@Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Suns vs Miami Heat Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 29 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Phoenix Suns vs Miami Heat Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 29 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Maybe the best thing that I get to say I mean it’s no secret but soon to be a member fittingly of the son’s Ring of Honor can’t wait can’t wait it’s going to be exciting night I’m so excited about it and how does that mean because

Of the years that you had in Phoenix well I mean all the years I had in Phoenix being a high school player drafted to Phoenix and then winning R the other year and just trying to propel as my career went on and the embracement that I got from the fans and the

Organization throughout those years was remarkable so uh it’s it’s going to be a great time to be able to celebrate with the fans back in Phoenix nice loose ball activity there Eric Gordon on the scoop and score had the opportunity to play with a pretty good guard absolutely absolutely absolutely playing

With Steve started out started out with a with Penny harder way and Steph Marberry and then moving on to Steve and and Shan Maron and Joe Johnson uh it was definitely a great nucleus of players we had throughout those years you know you look at the nucleus

That you had stat and then of course Mike Danton comes along and unfurls this brand new system that took the NBA by storm 7 seconds or less and and really you know so much was made about the pace and the three-point shooting which you know nowadays they you know what you

Guys attempted in a game gets attempted in a quarter in terms of three-point shooting system set you up in ways that I think people really couldn’t have foreseen at the time in terms of the spacing for the floor for you yeah you know when you got Shooters around and a

Point guard that distribute the ball the way Steve did it allowed every every player to really be able to reach their full potential right and I think when Mike Antonio first came on board he wanted me to move to the five position and I was I wasn’t really you know I was

245 I wasn’t like a 7 foot you know 300 lb Center at that time right and so it was a little rebuttal there but after I bought him to it and then we started to play and SE went to the for um that opened the game up the speed

Athleticism uh we with us being taking pridey coming up early March and you were saying the phone’s been ringing you got a lot of people looking forward to coming out family friends loved ones they all calling how can I get out can I get tickets how can I celebrate with you

It’s going to be a great festive festive night so what have you been doing lately to keep yourself busy besides being an Uber driver right exactly for your kids exactly right that’s exactly what I am now I’m I’m the children’s Uber driver fulltime staff member of the uh Uber

Company uh but yeah no I’ve been I’ve been able to really spend a lot of time with them uh getting them active my daughter’s in college now my kids are playing varsity basketball my youngest guys playing baseball and just being involved playing 18 years of back pro

Basketball we travel so much and we await a lot of the time so I take the time to get back with them and spend time with them you know and for you as as a parent Mari you know you’re seeing it from a different lens now from when you were

Playing what kind of role have have you tried to take as a parent in terms of you know getting them to understand like when you commit to something what that commitment means and and and failure is part of eventually getting success absolutely absolutely and that and

That’s the key of it all being able to articulate their ups and downs throughout their young you know careers you know whether whatever sport I would celebrate that as much as I do or did some of the the big accomplishments in life it’s the little things the little

Things add up that that makes a pan proud so I’m glad I’m able to spend that time and enjoy those moments with them well and they’ve had to adjust I mean you grew up in Phoenix like you said you went to high school there and then you

Not only played in Phoenix but then you went to New York and then in Florida so how have they adjusted to all the the moves yeah I mean my children were born in in in Phoenix three of my four was born in Phoenix and they moved to New

York and experienced team since we’ve gotten healthy with the big three but just give me your assessment as a guy who played at such an elite level well I think the team is well constructed right you have you have every piece you need um it’s a matter of now building the

Chemistry and being able to now get everyone his shooting percentage unreal yeah the efficiency with which he shoots the rock withd is pretty ridiculous we were talking during break and and kind of laughing about your your 50 pieces Amari yeah yeah I mean it’s not even

Comparable to to what dbook is doing but yeah I mean I scored 50 against the uh the Trailblazers I had 51 against the Pacers then at the end of the game they took the two away and said it was a tap in by I think it was Boris di so but no

Devon is on a on on a major tear right now break down his game a little bit well see Deon is is is well balanced right he’s poised and I I said this before he’s one of the most poor players I’ve seen so young right when he first

Came into the NBA he was very under control and that’s a lot that’s a tactic that a lot of players don’t have when they first get started and to have that early he’s able to now expand his game even more and see the game slow down for him and he’s he’s equipped offensively

Whether it’s the pull-up game off the dribble get into the basket the three-point pull-ups he has all the intangibles for a great offensive player and then you look at KD what’s similar what’s different KD’s alien this guy’s not from this planet he’s not I’m not

Sure where he’s from man he was on a Space Jam movie or something from like he’s he’s out of control this guy 7even foot can shoot the ball from anywhere on the basketball court I watched him train when I coach the Nets those two years and the way he approached his workouts

Are are the same tempo and speed as he does in the games before practice and before a game right and that’s that’s signs of of great players when you know that when you’re practicing that game Speed the game becomes much easier for you you’ve done this routine over and

Over again where this the shot that seems tough for the average fan is an easy makeable shot for Kevin Durant cuz he trains with that speed every time there’s Tyler her on the drive and then a Bo a very delayed whistle we’re just getting started and there so much to

Learn and for me out of high school I had no idea what how much learning took place you know or needed to take place and I was able to just somewhat soak up all the Strategic details my teammates were giving me my coaching staff were giving me and even the organization for

Far as off the court information that was helpful and I think Deon book is doing the exact same thing Durant on the drive sent to the deck no whistle Here Comes Butler runs the floor won’t get it ner clears but I think they’re going to get him for basket so I

Mean internationally I a I took advantage of that when I played over there uh and I was able to get blocks and rebounds in that space But I think we have we have so so many great athletes in the NBA where it just would be too much of an advantage for those

Guys I I don’t think it’ll change J gets a corner look and connects on a three-point hit oh the sun’s bench we said an he needed to step up and they certainly have 26 to8 bench Advantage for Phoenix nice close out defense there by nerk hakz bottled up on the Baseline out

Of Bio air Ms the Baseline [Applause] jumper Al on the crossover he gets grabbed and fouled as a former teammates both from from the Suns and from around the league well I speak to a lot of guys I I still I still speak to Steve Sean Joe Johnson uh Q rich I still see these

Guys around uh even on this team with book and Kevin Durant um so and a lot of guys around the league I keep in touch with just checking in every now and then see how everything’s going with their families but uh it’s it’s a fraternity you know everyone knows each other and

We all are friends at the end of the day right can you talk about clearance how about the coaches that you’ve had the coaches I I haven’t kept in touch with a lot of the coaches I mean I have seen uh a few of my coaches throughout you know summer

League or throughout spaces around basketball and sports that haven’t been able to really reach out to them and speak to them personally game even starts so the preparation starts before the game starts what was your preparation I was a similar guy I would do my my my warm-ups

Which would be single leg like balancing reach and Tube walking to activate the glutes in the legs and then not going into a little bit of core workor so you’re able to be there on the block shot perfect timing good play well and we talked about his his scoring numbers of late

But he would give half those points for back-to- back wins as Eric Gordon dials it up from long range through Eubanks doing a tremendous job on the glass Gordon sees an opening inside left hand finish for each

Phoenix Suns vs Miami Heat Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 29 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


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