@Portland Trail Blazers

Portland Trail Blazers Dominate the Philadelphia 76ers without Joel Embiid

Portland Trail Blazers Dominate the Philadelphia 76ers without Joel Embiid

In today’s show a real deal blowout the Blazers dominate the Sixers what we locked on Blazers let’s get into it you are locked on Trailblazers your daily Portland Trailblazers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up world it’s your past first point guard and Trailblazers reporter

Mike Richmond you listen to another episode of lock on Blazers part of the locked on podcast Network wherever you get Podcast and also on YouTube thanks for making this show your first listen coming at you each and every weekday it’s Monday through Friday so make it a

Part of your daily routine make your first list and tell your friends to do the same it’s lockdown Blazers your team every day in today’s show Blazers dominate the Sixers a real deal blowout perhaps their first real deal blowout of the Season where there was garbage time

On the court able to play the end of their bench because they’re Domina a team their biggest win of the Year by margin uh just just a dominant final three quarters particularly those middle two that kind of decided the game what a what a push by the Blazers uh to uh to

Take control of this game uh we will recap that one we’ll talk about the real deal blowout celebrate a little joy in the Blazers um you know you you dear Blazer fan deserve the team just a play just to punk a team one night tonight they punked a team Monday at the modus

Center and then I want to close the show talking about Joel embi did not play in this game there is some talk about how he is you know very likely to not be eligible to win the MVP um I want to share some numbers why I think it’s

Complete and utter nonsense why Joel embiid will will probably will very likely keep himself off the ballot uh let talk a little let talk a little NBA minutia to close the show but let’s do what we do Blazers win 13104 a dominant showing 13104 and they were bad early that’s the

Best part of this game they’re down 2820 after one now the Sixers are playing without Joel embiid they’re playing without Tyrese Maxi uh they’re playing he’s missed a bunch of games but um Maxi has rather but like they’re they’re playing without DeAnthony Melton um Tobias Harris who missed Saturday’s game

Is was back for them on Monday he was he was under the weather list is questionable but decided to play and the Blazers get their compliment of players back amrey Simons is you know off off the injury report Malcolm Brogden who was the only player on the injury report

Who was who’s likely to play in this one he’s playing with that knee soreness Jeremy Grant Jabari Walker DeAndre in the starting lineup you get you got scoot Henderson and at all coming off the bench this is basically the Blazers for you know until Shaden sharp gets

Back and that we haven’t heard an update maybe we will hear he’s supposed to be reevaluated like today or tomorrow I would assume tomorrow because it’s an off day we’ll see we we might get an update you never know with Blazers and uh medical updates but I would assume uh

We’ll get an update but this is like this is you know as healthy as pretty much close to their full health before Shaden sharp returns but they’re down 2820 after one and I thought anrey zond played about as bad as he could possibly play to begin

This game his first four and a half minutes were just he was bad he was bad on offense he was really bad on defense they were hunting him and he was giving up points and he was turning the ball over and he was just bad it was bad he

Was struggling and it’s like oh no ant is having another stinker game and they’re going to lose to the short-handed uh Sixers team uh and like to be totally clear I watch these games thinking about the Pod so I’m like oh no like we don’t need to do this again what

Am I going to talk about if they just have if they play like this game um and they’re down eight at end to one and they just come storming out in the third quarter a a 38-27 they outscore the Sixers in the second quarter to take a

5855 lead into the break but they had 22 points in the in uh in the paint in the second quarter 22 points in the paint and uh they also hit six free throws like they just they just went they absolutely went in there and dominated took a couple non-paint twos from Jeremy

Grant but you know you get they hit three threes in the quarter they dominate with 22 points in the paint they get to the free throw line 38 points a a huge second quarter to take a three-point lead 5855 in the break Jeremy Grant 20 points in the first half

They’re rolling right like the the offense is rolling uh and and if if they if they keep it up and they real kind of realize the Sixers don’t have Frontline depth you know Paul Reed is a fun player but he’s like 69ine um he’s not going to protect the rim um

They’re long at the on the at the wing spots but they’re not like big rim protector type players and they just like don’t have that with no with no roko and particularly not Joel embiid it’s like those dudes are aren’t there and the Blazers just were Relentless particularly getting Jeremy Grant coming

Off curls and getting him into the paint and in the third quarter they did more of the same 3622 the Blazers outscored the Sixers in the third quarter changed the game from a three-point lead at halftime to a 17-point lead after three 9477 a dominant middle two quarters in

Which they scored 74 points and they did it by attack in the rim uh 40 of those 74 came in the paint in the middle of two quarters get they they just got downhill relentlessly up 17 in the after three and they never trailed by fewer than

That in the fourth quarter uh Malcolm Brogden and and DeAndre Aton stayed on the court for the first five minutes of of the fourth quarter but then it was it was over final seven minutes of the game the ball game was decided when Da and malcol brog got pulled out uh of the

Game Jeremy Grant never got back in amrey Simons never got back in they just they played the end of the bench and Scoot freaking dominated and had 20 in the fourth quarter and the Blazers cruise to a 130 104 win that’s your fastest recap in the west we we we spent

A little longer on it because we needed to appreciate it uh to the box score Jeremy Grant had 27 um oh hold on I I missed this in my run through Jeremy Grant in the third quarter a a decisive third quarter that that Blazers blew the game open and went

And and um and made made this made it made it a route from a close game to a route Jeremy Grant went 0 for one on a on a two didn’t attempt a three-pointer seven points on seven of eight shooting from the free throw line he just got to

The rim and got fouled uh the Sixers got into the bonus early in that third quarter with about six minutes left seven minutes left and and Jeremy Grant said cool I can draw non- shooting fouls all I got to do is just get fouled and

I’m going to get free points and he did 0 for one 0 for 0 seven for eight incredible seven-point shooting line in the third quarter for Jeremy grants um he finished with 27 he didn’t him play in the fourth quarter uh he was seven of 13 from the field just took two

Three-pointers 12 of 13 from the free throw line five boards three assists uh he was he was really good DeAndre aen continues to roll 18 and six in this game in 31 minutes uh Malcolm brogen had 24 points five boards and nine assists he was really good 10 of 14 from the

Floor uh this is not a very good ant game he’s like I said the first four minutes were so bad he was so bad in those first four minutes uh he he had finished with 15 points and six assists he was one of seven from three um

He was he made all of his twos though five of five inside the arc but he was he just didn’t shoot well and he was really getting picked on early on defense and turn the ball over a little bit um only finished with one turnover

But just like had some B had had some bad plays to set it up too I thought he um that it was not your best Anthony Simons Moments by any means um Off the Bench scoot Henderson 22 20 of those came in the fourth quarter uh I

Will say he didn’t he he had played particularly well in opening three quarters but he didn’t have any turn turnovers he had two points and no turnovers uh 22 points got to the free throw line took seven free throws in the fourth quarter um Blazers finished with

29 free throw attempts uh last two games they got of the free throw line just uh against the Bulls they couldn’t make any shots in this one they do 12 of 28 from three not a ton of three-pointers because they were getting into the paint but you make them that’s 43% from three

Uh Off the Bench Tani Kamar six U matis stable three doop breath five scoreless minutes for Murray and Chris Murray and Ryan ruper and Taz Moore doing what he does gets in there and scores every time he plays he gets a bucket two points and

An assist in his four and a half minutes or five minutes rather uh Kelly UB had 25 for uh to lead the Sixers uh 11 for Paul Reed to go with six boards 14 for Pat Bev Tobias Harris had nine uh three for old friend Nicholas patum Off the

Bench Marcus morrris had nine uh and a bunch of other dudes play I will say at the end of the game Ricky canceled the fourth plate I don’t know who Ricky cancel the fourth is I do now he had two crazy dunks crazy dunks crazy dunks one

A cockback slam one like just like a pulled his pulled his his his right arm way back and slammed it like just a a full-on right-handed punch and another reverse dunking transition um I don’t know who Ricky Council the fourth is but get him get him in the dunk contest

Because the Dude can fly um he was fun and like scoot Henderson was cramming home dunks on the other side and it’s like all right like uh this is an entertaining fourth quarter good job everyone way to play along we need in blowout games you need a little

Entertainment and uh Ricky celed the fourth and Scoot Sterling scoot Henderson really really got it done um let’s Le let’s talk about appreciation let let’s hold on to our joy a little bit and celebrate this one because this was legitimately entertaining game let’s let’s celebrate a little bit in the

Second segment before we do that I want to tell you about quiz they want to they want to reward you for knowing about hoops this episode is brought to you by quiz and it’s quiz with three eyes it’s the next generation of trivia experience it’s also the world’s first platform where you can

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Three eyes app. quiz to test your knowledge and win cash today that’s quiz with three eyes just like a three-pointer play now showcase your skills take home cash cash prizes app. where fans become Champions all right this game was fun because they were just really good uh the Blazers

Hadn’t the Blazer’s largest margin of Victory uh prior to this game was back on December 26 when they beat the Kings by 17 but that game wasn’t like that game got out of hand at the very end but like the Kings played their dudes down the stretch that wasn’t a blowout like

It was just like okay they’re up 12 oh 177 okay like it turned into a route right like it wasn’t particularly competitive when the final horn sounded or whatever but like prior to that the four there was competitive moments in the fourth quarter there weren’t really competitive moments in the fourth

Quarter there was never you know like I said they were up 17 after three the the Sixers never got closer than 17 like that was it the it the margin just swelled from their Blazers led by as many as 30 excuse me as many as 31 uh

Like they rolled on them they rolled on them and you you got to celebrate and JG got to watch and you got to have the end of this the end of this game like if you’re if you’re a new listener to the program uh one of the big tenants

Of this show is that you should hold on to your joy uh and and what that means is that when when good things happen to in life specifically and broadly in life but but what we applied here to basketball like when good things happen

To the to the team you root for or or just you know the people that you love you should hold on to the your Joys you should Embrace those moments you should you should you should sit with things that you like because right around the corner there’s some stuff you don’t like

That’s just going to wait to ruin your week so when they do play like this particularly coming off the the I thought Sunday’s game against Chicago is pretty deflating because it’s like well if this is what they’re going to look like and sco Haron is not going to play

Very much like what what are we what what are we the viewing public supposed to enjoy about about this ball Club but then they have this game where it’s like Jeremy Grant just was awesome and got rolling and they stayed with him and they they didn’t like give him the

Ball at the top of the key and say like go do your thing they used him as an off ball player for the most part and then they leveraged all those double screens they set two down he’s in the corner the set two down and he comes up off those

Screens really common action you see it across the league but it allows him to go out to the three-point line it allows him to curl into the paint off the catch it allows him to you know catch at three-point line and just immediately flow into a into a side pick and roll

Like they spam that action a whole bunch to get Jeremy going and they couldn’t they they couldn’t exactly figure out what to do with him and then when they got worried about it they ran something similar uh for him and then with an added wrinkle where coming out of a

Timeout amre Simon set a back screen and they threw a lob to DeAndre Aon and DeAndre aon’s Duncan home Duncan home uh lob dunks dun Duncan home alley oops DeAndre had multiple dunks in back toback Gam gam he’s had three straight games with at least 18 points he’s starting to play

Well let’s talk about scoot for moment we get back to the vets I think one of my frustrations watching this team is I just want scoot to do more I want him to have more responsibility I want him to do more with the full understanding that he’s

Going to struggle and I don’t think he played very well in the opening three quarters um you know quite frankly if if it had gone another way I don’t know that scoop makes the show might have just let him he might have just been uh we okay and Scoot finish with four

Points on two of nine shooting okay bye like it would have just been like we I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have uh sat with it too long but 20 points is a lot it’s most by rookie in any quarter this season um this is you know a lot of it is coming

When the game is decided you’re playing against the backups backups because the Sixers are short-handed but like this is an NBA game where scoot Henderson got to Dom and the what he needs right now is is not for us to put caveats by it and you

Should put a caveat by it he scored most of his he finished with 22 uh 22 and four dimes uh and and a couple Steals and and a block and most of it came in the fourth quarter when the game was decided but it but at this point for

Scoot he just needs to see the ball go in he needs to see himself get past people and get to the rim he needs to see himself hit a three-pointer which he which he hit three of he needs to see himself get fouled and get to the free

Throw line which he did for seven free throw attempts in the fourth quarter like he just needs that positive reinforcement of even against low-level Pros I can be good he just needs moments where he can put it on film and and not even put it on film right like I don’t

Know that you like go back and watch like okay well when when when when furcon corkas and and Daniel house were at the end of the game and like when Jaden Springer and tur quaven Smith were in there how did how did I get past how

Did I get past te like uh Wolfpack Legend go pack shout out to my Uncle Matt uh but like that’s not really what I’m I’m not talking about like putting it on film for the benefit of him when he sits down and watches film with with with Po jedar and and Scott Brooks

Tomorrow like which he often does you’ll see him pregame like I’m not talking about that I’m talking about just the the confidence that he can build he just needs to build a little confidence this is a great game to build confidence and it’s fun like it’s fun for us to watch

This game and watch him like have this where it’s like well against this level of competition scoot is his athleticism is is too much his you know his his he can you know get a shot off comfortably and get to the rim and find a rhythm and

When you find a rhythm you’re more confident shooting when you’re more confident shooting you’re on balance you’re thinking about the rim not thinking about your feet and your elbow and all those things like it’s he needed it and he got it and it felt it’s it’s it was

Um that to me that’s that’s useful if I was really nip picking I’d tell you how many minutes he played in the first three quarters but I’m not doing that I’m not nitpicking what if I was really nitpicking I’d tell you how many minutes he played in the first three quarters

Um let’s go back to the vets I talked about kind of my frustrations with this I want to see scoot do more knowing full well that he’s going to struggle some of that is because the Vets are also struggling and it’s hard to stomach when you score 94

Points go six of 33 against the Bulls to be like well you know they got to play Malcolm Brogden cuz he’s better I think he is better and they they I understand why he’s playing I’m not confused it’s not a puzzle to me it’s not a puzzle to me why Jeremy Grant

Plays so much it’s not a puzzle to me why scoot Henderson watches when the Vets play it’s not a puzzle to me why tone Kamar has lost his spot in the rotation I I I’ve watched the enough of the NBA and understand the rhythms of it

That it makes total sense but I don’t enjoy it I’m not supposed to enjoy the logic maybe I’m supposed to enjoy the logic I don’t enjoy the logic I just I I I I accept it but I I don’t it isn’t I’m not raah R excited about it I’m I’m mostly

Annoyed I’m mostly annoyed so in games like this where Jeremy Grant rocks and Malcolm Brogden rocks and DeAndre Aton gets rolling it does become much easier to stomach like this is why you’re playing these dudes and you know at least from all the reporting it sounds

Like Jeremy Grant’s goingon to be on the team after the after the All-Star break sounds like de I know deand Dayton’s going to be on the team after the All-Star break like these dudes are part of at least some version like small small timeline like they’re going to be

Part of the team uh depending on sort of how long you stretch it out get you know you want them to play well and get rolling if this is your front Court of the future which I can’t be but like gu I’ll lose my mind but like if this is if

This is the front Court of the near future it’s like I got no problem with it is much easier to stomach when Jeremy Grant plays well and it’s like Oh yeah duh and when Malcolm brogen plays like this and it’s like duh and when Da has you know he’s now four straight games

Scoring 18 a game he’s averaging at 18 18 and 10 at one point in his career this is who he should be every night and if this who he is every night then it’s like okay it is so much easier to it’s so much more palatable to watch them play

Well you know they’re not going to score 130 a night but hopefully they’re not going to score 94 every night right meet in the middle is like right The League average like 115 u scor a lot of points in the NBA in the modern world um like

It just for it’s fun and then it makes it it it causes me someone who spends a lot of time like thinking about how will I discuss this team to be less whiny and we all need that in our lives is for me to whine less and and and moreover like

Jeremy Grant played well and was enjoyable like it just like a Relentless Rim attack game from Jeremy a Relentless Rim attack game where he took two threes Malcolm Brogden steady as ever makes makes his three-pointers um you know he was you know throwing throwing lob passes getting Jeremy Grant involved

Just like he was he was that steadying presence a wasn’t very good tonight um I would it would be palatable if an was a little better but he’s you know he had coming out four two two really good games followed by two pretty bad games um so like something to look forward to

I guess but I will just say like I appreciated this game I had fun I had fun watching them play well and then I will remind myself of all the little things I can complain about here is like don’t don’t for a night hold on to your

Joy enjoy it appreciate it because it’s fun and and that’s what I’m going to do and that’s what I encourage you to do too uh the next game is against the Bucks and it’s the Damen Lord reunion and it’s it’s it’s it’s going to be emotional and weird and all of those

Things and that might be its all a whole another thing to deal with and then you know the trade deadline and the back half of the Season might have bring all of a million different pitfalls right so right now you listen to the podcast say like

Man it was fun to beat the snot out of someone was fun to beat the snot out of another basketball watch the Blazers beat the snot out of another basketball team so the final seven minutes were everybody emptying their bench so the team that I like the the Portland

Trailblazers could could just like cruise to a victory could get their biggest win of the Season could lead by 31 and cruise into the final seconds while they unload their bench and say Taz Mo you go go crazy man like who cares we won we dominated hold on to your joy

Okay uh Jo lmb did not play in this game and he is probably on track to not be believe it or not to not win the NBA MVP he’s averaging 36 points per game scoring more points than than he’s playing minutes Wilt freaking Chamberlain he’s not going to play

Because of a dumb rule let’s talk about that dumb Rule and I got a little I got a little history lesson for you to tell you why it’s so stupid stupid as we’ll do to close the show but first I want to tell you that Today’s show this episode

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Blazers Joel embiid has missed 12 games now now after sitting out against the Blazers on Monday evening at the motor Center he also missed Saturday’s game under um cloudy conditions maybe ducked Nicola yic because he’s scared so maybe he had out this game to make it look

Like he’s not scared I don’t know if he’s scared he might have a knee injury all I know is that they should have put him on the injury report on Saturday because when they didn’t put him on the injury report and then he didn’t play it looked bad for everybody it’s

Embarrassing for all the whole the whole team I make I I talk about this with the Blazers a bunch and I’ll say it with the Sixers too like the people who who give out the public information if you give out bad public in information it is a

Disservice to the players on the roster be as forthcoming as you can and maybe Joel said don’t put me on the injury report I want to play and they hold him out H him out that’s at least what ESPN Ramon Shor of ESPN reported and and that

Might be true so maybe it’s it’s more than I know but what I know is a bad look it’s bad look on Saturday when he didn’t play and then that knee injury held him out again um for what the Blazers are or what the Sixers excuse me

Are calling left knee seless he didn’t soreness played um he did not play this evening against the Blazers the Sixers are heading into a back-to-back they play the warriors on Tuesday so we’ll see if he plays if he doesn’t play it would be game 13 that he missed you can

Only miss 16 excuse me 17 games you have to play at a minimum of 75 games to be eligible for end of season awards that’s all NBA that’s the that’s MVP uh defensive player of the year I don’t think he’s going to win that but like

Joel embiid is at worst the second best center in the league he’s like at worst the fifth best player in the league or something like that like he’s freaking great but if he doesn’t play that many games he probably shouldn’t be MVP that’s pretty normal I got no problem

With that and guess what neither do the history of MVP voters for the sport the league setting an arbitrary line for where players can qualify makes no sense if Joel embiid Only plays 62 games I believe the voting public I don’t have a vote have never

Voted for MVP even when I was a full-time did this full-time work for the paper or whatever um like I don’t have a vote I’m just like a dude with a microphone at this point in my life it’s a nice mic dog uh but I trust the voters could easily say

Shay guildas Alexander’s been better and he’s played more games Kawhi Leonard’s been better and he’s played more games Luca Donas has been better and he’s played more games uh nickel yage has been better and he played more game you’re three-time MVP congrats like um it is I know that they will because I

Followed this league a long time and I looked this up according to my research thanks to stat Muse for this only three three players have missed in a season you know there’s been shorten season so doing it by games missed is probably there’s been shorten seasons over the years and the

Season used to be shorter back in back in the Bill Russell day so it’s like uh total games missed three MVPs three MVPs over the last 42 years 45 years excuse me have missed more than 10 games Joel embiid missed 16 into the 2223 season and one

MVP Allan Iverson missed 11 games during the 20201 season and one MVP and Bill Walton missed 24 games in the 7778 season when he got hurt the bles were 50 and 10 coming off a champion ship and W MVP other than that handful of guys have missed 10 they’ve played in 72

Games MV MVP voters for 45 years have self-corrected when dudes don’t participate and just said yeah that’s not the MVP because to be most valuable you also have to be available availability matters what the league is doing is trying to mandate that you play

In big games and play on TV and make the shareholders happy and make quite frankly betters happy as well like gambling certainly has something to do with television rights have something to do with it like it’s it’s all baked in there um but like I I I I I find the artificial

Threshold to be totally unnecessary because if Joel embiid plays in 66 you know it plays excuse me yeah plays in 66 and not 67 games fine or excuse me 64 not 6 five games I’m screwing up threshold fine fine I don’t care I don’t care he would if he’s

Deserving he’ll he should be able to win it because the voters should be smart enough to see it I don’t even think like I don’t know that he was like he’s not a shoe in for the MVP for me I don’t like I don’t he would certainly be on my

Ballot the way you do it when you have the media ballots you get top five you’d be on my top five no problem I’m not 100% sure I would put him over SGA and quii Leonard right now today and depending on whether where the Nuggets finish like if they end up winning the

West and and then which they certainly could if they get hot in the final you know 35 games easy easy money yeah like yic could win the MVP he’s been he’s been good again he hasn’t been as as wild as as he has been but has he been great absolutely like I I

Don’t I’m not even making the impassion case for Joel EMB to win the MVP I don’t care I have no rooting interest in in JoJo getting more Hardware but it does seem to me that the NBA season will be a farce if he is not

On an all NBA team when you look back this stuff matters you’ll say he averaged 36 and bl and 36 and 11 and and like and played 33 minutes a night put up 36 and 11 and he wasn’t on all NBA team what happened oh there was rules

Back then where there were thresholds and so uh so instead like I don’t I I don’t even know what the big men would be because they’ve got rid of the centers but it’s like there like a yeah that’s how Jamal M mcore made the All-Star team

Shout out to my man like it’s it is it’s just it’s it’s a nonsense threshold that makes no sense um it’s not going to impact any of blazers this year because they’re not going to win Awards but in the future if you there’s no reason for an artificial threshold trust the voters

To decide for 45 years they’ve got it right for 45 availability matters and everyone freaking agrees and how I know that is the history of voting for this stuff so Joel hope you get healthy hope you play you’re fun to watch even though if your style can be a little grading at

Times but like the watching Tyrese halberton limp out to play the Blazers a couple weeks ago with a coming back early after nine days from a hamstrings train now he’s going to miss more time because he came back early do you think he came back early because he’s eligible for a super match

Max extension he’s going to lose like something like 35$ 38 million by not by not making NBA team by virtue of not hitting the 65 game threshold when he is Far and Away the best point guard in the Eastern Conference yeah I think that’s nonsense don’t and I don’t like messing with

People’s money um yeah rant over show over guess what we got fun ones tomorrow Show’s not over yet we got to plug some stuff uh we are doing a locked on Blazers locked on bucks crossover tomorrow talking about Damen Lord’s play in Milwaukee his return to Portland what

It all means to both sides and what we can look forward to in the arena and what and and you know the Doc Rivers era started tonight um it’s going to be a blast do not miss that show that’s going to be in your feeds on Wednesday morning

And then on Thursday morning or Thursday Thursday night for audio listeners late at night video listeners in the morning um that we will recap Dame’s return to Portland so two Dame heavy episodes to follow first a preview uh talking with folks who’ve watched him every single night and and and chronicled his first

Season uh with in the with the Bucks and then a fun one talking about the return um I’ll I will be in the arena and tell you everything bring you everything I can from that game so um come back and listen to the show tell your friends to

Do the same I appreciate you listening I’ll talk to you Soon

The Portland Trail Blazers rolled to their most dominant win of the season crushing the Philadelphia 76ers without Joel Embiid and Tyrese Maxey.

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#TrailBlazers #NBA


  1. I’ve called Ayton “Frustrayton” a time or three over the season but am quite willing to change my tune if he keeps playing this way!

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