@Los Angeles Clippers

Post Game Reaction To Boston Celtics Vs Los Angeles Clippers

Post Game Reaction To Boston Celtics Vs Los Angeles Clippers

What’s going on everybody I hope everyone is doing well and I don’t even know if I should say that because I know this fan base isn’t doing well I know how we react after a loss that being said the Celtics absolutely get blasted on their home court tonight by the Los

Angeles Clippers the final score being 115 to 96 and honestly the score doesn’t even make it look as bad as it actually was so that that’s saying something but before we get into the game I have to say something if you’re one of those fans after these types of losses where

You know you think the are frauds or we can’t win with Missoula or the Jays are the problem or we shoot too many threes I mean this probably isn’t the post game for you because that’s not the direction I’m going to go in to start off I got to

Give a lot of credit to this Los Angeles Clippers team you know I try to watch as much basketball as I can throughout the year and I’ve watched this Clippers team a lot in the past 30 games or so and this is one of the best performances

I’ve seen by then but also just one of the best NBA performances in general from a team on the defensive end of the floor the Clippers were just phenomenal tonight the Celtics couldn’t get anything going they couldn’t get out in transition they couldn’t make deep drives into the paint they couldn’t get

To their post-ups they couldn’t hit threes they couldn’t crash the glass nothing was working for the Celtics team tonight and it wasn’t just by luck the Clippers they’re just the most compatible matchup for this Celtics team they’re all lanky they’re all big bodied they’re all versatile and on the

Offensive end this team is just a fluid unit the addition of James Harden that a lot of people question including myself has done wonders you have James there at the point of attack doing all the dealing which allows Kawai and PG to do what they’re best at they get to their

Spots they score they’re the secondary Playmakers now and what else comes along with the James Harden addition that makes this Clippers team even more Dynamic offensively and something the Celtics had a lot of trouble with tonight is the pick and roll James Harden is a pick and roll Maestro and we

See what he does for the average big right Clint capella in Houston now Mason plumbley and former Celtic Daniel Ty Harden is just able to get the best out of that standard average big we saw that tonight plumbley finished with 8- s Daniel tit Off the Bench 18-7 and moving

On to the Celtics I don’t even know exactly what to say everybody was just awful from top to bottom tonight but I think the main topic of conversation after this game revolves around Missoula in quote unquote Missoula ball there’s this narrative within the Celtics fan base within the media within the

National media that’s like the Celtics shoot too many threes they need to get to the rim more they need to diversify their offensive attack and last year this narrative was true last season this narrative was true this year it’s simply not true just look at the numbers they

Do get to the RIMM they do post up more and we have seen them diversify their offensive attack you know a good stat for that is they’re above 500 when shooting less than League average from three this year and last year they weren’t above 500 they were like 9 and

13 but the reason I bring this up is because at halftime you saw a lot of people complaining that they were shooting too many threes when the threes weren’t falling but that simply just wasn’t the case if you looked at the shot chart they just shot one less shot

In the paint compared to the three-point Arc and by the end of the game it was five less shots in the paint compared to the three-point Arc it’s just an invalid argument against Missoula and it’s mind-boggling that National media people that cover the sport for a living don’t

Know for the past however many years now 2015 so close to 10 years now that the best offenses in the league shoot more threes than they do get to the rim and again it’s just not true when it comes to this year’s Celtics team we’ve seen

Them win in a bunch of different ways and tonight you know okay you didn’t like the am threes that they shot but they were missing christops porzingis who you know is one of the best post up players in the game someone who’s probably an important weapon against the

Clippers team that’s really all there is to say about this game you know the Celtics got smacked good teams get smacked every now and then it happened to the Bucks this year it happened to Denver it happened to the Clippers it happened to Minnesota OKC every team goes through terrible losses and it’s

Not like it was against a bad team this Clippers team is really good they’re legit contenders if every one stays healthy so I don’t think it’s a cause for concern we’re going to see going forward what this next little you know home stretch looks like six more games

Left in this home stretch they face the Pelicans the Pacers the Lakers the Grizzlies Atlanta the Wizards so it eases up there on the back end but anyways guys the Celtics fall tonight they are now 35 and 11 on the season they fall from the first team in the NBA

To the first team in the NBA that’s why I don’t see there need to be a huge cause for concern you know still the number one seed but I’m going to wrap it up right there if you enjoyed this video please like comment subscribe it’s the

Best and easiest way to support I’m here after every single subx game even the terrible losses I will talk to you guys Monday January 29th New Orleans Pelicans peace

The Boston Celtics get routed on their home court tonight by the Los Angeles clippers the final score being 115-96. The Boston Celtics still have the NBAs best record sitting at 35-11.

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