@Dallas Mavericks

Luka and THJ mad at Kidd for not calling a timeout, couldnt get his hands out of the pockets in time?

Luka and THJ mad at Kidd for not calling a timeout, couldnt get his hands out of the pockets in time?

by DL-77


  1. I’ve hit my breaking point with Kidd. He’s a barrier for this team

  2. Tim should have called timeout there. Just scream it, Ref is there.

  3. edmarcake

    Up 3 and Orlando is + 4.5 in betting sites. Maybe Kidd is gambling? Lol

  4. ProperLunch9

    Good. Good. Let the anger flow and get Kidd fired!

  5. Historical_Chip_2706

    Only reason he was animated tonight is because he’ll always be compared to Mosley and if we should have hired him (which we should have).

  6. whitefang0824

    One of few things he needs to do and he can’t even do it.

  7. Acework23

    He is just watching like the rest of us don’t bully him /s

  8. Boring_Bill2430

    Honestly the crazy thing is seeing so many Mavs fans on here continue to defend him.

    Kidd very nearly lost us the game tonight with his appalling asleep at the wheel moment. If he has any coaching talent beyond the amorphous “connects well with players as a former star player himself,” he should have shown it by now.

    What I have observed for years now suggests he is not a good tactician and frequently mismanages our lineups and rotations. And that isn’t even addressing his low-key demeanor and total lack of energy, which I think is a terrible fit for a roster led by the most emotional superstar in the NBA.

    Luka was more of a head coach than Kidd was during those last 2 minutes. It is completely unacceptable.

  9. SpecificBeneficial31

    He got his hands in his pockets. Can’t call time out.

  10. I was screaming at Kidd during this play, couldn’t believe he didn’t call a timeout.

  11. Luka is super pissed
    You wanna be the second best player on the court but are so streaky too often
    You’re a vet. You should have called a timeout if you were going to take an extra step and travel

  12. jennyisafriend

    They’re screaming at the ref. Kidd is all the way at the top. Y’all will always try to bring this man down and he will continue to inspire and thrive. Love J Kidd. 🐐

  13. 10 games into the season I made a post about how trash Kidd is as a coach but I got downvoted to hell.

    Nothing has changed.

  14. Looks like Luka and Cuban are both right there thinking WTF Midd? Maybe we just saw the moment they both realized it’s actually time to move on

  15. Nico_Simon

    Can you guys leave Kidd alone. He’s trying to watch the game just like us. Lol

  16. xzerozeroninex

    That’s on THJ,he could had called the timeout himself,fished for a foul or pass to Luka.

  17. PussyCharlatan

    Kidd’s fault yes, but also Tim’s for not even trying to advance the ball. Dude just expected to take free throws and got stuck when they didn’t foul. Again, good player when he’s hot, but always a poor decision maker

  18. NoWayNotThisAgain

    Do you guys not realize that either Tim or Luka can call a time out? They don’t need Kidd to do that.

  19. 3pointerSLO

    THJ or Kidd should take a time-out. That was plain stupid.

  20. Dirks_Knee

    Not exaggerating when I say that was the worst coaching mistake I’ve ever seen, literally something any elementary school coach learns real quick. Incredibly embarrassing to the franchise and totally disrespectful to the team to be that disconnected from what is happening on the floor.

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