@Miami Heat

Tyler Herro Defensive Highlights

Tyler Herro Defensive Highlights

by JustiseRainsFrmAbove


  1. HerroicDunc

    Can we also get Bam’s offensive highlights in this game?

  2. Therowdyv

    Good thing he wiped his shoes off for all that traction to guard air

  3. Ethangains07

    I’m getting so tired of watching Herro. Consistently inconsistent and bad defense. He’s not a championship piece. He has the ball too much.

  4. he just is a useless player if his jumper isnt falling. im sorry. not saying its entirely his fault but i just dont see the fit. everyone is not playing up to par but you’re not trading jimmy or bam, herro is the odd man out and always has been

  5. OrganizationFar6086

    Herro might have the worst instincts I’ve ever seen when it comes to switching and helping. Whenever a switch comes, he’s late recovering almost every time, and struggles to even understand who he’s supposed to get to. When it comes to help defense, for some unknown reason, he’ll help off his own man when his teammate has the ball handler controlled. Like he will leave a lethal 3 point shooter to help Bam who has Bruce Brown bottled up. It’s like he’s trying to help the other team out

  6. Feel like Herro was a more productive contributor when he didn’t actually need the ball in his hands so much, now he just takes touches from Jimmy and Bam but can’t finish reliably so it’s usually some fading middy if he crosses the three point line. Just not really good for the offense.

  7. Perfect-Parsley-5665

    What makes this worse is Eric Gordon is a 40% 3-pt shooter. He’s the last guy you want to leave open on the perimeter.

  8. Gavster1221

    Some fans here would DESTROY a guy like Harden for doing something like this but acting like stuff like this cant be pointed out with our own players smh.

  9. --hauntedrapper--

    The type of effort that really galvanizes a team when it’s struggling!

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