing we’re not setting picks and so you know we’re trying to set some off ball picks but they’re they’re defend they we’re not setting them so then and we’re not space so therefore yeah they got hands on everything because we’re

Not doing what we need to do to create that Advantage for us swiping at the basketball something you’re taught not to do especially swiping down I mean if anything they teach you to swipe up on the ball and and you know sometimes the ball is just that guys are driving and

And they put it very low to the floor you can’t do it but these guys swiping down at the basketball something you’re taught not to do growing up as a team and it would you know they’re not a high turnover team I mentioned that in the broadcast it was strange that they were

Getting this many like deflections and hand the ball and all these things because we’re they’re not a particularly good turnover team which kind of accentuates the point Chad forer made that like if this is a team that doesn’t force a lot of turnovers and we’re that active with their hands and getting that

Then then we really weren’t spaced correctly and that kind of counts to the what I would call is the mental fatigue that you saw out of the jazz tonight we we just saw a lot of what I would call giveaway plays and and we just didn’t see a team that was

Particularly you know you’re you’re out here think you’re ready to go you’re trying to do everything you can to prep yourself for it but when it gets out you know we’ve been out we left Friday um of La of two weeks ago it’s it’s getting lengthy everyone let’s talk about their

Defense here for a minute because I watched a segment today uh with the Clippers and how they’ve changed their defense and how Harden is playing defense and and the rotation of and knowing where they go with when the ball is in a certain position and closing out

I think this team with the type players they have especially with Ben Simmons on the floor they can play that way and with doing that that creates uh a lot of shots that are being challenged on the on the perimeter and keeps you from getting to the basket that often yeah I

Think that’s no that’s a really really good point I mean I think that Um yeah I don’t know I mean yeah good point I’ll just give you how about I just give you a KN of good point okay thank you to that but but I I just think they could be very effective that way with with the type of team that they

Have because they have guys that are all pretty much the same height you know and Wing players uh I mean they’re a very similar team to us they just have not played well recently right they’ve lost 17 of 22 coming in where we had won 17

Of 24 so it was just kind of two teams going the opposite side it was a lot of talk pregame of confidence and they gained the confidence early in this game um one note that just came B you got to turn Ben Simmons into a shooter but

There’s no way to really do that so many teams been trying to do if you decide you’re GNA make Ben Simmons a shooting and lay off him he just drives into the paint and at some some point you have to stop him in in some capacity and it may

Take more than one guy at that point so it’s it’s coaches a very smart in this league and and they’ve been trying to do it throughout his career I mean especially here in the last five years and uh you saw that in in Philadelphia uh he’s just he’s not going to take

Those shots I mean but he’ll beat you around the rim you he just beats you in other ways I mean his strength is not shooting the basketball I mean he just didn’t make it to the NBA because he’s a great shooter so I totally agree turn

Him into a shooter but who can do it let’s go back to your open round we talked about the Jazz and the offense and how well they were playing and all the things they were doing and let’s go back to you said hey this really comes down to Lowry Markin and Colin Saxon

Been brilliant they’re both shooting 51% from the floor they’re both shooting 42% from three Lowry was averaging 24 Collins averaging 22 the Jazz offense came in as the number one offense in the NBA last 10 well neither had a good night tonight Lowry was four of 12 and

Colin was one of 10 that’s the first time we’ve seen Colin really struggling along long time yeah it really was every time he drove to the basket it was a couple of guys around him this is the first night also where he did not shoot over tall Defenders so in other words he

Was 61 tonight away from the basket and he was 61 at The Rim there as well because usually he has pretty good success I think as getting some of those shots off just not a good night for him L marinan didn’t have a good night there

As well his shooting only four for 12 and what did he have 20 about 27 minutes he made up with nine rebounds at but not one of his better nights all right we got to Star this one up after the Jazz get blown out one uh 147 to 114 and

Where um the Jazz were led by 21 from Keon Clarkson had 13 Off the Bench Walker was very aggressive early actually I thought was playing about his best game of the year at 11 John Collins 15 Lowry 13 um from a scoring standpoint Colin had seven assists to his credit

Nine rebounds for Lowry seven rebounds for John and Walker had seven rebounds in 19 minutes um what do you got rambon well I’d have keante for sure he made some nice plays tonight that drive had a both drive on the right side lane and the left side lane both off contact both

Finishing he he showed some nice things tonight he really showed some good things and um oh boy Walter Kesler I thought Walker played really well in his minutes this was a tough night for him I didn’t know you know like I mean Claxton had a pretty good night Lonnie Walker got on

Him once um but I I thought I thought Walker kler had aggressiveness to him tonight that we haven’t seen a little the sad thing about about you know you see Walker Kessler getting dunked on you know sometimes but that’s because he’s has to help out with guys that are

Getting beat off the dribble and he gets caught you know and but he blocks more than he gets then he gets dunked on but um Lacy would like to give me a star for my abstract expressionist discussion Jackson thanks for agreeing with him Lacy

Okay you can have this I me I went to MoMA today and I just integrated to the broadcast and I went to the Whitney yesterday and in I mean hey hey okay David we’re gonna give you a double star huh oh I got a double star lack of stars

To get out tonight thank you very much for tuning in this has been postcast we’ll be back with you from the garden tomorrow I think we’ll do postcast tomorrow night but honestly that broadcast site sucks so bad there’s a chance we might not be able to do

Postcast tomor so far up and it takes forever to get up there and takes forever to get back it’s just the worst and it’s good you know it’s so in it’s nice because it’s the worst in the league because I mean I’m sure the league offices are really far away so

They would never ever oh never mind have a good night hey we lost by 30 let me have a cheap shot to close the broadcast see you

the Utah Jazz came to Brooklyn on a 2 game road winning streak but the return of Ben Simmons dominated the night and the Jazz were never able to overcome a 43 point first quarter from the Nets.

David Locke and Ron Boone bring you POSTCAST live after every Jazz game


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