@Portland Trail Blazers

Portland Trail Blazers vs Philadelphia 76ers Recap | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

Portland Trail Blazers vs Philadelphia 76ers Recap | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

Got stre e got all it’s he got the stre what’s going on everybody Welcome in to the Blazers ESS postgame show this was quite a result for the Blazers Tonight Eric as they not only win they absolutely destroy the Philadelphia 76ers by final score of 130

To 104 biggest win of the Season tonight for the Portland Trailblazers as they put yes yesterday behind them and they win on the second night of a back toback for the sixth time this year they are six and3 on the second night of back-to-backs Eric if only every game

Could be the second night of a back toback this team would be really really good and battling for homec court advantage in the west I don’t know I don’t know what it is we second nights of back Tob backs but today man like they first quarter and a half looked a

Lot like last night and then all of a sudden they started running some of the best off Ball action offensively I’ve seen this enti entire season so we have some really good things to talk about and a couple of points to make in tonight’s postgame show presented by

Mantis sleep mask Eric man so uh what’s your initial reaction like was this the best game of the of the year for the Blazers what do you think um I don’t know about best game but it certainly was up there with uh some of the best they’ve played at least um for the

Second and third quarters I thought uh um man they came out absolutely flat looked like they didn’t want to be in the gym everyone except for DeAndre Aton I have to give Aon credit right off the bat I felt like he was the only one really trying and give an effort right

At the beginning of this game and uh I I thought he kind of helped navigate that early rough stretch and uh you know we get down eight after one uh but from there I I I felt like pretty much everything went right for the Blazers and uh yeah little did we

Know Tori if you played with a little bit of pace and moved the ball and stuff like that and and did a few things differently on defense um things could work out a little better yeah it’s funny how that works man like I was told this team was

Incapable of playing the basketball that they played their second half of the second quarter onwards cuz they moved the ball well they moved off ball well 29 assists in this game on 46 shots that is uh almost two-thirds of their shots it’s not the most impressive assist

Number but if you watch this game man my goodness look what happens when you move the ball look what happens when you actually run ant off the ball and you have DeAndre Aton rolling strong off not only on ball screens not only pick and rolls but also off ball screens

Screening away and slipping those screens and being a lob Target using his athleticism man this is this game more than any game this season in my opinion shows why I’ve been critical of the coaching because this is how this team should be playing and yes I know the

Opponent wasn’t strong tonight but the Blazers have lost games the Blazers have been blown out at home in games against similar lineups with teams with similar injuries the Utah Jazz blew up the Blazers missing a bunch of guys earlier in the year a bunch of their best

Players and this game just simply to me goes back to style of play especially offensively 130 points on the board it’s not like Philadelphia was running out poor Defenders Eric they were playing Pat Bev Paul Reed Nick Batum right wasn’t the strongest defensive lineup but this offense from about halfway

Through the second quarter through the rest of the third quarter that was the best offensive stretch I’ve seen this team have not because they just made shots right they were 12 for 28 from three four of those threes were late with tamman hitting one and Scoot hitting three right it wasn’t just oh

They got hot from three and made some tough three-point shots they were getting great shots every time down the floor because they were moving the ball and they were running stuff off the ball it’s all I’ve been asking for all season long that on top of DeAndre Aton playing

Strong and going to the freaking rim and dunking the ball and look what happens it’s a 26-point win it’s the biggest win of the Season yep and it’s it’s kind of I mean I I don’t think frustrating is the right word but Lamar even said it during the broadcast when they brought

Up the record on backto backs um and Lamar says they play better when they just go out and play and to me that that’s not necessarily a good thing right that means I don’t know if you’re being over coached or not coached well enough or whatever but to me that shows

That if if they if they play better without like a locked in game planing and stuff like that like something is just not being translated right um and and then once again here’s a really nice game um you know when they didn’t have a lot of time to prepare for a team you

Know so I I mean I don’t know because they didn’t start the game off this well either um and I thought uh you know was only a three-point game at Halftime and they blew it open in the third quarter um and I I think Chanty did actually

Change a few things up um like well it started in the second quarter but defensively I thought in the third quarter they actually uh it wasn’t like big changes or whatever but they did change a little bit of like who was guarding who and what their like responsibilities were and things like

That and just those little tweaks uh made a huge difference yeah and I’ve always believed that when you share the ball offensively you play off each other offensively you’re going to have guys give more consistent effort defensively if you consistently freeze guys out to where they’re just standing around watching

One or two guys go oneon-one for an entire possession they’re probably not going to play with the same level of energy defensively and it’s it I feel like there’s a little bit of a psychological aspect to that where if you’re standing still for 20 seconds watching the offense do literally

Nothing it’s a little bit more difficult to go back on the defensive end and hustle your ass off and there’s also the emotional element of it where you don’t even feel involved in the game on one half of the floor and I feel like the Blazers when they get ISO heavy it also

Tends to affect their defense The energy they played with in the third quarter was phenomenal and it coincided with them moving the ball maybe the best they have for a stretch their second half of second quarter onto the third quarter and it it wasn’t just them going out

There and playing though which you know that comment is interesting but it wasn’t just that because how many times do we see Aon just screen away and it’s funny because it’s basic stuff but it’s stuff we haven’t done all year yeah how like Aon got a couple of lobs off of screening

Away and the Blazers effectively used ants gravity off the ball to get eight in a lob that’s Golden State Prime Golden State stuff you know what I mean that’s the stuff we’ve been asked for the Blazers have some of the best talent coming off SC curl screens in the league

Jeremy Grant Anthony Simons Shane sharp okay those guys off off curls can kill okay ant got a wide open three coming off a screen to the three-point line and it was an Aon screen got a wide open three off of it okay another possession ant comes off of it they overreact Aon

Slips back back door there’s another play where there was three guys kind of standing amongst each other but it was I think it was Grant I don’t know who the third guy was but it was ant Aon and someone else I think it was Grant and it

Looked like they were kind of stuck but finally ant comes off the screen and Aon finally just goes back door and brog throws a lob to him and it’s a perfect lob and it’s a dunk and it’s like man this offense should not be the worst offense in the league you got a

Legitimate lob Target that can shoot from mid-range and you got guys that can score that defense is respect and if we played basketball like this all season we would have a much better record and this is exactly why I’ve been critical cuz they haven’t done this but they are capable of

It and then there was a play in the first half where ant it looks like jabari’s going to screen for him to curl off on out of- bounds play and ant screens jabari’s guy and Jabari comes off at wide open he ends up getting fouled um and going to the line but yeah

It was a great way to use ant’s attention to him is have him all of a sudden be setting the screen and while the whole defense thinks the play is for him um and that’s that’s exactly what we’ve been talking about how ant can impact the game simply by the way this

Team the other teams are guarding him and there’s another play that indicates that that I want to toss in here Eric where an didn’t get a stat for it but they got a layup because of the gravity on Ant there was a screen when the Blazers were going to the right on our

Television screens at the top of the court right there was a screen by Aon along the sideline that Philadelphia trapped ant got an had a perfect pass out of it very quick onp Point pass to Aon Aon I think takes one dribble the defense rotates to him it’s

A fouron three right that’s what we always say if you get the ball out of the Trap quick enough it’s a four on three so ant getting trapped if he gets the ball out it creates an advantage for his team because the attention that he drew gets the ball out to Aon defense

Rotates to him and Jabari Walker cuts down the other side of the lane and Aon just throws a perfect pass to him and it’s a layup yep just perfect basketball mhm and it’s an he doesn’t get an assist it’s a hockey assist but it’s ant’s attention being used to generate a layup

It’s Aton making a really good pass and it’s Jabari making a really good cut how often have we seen everybody just kind of stand around the three-point line and we kick out to three in that situation and we don’t shoot too well and then people say well it’s just the roster we

Just don’t have good enough shooters was just a rough shooting night and we missed shots y ya Y no no four on three you should be getting shots at The Rim more shots at The Rim than the Blazers do when they’re picking roll gets trapped so that’s another example an

Drawing attention Blazers get a layup but go on yeah and then there was also a play where um I don’t know who I don’t remember who passed to Aon or who Aon passed out to but there was a time in the second half where he had a postep um

Was right towards the beginning of the fourth quarter and uh they they threw um they threw the ball into Aon and without hesitating he catches the ball high and one hand throws the ball across the court to a wideopen three-point shooter and uh yeah like it’s like where has that been like Aon

Had a couple of plays like that early in the season I was starting to get excited about Aon um because he was showing a little bit of an ability to be a Creator and and playmake out of those and pass um but hadn’t seen that in months

Actually um and so yeah it was it was cool to see in this game yeah it’s it’s like excitement mixed with some frustration like why can’t we play like this more why can’t we move the ball like this more because earlier in the season what we hear it’s the roster it’s the

Roster thisam team can move the ball better than they’ve moved it this season they’ve been maybe the most stagnant team in the league this year there’s no reason for that they got and analytics B that back that up by the way yeah yeah and this isn’t just me talking out of my

Ass okay um analytics legitimately backed that up and there’s no excuse for that they got multiple guards they got a talented power forward Center combo like Aon isn’t much of a passer but shoot man that was a really good pass on that play that I just subscribe to to Jabari

Walker so I don’t like sitting there like there’s nothing we can do we have to run the most stagnant offense in the league I’d rather challenge these guys and see them fail I’d rather challenge these guys to move the ball to cut and see them fail and that’s been my

Problem with the coaching all year and I don’t know what it was because they were pretty damn stagnant in the first quarter they were very stagnant in the first quter there was a possession where they wasted like 18 seconds just like Jeremy took like 10 like okay 10 is an

Exaggeration he took took like maybe seven eight dribbles in isolation against the defender kicked the ball to an an stood there kicked the ball back to Jeremy and he took some more dribbles and then shot a questionable shot and it was like there was stretches in the

First quarter where that was our offense then all of a sudden we flipped a switch I don’t know if it was a timeout that Chanty got through to them finally or what Eric but it was like night and day different in the middle of the second quarter

Onwards yeah like Tyler King says in chat to be fair Sami been played they’re good players well yeah that’s that might be true but like the Blazers were what completely lost at the beginning of this game and I think they were only still kind of in this game like because the

76ers weren’t really playing very well either um so once they once they started giving some effort and looking like the team that they showed in the second and third quarter like it was pretty easy sailing in my opinion and that’s like you said like kind of why

It’s frustrating to watch them not do that in other games um and the other thing too is they’re they’re for the most part getting back on defense and uh that was that was a nice nice little uh thing to see tonight because their their transition D has been terrible all year

And of course they don’t really have a dominant paint score in this game so this should have been this way but we outscored them in the paint I I don’t it seems like it’s been a long time maybe I’m missing a game but it seems like it’s been a long time since

We outscored someone in the paint yeah I don’t remember when the last game was we were doing a little better job of that earlier in the season but I mean what’s the biggest difference Aon the biggest difference is DeAndre Aon the last four games DeAndre Aton has

Been good this is the best four game stretch easily of his entire season in a Portland Trailblazer uniform and it’s it’s what I hope he continues to do for the rest of his career you know it’s this is why I’ve been super critical of Aon because he’s going to the rim there’s

Even a couple possessions where he tried to get to the rim and didn’t shoot a shot like there was a possession where he like Euro stepped trying to get downhill to the rim didn’t have it and kicked the skip the ball out to Ant and it’s like that’s exactly what I want to

See from him is try and get to the rim if you don’t have it okay then maybe you can shoot that mid-range shoot that floater if there’s a Defender parked in front of you but if you got a lane try and attack that lane

If you can get to the rim great if you can’t kick it to somebody who can then attack a close out or maybe shoot a three or whatever and then off the ball set some off ball screens move a little bit more and then roll off those off

Ball screens and see if you can get a lob and that’s how he’s been playing and he’s been much more efficient look at how much more efficient he’s been in the last four games when he started to play like this than he was earlier in the

Season and now you can tell that guards are starting to trust that he’s going to roll and they’re starting to look for it more you know it’s kind of a conversation of chicken or the egg like would Aon have started rolling more if guards looked for him more off pick and

Roll or would guards look for him more if he rolled harder like it’s a combination of both right you have to have that trust between you and your pick and roll partner um the pick and rolls with him look much better because he’s not stopping his roll short anymore

He’s actually rolling to the rim and dunking the ball he had four dunks last night how many dunks did he have Tonight Eric I don’t yeah at least that might be more dunks than he had in every game prior to these last two maybe just nday difference and I

Think that’s helping open up the offense I think that’s doing good things for the offense and it’s part of the reason we won the points in the paint battle yeah absolutely and there was a play uh this is early in the game um so Aon rolled and broon was dribbling in

And Aon kind of stopped about 10t away from the hoop and normally he would just stay there but instead he like like you could see like a light bulb go off in his head like his head like kind of snaps and then he like goes under the

Hoop and Malcolm like uh drives uh attracts some of the defense and drops it off for Aon and he kind of goes underneath the hoop and lays it in um and I was like dude that’s that’s all you have to do is just make that little adjustment to roam around the around the

Hoop instead of um around the the mid-range area that 10 to 12T that he loves so um I thought that was that was nice to see see him actually make a considered effort to to get around the hoop in this game and like you said it’s

Been now a few games where he’s made that effort and uh it’s it’s made all the difference and I don’t know if how sustainable it is but U man just I I don’t know why he wouldn’t do it now they seeing success with it you know yeah yep 100% I

Mean if it’s not if he doesn’t sustain it then I will go right back to criticizing him for not playing this way like this is why I’ve been extremely critical of him this is like as I said at the start of the stream Eric this this game was the perfect example of

Live and critical all season it’s the offense the ball movement the off ball stuff and DeAndre Aon playing like this instead of whatever the hell he was doing before this yeah and there’s nothing he’s been doing these last few games that’s like oh he’s playing out of his mind or

Whatever like you know it’s it’s just like this is what he could be yeah if and and ant is making a conscious effort to get him the ball and it’s I think it’s really starting to pay off and like scoot we we know now we’ve seen it multiple times Scoot and Anthony can

Throw him the lob they’re getting pretty good at it um and so that’s all that’s all they have to do is keep keep getting scooter aony downhill and have Aon roll to the basket it it I mean for years decade plus we’ve seen teams just kill us doing

Something simple like that getting uh putting our defense in a position where our our big in the paint has to decide whether to stop the opposing team’s guard coming downhill or stay with his guy because he’s going to get a a a lob dunk if they don’t or if the guard

Shoots the then there’s no one to box out the center and uh it’s just it’s fun to see our team do that for once and like put the other team in those positions and I mean Harden made a living off doing this you know to spread

The floor with shooters and have one big that that’s a a lob threat and and just keep attacking attacking attacking the whole game on offense and so um I’m I’m I I don’t know I it’s I’m not GNA read too much into a couple games because we’ve we’ve been fooled before

From from small sample sizes but it’s it is it’s this is like when we talk about what we want to see and when when chony comes in as a coach and says he wants to play a certain way I think this the second and third quarters today is

Exactly what he meant by that and it’s it’s cool to actually see them play that way and have success doing it now the question is can you find a way to do that consistently and and more often and and kind of expand on it instead of going back

To resorting back to your old Styles and the answer to the answer to that is probably not yeah probably not probably I mean this game looked exactly like one of the games when the Blazers had that four game winning streak right after they traded for Josh Hart MH like and it

Was oh c chony just needed his players not Norman pal not roko he needed different guys he needed his guys right like we’ve been on the cycle so let’s not get it twisted this is probably the outlier that is the problem is games like this during Charles’s entire tenure have been the

Outlier but so Mrs R sorry ESPN say you’ll see games like this and it’ll show you what this team is capable of and I just don’t understand like a game like this they should be able to build on this and the thing is it’s not even results based it’s about the type of

Stuff they like just set off ball screens like there’s been games where I’ve counted off ball screens and they set less than one off ball screen per possession like there’s games where you legitimately just five guys just stand around and it’s either watching Jeremy Grant dribble the air out the ball

Watching anony Simons dribble the air out the ball or running a pick a roll like we’ve seen it all off all season the stats back it up like that’s legitimately our offense and then it’s just frustrating when there’s a game like this sprinkled in and then they go back

To that which is what I expect but I would love to be wrong and if they struggled to ex execute some things where like they missed a lob to like cuz they threw it a little too high but the lob was there because they ran some good off Ball

Action great just got to make that pass next time but that’s player execution that’s good action reflects well on the coach That’s player execution when it comes down to maybe you missed that pass but the lob was open because you had DeAndre Aton screen off the ball ay

Simons run off the screen and Aon slipped it well and was open you know what I mean so that’s where there’s a difference between player execution and criticizing a coach when they’re super stagnant what’s the offense that’s really what all I care about in terms of evaluating

Coaching within this offense is what are they doing and tonight what they did was really good they moved the ball well it didn’t stick at least after the first quarter and they actually ran some action off the ball and the Sixers couldn’t guard it to save their

Life and the Blazers they I mean you just look at the Box Eric they had 20 after the first quarter they were down 28 to 20 at the end of the first quarter their next three quarters 38 36 36 yep it’s the best three quarters we’ve had offensively by far all season

Long and uh I saw a tweet today um that lists the most efficient and least efficient ISO uh players in the NBA do you know who the least efficient player in the entire NBA is at ISO scoot probably nope it’s not scoot maybe he didn’t maybe he is but he didn’t have

Enough attempts or something but yeah who is it this one actually had for all the people down at the bottom of the list had a lot of a lot more attempts than some of the other people down there yeah but it was German Grant he has the lowest points per

Possession um in the entire league in ISO situations yet that is that’s been a majority of our offense this season yeah has been that um which means he’s super efficient outside of isos right yeah um and so like why are we why are we doing

It so much you know like it just it doesn’t make sense and tonight like yeah in the first quarter I felt like there was that one play you talked about where they he dribbled for a while didn’t have it kicked it out then got it back and

Then dribbled for a while again and it’s like why why do we continue to run this same crap that even if jerem’s successful in it and he’s not it’s like the one of the least efficient plays out of any play we can do how why are we continuing to do it like

I don’t understand like it makes no sense does that take into account getting free throw attempts off of isolation plays because that one that might be the one Saving Grace is he gets to the free throw line a lot out of it it it was points per possession on it was strictly

Points per possession so it would have to include that yeah if you go to the free throw line that counts as a point yeah points on that yeah I mean it just depends on how it’s Quantified you know when he takes a shot out of isolation

Right whereas if you get fouled and you don’t make a shot it’s not shot him so have to see exactly how it’s calculated but I mean Grant catch and shoot Elite when the teams close out too hard and he can attack a close out

Elite when he comes off a curl he had a nice drive off a curl in this game Elite like in the flow of the offense Jeremy Grant is a phenomenal offensive player that’s why it gets frustrated when instead of trying to teach especially young guys to play off each

Other and cut and move off the ball and everything we’ve preached over and over and over again that’s why it’s frustrating when it’s just give Jeremy Grant the ball and get out of the way it’s not good for development and based on that it’s not good for winning it’s

Not good for Success based on tonight trying to play off each other is better I mean this was the best offense we’ve seen all year so and it’s and it’s good for the young players to play in an offense that moves the ball moves players has motion and

Learn how to play off each other nobody’s learning anything standing in the corner watching Jeremy Grant or anony Simons dple the air out of the ball while everybody stands now maybe you guys say Okay Well’s a learning experience because they should cut okay great that’s it that’s like the only

Thing you can learn from it the only thing you can learn so that’s where you know I I just I have not bought the this roster is not capable of playing off each other excuse this roster is too young to play off each other excuse um

Just make an effort to if the execution sucks it sucks like just make an effort to that’s what I wanted to see this season because it’s going to be better for development it’s going to be better for these young guys it’s probably going to be more fun

To watch for fans and it’s probably going to contribute to more wins yep and like you kind of allude to just I I feel like games like this are much better in terms of getting the players we need to get to certain levels closer or quicker to

Getting to those levels and uh yeah it’s a shame sharp wasn’t available for this game still um hopefully he can be come back soon um because I I feel like he’s really missing out on getting that uh opportunity as well the way we played offensively tonight is perfect for Sharp

ISO heavy basketball is not good good for Sharp he’s not he’s he can score occasionally in ISO yeah hopefully someday then he’s a star right but that’s part of his development curve like right now he’s not an ISO player none of these guys are really ISO

Players Eric none of them are ant is better when he gets moving and when he’s able to catch and attack a seim come off curls come off screens and get open threes he gets better threes by moving off ball running off a screen than he

Does with the ball in his hands and a defender in his face I mean that’s just basic simple logic so none of these guys or right so guys all these guys should be able to play in an offense that has some element of flow to it mhm

So that’s yeah I mean I I enjoyed this is the first game that I’ve truly enjoyed watching the majority of the game in a long long time yeah well multi says I agree with the talking point that good offense is good for the young players but it means nothing when

They’re sitting on the bench rotting so a 31y old can play a majority of the game and yeah that’s yeah like Brogden had a really good game once again um honestly Tori I’m shutting him down after this game I’m I’m not playing him till after the trade deadline uh and uh

Maybe not that should mean he never plays again in a Blazer uniform but more do you have to prove with him like you’re yeah you’re just risking getting him hurt and ruining any trade value he has so I would I would put him in bubble rap until February 8th um and just go

From there now Eric you know what you do you know what you do if you’re Joe Cronin right after this game the Sixers play tomorrow in San Francisco against the Warriors you call up darl M and you say hey do you want Malcolm brogon on that

Flight do you see what he just did to your team yeah 10 for 14 24 points n assists you need some scoring punch Off the Bench I think the Sixers were hurt in this game because obviously they’re missing guys and they don’t have a guard Creator outside of Tyrese Maxi that’s

One of their biggest weaknesses so they need another guard that can create and a guard that can play off the ball and a guard that can shoot 40% from three and preferably a veteran Malcolm brogon fits them perfectly there’s you know Philly take with RB who has a Sixers channel

Does a good job covering them I’ve seen a clip where he he’s talking about how the Sixers need Malcolm Brogden and then you see the game ass tonight yeah yeah um darl Mor you want him Pony up Pony up he can leave with you to San Francisco to take

On the Warriors if you really want him which I don’t know why they wouldn’t so if Dore plays hard ball well guess what there’s going to be a team out there that will trade pretty good value for him yeah well I don’t know if you saw it

Tori but right after the final horn sounded there was Brogden and Joel embiid engaged in a conversation that was very reminiscent of a couple years ago when um Josh Hart and nkit and someone else I think were talking to Jeremy Grant after a game um so maybe uh

Joan be’s going to go and give us uh give us that push that we need by telling Mor that he needs to go get this guy yeah yep I mean I’m sure mbid liked what he saw well I’m sure he didn’t like Brogden eviscerating his team but yeah I’m sure

He’d love to play with what he saw tonight because brogon was great and you see those Brogden lobs to Aon imagine him throwing those lobs to embiid off a pick a roll I mean Brogden is so perfect for the Sixers that is my favorite destination for him in terms of

It making sense for the other team okay I mean if I’m Philadelphia I would consider they got multiple picks now maybe upwards of two later first round picks right like I would give up a solid first round pick and another asset they don’t really have any young players

That make a ton of sense for Portland but um I would give up more than just a first round pick and there’s talks about how they want to save their cap space for the offseason well they should have enough cap space for Max contract if they want it even with bringing on

Malcolm Brogden so do they want to not maximize this season in pursuit of insane amounts of cap space Here’s the thing they can probably get off bro’s contract for cheaper contracts if they need to in the off season but if they’re actually serious about wanting to win

This year when embiid is as good good as ever malum brogna makes a ton of sense and I fully expect them to be trying to trade for him now Eric the more games like this that he has I I have to wonder does it sway Joe Cronin at all to want to keep

Him uh I think it might cuz yeah I mean I could already see it right man I don’t even want to hear you say it because I know I yeah yeah chat chat quote what Eric was about to say let’s see let’s see how well chat knows

Because chat should know chat what was Eric about to say I’m gonna think some Doos not to not let you speak but I have a feeling I just I I just I want to see chat take the words out of your mouth because it’s kind of funny um shout out to to let’s

Catch up on doos and then if chat doesn’t get it you can explain it for him shout out to Bruce Davis M 14 months says hi Tori Eric good to see you guys good to see you Bruce appreciate you bro uh shout out to Jackson member for

36 months wish we could have seen sharp in this game absolutely shout PDX papermaker $5 donation appreciate you says listening to jabari’s postgame interview on the radio dude is the future better Jeremy well I don’t know about that but I mean hopefully that’ be great uh said just got to let him

Develop play Within the team jabari’s been good man uh Wes Davidson $5 donation with a hippo sticker that is it’s a hippo with wheels I wish our players had Wheels maybe they would get out on the break more appreciate you West and then shout out Jack M $2 donation says go get that

28 Clippers pick love the show fellas I mean that’d be a juicy pick Eric I mean if we get that that’s a home run I think yeah if it’s unprotected um did anybody in chat nail it in your opinion um not exactly but uh Wes Davidson also had a comment after that

Donation that says love the show guys you wear your fandom emotions on your sleeves the same as me and that’s I mean people like sometimes will come in and so I saw this earlier in chat that we won the game I was expecting to come in and see nothing but praise and

Positivity and you guys have just been negative the whole time I’ve been listening somebody said that yeah what cuz we only talk about like like how it’s frustrating that this isn’t what we’ve seen more often and stuff like that you know I mean people just suck at listening is what I’ve

Discovered like I YouTube being a YouTube content creator live streamer and this doesn’t apply to everybody but you’ll you’ll start to understand how bad a lot of people are at listening because I’m saying this was great basketball we need to do this more and people take that as a negative yeah well

Here’s the thing though cuz this this is why I get frustrated with people like that because those same people were also the same people when we’re losing and we suck saying there’s nothing a coach can do there’s like we’re like What do you want him to do he’s got no Talent or

Whatever and we we try saying no there are things he can do like why aren’t we running the ball at least like we’re turning the ball over a ton U we’re not passing at all why aren’t we at least trying to pass and then you could justify turnovers and

Stuff and why aren’t we trying to like catch teams off guards and just run the whole game and stuff like that it’s not it’s not being negative it’s just being like we want this team to succeed and we’re fans we’re not like going to be just sugarcoating

Media people that have to kiss the butts of all the the GM and the coach and the players and all that kind of stuff like we want things to get better and we’re not afraid to show like why and I think we do a good job of backing up why we

Feel the way we do we don’t just say oh yeah this this game is pissed me off because they why can’t they just do this every time you know like we give spec specific examples of I mean we’ve done it for years of what we want to see from this team and what

We think would make this team better um and so yeah it’s just it’s kind of frustrating people come in and say like H you can’t even talk like that you know what I think is the most negative thing you can come up with is this roster is incapable of setting

An off ball screen and making a pass that’s more negative than anything I’ve said all year because you’re acting like NBA players can’t do basic basic fundamental things that’s more more negative that’s insulting these are NBA players bro these are NBA guys man that is ridiculous and that’s stuff that we’ve

Heard and that’s stuff why we shouldn’t be criticizing the coach the roster is just so awful the roster is not good but these guys are capable of more than what they’ve been doing offensively this year and and I think this game is an example of it and if they fail at executing then

You can say yeah they’re not executing CU it’s not a great roster but at least try and execute the right things instead of spamming Jeremy Grant isos so yeah I want to see more of this that’s not a negative statement to want to see more of how they played tonight

Cuz how they played tonight was great g r e a t yes I know that word great okay that’s a positive statement is it positive enough I don’t know but it was great tonight it was fun yeah give me more if if we if we see this team play like this offensively

Consistently then I’ll start kissing ass MH I I I’ll I’ll do it so show me more let’s go what I don’t know what we waited for but game 47 maybe we finally figured it out yeah maybe I just like I mean maybe people don’t watch us consistently enough that’s fine like

It’s never there’s always going to be people who just like tune in occasionally that’s totally cool um it just I mean we always have to do this but we we have to we have to mention this every once in a while we are never going to just be

Like oh you know what they won let’s just say nothing but positive things so like everyone’s happy in chat and stuff like that like that’s just not not who we are we’re constantly thinking of how to build upon this game not necessarily just I mean cuz like what does it matter

That we won this game like are we like just happy that we won this game and so the the point is right now we’re in the early stages of a rebuild in order to well I mean a lot of people don’t know that yet where where’s the I’ll see

It rebuild sorry to break that to you TOR but like dang man from and a lot of people I mean throughout the history of the Blazers I mean you have the jail Blazers and you have um you know that period of stretch um where I don’t know there was the the

Few years where we we had Roy before we made the playoffs and then we had the um the Mutiny or whatever in 201 11 2012 season and and then it took one season with Dame to then make the playoffs um so like going back to like our Western

Conference Finals that’s there was a like a six-year drought after the jail Blazers and then um there was uh you know a year or so and then the last two years going into three years now that’s like it for like being a playoff team at least right or a competitive team at the

Very least um and so there hasn’t been a lot of especially for younger fans a lot of U because even younger fans probably missed some of the or weren’t like super big fans when they were younger so they they they missed a little bit of the

Jail Blazer era where we didn’t make the playoffs so for them it’s like you know we’ve been kind of mediocre or somewhat okay to good their whole lives and so it’s like a different feeling now that we are rebuilding like people don’t really know how to act or whatever um

But like I I think I think we need to I mean we talked about this all offseason once you know Dame was going to be traded even before we traded Dame when he requested the trade that the most important thing this season is development it does not ma nothing

Matters other than making sure at the end of this season in particular scoot Henderson and Shaden sharp got the most possible development this season that they could the most learning experience the most game reps uh the best coaching possible uh all that kind of stuff and nothing else

Matters to me this season um it’s just it’s been unfortunate they’ve been hurt at times um but that that’s all that mattered and so when people come in and like for example uh my high who’s a Denver Nuggets fan has been in here like you guys don’t want him to make a run

For the playin like you guys aren’t two fans you don’t support your team or whatever like it’s there’s no one way to fan and there’s lots of ways you can do it and uh to me if they go on a run here keep all their players and and content

Like even if let’s just say they went on a miracle run and made the playoffs or something this year I don’t know if that’s good for the Blazers long term like that’s not I don’t know if that’s like CU this this particular roster is kind of capped at what they can do um

You know in terms of contention so like I would rather like I think you can make a strong case that it would be better to not go through that you know what I mean it wasn’t good when Aldridge left that we never went through that right we needed Jason Tatum we needed Jaylen

Brown we needed top draft picks like that you know that next season was so fun though like fun it was great and they made the second round too which yeah long term but it made them think they were further along than they were and then they didn’t make the necessary

Changes they needed to make yeah long term they never truly contended if they sucked that year and the year after there’s a much greater chance that at some point they would have contended with Dame that’s just the truth it’s not pretty but that’s how the league

Works you either want to be really bad or really good that’s what everybody kind of can agree with now there’s more par there’s more par but still when you look at roster building most people that pay attention to how you build a roster in the league they’re going to Value the top draft

Picks that come with losing they’re going to value Asset building until you’re ready to win okay you want to you’re either in two modes contention slash borderline contention trying to get to contention or you’re in asset accumulation mode and trying to maximize your upside okay the problem is a lot of

Teams don’t operate in either of those modes that’s how you end up like the Chicago Bulls who might be further away from winning a championship than any team in the NBA right now despite being in the playin despite being pretty close to 500 because they’re going to have to strip

It down and lose and accumulate Talent through the draft to ever be on a path towards contention they’re not on a path towards contention with a core around D rozan and LaVine and vich yeah so I mean they’re they’re barely a playoff team with barely playing the at the peak of

Their yeah like the like their best chance dude I was going to say their best chance is maybe they draft Brony in the second round and convinced LeBron to go there they still wouldn’t contend in my opinion the Blazers or the Bulls they both the Bulls yeah so they there’s no

Path do you think we’re contenders if we got braon and Brony no no cuz LeBron’s going to be another year older and yeah y man go well uh BR T made me laugh he he was a little behind but he guessed that what I wanted to say was broon is better than

Anything we could trade for which is hilarious not quite what I was going for but yeah I mean people a lot of people were close it’s just that like oh we we saw flashes from this team and then we saw how good they could be and we wanted

To give them a chance to stick together and and see what what could happen and we can always uh make moves later uh we still have the flexibility to trade this summer and all that but yeah I yeah they’ve improved a lot over the last month to two months and we didn’t want

To interrupt that stuff like that yeah yeah see the only reason why I mean I I can joke about it but I don’t think that’s going to happen I’ve talked about it before theyo since Cronin took over is to dump future salary trade deadlines

And to set themselves up to not be a tax team The Following Season yeah and they did that trying to win yeah they did that while claiming that’s all they cared about was winning and that uh I forgot the D I wish Rich was here what

What was what was the Cronin quote that like he said something about his dedication level to winning was like like yeah like you couldn’t be more dedicated to winning than he was or something something like dang it rich where are you I mean like to give him an

Excuse if that was Jody’s Mo like what’s he gonna do you know no I know but that’s what I’m saying like so now we’re stuck in this spot where I don’t I I don’t think because I mean you can believe me or not but the narrative since the draft I it actually

Started a little before the draft but the narrative since the draft has been to show people that Damen Lillard was the problem and that they’re better off without him and that they watch this we’ll we’ll we’ll make the playoffs or we’ll we’ll H surprise people with how

Competitive we are without him um and they they based their whole thing on trying to win that PR battle that that Dame was um that they were better off without him and that this was going to set themselves up for the future and so now it gets really interesting because

They if they still go forward with that you know it’s been it’s been Mony now like Let It Go Right like like they they said they weren’t they made decisions and try not to be emotional and then we find out they wouldn’t even talk to Miami you know like none of it made

Sense you know like so do what you said stop letting emotions and all that kind of stuff come into play and do the right thing and that’s well clear the roster for your rebuild to maximize that’s why it’s important Eric to have a plan right AKA a Direction not just oh wow well

These guys look they beat Philadelphia by 26 in January like we should we should see what they can do with a full season you know yeah because that’s the thing when you don’t have a plan you’re more easily swayed by small sample sizes that should not sway you and if they

Look at it right now knowing what they’ve done at each of the last two trade deadlines I think if they’re thinking logically they have to cut salary they they just cannot go into this offseason fighting the luxury tax with this type of Team maybe if we were the team they

Thought we would be you could make an argument that they’re so dedicated to this roster proving someone wrong that you could go through with that but they are not close to that they are not close and I’m sorry that that like is negative or people don’t want to hear that uh

After a win but they are not that close to being that team and they have to set themselves to be that team and fighting the luxury tax in the current CVA is one of the worst situations we can be in it’s why for two years the last two

Years with Dame actually three years we couldn’t even sign a freaking free agent center or something when L got hurt because we’re right up against the tax and couldn’t afford to to sign a a free agent that could help us you know whether it’s a DeMarcus Cousins or

Someone to just tread water what to get through injuries or whatever like we couldn’t even do that because we were up against the tax like that was like you said for a winning team like how do you think a a crappy team will deal with

Being a tax team or even close to the tax and it also Cuts you off from doing a lot of things which we’ve broken down in depth many times on this channel so I I just and then on top of all that I mean this year yeah it’s we both I think

Like the draft more than than most people but next year man next year is the draft dude like like that’s um I mean outside of wanyama this last draft this next draft has the forwards two of the forwards that either one of those guys would be absolute game changers at

This point for this roster and so I don’t know if you want to be good next year either I I think long term it might be better not to but um I I I just think trading salary to at least get some sort of breathing room between the

Salary cap and the luxury tax this off season is a necessity and it doesn’t matter who it is I guess but it pretty much has to be Malcolm in my opinion if you’re only going to trade one of them um and because you can you can get the

You can get uh other than Jeremy you can get the most for Malcolm and he’s wanted by several teams he fits a lot of teams and yeah I I just I think it’s got to be him if they’re thinking logically yep um anyway uh nothing is safe with incompetent

People in charge um I mean the best way if you don’t have the right people in charge the best way to overcome that is to get Superstar talent I mean we saw Dame carry subpar people being in charge to a Western Conference Finals with a roster that wasn’t all

That great it was a pretty good roster but Dame was the reason you know and then CJ was the reason you know you had some guys step up but without Dame that’s maybe not even a playoff team uh um that’s part of the reason why they

Need to embrace the rebuild yes when you have a plan you’re not swayed by emotion as much and that’s where I don’t know exactly what their plan is um it just feels like they have not had a plan MH like that their plan was to win now but

The actions they took were to save money okay now this trade deadline if they don’t take actions to save money and they keep the whole team together then I’m really confused cuz it cuz it’s completely opposite of their Direction just like their past trade deadlines were the complete opposite of their

Direction so we find out in a week and a half next or two Thursdays from now February 8th we’ll have a live stream for the trade deadline uh we’ll be live early on in the morning we’ll have live Twitter feeds on the screen we might be live the night before if anything

Happens um the Blazers don’t play on the 5ifth 6th and 7th of February that’s the three nights before the trade deadline and the trade deadline is what 12:00 p.m. Pacific time um on February 8th so that’s actually a lot of time I kind of like that little

Break in there R ramping up to the trade deadline there’s only three games between now and the trade deadline Eric there’s only three games and it’s in a week and a half I mean I know some people say they want to beat D on Wednesday but that’s why I wouldn’t play

Malcolm yeah you don’t need to if you plan on trading him you absolutely do not need to you can scratch them with something let’s scoot go against D yeah let scoot go against D he held his own last time they played yeah I mean just the past versus the future that’s a

Great storyline let it happen it’s best for development too like that that’s what I want to see imagine that stadium with d ver scoop man I mean that’s the stuff out of a movie almost so let it happen I don’t want to see scoop play 19 minutes tomorrow or not tomorrow um

Wednesday yeah Wednesday I want to see scoop play 19 20 minutes you should start you rest Brogden the next two games you just make up an injury or whatever and then you can trade him there’s no point if they plan on trading him to risk him getting hurt zero point

So I’m actually going to be a bit frustrated if brogon plays against the bcks because the in the next three games if they play Brogden 36 minutes a game then leading up to February 8th I’m more and more concerned that they’re planning on keeping him yep it’s it’s

The same as like a right they have to treat it like um a championship team that has a meaningless game at the end of a season you don’t want to risk your starters getting hurt so you you don’t play them right yeah and coaches get killed when they play players or organizations get

Killed when they play players and they get hurt um when they didn’t even have to play like uh that happened to the Dolphins in the this year in the NFL um they they were down like 30 in a game and it was the fourth quarter and they still

Playing their starters for some reason um and they they got a couple of them hurt and uh they were never the same after that yep um Tyler Smith says do we want to see scoot have 60 dropped on him by Dame yes well maybe not on scoot maybe they

Can be on somebody else but I want to see Dame drop 60 I’m cool with Dame dropping 60 that’d be that’d be great man like I I understand that he’s on the opposing team now and fan eut says that you’re always supposed to hate the enemy but dude it’s Dame coming back to

Portland that would be sick if he dropped 60 you know I want him to to drop 60 and Scoot to drop okay what’s a realistically good number like 30 and Scoot to like eek out a win playing crunch time late that’s what I want to see that’d be great that’d be great but

Also number two how many did Dame have on scoot last time they’ played because they’ve played against each other already this year and Dame didn’t go off against him he went off late but it wasn’t a super efficient night so I mean I don’t know play scoot scoot’s

Going to have to start at some point in his career you can’t shelter him forever if he’s still a bench player two years from now it’s probably not a good thing he has to grow into a starter give him a chance to start a game a game that’s going to have a lot

Of energy in the building a game that’s going to have a lot of emotion behind it that might be better for scoot I don’t know I want to see him starting a game like that and if he struggles he struggles he’s struggled All Season guess what struggles are a

Learning experience if he gets 60 dropped on him he can learn something from it that’s a front row view to greatness and you you can’t play scared in my opinion hell no what are we scared for why why are we yeah what’s the point if we’re

Just going to like bubble wrap him I mean every everything is we can’t do anything Cronin can’t do anything Chona can’t do anything this roster sucks and like dang if we start scoot he’s going to suck D’s going to drop 60 why are we so scared of everything

Why are we so incapable and frightened Don said we’re going to have anisms when we they keep from oh yeah that okay I know I just said what are we scared for I’m scared of that yeah yeah I mean he said Grant and Brogden uh I I’ve already completely given up on any

Chance we trade Grant um and yeah but if they don’t trade rer man H thorus says he won’t hesitate to boot Dame though if he’s feeling his inner Pat Bev Thor you’ve been here since like the start of the channel I’m disappointed I understand it’s a joke but

Also if in any way it’s serious I’m I’m just disappointed and that’s okay but I hope nobody booze d man I will if I go to the game I will if anybody next to me is booing Dame I will turn and Boo at them although then it would sound like I’m

Booing Dame and then yeah so that’d be problematic I guess yeah do whatever you want in terms of fandom but I I don’t know I just I mean it’s not even that don’t Boo the guy that gave us all to the city for a decade and gave us

A bunch of Great Moments like I I know like let people fan how they want to fan but have some appreciation you know have some appreciation yeah there’s a lot of fans that talked trash to him on Twitter and had all summer to get out all their animosity towards him now just

Appreciate them you know like so I don’t even I don’t even normally I would play it like you play it we’re like yeah you know do what you want to do but man just social just appreciate a that’s how I feel Gregory dund I’m not surprised you would boo Dame

Kyle he did choose to leave us we bro let’s not go into the the details of it bro but we drafted a 6-2 point guard who wasn’t ready to play right away and said we were going to help him after we said he didn’t need didn’t need youth we said we

Needed to get older and have more size and then our biggest Act position of the offseason was drafting a 19-year-old 62 63 point guard at his position we basically forced him out of town he chose to leave because he had no other choice this roster was never going to

Contend with him with the route that we took it after we said we do anything to contend R him we took it a route that wasn’t contention so we were never going to be no matter what we did though tor even and here’s the thing even if he chose to

Leave how can you not understand why he chose to leave I understand maybe being a little upset with it or him forcing Miami you going to hold that over everything he gave to this city for over a decade all the Great Moments he gave you I just it’s just scorn X

Stuff you can be upset that he decided to leave and sto a appreciate what he gave here when he was here and applaud him for it so we didn’t take a swing with him that’s on us and he desperately wanted us that’s all he asked for was let let

Me one time have a team that maybe I could do something with and like give me a chance and we would we didn’t even want to give him a chance yep Connor has a great Point we’ve had six months to come to terms with Dame’s decision yep

Yep July 2nd July 1 or something yeah and he didn’t quit like it wasn’t like we were in the playoffs the year before and he quit in the playoffs and didn’t fly with the team and where we had a perfect sidekick next to him that was young that he then

Left AKA Lamarcus aldrid yeah cuz that’s a that’s different that’s different we were building towards putting a team with Aldridge in contention mhm and he basically quit in the playoffs Dame would never quit in the playoffs and Dame if he had a perfect sidekick next to him that was already an

Allar and we were building towards contention with him he wouldn’t have left absolutely would not have left you know what’s funny too Gregory Dundon whatever your real name is uh he is the one who loves scoot believes in scoot’s still going to be a star and that we he

Was one of the people saying we were not in the right for or for me not you weren’t doing it but for me saying I had concerns about Scoot a few streams ago right this is that’s the exact person who was saying that scoot he’s 19 he’s going to be an all-time great

Whatever and yet he would Boo the man who wanted to win so much that he was convinced to sit out games so you could now have scoot Henderson on your team how about cheering him just for doing that for you even if you didn’t like the guy or wanted him traded or

Didn’t think you could ever win with him how about the fact that he was still willing to make a sacrifice for his team despite everything this team has not done for him he still did what was best for the team last season instead of saying no I’m going to try to make the

Playoffs um and will this team to the playoffs like like he had done several times before um and so now we’re going to boo him because he wanted out of a situation when he was told when he did that that that would lead to the team being able

To better put a winning team around him and so I mean I don’t care what side of the fence you are on no no I you are not getting away with this Gregory Dundon don’t tell me I don’t make assumtions you actually two streams ago or three

Streams ago whenever that was when I said I had scoot you were you were saying nothing but going at me about how scoot was going to be good I’m worrying for nothing all that kind of stuff man you’re not getting away with this right now yeah he said You Preach so much

Don’t tell people how of pay he’s preaching facts bro it’s time to listen cuz he’s preaching facts Dame sacrifice so we can get scoot you are in love with scoot but you have no you have no thanks to Dame for being willing to sacrifice in the best year of his career to help

You get scoot I don’t care why you’d boo him bro I don’t it’s not about why you’d boo him it’s not about why youd boom there’s things even if you wanted Scoot and ha a Dame you can thank Dame for us getting scoot there’s something to appreciate Dame for so I I

Mean you are entitled to feel however you want to feel I am entitled and Eric is entitled to think it’s ridiculous okay yeah Fair because because guess what you’ll sit here and comment about Eric saying he’s concerned about scoot you’ll sit here and comment on Eric’s opinions we’re commenting on your

Opinions now but it’s funny how people in chat that have this type of energy they never like when it’s a two-way street they only want to be able to pitch that energy towards us and then we have to sit there and take it right and

Then if we give it back then we’re the [ __ ] it’s never two we’re the people with the platform we’re supposed to be professional but if it’s a two-way street it’s always a problem and it you always feel some type of way correct everybody does have an opinion us

Included and we have an opinion on your opinion just like you have an opinion on ours guess what that’s life stop crying at us about it when you give us the same energy cuz we can give it back we can give it back I hate when people come

Here and they give us that energy and then the second we give it back they start crying about it and then they’ll run to Reddit and say those guys are so mean to me okay what’ you say to us then CU every time I see somebody crying on

Reddit it’s like okay what what did you do to have an issue with us and it’s always something where it’s an insult or it’s just whatever I’m not saying you’re insult insulting us but you have your opinion you think some of our opinions are ridiculous I think some of your

Opinions are ridiculous it’s a two-way street it’s two-way street so I just I don’t understand why people get so sensitive about their own opinions when they’ll blast other people’s opinions anyway so it’s silly stuff man I I you know what you know what if anybody’s new okay if anybody’s new

I don’t view myself as so special that I’m above talking this way with people that talk this way to us because people come in here and say man you guys have a platform you’re supposed to be professional blah blah blah blah blah I just view myself as a fan that

Talks with other fans and it’s on a stream great it’s awesome but I don’t view myself as so high in like oh screw that guy not even going to interact with him not even going to comment on it I don’t care like I will I’ll do it

On Twitter too I don’t care I give and I try and give people the same energy 100% of the time and everybody’s going to agree with me but I’m not going to agree with everybody else simple I’m just I’m one of you I am one of you if you’re

Watching the stream I am one of you I’m not some media elitist I’m not some credential person person I’m a Blazer fan we’re all Blazer fans it’s literally that simple passionate fans so quit telling us to stop assuming Bro you’ve said multiple times this roster was never going to win with Dame

And then you’re out here saying you’re going to boo Dame like don’t you’re you’re just trying to like make up some victim thing now it’s it’s getting annoying yep yep you’re not even saying anything you’ve said nothing for five minutes dude like either type something or not

Like oh man we already told you we don’t care why you’re booing Dame it it all makes sense dude like don’t worry we’ve been known Kyle we’ve been known bro what’s funny is what’s funny is like I didn’t even realize you were Kyle until recently too

You actually did a good job on this account here we go going to ban people equal fan like us or ban you you’re still here dumbass you’re here you’re not hidden you’re you’re in chat oh my goodness you are smarter than that there’s you are smarter than that I

Truly believe in you being smarter than that because if we just banned people for that you wouldn’t be here it’s very simple we do ban people for making up that we ban people for that because you’re lying on us okay there’s a difference there’s a difference anyway yes I’m calling you a

Name deal with it deal with it God damn if you’re gonna lie on us I’ll call you what I want to call you I do not care I’m tired I’m tired of it anyway actually I think you should ban more people I probably should I probably should anyway I’m past like I’m done

With this Eric I’m done with this done with this conversation you still have said nothing for five minutes yeah yep it just it pisses me off when people sit here in chat not banned saying they ban people for disagreeing while they constantly spam their disagreements in chat yeah like that’s dumb you’re come

On I also just complimented this man and said I truly think he’s smarter than that so take the good with the bad take your compliment take your insult and sit with it anyway next topic we’ll take questions from chat yeah at the end of the day we are

Entertainers I am starting to fully Embrace being an Entertainer like I don’t care we’ll get into the Wheats I don’t personally feel any sort of way about it at all like I’m I’m the thing is bro I’m not even mad people probably sit there thinking I’m mad I’m not even mad it’s

Is silly though it’s the truth and I’ll play it up anyway Eric uh where do you want to go do you think doc will help or hurt Dame I don’t like Doc I don’t like Doc he’s been a choke artist for years yeah I’m going to boo Doc Rivers says de

Breze I’m just gonna listen to your keyboard erle says will improve the team over Griffin I I I think just not having Griffin there will be an improvement I don’t know if if in particular Doc’s going to do anything but I don’t think it can be worse than than having Griffin

Because it sounds like things got really badh well the Blazers keep both Lotto picks this year I believe they will unless uh maybe there’s a situation where they fall to seven and get like seven 11 like our last um tank ofon and maybe they really like one player that

They can’t get at seven and move up a little bit U but short of that I’m pretty sure that um that it’ll they’ll keep both and there’s no reason not to does Shay come off the bench if Brogan’s still here definitely although they’re not starting scoot so I don’t know

But they like Jeremy at the three here’s the problem if sharp comes back you got Jeremy playing the three you got Brogden at a guard spot you got thel who plays the two three you got ant you got Scoot and then you got sharp on top of that

Not enough minutes that’s why they got to trade at least one of those players or they’re going to have to bench thall if they keep playing Jeremy at the three like they’re doing um when do you think jod actually goes into when she sells the team she’ll have to pay tax when she

Sells the team so that’s when she’ll finally pay tax I would have loved to seen so we talked a lot about plans right your that’s your big thing right um and the plan was to have flexibility to off seasons ago that didn’t amount to anything uh the plan uh last offseason was

Um or not last off two off seasons ago uh was to um you know be competitive but not be in the tax and then they get off to that 10 and four start last year um so maybe they were if they kept that up maybe Jody make is willing to let Cronin

Do something at the trade deadline to make us better um that maybe I I get we’ll never know um but I mean they’re it’s it’s facts that they have multiple times like I think been changed their plans because of things that have happened or haven’t happened and I don’t think they have a

Clear Direction yep anyway let’s just move past this move past this apologies for calling you a dumbass okay I apologize now let’s move on uh scoot we haven’t really talked about scoot’s game tonight 22 points and TW 20 points in the fourth quarter Eric it was fun

Because he kind of had a little heater there late he hit three threes in a row haven’t seen him do that before I think he got his three-point percentage above 30% now which is a good round number to pass and uh he has an efficient night he

Shoots over 50% from the field he goes nine for nine from the free throw line he’s starting to figure out how to get to the Line Eric and he’s hit like 21 free throws in a row yeah he’s you can see him trying to absorb contact when he drives a lot it

It’s resulting in some turnovers but I think it’s good that uh or maybe not turnovers or sometimes they count them as a Miss shot sometimes it’s a turnover it doesn’t really matter in my opinion I think what you said is the most important thing is you have to learn

What gets called and what doesn’t and how to contort your body to get those calls and things like that and that’s that’s all we want right is to get him minutes to learn these things on the court and see what he can do once he starts learning those things it’s

Exactly what we wanted from sharp last year is to apply things he started learning towards the end of the season and it was so exciting to watch sharp apply things learn things on the Fly and show that he is capable of taking on that kind of

Uh like the things you need to improve as a player and so I think I think you just take the training wheels off Scoot and just let him play as much as possible he might foul out a lot or whatever because he’s still making some

Stupid fouls but um I think you just got to let him go yeah I he plays with a different confidence and garbage time yeah for sure like we even saw it in preseason games where he had that I think it was against the Suns I forget where he

Looked much better against garbage time lineups and you could say oh well yeah that’s cuz that’s closer to g-league level which he we know he can play really good against g-league level uh talent I think he just needs to continue to develop that confidence at an NBA

Level and that’s where tanking and maybe having a bunch of responsibility and a bunch of reps could allow him to grow in terms of his confidence playing against more NBA caliber players like we saw with sharp at the end of last year right we saw it do wonders for

Sharp and I know sharp has kind of struggled a bit this year but also he’s been like injured half the time and the offense isn’t really suited for him and he had a stretch earlier in the year where he was dominating like we’ve seen some dominant stretches from sharp

Offensively so the hope is that you can get a similar sophomore season out of scoot in my opinion where it’s probably not going to be consistent but if he can have a five-game stretch where he is you know averaging 10 assists a game with around close to 20 points and doing it

On solid efficiency I mean that’s the ideal version of scoot Henderson and you would hope that in following years he could be that consistently you just want to see flashes like three to five game stretches next year of that sort of play so when you look at sharp last year I

Know he played arguably better during the course of the Season up to this point last year but the way Sharp’s game took a step up when the Blazer started tanking I am cool with the Blazers tanking not just for the first round pick but also to give scoot that extra

Responsibility maybe without a maybe without Jeremy to do his thing and see if you can get the version of scoot that we saw in garbage time today against starters and a little bit more consistently at the end of the season and have that be a stepping stone into his offseason

Workouts his offseason development and then into next year yep absolutely the easiest way to do that though before you tank is to trade Malcolm Brockton yep because it’ll open up more minutes I we we seen that multiple times like oh got to trade CJ I get ay more

Minutes you know like it’s the same situation Tommy Dane says how would you divide minutes when sharp comes back Eric I mean you got to trade Brock did there’s no way to do it I’m playing sharp at the three 12 minutes a game and the other 24 minutes he’s the two guard

And then scoot and Anthony are playing 36 minutes a game all three of them 36 minutes a game and no no more than 36 minutes I don’t want them to get um overused like um someone in chat uh let me see find it real quick uh multis say

And Sharps injuries are more common with overplaying which is not coin happen when ch playing in 40 plus minutes a game um exactly that’s so don’t like overdo it but I I want them all to be in the mid-30s and uh I mean unless they foul

Out or whatever aony you know gets two fouls right off the bat tonight as well so that probably would limit minutes in certain games but I think the plan should be to get them all 36 minutes a game and try to get them playing together as much as possible try to do

Different things on the court try to learn what the three not only do individually best but when they’re on the court together what kind of things work best for the three of them to all maximize their talents on the court and just keep trying new things to see what

Kind of sticks and what doesn’t and that’s all I would worry about the rest of the season and uh like you said you can’t do that with Malcolm brogen on the roster yeah uh playing playing just as many minutes so get get him off the roster it’s okay right now because you

Know Sharp’s not available and if one of those guys is hurt it kind of throws some wrenches into it but you can still play the other two 36 minutes a game and learn those two can then learn to play together like I think at one point this season um because they played together

Last year uh I I think ant and sharp were starting to it feel like they really had something together and uh hopefully we can get back to that and then from there hopefully at some point we’re saying I think it might be able to work with all three of these

Guys playing together and if not that’s when you look to move one of them yeah I agree with multi-gun and chat we talked about that earlier in the year where Sharp’s injuries um were due to him being overplayed I mean at least that’s my theory like I don’t know that for

Sure there’s no way of truly knowing that but when you look at when some of them took place and the amount of minutes he was playing for certain stretches where he’s playing over 40 minutes a game yeah we’re right there with you um that was definitely a

Something I didn’t want you want him playing between 30 and 36 minutes a game in my opinion the problem is when he’s playing 40 minutes a game or when he’s playing like 24 minutes a game and 22 minutes a game it’s always funny because we got people in chat when he’s playing

If he plays like 23 minutes a game and we’re like man he needs to be playing more and we’ll have one or two people in chat that’ll say I thought you didn’t want him being overplayed it’s like okay that that 40 minutes and 23 minutes big difference there’s a sweet spot in there

30 to 35 in my opinion and that’s a sweet spot for all young guys sco played the whole fourth quarter right yeah and he still only had 22 minutes like that’s the kind of stuff that’s frustrating I know he had four fouls but just at some point like once again uh I

Don’t think it matters this season uh like players have to learn one to play with foul trouble um and not foul and if that’s something that scoot has not been good at this season is like he just over he’s over aggressive at times when he shouldn’t be he gets um beat going one

Way and he crowds into that direction a little too much and you can tell he’s about to foul before it even happens um and and that you do have to learn how to adjust to still play decent defense try to keep your guy in front of you but

Not just take that one step too much into them where you’re fing him and so I I would like to see him he’s going a foul out there might be games where he only plays 20 minutes because he has six fouls and that’s okay if it’s because of

That um and maybe that’s a good learning experience while he sitting on the bench like man why did I why did I go for that steal in that situation why did I reach in why did I um slide under him instead of U with him and those kind of things

You he has to learn and um I mean we can’t have him being in foul trouble all the freaking time in the future so um I I would just let him try to work through those things on the court um and and you know if you have to go a few games where

He can’t play a ton of minutes because he fouled out that’s fine um but other than that um yeah I’m I’m just I’m letting him go man yep um still doing the threeway postgame show with Rich yeah Rich figured out a workaround I think with his mic issues and internet

So uh maybe next stream would make sense because it’s Dame return game I’m not sure um but I do want to have rich on a couple of streams before The Season’s done um cuz he just brings an entertainment element that is unmatched unmatched so yeah

Uh perfect game for it okay well if you guys want rich on the I’ll do it man no I don’t want anybody voting against rich I was goingon to say I’ll do a poll but yeah I would want to make both options yes U yeah especially I mean if you I

Don’t know if you’re still putting on going or not but um yeah I mean I would regret not going yeah so we’ll see you get you get home before me usually so maybe you guys can start it and then I’ll join or something yeah sounds

Good um if you want to yeah I mean I I’ll probably go I’ll probably go I’m just I’m thinking about logistics and M money and that sort of thing so yeah yeah yeah yeah so we’ll see well if you don’t end up going it’s going to be like

An hour until I get back so you can you and Rich can start the show yeah see see I could probably get back and start it within 30 minutes like I’ll just make the thumbnail ahead of time because obviously we’re putting Dame in the thumbnail and I’m probably just going to

Put scoot in the thumbnail regardless so it’s Damon scoot makes sense you know yeah um yeah that’s the plan rich is not a negative asset yeah he’s a he’s a positive asset for me I win either way Wednesday yeah I know there’s a lot of Blazer fans

Rooting for the bucks uh to do well because of Dave and obviously winning this game is more important for them than it is for the Blazers and honestly losing this game might be more important for the Blazers than it is for the bucks so um we’re not going to take a look at

The tank race tonight cuz the Blazers win but uh you know if they if they start winning more games Eric I mean you could start talking about about them potentially I don’t think they will but potentially getting close to Golden State which would be interesting because we have their pick

We’re seven games behind them so that’ll be difficult but they’ve started to look better they’ve started to win some games right now they still are the fifth worst team in the league but they are four games behind Memphis they are two and a half games behind Toronto what happened last night man

With the the Bulls game yeah I mean we were stagnant we didn’t cut we didn’t move the ball and we jacked up a bunch of Threes that we missed almost all of them like that’s the that yeah it’s when you move the ball you have a better chance of getting

To the rim against a team that’s trying to pack the paint and force you to beat them with threes yeah the problem is when the Blazers just accept that and try and beat them with threes and miss a bunch of them and don’t deviate from that

Plan you know so don’t play into their hands you know it’s uh it’s kind of it’s kind of what happened with Chicago in my opinion today they shot fewer threes and made more of them but they got higher quality threes that’s the other thing is when you’re not so stagnant you can get

Better looks from three on Kick Out passes run players off screens Etc compared to having to jack up a tough shot out of isolation cuz the shot clock’s winding down or because you don’t trust that the offense can get a better shot later on in the clock

So offense was great tonight man very happy with the offense tonight um very happy with Aon tonight very happy with scoot’s fourth quarter it’s good that scoot had a night where he shoots above 50% for the field you know we’ve been talking about fishion Knights yes I know it came

Against garbage time opponents but got to start somewhere right I’ll take it no matter how it comes yeah scoot was let’s see let’s do the math he was 42 for 143 from three before this game he’s 45 for 147 which is 45 can I do math 30.6%

Eric Nice from three he finally Eclipse 30% since his injury he’s 43 for God math is tough 43 for 123 which is 35% so 35% since the goggles which is pretty good I’ll take it yeah absolutely um W any more questions you guys have any trade questions that sort

Of thing what do you want to get into Cho had a question what’s the hold up on W’s contract getting converted um so there’s going to be something happening tomorrow uh not with wath necessarily but taz’s uh 10 days up tomorrow yeah and so my expectation or I’m assuming they’re

Going to sign him to a second 10day which would then lead them through the All-Star break or not Allstar break the trade deadline yeah and then I think they are going to keep the roster spots open and that flexibility through the trade deadline and then have um so that

Gives them two open roster spots if they don’t make a trade U or if they made like a one for one trade they would still have two roster spots but um unless they do like a three for one trade and they keep all the players they

Get um but for example like let’s just say they they traded for forier or whatever I fully expect him to get bought out uh between now and um the next couple weeks uh and then them to sign sign reath to the to the roster I still think it’s pretty much a formality

Unless there’s some sort of situation where they just get such good players back that they don’t want to cut or buy out that they don’t have the roster spot for them but I think um they’d find a way to do that um no matter what happens I think

They’re going to find a way to do one of those contracts where it’s like a minimum contract this year and then non- guaranteed like the next couple years and they’ll have the same decision like that had with trenden and Jabari um and uh this next offseason yeah so hypothetically could the Blazers

Trade wreath on a 2way and then that new team gets them on the two-way and then signs him to a contract uh yeah could dwar be a trade asset I don’t know maybe like maybe I Has there has there ever been a 2-way trade uh I don’t think so normally they’re not

An asset like wreath is you know cuz they don’t count as salary but normally you don’t have a two-way Center averaging nine points per game in 18 minutes shooting 36% from three and 47% from the field like normally you don’t have that it’s kind of a unique player to have on

A two-way I think we just keep him but if we’re going to keep Robert Williams and hope he’s healthy next year and we’re going to keep ating and we have some faith that maybe baji can be that third string big we also have four draft picks that we could

Use on a big maybe it would make sense to shop him see what teams are willing to offer I mean you don’t trade him for nothing but like if team’s willing to give you know a future first a a heavily protected future first for like wreath into second I mean I don’t

Know might make sense yeah I I kind of agree with that he’s been fun but yeah I don’t think he’d hesitate to get some for him I just have no idea if he has any value or not yeah there’s that for years we dealt with this at the walkoff season

Tory where whoever was Denver wanted to trade like bu bll off a 2A and like someone like oh man yeah um I don’t think it’s actually ever happened our 2A it’s been traded I don’t think it counts as salary in a trade either like we could just trade him to another team

For uh for like a pick or whatever yeah I mean I could see a team taking Brogden if they don’t have a legitimate backup center I could see them wanting wreath I mean New York Mitchell Robinson is g to miss a ton of time yeah he’s constantly

Hurt and then isn’t hartenstein a free agent I mean I could see New York having some interest in wreath in a brogen trade so I can’t roll out that he gets traded then um I think there’s about a 90% chance he’s back but I think there’s about a 10% chance that

He gets lumped into a deal I don’t think he’s the main part of a deal by any means but I think maybe he could be something attached to get us a better pick or something like that yeah maybe I hav really thought too much about it yeah it’s

Interesting it’s interesting I mean the Blazers need a legitimate third string big if they’re going to go into next season with Robert Williams the third as their backup but they have four picks in the top 40 in this year’s draft to draft a third string big and they got IU baji on a

Tway they’re wrong Holmes yeah donon Holmes where do you have him on your board by the way do I have him higher than you no I think I’m right in the same range I was like mid te somewhere yeah yeah he’s just too productive does too many things for a

Big moves too well mhm his measurements are going to be important though well he measured at last comine oh did he and what he was like legitimately 610 I think it was 69 without shoes that’s why I went back not that that’s going to matter but I mean I

Think that’s maybe a grou but well I want to see hold on um homes homes homes okay no this is the year before okay he was 69ine without shoes 9 foot one stand Standing reach and 71 wingspan um that’s a that’s a slightly undersized Center but he’s athletic enough that I

Think he can make up for it you know yeah and then somebody brought up Coleman Hawkins in chat he’s somebody that still is a little intriguing to me he’s 6 fo8 and a half without shoes and 9 foot and a half standing reach and he has skill like intriguing intriguing player to

Take a chance on with a second round pick I think um and then tamman 8′ 11 standing reach 6′ 7 without shoes tamani has a taller standing reach than Leonard Miller by the way yeah and and the same standing reach as Taylor Hendricks yep which is interesting interesting yeah Holmes Holmes is

Skilled enough to play the four though in my opinion like he’s like the tweener that could probably play both yeah I’m just that can’t play both I worry about his foot speed at to four on defense but yeah he just does so many things else well that I’m willing to overlook that a

Little bit yeah yeah yep Ty says 3 and D plus playmaking Coleman Hawkins yeah I’ve noticed a lot of people in our chat like Coleman Hawkins and I respect it I respect it I always love when chat like finds a sleeper they like on their own I mean we talked about him because

We thought he was going to come out last year so shout out to Eric Olson thoughts on Johnny Fury um I think he’s gonna be like a second year breakout next year at Kansas and then enters the draft Yeah I’d be surprised came out this year

But yeah I know as of right now it’s just shooter right not much else hopefully he can expand his game a little bit to other things Allah your favorite Prospect Dalton connect Dalton connect man yeah although I don’t I don’t know if connect’s my favorite Prospect no I just

Metant in terms of like if you’re comparing uh like consensus to your board yes he’s by far like the biggest yeah or maybe donon Holmes maybe don Holmes is my guy now oh yeah no no you’re not taking this from me you could be our guy but not yours if he

Ends up being a bust then he’s your guy if he ends up being great then he’s my guy okay all right fine I like the way that sounds you know I like the way that works out in the end for me just take no responsibility that’s cool you know

Who you know who connect reminds me a little bit of and maybe this is off base he kind of reminds me a little bit of Devon Booker I I don’t really see that but remember Booker in college yeah Booker was younger in college but like he I don’t think he’s going to

Be as good as Booker see chat just checking with it I’m not saying he’s going to be as good as Booker the way he gets to some of his shots I think are a little little Booker is and the way he finishes around the rim at times is the

Creativity of it I don’t know he kind of reminds me of that type of of a player with like that type of upside where Booker coming into the draft people didn’t think he was going to be what he is now he was a shooter with like a

Little bit extra off the dribble and that’s kind of how I view connect I mean Booker was a freshman right but he was one and done he was younger he was younger yeah like I I don’t think connect is going to be as good as Booker

But he’s kind of in that mold in my opinion coming out of college he’s just you know older 23 so he has less room to grow but feel for the game feel for scoring the ball three- LEL score able to run some pick and roll and

Score out of it Booker wasn’t like a playmaker for others at Kentucky he developed that in the league MH JP savy says I always thought you were talking about someone named connect spelled like the word connect connect four yeah if we get the fourth pick we have to Connect Four

I mean I there’s just something about producing the way he is at the SEC level man it’s he’s producing more than like any other draft prospect arguably right now yeah doesn’t mean he’s number one on my board but I think there there has to be some credit for that

You you just lost to connect four goes hard yeah and you just have like Connect Four and but the four in a row is like his face the memes would go hard man mircat you already said you were leaving we understand you want to fire Bops you’re under every Blazers video we

See you where you say you want to fire Bops guess what we criticize Bops more than anyone else so I guess this is the place for you uh but you don’t have to say fire Billups 20 times in the Stream we understand I I knew you wanted to fire Bops before you

Ever said a word in the live chat yeah you’re dedicated to the cause we we we’ve gathered that y what’s the story behind you guys hav read it I missed it the story of of what exactly like I need more context with that question uh no that’s not okay Eric

Osland I just saw it so why they hate you um bunch of reasons we’re just so hatable man I don’t know you tell you tell us I don’t know man they don’t like our opinions and it’s what I said earlier in the Stream like people will come in here and insult us

And be kind of toxic and then if we show any of that same energy back or if we ban them then they’ll go say that we banned them for disagreeing with us or we were toxic back and that’s why they hate us when in reality it’s always people

That if they disagree with you are just completely toxic about it so there’s really no way to handle it um it gets frustrating and the reason why I got really mad earlier here’s the thing like I don’t insult people on streams that’s like the first time I’ve done that in like three

Years and I apologize for it because I try not to but it gets really frustrating when people that we’ve like had numerous conversations on stream with and have let them sit in here and disagree disagree disagree disagree disagree and then they start to cross the line a little bit so then we

Ban them and then they come back on a burner and we know it it’s them but we still let them hang around even though we’ve already banned them for crossing the line before and then they say that oh if you disagree with them you’ll get banned like because it’s because it’s

Not true it’s not true like it’s not true like I think we’re more than fair so yeah for me I’m like a totally chill person in real life and like I can’t tweet TW anything without I like that’s why I basically sto tweeting very often um like without all these freaking

People like coming at me or whatever and then like so I’ll like disagree with them or say something back and then all of a sudden I’m like this a-hole who’s you’re that guy on Twitter just a joke to everyone like what did I I didn’t even do anything like you

Know yeah like I would say maybe both of us are a little blunt at times but I mean we just speak our mind and it’s not like a personal thing if I’m just saying like my opinion right so that’s how I’ve always viewed it but yeah any any Forum you’re going

To get a group of people that I don’t know multi-gun says people on any Forum anywhere that claim that they were innocently banned from some platform are always banned for a good reason yeah it’s funny because because it’ll be I’ll see people on on Reddit and it’s like it’s

Like those guys banned me for nothing they’re such pieces of [ __ ] and awful people and the worst people in the fan base and blah blah blah and just like rattle off insult after insult after I hope they die in a car accident yeah yeah while saying we Bann them for

Nothing and it’s like huh really okay okay cuz yeah you definitely didn’t use any of that vernacular before we banned you yeah couldn’t be that you know like I mean it’s not like where certain people who like if you like a post that said something you you don’t agree with

You ban those everyone who liked to post you know yeah the yeah the softest thing the softest thing I have blocked somebody for on Twitter which isn’t as bad as being like banned on YouTube in my opinion like it’s Twitter like if I don’t like our interactions I might

Block you right but the softest thing I blocked somebody for on Twitter is actually yesterday when I was down bad depressed about my ners because they were getting the doors blown off them at halftime 247 and people were saying F the Niners to me like don’t pray on my downfall don’t

Kick me while I’m down and upset I don’t like that so I did block a couple people and then they get on burners talk trash and it’s just like man I don’t want to deal with that it’s not fun so that’s the softest thing I’ll block somebody for on

Twitter Connor no you did not shout out to your trainer JP SA says you’re way too lenient with bans so those that actually get banned really deserve it LOL yeah like I we try and be fair man we legitimately try to that’s why it upsets me when people make make things up about

Banning people for disagreeing like we’ve had multiple people that are known for disagreeing with us that are in our chat regularly so but like legitimately people people will say people will say we’re kind of done with the post game show this is just about the channel okay and then

We’re going to wrap up the stream people will say that we get too focused on somebody in chat or we get too focused on chat in general I like that it’s a community in the way where you can come talk in chat and we will give you our attention you

Know what I mean like it it’s a back and forth and it’s not like a bunch of people just watching us it’s like a community of people we’re obviously the people on the stream but it’s a giant conversation it’s how I view it and so we’ll talk about narratives we’ll talk

About talking points and we’ll get into it like that and that’s kind of our thing and I understand if that’s not for everyone and they want to go watch some other platform that isn’t doesn’t really value that or doesn’t really have that aspect to it and I honestly have no

Negative personal feelings whatsoever against anyone that doesn’t prefer that type of content you know what I mean it’s like you got a bunch of people that cover the team it’s better in my opinion if you have multiple people covering the team for people to cover them in different ways because then you can

Choose what you like you have a variety of options if everything is the same cookie cutter stuff and you don’t like it then what do you have to turn to and that’s part of the reason I started the channel in the first place is because

That’s kind of how I felt in the past so I wanted to start something that’s different that would not appeal to everyone and some people will hate it but some people will enjoy it some people will enjoy the community conversational aspect of it so we value

That and a lot of people will be vocal about how they don’t like it and they think it’s silly or stupid for us to go back and forth with someone in chat but I think that’s part of what makes it enjoyable regardless if it’s an argument with chat or just you know answering

Questions from chat talking about draft prospects with chat there’s a reason why we start talking about CBA rules in the past it’s like we’ll discuss the CBA cuz if you want to learn the CBA this is a place you can learn the CBA you can talk about roster building with us on a

Deeper level that’s why I did a short a couple I think it was a couple weeks ago talking about college basketball games to watch the Scout prospects because I love being able to talk about prospects with chat so it’s a giant conversation with a community of people that I think

Is really dope and that’s what I value and that’s what I enjoy with the channel so yeah the whole point point is interacting like if we’re not interacting then we’re just blindly doing a show to a bunch of people and that’s that’s part of the fun

Of having it be on YouTube versus TV or whatever CU like if we if we did this show on let’s say like the Blazers hired us to do a postgame show or whatever I don’t think it would be as much fun for me because we’re we don’t get that

Interaction with everyone you know yep 100% so going to continue to value that For Better or Worse you know I think it’s for better and it’s fun I just love how there’s so many people who still try to tell us that if we want to be successful on YouTube or something we

Have to like do it their way and they’re like what are you talking about dude I think we’re we’re doing okay like yeah like I don’t I I try and be as humble as possible right yeah like like I truly don’t think of myself as anything

Special like in terms of being a big shot YouTuber or something like honestly like right now I’m working with a bunch of YouTubers that are all much bigger than I am yeah which is sick in its own right right um like the hog media logo you see on the ticker it’s a Creator

Network like I’m I’ve worked with Nix fan TV I’ve worked with Grant con who covers the Niners I’ve worked with you know Lakers Nation like a bunch of different sports channels that are much bigger than me and it’s like I’m I’m a small guy compared to them but when you look at Blazer

Content I mean we are statistically the biggest YouTube channel that covers the Blazers other than the Blazers official account right but like that doesn’t really count to me right so like we statistically factually are the biggest so it’s always funny when people say if you want to be successful if you want to

Have a good show blah blah blah blah blah blah cuz obviously something works obviously something is good about the show you know what I mean so just going to keep doing what we’re doing and maybe it’s not fully maximizing things but I mean I’m just going to continue to do this

Channel how I enjoy doing it and it’s worked so far we got a community of cool people and it’s fun so why would I switch anything up you know yeah and a lot of those other people like I mean this is I’m not trying to diss um anyone here that’s not my point

But uh like locked on for example they have the locked on network that promotes them and they’re like people know like each team has a locked on team they can go watch YouTube videos for and stuff like that right whereas we started from absolute scratch I mean I know you did

Some YouTube stuff before this that maybe got a little bit of traction but like for the most part you were were like Ground Zero just like put in the work to to do it and and so like we don’t have the advantage of being a former uh postgame show employee that

Got an audience from actual that kind of thing and then that plus a website plus all these things that help yeah started promoting it and then radio shows and things like that yeah which is great for them we didn’t have that privilege yeah so like we’re we we started from

Absolutely nothing and um yeah so I mean it’s just it’s cool that uh all of you um and that’s that’s the main thing and I talk about this with Rich all the time because rich is uh like he only like the only real thing he enjoys is like all the interactions he gets

From doing videos and stuff and um like what’s funny is as as you get successful doing that like it’s harder and harder to have like personal connections or respond to every single comment on every video or have a video talking about every comment on every

Video like he wants to do and uh so like we’ve had conversations about like someone like if you do get bigger like how are you going to like manage that when you can’t or you have to kind of pick and choose who you interact with

And stuff all the time and so um I think it’s cool that despite you know whatever level of success you want to call this we still try our best to be just like we were at the beginning and that’s interactive and and we want it to be a

Community not just us talking to a bunch of people yeah interactive emotions on our sleeves but still logical like that’s that’s really that’s really what it is you know what I mean I’m not going to I’m not going to hide any emotion and people think that therefore I am

Thinking emotionally but that’s not the case like I try and back up everything I say I try and have a reason for everything that I say um but yeah in the end man like it’s no it’s cool it’s cool we’re very close to 10K which will be a cool number

To hit like it’s been a grind unfortunately unfortunately this team has done us no favors like the other thing that drives me crazy just cuz we’re already on this conversation I’m just going to go all the way in the other thing that drives me crazy is when people say oh you guys

Gota got to be negative so you can get those clicks so you can get those views negativity doesn’t get more views no my positive stuff I made a hype video about tamani Kamara off like his first preseason game or something and got 12K views like positive stuff gets more

Views positive stuff helps the channel I don’t think it’s necessarily positive or negative I think it’s just authentic like you don’t I I think that’s something we take a lot of pride in is we don’t fake it we don’t fake being positive we don’t fake being negative we

Just be real and authentic and I think that’s what yeah but if around the same time I made a video like the Blazers need to trade Jeremy Grant or would have made sense of that time that video ain’t doing as well like negativity does not help get more

Views my like my best video in the last year is a tamat Kamar video and it’s because I was hyping him up one of my other best videos is the Blazers back court is a problem with the tagline this is scary and who was hyping up scoot ant

Shark right then I then I had one that was a negative kind of title are the Blazers making a big mistake should Shaden sharp start did one quarter of the views of the Blazers back court is a problem so through practice I have discovered that positive videos for the most part

Do better not to say that negative video won’t do good I had a BL I had a video earlier this season that said the Blazers are cursed 3.2 but it’s it’s fascinating like um the positive stuff does better and people try and sit here and tell me

Like yeah you just got to be negative for your views that’s not true because it doesn’t even work like that I did I did Blazer sign defensive Beast overhyping the hell out of is right yes that was a little click Ba got 6K views cuz I titled it Blazer sign

Defensive Beast if I said the ish Blazer sign is rain right or something boring wouldn’t have done as well and if I said like the ish rain right signing is pointless it would have done very bad why would the Blazers sign a scrub yeah if I titled it like that it’s

Gettings I think a little bit of it is I mean people people were looking for reasons to be excited after the Dame stuff but I mean yeah yeah yeah I mean even then I don’t know like you know you know you know what the best video

Was covering the Dame Saga though or I guess this was before the Dame Saga never mind the one trade that can keep Damon Portland did pretty well um yeah I’m just curious like if we were let’s let’s say uh you know the beginning of last season

We’re 10 and four four and we you know we’re having thousand people on postgame shows and stuff um I would be really curious if you put out like a super positive video and a super negative video while we’re getting views if that makes a difference if it’s just a matter

Of argument Series where like why the Blazer start is a fluke and why the Blazers are I might do that like 10 years from now when we’re finally yeah right hopefully sooner than that obviously I don’t think it’s going to take that long but yeah that’d be a good case study and

Here and I would probably say like okay I’m making I’m making a two-sided argument series um right and then just see which one does better that’d be interesting but like here’s here’s also the thing I want to mention before we get too far away from this I might over exaggerate the title a

Little bit but in videos I’m not going to lie or like completely OV exaggerate what I’m talking about MH because on YouTube I mean it’s it’s as simple is you got to get people to click on a video so got to get people to click on a video where I’m

Talking about an rain right signing like if I’m going to put effort into the video I’m going to title it something like Blazer sign defensive beast and it’s because he’s a defensive player it’s not it’s not like a complete lie it’s a defensive player and he’s built

Like a beast do you know what I mean that’s where that comes from now is he a defensive Beast like all defense hell no hell no but you know it’s kind of overexaggerating it a little bit in a way that’ll get people interested enough

To click on it so that when I put two hours on a video it’s not you know all for nothing like is basically how that works so I put uh ripy said did you see Casey’s post of the Dame Adidas Banner in Portland I put a link to it in chat

Um Adidas put up this huge Banner that has a picture of Dame it says always home it’s cool yeah also say we get a little bit more uh emotionally charged with the Dame stuff than anything else cuz we f with Dame yeah we have with like it’s just as

Simple as I can put it well I mean we’re very passion about trades and stuff like that so over the next uh week and a half we’re going to be very passionate about that stuff too what happens good or bad uh whether we keep players or not uh

We’re going to you’re either going to hear us talk about some good moves that we made or uh you’re going to hear us ranting um like we did uh back in 2020 when we didn’t trade Hassan whide for no reason yeah yep like if we think the

Blazer screw up the trade deadline we’re going to tell you you guys if you’ve watched us know that um and there will be people that hate that were saying they screw up the trade deadline if do why are you so negative well we’ve we’ve we said why for months

It’s just like people that don’t pay attention yeah yeah we will give reasons why it’s there’s no secret to our critiques because we legitimately will give you reasons simple I’m ready for the trade deadline to be here live Twitter feeds on January 8th live stream

Um well I want to make I want to take advantage of that gap of time between games right before the trade deadline so we’ll see I’ve also been writing for 750 got two trade profiles out got two more to go on Jeremy Grant and DeAndre Aon

You can follow me on Twitter link is description and join our Discord if you want to be notified whenever we drop anything um yeah multiun says I so so badly want this team to start winning by the time Dame’s contract is over and if he comes

Back for his final one to three years yeah that’d be sick man I’d also I’d also love if that’s not the case there’s a question about like he and CJ buying stock in the Blazers when they’re sold I’d love for those two guys they probably can’t buy it on their own

Although Dame has made a pretty good he you know he has a bag he has a lot of money right but I would love for them to be a part of the ownership group that buys the Blazers and then just like you if we get that parade down Broadway Dame

Will be in the parade as an owner yeah beol as a minority owner you know he finally gets that parade down Broadway I know it wouldn’t be the way that he would like it but you know what I mean that would be that would be sick that would be sick so that’s

My hope trly Spencer PDX says Tory where do we find what you write um let me make sure this is the right website link uh yeah 750 the game on on uh the internet I almost said on Twitter um but there’s a bunch of different things the easiest way to find

It is just to follow me on Twitter or join our Discord our Discord is the number one place for the community to hang out with each other discuss basketball we run a couple events during the offseason most notably the mock off season so if you join our Discord you

Can see that take place and interact give your thoughts on moves maybe even participate if you want to um we’re going to be doing that again for we started it we actually started it somewhere else before but it was a lot of fun during the pandemic when

Basketball was paused to run the mooff season because we had nothing else to do so that’s when it really started with this community um and that’s a fun way to we have fun things during the offseason it’s a year round thing around here you should host a Blazers uprise three on three

Turny yeah I definitely want to do some more Community stuff um hopefully they have Rip City 3on three this year Eric please will they let us in the media bracket they got to man they got to they got too I’m going to go to their website right now on

Hiatus this past summer I think it was because they planned on doing work in the modus Center that they didn’t end up doing so hopefully this year because they haven’t had it since 2019 Chad asked earlier if I had any insights on trades uh I’ve said everything I’ve heard so far

And that’s that they’re not really I don’t think they’re going to trade Grant I don’t think they’re really shopping players that hard they’re waiting for teams to contact them and there’s a few guys they’d move for the right price but other than that I don’t know if they’re

Really really going after trades that hard but I’d still be surprised if they didn’t at least cut one of their salaries for next year yep um take any other questions and wrap up the stream uh that’s the website Spencer um I wish they give you access to the

Team on media that would be cool that would be cool um I don’t honestly I don’t really care to have access and if we did have access it would like I would want to give somebody that’s maybe going to school for sports journalism a chance to like have

Credentials you know what I mean yeah uh chance to get their foot in the door um and you know if they wanted to like ask questions right and maybe we could give them questions but at the very least like we could have like um a live feed

To interviews that we could then have on the postgame stream that would be sick you know that is filmed by them yeah but uh I mean maybe with 750 in the future not sure though um Steve J says I just got to say without embiid playing this was not a

Fair evaluation of a win I mean yes they didn’t have embiid but the style of play is a decision on the Blazers end they can didn’t choose to try to play this style of play against a really good team and then struggle to do it cuz it’s a really good

Team but would get credit for trying to do things offensively and trying to move the ball and then it’s a you know maybe a critique about execution the problem is they haven’t decided to do this even against Bad teams so the fact that they played this

Way even though it was a bad team is a really good thing it was a fun game to watch it was it was a good game offense was impressive DeAndre Aton was impressive he’s had a really good four game stretch here an was uh solid five for five inside the yeah

Because his three three-point ball wasn’t falling one for seven but he had six assists with only one turnover and he finished really well around the rim so he he did other things even though his shot wasn’t falling and uh I thought he orchestrated the offense well that see that’s the thing

Is like when they were moving the ball with him in the game he wasn’t dominating it no he was playing off of it only 12 shots yeah yeah like you you like to see that so Grant 7 for 13 12 for 13 from the F line we didn’t even

Talk about him but he had 27 points five rebounds three assists with three turnovers good game from him uh and then scoot Off the Bench 5 for9 got hot late that was fun and uh I’m I’m on ESPN and I’m seeing this highlight that I forgot

To talk about Eric so this is the final thing we’re going to talk about that eight in one hand passed to th I talked about it did you yeah I didn’t talk about it so we literally okay but yeah well start talking started talking about the past to Jabari yeah then I I

Mentioned his other assist yeah I think I was still salivating over the past to Jabari I couldn’t hear myself over my saliva um because I was drooling at that play but he had two assists they were too very impressive assist her um also I could have been reading

Chat that’s the other thing with with interacting with chat a lot there’s times where we miss things each other says because we read chat yeah there was I mean pinpoint cross cour pass uh no hesitation was decisive uh I was it was impressive to see hits him in the

Shooting pocket like I mean that that was a phenomenal pass man I mean that’s where it’s like let’s try and use him as a passer playmaker a little bit especially on short rolls like let’s just try and that’s where it’s like if he was shooting threes and then they ran

Him off the line could he drive and kick like let’s just experiment with him because he’s skilled you can’t like most centers in the league cannot make that pass it takes a certain level of coordination that most centers in the league don’t have to make that pass and

Maybe not most centers some centers like I don’t think zubach is making that pass welcome to my conversation like two hours ago yes it’s been a long stream no I know I was but earlier I was saying like he he showed a couple of those flashes earlier in the season and I was

Starting to maybe buy into them a little bit and then they just completely sto doing it so I think it’s there maybe um they just haven’t really done it all they haven’t had him do that but I think if you run that’s that’s the thing because

Like remember a few years ago when we were like we can’t play Dame like they Golden State plays Steph because we don’t have Draymond Green and uh we we kept getting told that um and uh yeah if you have a guy who is a capable passer and you run plays that are

Designed for him to get the ball and pass the ball instead of necessarily score I think I think DeAndre would do that I think he would pass the ball right away like I I don’t think he would look to shoot in those situations I think he he

Would move the ball and so I think that’s what we want to see right off Ball action with giving the ball to Aon and not just standing there watching him shoot a mid-range have someone cut off that and knowing that the play is designed for someone to cut and eight needs to look

For that and if it’s not open then he can maybe take that shot but uh yeah yep I’m just trying to say nice things about Aiden because I actually have nice things to say good so just making it heard making it heard I feel like G right now go from criticizing him to

Praising him we’ll see how long it goes until I have to criticize him again hopefully I never have anything ever bad to say ever again about aan ever but we’ll see we’ll see hopefully he continues this play he’s definitely making a concerted effort to roll harder to play a little

Bit more physically offensively at least further further yeah you know just looks different so um anyway appreciate you guys hanging out with us thank you guys for tuning in thank you to the people who donated we appreciate you thank you to our all our channel members if you want to become a

Channel member click the join button below you can join the uprise Colt is what we call it because we’ve been told we’re a cult so we just kind of embrace it so you know second strongest cult in the World Behind the Swifty Colt hopefully we can take down the Swifty Colt on

February 11th Eric yeah I wonder if bet us has this but I saw some websites were now offering whether Travis Kel is going to propose at the Super [Laughter] Bowl dude like h i was I told my wife I was like I hope he doesn’t propose at the Super Bowl

Because that means they won the game and uh and that would suck and she’s like well if if he wants to propose and they’re in love why would it matter if they won or lost I was like man you just did not understand like yeah you can’t

You can’t he’s not going to propose to Taylor Swift after losing the freaking Super Bowl yeah all all his life’s work goes into winning this specific game yeah um he’ll find some other way to do it if but yeah I really hope that’s not this Feelgood story and he just like

Spontaneously proposes after the game because spontaneously proposes never want a spontaneous proposal well I just don’t want the Chiefs to be excited after the game I want them to be all sad and crying yes yes hopefully and they’ll get over it because they’ve won enough yeah they

Don’t need to win again I need to win Eric we need to win we need a win God damn I I just please man I I am so desperate for a championship I am going to be a wreck on Twitter during that game if you follow me on Twitter and

Have seen me during a Niners playoff game you will understand how how badly I want a championship because it reflects in my tweets when I have a complete meltdown as the Niners meltdown in the first half and then come back to life in the second

Half I need to go back and read back through my tweets because it’s a blur my tweets from Sunday I’m very emotional right now after the game when they start doing good the caps lock gets stuck to on man what a reading back you could see my emotional state through the entire game

That’s so funny anyway I appreciate you guys hanging out with us that come back I’m looking forward to the Super Bowl and appreciate all you thank you for your support and uh we’ll catch you again on Wednesday after the Dame game Wednesday after the d game and once

Again any trades that happen involving the Blazers we will go live as soon as we can yes and discuss all of them so if there’s a trade like tomorrow we’ll we’ll be right here to cover it for you yep well me if it’s like before what 3 p.m. yeah something like that yeah

Hopefully they make trades in the afternoon if they make trades but luckily you’ll be able to be here with us on trade deadline day I would be completely cool with them waiting until trade deadline day even though it will be more stressful yeah well like the

Josh Hart trade last year was the night before the trade deadline and then so we were talking about that and then remember Durant got traded yeah that was crazy see I’m happy that we don’t play the three days before they trade Del Li because that was something seeing Josh Hart like leave in

The middle warmups or whatever yeah yeah that was just like why then couldn’t do it earlier couldn’t do it I mean if they did it later then you would have played yeah I don’t know anyway looking forward to the trade deadline and then the Super Bowl and

Then the All-Star break and uh yeah that’s a wrap for the stream appreciate you guys live again Wednesday after the Dame game looking forward to it hopefully you can join us because that should be a pretty popping stream um what’s up energy warning says he’s starting from the beginning hope you

Enjoy uh and that’s a wrap at this point bye Parker yeah hello and goodbye and until next time as always peace out go Blazers

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  1. Proof that when Scoot gets on a heater, he joins De in dominating. As you both mentioned De's assists were amazing.

  2. Scoot 22mins/game last 2 games. Camara minutes down. Murray hardly playing. Team just isn't prioritizing development, they are trying to win with vets….and still getting beat up

  3. Ayton has strung together some productive games since his comment went viral. If he could just keep this up, no complaints on him being our starting center for the foreseeable future.

  4. I don't understand why teams fade in and out of playing with movement vs being stagnant. The former so obviously generates a better result.

    I wonder if the NBA had less games, if players would take each one more seriously. Too much fluff.

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